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Show . DAVI VOLUME COUNTY ARGUS FARMINGTON, UTAH, TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1905 I. NUMBER 19. JVetoj From Kjay&Oilte. Sprrlal CrmKiniinmi THE CITIZENS TO DECIDE. able mayor, was an Ogden visitor Thursday. Henry H. Blood and wife and J. H. The appointment to fill the unex-pireLinford and wife returned to Logan term of city marshal was made Sunday evening. at the city council meet ins Monday A fine baby girt made Its appearance evening. There were several application for the position, among them be- at James Criddle's home Sunday. All Ernest concerned doing well. ing Rolt. IjOyp, V. A. Blood and Orton Williams. The counElders llyrum Stewart and Frank cil was unable to determine which of Edmonds were homo missionary speakthose would devote their best Interest ers at Bountiful Sunday. to the welfare of the city, so therefore A line baby girl made its appearance it was decided to allow the people to H. J. Shefflelda, Jr home Thursday. at decide and each of the applicants is Mother and baby doing well. out with a petition among their friends and the public awaits the result. J. R. Barnes returned Sunday morning from Idaho Falls, where he had A PLEASANT AFFAIR. been In business connected with the sugar Industry. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John R. The hall of the Woodmen of the Barnes, Wednesday evening, a grand World Is now completed, nnd much reception was glvon In honor of their more room is allotted. New members son. Claude, who has jiist returned are still making application for memfrom a two years' mission to England. bership. The forepart of the evening was taken Samuel Jones who Is now at the St. up in playing games of various kinds. Mark's hospital, where be underwent At 11 o'clock a most delicious lunch a surgical operation for the removal was served. Coven were laid for about from of his lungs. Is doing ns well puss fifty. All partlcipiating spent a most as can be expected. We long to see bis enjoyable evening. safe return. d A SAD DEATH. with her son, John P., also with Mrs. Orin Hatch. O. P. Hatch arrived here from Big Horn Saturday, January 14. nnd reports everything in that country In a flourishing condition. Bonnet Peterson has been chosen to succeed U. J. Parkin as chorister la South Bountiful Ward, Mr. Parkin hav-ln-g resigned awn time ago. Mr. Martin, one of the Stake Sunday School Union Board accompanied by a Mr. Lee of Salt Lake City were the speakers in the South Ward Sunday. SOUTH WEBER ITEMS. The people of this burg are delighted with the prospect of being la communl cation with tbe Lagoon road via Salt Lake and Ogden. Mr. Yeile, the company surveyor, came In Saturday to commence the final survey. . ..: POPULAR BREAD MIXER FOR Arrangements $2.00 Tha Bams Artiola Balia in Salt Laka for 83.28 KAVSVIliliE CO-O- P t, 1 IIIMIIIIIIIMl M I4 M-- H X X j SHOET X X X F :: Carpenter and Mill Work done on short notice. Estimates furnished oa application. ; : : ) x VIA MOW'D SPECIAL Theyre Goodyear svattaft, made ilka the aid hand ahoemakar uaad to maka them-an- d theyre ana pay and up to tha minute. DJamssf Special Shoo wan tha GRAND PBiZE at th WORLD'S FAIR. - Ciitrieti a'Sinililty ! ! Put a Good Solid Pair of Solos IBatwaan Your Fad and Mother Barth. There am na bettor Boise an t Earth than under our Windows, Doors, Mouldings,!! Hardware, Points, Oils, Glass, etc. ! Sake Mens $2.$0 to $4.50 LUMBER i i X X fi JOQ 1 Huais For Your Domestic Bliss. Husband "You are always looking for bargains. Was there ever a time when you wasn t a bargain hunter t" Wife "Yes, dear: when 1 married L S. IEYW0W 4 1 1 fi I I H-4- ?H' J. SHEFFIELD, Kaysvllle. UTAH 1 1 n 11 1 1 I I H ONLY $ 17.50 FOR A DEWING MACHINE If you DRY SROCSRIIS, GOODS, HATB, FARMING IMPLS SICYOLES, OROCKSSY, PAINTS, FLOUR, GRAIN, JU8T CALL AT "Bounti fut 15he Co-o- p. FEET TO BRING YOUR WARRANTED STEWART HYRUM FOR SHOES THAT CO. FIT 93 W. Flrot South UTAH SALT LAKE CITY SHOES, Want MINTS, HARDWARE, STOVIS. RANGES, VIHIOLfS, FULLY YOUNG BROS. A.-- ! SONS UfTOS Tab-ernael- e. i the holidays are gene that yau can't find bargalna at our otara. Wo aoil tha Booauno Mr. E. Geo. Palee BOUNTIFUL NEGUS. . DON'T THINK The Argus representatives were la town last week and report haring secured 107 new subscribers for this, Syr sense and Clinton addresses. have bora made with to furnish news from South Hooper and Hooper. It is hoped D. O. Willey, Jr., I. E. Willey that those who "know" anything will R. W. Dolt have fanned n jsilsudlp tell him all about It, and help represent for the general practice of tbs law. They will occupy s suite of rooms in the Scott this flourishing locality In the columns of the Argos. Building, No. 168 South Main Sheet, is Salt Lake City, Utah. Tha