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Show "lanagi-- r 1ypi- Hour rlub will ir.u-- l at the homo ut an: the foli'.wiiig: The Rocky Moum uu- J :1J 444 444444444444 hueii a uig atiiai in .,,1 bid Mr. and Mri. ('barie.i Miller, aud tain Hell I, as c'liuiiany aud Davis Innl'.iay THEMAILS Mich a jiheuutn i:! the old year good bye. Plot during may cn li iii.t.' From lb North..,..., JJ:oi a. in. in Sab Lin-time m s "Tin I'cmigrowth ti.ut it r.t.w rtis ;,n m 1; :i tin' From the South a. tu. . t'rfo Friday an.l Katuuta) etc City alone more tnnu i.nou sui"cri IN HONOR OF THE PROPHET. Front the South.... 6:14 p. in. matinee. 4 ers; oilinntiiii,- - tiu- iiopulation s' 7". it.,- III.-iii (d. .".1F.ituriiay linT.tri ("C ns ' OOu. means one that uij poison diii'imtic treat in tae piece. 4 Party Given at Home of Patriarch every ten li a bill.: rlbi r In our a.e - (I New Yorg." beginning j Jamea K. Millard. i iii nt nf t Iii tv uiglits o.! Pri ar-- . J One of Lie interesting eieuts of the vice, wiiiiii t an vi'icnee thai In-- , ciiier 3i, with regular Satur ri.c the of rujuiri-ui'-umietiug It Garland fu to Wood week at was went a pleasant evening spent Frau tiU'l New ila.npeelnl n.al:ni,e Years d puliije." tho home of i'llrlarch James K. MilT.ie Atgus aids that in Davis c. inspend the holidays. Monday. j.. J l'1- ee h Z 'I',.in ly an i t.i lb-iservice is given tuc replei , with In order to give you an opportunity to buy your Charles Sumner, Jr., is spending the lard, Friday evening, December S3, s. situations mil of j honor of the birthday of tho Prophet putihe. Mi re being 3t0 'phones in the ii.;, to Farmington. holiday ev il 1,1 wnom lit witniu im'ii' iisrie - mu! humor. A good time is Joseph Smith, His picture, entwined couiity, diato communicati-wltii the 7. 1,111 ' ;i !;. :i i Willi Hltvud. W. O. KoWbbou and In sicr. Iv-awith roses and fi rns, occupied a prom-iuen- t sniiLeriliers 1:1 Fall I ak- - and in tt: Tl- - flr.-- t part of tlie wet k the hilar- "G rinser.' foliar tl Ixgan. sport Xmas ith tlnr folks 111 pie e I milled place in the room. A program surrouiniiug states. I ; Mil! in n a tlio-Fieu Hen icc a.l IVi.v the is givcu on was nights' tu- the the life of 1 of John Capnner, Rulon Caponer. Iieuinniug Monday ai 3:15 county suhscrihms within tuc eouuty. a igcne out. carried of on last died Y diphtheria Thursday and the dnesduy at 2:15 p. m. rite rf ten nut Main.- 'His First VisiuiiS." by Albeit C. is given to Halt I ake ei.il Ogden, utnl Jane 15. .M tickle (Toby in the Devil's (rt.ui Robinson, was very uilermingly extending cast to Morgan rourtv.; A'it mi and a large company of pret-- ; at a bargain, we have decided to cut the price Stdmn Ski I. w daughter of Juaeph where another tary.e enrollment, ef c!t-- ; pirls in Korgeous costumes will lend Until after the first cf the year we will give the 1 Foul. Is now under (piarnufinv fur given. Izens is so that luiir ami attraction to tne piece. "The Three Witnesses of the Rook this prusp-.-rou.-found, : : d j i t onimr'iily rufollowing prices: diphthtvbf. T of Mormou." wtis given by Surah fortmiiire. xm-ikiSouk- - and llva Vanflrct of Toilet Water, f 1.00 size The Argus mail avail:.! himself of 50 cents Kuowlton. Annin Ialmcr, aud Annie A TERRIBLE SHOCK, Hoop'T visited friends l Farmington Tanner; tlie Ih'ivilcgt- of ills ei.tiMiii ami ri.: t! ' Toilet Water, 50 cent size 35 cents 'Personal I experienced upon learning of the Cnrlstiuas greetings with l.:s su Xiuas. 35 cents Icrfumc, 50 cent size Patriarch Thomas Steed, Aurelia K. pleasant nf Diphtheria in one's family, ecu:b richer In Mauri. No doi-b- t the presenre cents 13 A. H. (Vitt ini'll of ili Jena. Mont., Rogers, and Mary S. Clark, which was size cent 25 Fcrfuuie, i lesy ft otn the tcicp.ione company Diphtheria i a most contageous aud cents size Christmas wlm hi father, Wil very Impressive, each hating been ascent 3 Perfume, iu general) accepted. j fatal disease. Every family should have tiara Coinrtfll- Hair Tonic, 50 cent size 35 cents sociated with the prophet in life. access to a preventative and cure for this Tooth Wash, 50 cent size 23 cents i addresses by Joseph E. Itobiu-son- . T. E. SisrliTt has returned to Ida dreadful malady. 