firm Basse A pleasant reception was tendered Willey & Willey & R. W. Dole sad their Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bowman at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Telephone number is 9989 Bell Mrs. W. B. Flinders on Thursday, the LAYTON ITEMS. ceremony uniting the couple having been performed the day previous at the Special to the Argus. Salt Lake Temple. James Hill is suffering from a falon Argus representatives were suron his thumb. at the magnitude of the Hooper prised Black-fooA Hodson left for his home In dairying plant. It would seem they Idaho, today. have the facilities for making cheese Mr. Dlnkor of Ogden returned home for tbe whole state, and of n quality tonight after visiting with his friend, that is not equaled by any other dairy Alex. Dawson. In the country. Mr. Thomas Morris of Ogden the Mr. EL F. Muon, n veteran hustler, contract for painting the new school was among the first to say, "Send me home in West Layton. the Argus. He was promptly followed Mr. A. H. Kills has bought John by Mr. D. Low, the genial postmasKing's house and was busy Saturday ter and The latter genstorekeeper. hauling It to hla home. tleman has handsome calendars nnd Mrs. John Weaver went to Salt Lake other advertising devices that stamp to visit her son, Samuel Jones, who la him as being up to the times. Officer Thomasscn run eighteen tramps out of the city, during the A sad death occurred Wednesday at month. There are many hardened 5 p. m. in the passing away of a much criminals passing to and fro during loved and respected woman, Mrs. Han- the add weather and It behoves one to In 8L Mark's hospital. on their guard. nah Holland, wire of Christopher HolThe local schools have all reopened She of 29 age. years land, who was but The Woodmen of the World give a anu the students are as busy aa beea leaves besides a devoted husband, two nubile benefit, social and party for with their class work. children, the youngest but a week old. the benefit of Neighbor Samuel Jones Miss Ethel Adams has been aisist-In- g The funeral will be hell at 1 p. m Sat- Friday, January 20, who has been nick house. In keeping the books of Adams ft at the Kaysvllle meeting urday po long. Everybody should purchase Sons Friends are invited to attend. company during the busy season. tickets whether they attend the party Wm. Knight and wlfo of RayMr. lor not It la in a good cause. A lunch, KAYSVILLE BRIEFS. N. W. T. Canada, spent the day. mond, In store. will be programme, etc., Mr. EL P. Ellison and family. visiting Oar city drug store, run by Henry John R. Barnes went to Idaho Falls President Jesae M. Smith has gone Jackson, closed Its doors Saturday. A Friday. to Denver, Cola, to attend the National Wm. Clawson returned home from drug store In our city should be of Live Stock Association convention, to ast to but Importance, owing every Idaho Sunday morning. tors selling drugs It la Impossible for be held In that city. w- - Presidents Grant sod .Dldrldge were s drug store to do lAislaess. Mr. Jack-so- n Today a See daughter raw to Kaysvllle visitors Friday. returns to Oasis, .Utah, from the hearts add brighten the' borne of and Mrs. Charles Bennett Mother Mr. John Hyde of Downey, Idaho, whence he came. The cl tl sens gener- Mr. and Miss Pauline Owen, are Kaysvllle ally regard Mr. Jackson and his family and child doing nicely. visitors. Mias Virginia McMaster and Vine as good citizens and regret very much our honor to of Salt Lake City returned see much town. leave them Burton, the Jr., Foulger Christopher home today after spending the holidays with their cousin. Mrs. Hattie Hnrrod. Emma West of South Weber and Burt Evans of Layton, also Eliza Jane ments were served, music was ren- Draper of Syracuse and Geo. Watts of Special Correspondence. South Weber, were married In the Salt The social given by the Silver Band dered, and games were played. Lake Temple today. was n success, everybody present ap"The Bank Cashier presented by The New Year's club took possession peared to have a good time. the Bountiful Sliver Band dramatic asW. J. Cowley MonOn Thursday night there is to be an sociation last Saturday night .was a of the home of Mrs. n royal good time had and e dance at the Opera house at grand success, both financially and oth- day night Other games nnd music Pit playing which none but married people and erwise, and gave general satisfaction, and a request has been made for the finished up with lunch nnd Ice cream. bachelors are Invited. Jesse Harris, Myrtle Gibson, Alice to be reproduced In the near fuThere was a very large attendance play Ellison and Cleo Layton, students of ture. is It the that expected company reat the funeral services over the will appear In the different towns of the U. of U., and Ethel Adams, Wllford mains of Joseph Palmer held In the the county. WlggUl, L Stevenson of the L. D. 8. U. Bountiful Tabernacle on Thursday Inst This Is considerable complaint made returned to school after spending the season at home. Sister Buckland, widow of the late about a certain poultry raiser of this holiday James D. Buckland. died on Friday town collecting all the dead horses he last, being 7G years old. Funeral ser- can get,- - and NEWS FROM UINTAH. putting them in hla henvices were held on Sunday at the for natto the hens nery devour, and to the Argus. urally the doga of the neighborhood, Spcrial Anna G. Small has gone to Ogden to A party was given on Sunday evengather around on the outside of the pend a month with her friends. Is accused ing at the home of Mrs. Vincent pen and Mr. Poultry-Raise- r Mrs. E. W. Pearce of Ogden la via Dwight in honor of her son. Earl of sharing bin poultry feed with the Mr. Schmals's for a few days. A here. Cool, who Is visiting friends dogs after seasoning the same with lling at A dance will be given In South Wemost delightful evening was spent by strychnine, thus causing the death of Refresh some very valuable dogs. ber hall, January 20. Music by the Roy the fifteen friends present band. A high wind has been raging here DEATH OF RHODE SMITH. science nor earthly power, It seems, for the last three days, accompanied by was able to do so. snow. It Is the first blizzard we have The funeral will be held today in had this winter. Popular Young Lady Bids Farewell Centerville meeting house. the to Earthly Caree. A masquerade was given In South : . i Rhode Smith of Centerville, daughter Weber Hall Friday night, January 6. A WOOD'S CROSS BREVITIES. of J. J. Smith, died at her home last large crowd was in attendance nnd effects of the from everybody Aad a good time. Saturday morning Special fifteen Correspondence, days Only Mr. George Watts of South Weber pleural pneumonls. Mrs. Ingobar Hogan celebrated her and Eliza Draper of Draper were marprevious to her death, she was taken ill with la grippe. This developed Into 80th anniversary on Friday, January ried last Wednesday. A reception nnd Cth. bronchitis, nnd from this pleural pneudance was given at the bride's home. Mrs. John L Egan has been made monia came. The host of friends in Mr. Fred Co babe haa Just come In Davis country were all struck with a organist In the Y. L. M. I. A. of West from the Desert, nnd ho reports the pang of remorse when the news of Bountiful. sheep doing well. Mrs. Jacob Glerisch of this place who Miss Smith's death reached them. Miss Jennie 8cbmals, Lizzie Black-wool- , Rhoila Smith was born on August 8, been suffering so long with cancer of Anna Moore. Joseph and Heber 1870. end was therefore 28 years of age. the stomach, la atlll very alck. Fernellus, Joseph Bambrough and She has always been n faithful worker, A daughter came to the home of Mr. George all left for Salt Lake City Earl, elseand both in her duties at home and Mrs. James I. Atkinson, Jr., on Sunday evening, to continue their studwhere. At 1G yean of age, infiamma-stor- y Saturday, January 14. All well. ies, after spending two works of Jolly rheumatism weakened her sysMr. and Mrs. Stephen Moss are re- holidays at their homes. tem to such a degree that since that joicing over the arrival of a son on Miss Emily West nnd Albert Evans time she has been seriously 111 more January 13, 1904. All doing nicely. were married Thursday. The wedding than once. It Is thought had her aya-f- t South Bountiful Dramatic company reception was held at the bride's home iui been stronger she would have been able to have withstood the effects of will take their play. "Tony the Con- at 3:30 o'clock. Many relatives and vict to Syracuse, Utah. January 18, friends gathered at the home of the this sickness. 1904. bride to wish her n long and happy fucase had Bountiful of the Kealer I)r. ture. After a delicious supper was Mrs. Elizabeth Benson of Logan, in hand. He did all In hla power to served, everybody went to tbe hall and fo-neither of but life, Utah, is down spending a few day alive the swrh danced until the "wee sms' hours.. old-tim- 1.25 A YKAK AND WEAR. FOR DISTRIBUTOR 4444444444444WW4fWf WAT80N-PLUMME- R 8H0E CO8 BARNES riot BANKING UTAH KAYSVILLE, cocqpaNY CAPITAL 825,000 SURPLUS Do You AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS, 840,000. :: STORE FRONT, HOME, BARN, OR DO YOU WANT A SHOW CASE, OR ANYTHING IN THB BUILDING LINET A :: X JOHH R. Basnxi, President Lnwia S. Hills, R. W. Baxxss, Cashier John R. Gaiuy, Asst Cashier. Vice-Preside- ! ! DIREOTORS John G. M. Barnes, Peter Barton. John W. Galley. Tas. H. Larkins, William Blood ' KAYSVILLE, UTAH Intend to Build? Salt Lake Building & Manufactur; ; ing Company. Office ; . and Varda, 20 to 40 N. 2nd Waal SL A ad .1 ape - - |