13 cents. Tooth Wash, 33 cent size James R. Millard. James T. home in Garland, after a two months' M. M. Fairchild's Diphtheria Remedy cents 13 Tooth Powder, 25 cent size visit In Farmington. Smith, I'. T. Rose; a pot in by Susie bead of all remedies for the stands at the cents size cent of Fresh Cream 33 Lemon, 50 of D. of the Key Clark; The Turning Ativ kind of carpenter WANTED. cure o! diphtheria, quinsy, coughs, colds, cents size.. sent Toilet Colonial 35 la A. Cream, for or Women," by either Progression I.ury fiaishing. John rough work, canker and all throat ailmerts. croup, size cents Blush Pink cent of 35 Roses, 50 Tlie Martyrdcm." by Mrs. Th. Albert, of Contervlll. Booked Clark; I, Ford, Farmington. u ba3 a u.cor d of tbooMlldt of Cllreg size cents cent 33 Salta, 50 M. of a Smelling In iinmhcr , Steed. who has h"en In Halt Afhnlia Rime Dn?e:is doing an land jteople everywhere testify to its cents 13 Talcum 33 cent size.. The Alberta of Powder, vis-aDora Mrs, selections given, Lake alih relatives for three months, iierit cbecke1 ( Dipbtheria Clln first excellent business, The hall is voice charmed all present. class, ouce, by returned last Saturday. tl. use of this medicine when tlie music is excellent, and the dancers the social aud men ts a wore servej M. ball a I. A. associations gave The' symptoms appear. It is a most won- are both attractive and good natured. deifulmedicine for internal and external in the era bouse last evening. Every time followed. Moses Kockwood, the proprietor, is to be e and anyone who uses one half tlie no had a Jolly, good time. congratulated; he has built for Davis contents of s bottle, according to direct-- i A LITERARY PARTY. George Abbott and his sister. Delia, county a place of amuieinent that every ions, says be has not already gotten his greet tl Santa' Clnus with their rnla dancer appreciates a hall that compares his worth, money will be re-- 1 money's A was of most Uvea and Farmington. enjoyable literary party favorably with the best iu Salt Lake. funded. For sale by J- - D. Wood, merand Mr. Mrs. of at residence hal tho In Sill Lake you may buy the For holiday week, the Alberta is to be chandise and drugs, Farmington, Utah. articles lor two times the prieea of- Amass Clark recently. A lecture ou a very lively place. On Wednesday, the country of Belgium was given by 18, the Maiden Ladies Club of fered by t.. H. Oviatt. Read his ad. Mrs. L.- - 11. Oviatt was ill lust week Mr. Albert C. Robinson, the social, po- Centerville, will give a Leap Year party; with an Htraek of la grippe. At last litical and religions condition of that on Saturday, December 31, the manage-- ; . X dPscussed. were Among ment give a ball, the occasion being New people accounts Mrs. Ovimr is doing well. This ad., if brought to us, entitlea the holder to a reduction in on those who wen- - there, may be men- Years eve'; likewise 011 New Years J. T. Walker's daughter. Iredu. has tioned: Mr. aud Mrs. E. T. School Suits. JJ you brmtf Ihn ad., you may ha 23 ,vr Capencr, night, Janusry a; au Amoroso Ball, Fri - Z been troubled of late With la grippe be wise, and do not forget to cut this ad. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Read, Mr. andMrs day, January 4; Farewell Holiday ball, redaction. Therefore, cent, and worm fever. The little one is now ' e 4Albert C. Rcblnsun. Misses out and put it in your purse. It means a saving of 35 per cent, nn Friday, January 6, 1903. improving. MilHazel Knowliou, Tanner, Mary Boys Suit. Just like cutting out a green back, isnt it? sirs. J. W. Jenniags of Murruy vislard, Minerva Clark. Ixtuisa Clark. LAKE SALT ATTRACTIONS. ited Mr. and Mrs. D. It. Chaffun and Mesdamns Annie Palmer, Lucy A. Mr. and Mis. J. 11. Robinson m Christ- Clark, A. C. Tenner, Eliza Robinson, Nearly everyone leaves liis Ws offer a Grea Reduction in were The Snlt Lake theatre has but one ; mas. Xmas shopping Mary S. Clark. Refreshments until the last mid games were among attraction this week, being ''The minute. Thun all tb : best goods The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Edward served, features of the evening. pleasant Illucess Chic," aciiedulcd for Friday are gone. There are fuur days left Wild a. of Hear lliver, died Friday nt Saturand aud Saturday evenings to supply Santa Claus with pres. 4 even lug, having su tiered for some time day matinee. Among these wno have Directors. Bank of Mooting therefore buy your goods tuts; with pneumonia. and are well kn.owu and We must mako room for our new supply of Suits. Hence, In The directors of Davis County bank big following Call and see our display of now. with j X the theatre public, popular going FarmK. Coombs lias returned to J. CommerIn the met last Wednesday order to clear our shelves of tho present stook, we must offer the may lie mentioned the talented and Toys. If you insist on something ington. att.ur. n somewhat lengthy stay cial building. A dividend of 4 per cent beautiful priiua donna. Soplm Ilraudt, we haven't in stock, let us get it 4 Suits at a bottar price. Thero Is nc noed of going elsewhere for III Fielding. Mr. Cuomba will remain was declared for January next, and Gua Vaughan, (loorge Tliomnx, Lyman for you. Wr might suggest that a H. Bargains. Our prices have not boon marked high to make the John Keif for the winter. Henderson, (leerge the general business of tho bank was Wheeler. PAIR OP SHOES would be not C. Callahan, George Tom Thomux. look larger. WE HAVE DEDUCTED 35 PER CENT. OF reduction The dance given in the opera house discussed at some length. T.:o direc- Smitn Martin, Monroe, George only a welcome present, liuL a useHarry j PRICE. MARKED A THE success. 411 Friihiy evening was a tors found the bank in a flourishing ful one. Also, how would a new Ogle, Robert Algier, Jane Vamicr y I all and was in crowd Julia uni. Kuhlcs, Zee, attendance, Carolyn good condition. Much surprise was caused Snit of Clothes be? And if yon Williams and Mario Henderson. Had a good time. by the absence of John Way man, who wish to present the whole laiuily These and many others of note are iu The most neglectful person In Farm- has heretofore attended each direct- the cast of The ITinccss CThic." In with something always necessary, , order a ton of ROCK SPRINGS ington I he or she who has not yet ors' meeting. Mr. Wayinin'x absence producing this opera, the management onc-four- th has spared neither money nor manwas reused by sickness. Til ken advantage of the great slaughtCOAL for Xmas, skill in squippiiiR it with everyagerial TOvlatt's. II. lit at prices ering thing (hat could possibly add to its An Interesting Program. uncross. This year new rrwtiiinoH aim Frank Stevenson has returned from The Y. 1.. and Y. M. I. Association scenery have been given tin-- pu-tFielding tn spend a few days home beIs claimed tho the production fore leaving for Idaho, where he has held a conjoint session last Tuesday and it Is mure Farmington elaborate a no today was The hla brash evening. following program contracts sufficient to keep ? than it was when originally pro- - 4 44 44 444 44 4 44 4-rendered: Hung, I've a Fcoliug for busy during the winter. W; R. Rumbatigh and family left for bu," Archie llntwn; comic reading, liaison, Texas, last Tuesday evening. Eva Yanflert; organ solo, Lena Clark; Mr. Ruinliaugh has had charge of the song, The Fatal Rose of Red.'' Alice 15. T. Capencr spoke for work drilling for oif. and. na I he well Wilcox. Eider short time; readiug, Christmas," proved a fuiliTrc, he drew the pipe and will spend the winter in Texas.. Next Annie Palmer; duet, I'll be There, e Chine Lamb and Archie siding Mr. Knmbaugb ami family wifi Mary, Dear, Thu only licensed embalimr in the Count. return, at which time another well Brown. - Tcli-vnoi- J 1 1 - Local BrVj. 1 ! 1 $2.00 for $1.00 ; i ; iute-.estiii- - - I ; rl j Christmas Perfumery and Toilet I . .' ...Articles, :i- a - I.h- - e ' .f0r Kti-i'il- Rob-lnsou- 's J 4 X X I Re-fres- h L. H. OVIATT, Farmingfon S' S' X u-- frk-&t- s CUT THIS AD. OUT! JVebv , - year9 Shopping ! J ; - Dor-orh- Until I J. V. - WOOD : January School Suits go at Trice. L00K ot this all our Trice List. s JOHN BARTON FUNERAL DIRECTOR otsscsMcttttttttwittsttmetttmttcctccttfttttt will be driven. Business Brtcfs An armful of well painted pickets has been left at the Argus office that Also Deeler in Furniture, Picture Frames, Wall Paper, Window B.'ass, Etc. had been colihrtcd in .(ample from the Tho Farmington Commen-ialfence between Main street and tho play of toy was a good one. depot, all showing various stages ot trade excellent. mutilation, fhnni an improvised base H. J. Sheffield of Kaysville has done hall hat to kludling' wood. May not business. a c Salt Lake Knitting Works, 58 Main.Salt Lake some protection bo afforded these Hovery satisfactory holiday hi Knitting Works, 53 Main. stock erv amiuncrs this week that property owners? of now year's goods is complete and Mr. W. O. .Mayfield, the veteran being added tu daily. bustler of iVntlnental Oil fame, is Tho Sweet Candy company, with 7T' a happy in having tbo company of Cal- the Argus, has taken pleasure In sendo vin D. .his son. George Rents, his X ing the Hello" girls of Davis county 3 J his daughter Nellie Cronin, of a box of choice candy, each of whom Wall Baby tn Ms Curtains, Carriage, Poles, Paper, Coffins, and with whom Trimmlnga, he genial has Milford, c expressed an appreciative Thank a3 help meet, Mur.. Mayfield, had a Christ- you to tlie Undertaker's Etc. Caskets, Stationery, Trimmings, Argus. mas tree aud a feast of good things $o The People's Cash Store report a at rhe home of Wm. M. May Held. Ail 3-most prosperous trade. Their Santa Ifad a mest excellent time. In buying your holiday presents. Claus was giving dolls away,' and of him It may bo said he had the best know Knit Don't you Underskirts, OCML HOUR CLUB MEETS. Mick Bonnemort Geo. H. Blood Santa Claus ryes ot any that was z . Knit sceu. Mr. H. J. Mcl achlan was tbo Shawls, Knit Sweateis, are the 3 Fir.t Party Qlvon at the Horn, of Mr. Impersonator and looked tho part well. Jv most useful and appropriate token1 3 and Mrav J. H. Robinson.- J. I. Wood recently purchased an tact Friday evening (he Social Ibnir to give a friend? expensive Victor phonograph. While club met ah tin home of Mr. and Mrs. tho Xmas shoppers were buying their Boaters in fi. 11. KubinMiu. rmd gate tbo first of the music from the P a iiriej iff pkatfctit social gatherings. holiday goods, 3-phonograph was very pleasing, aud. A most delicious supper was cnjoyotl p by the way, Mr. Wood has done aa by tho guests, and a very profitable excellent ST Three holiday business. Telephone Mo. 5 Koysriller, Utah 4 Honing was spent. clerks were necessary to accommodate The parlor was artistically arranged, I ho buyers. 5' rinj decorations bring id holly; the Tn this number the Consolidated ce room On: rod. in greotr and this (fining 44444 444444444444 444444 444444444444444444 4444444444 A Machine company have an T pntlcular evening, the iadioa were Wagon 4 anend of tho year" intermting 4 rip posed' to entertain th gmflcincn, nouncement that is well worth reading. OF 25 PER CENT. FOR" DAVIS COUNTY 4 but tbe latter, true to accepted tradl-tlo4 4 4 took part of the task on their Tho Argua has just bought a buggy 4 4 from to and is them, say pleased 4 they BUYERS'. CALL- ANP SEE tHEf LINE shoulders and helped make tbs even3 4 are la beat firms and the Utah, arurog one be 4 Bung to remembered'. Those ing 4 4 present were, beside the host and bo- know how to treat their little patron 4 4 4-as and as ones, atbc 4 courteously big oms: Mr. and Mrs. Charles MOU-Mr. 4 on word in be their 4 may any depended Mr. and Jlrs. C. Mrs. 4 and o Robinson, 4 4 3 4 ft. R. Clmffcn, Mr. and Mira. Walter detail. 4 4 Rauiptcn. Mr. amT Mrs. William 4 Hallo Compliments of the Season. Haixbf. Mr. and Mrs. J. W, James, Mr. The Rocky Mountain Doll Telephone 12and Mrs. Nephf Ialmer. 3V rnmpany Is out with a Grrffllng," in 4 4 Net 1 Kaiuribiy evealng, thu Sm-ia- l which, among other pleasant remarks. 444444 44444 444444 444444444444 4444444444 44444444444 Pw'lliU Hiriv wu 3 r,ll",M N 1 1VR U!V(U a KAYSVILLE, UTAH. FARfniNGTOfl COfniDERCIAIi THOMAS FURNITURE USE JUDOmEflT son-in-la- BOUNTIFUL, BCWEmORT UTAH & BLOOD FRESH AND CURED MEATS t A SPECIAL CUT u. i - SALT HAKE KNITTING GUORKS r, t : 58 MAIN STREET. 'Thone - z |