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Show HED SET CRABS TO CATCH CRABS. LULU THEM TO SLEEP. Sudermann of Descent. driiman.'l. Sirbr-lnr-i.!- ALEXANDER McM ASTER, Dutch i170MIEIiT.U ti rmsry's Imadc Big lV'und. nw.i Mi'll g. 5! Visionary Had Great Scheme tor Usi Shrewd Jersey Fishermen his Idrl tin 0C: 0gnrf' Catch by a New Metl.oo, heirs Maisrh. On Pullman Cars. UTAH. SALT I.Aki; CITY, In the general Nieiii Il:s fau.i'j. nni.riii.iliy Imich TLay wn One of the uUdmt ideas deviiuped -Avalon li; imiptiMs, 1. il;frc mure Ilian recently was discovered by a mao More in the seashore resort of oilo-. stories. fish to with usual Ilinae foririnu the 1,, yi'i.r Jersey for MsIbuOlllsS advertised Y who had opportunities a si::n!l colony. One of for investment. One of the answers It was Ezra Crosse's turn, and he spun ri,,.!.cii'ii''i-. lit! a took THOMAS AND place In their merely asked fur an interview, slat tlio following yarn: r of a hymn- Some springs ago the crabs wns tle c.r.uvli as tin uiiil-.MAY COCK i;i ing that the Idea was too valuable to wln-Icbiiiili. hard of the acruunt on be communicated by mall. It was a sraice LAWYERS Every sumnii-- I made a business straightforward business couimunica-(fuSail Lakf. On S. 31 un Sr. .and an appointment was made, of shipping rrnbs to the city, but the cf y Khedive. 3'il-,- i Luxury Deseret News Suite Egypt's 5 1 Building as It seemed of though apeak d'lileb was kept hy a man who might spring t Tl:iImn.t-srwhich the kiicdive know a: Cmit4 You ! HH-H-H' died. Hint all lti a! the crabs had or a sc rwi a been broker, have lawyer ot Egj pt ordi-rei'i England some GpihtiI Hiiorni') I r Autonumi far as outward appearances were con- that, the ice kills the crabs andIn those mnnihs ago Is tip most rosily ever tiurtfy 0(r. if Spw Ym k. deep t'l'i-!cerned. Only when be began to talk what's Jolt alive always keep horsi-svaliti-- .l at is It four f'r 1 watei the following summer. Well, did It become appareul that he flc.fo ft. tried my host to got Some crahs. I to the army of visionaries. with He found, he explained, that only a wnt along the bank of the creek ! small percentage of ihuse who trav a net; I fished with large chunks tl.fl ail I to aroni.d PrcDato and Guardianship Notices eled In sleeping cars were able ti. treat, and tramped KhM u iisIii). Hut H Salt Lake and Ogden Railway. meadows. on . salt the -- r in nl .hi to ponds roar rat and the or HmH-- y A vin, "ttlirn Onobtain Test, owing i I'd I use. w:un thought t p, Finally any tie of the train. His invention was n.l iMiimltiil ul In I li iv II way xmersl tliiim itnnuil Uw W" y of Pavi-- i county, ls.1ii.i- - xml nwSauMi. wSiis! slut iminlM-( try a ni w scheme. So I g'jt. a collide CoiiM.it Count v Cit-tHa-Iainl Tnbic in nlect Rvpt. n, 104. designed to overcome this difficulty. Time sort si. mlj your raulrrlis trf lhim4 . Mr , nwiboil. l wire n 1 h.it phrwma. a long s(l Utah, or the Kis-i-tlvIt was his plan to taav small tubes of large cri'-i- am! Signers for - m liSKAT MI'hIi'aI. TIU'.A l. I Lavs many vingm la sif tlnw bslUdlrtr. spsi thorn tlic-iI took iw Tiien -. about snd b ISsi J further iniot u.itu.ii. nuiy Ixws installed along the sideH of the cars nni.ri- .il i.l H- i- lUiMallloiiii. Leave Salt Lake (1:50 anil j a. in., 3 30 .lsiMUiily b Mum ymi sing. "Whi-'u where the creek ri:i;8 iv.Ui llie sound , below and above the windows, 'Mr inny, link sii.l iiriHiH-iit)Wi'bliii: y.m x HmJASVIh ar. aijcfciip-:c.ch crab in ihi water. and 5 30 p. m. UI I MF slight opening at each end of the 1 fctiiilf sev I'ii'tvs ral After large that Constitution and berths wouid enable one to plug in an and Building, Leave 5.tb TU Lagoon 7'.;o Farmington notice . nu'-tearpiece similar to those used in pho- ci i.fjiwl Ptirrib. 10 .1. ni., 4:30 and d 30 p. 111. "I Crease. continued "Next n -r rti ri.'iiiiM day." (th ('"lit nographs. and thus exchange for the , liililwstiKi1 ! Mt ill U'liivot Wiu. li. strMpfr. 4r., Extra trains at it a. m. and 1:30 p. m. caugnt At J..iw. rattle of the trucks soft music to lull went to my decoys amt fifimllH. I'uvtrf rotiutj. I'uhi I'u-ss:li or tljo'Jfi'h ii? of April. K. l.t IlluA, them to sleep, tine phonograph, he traba." Ildladeiphia i't.j. I'tKKMI, ll explaliwd, would supply the entire UlX.tl I'amumi, r.n; i'ARMihtf incorporated car. and a alight extra charge might A. I). PIERSON, Gen'l Pass. Agt. Made His Own Terms. I'akkihii Author I'tki.ryF use of tubes. the the be made for AiliiiiniNtrdtor B. ilai Excursion of of BEAN, pirrmb, J, jo Agt. In Parisian literary circles they are iWflMifi For the coat of the patent he was Office Main Street a new story about Eugene Sue W. II MutlkK, Jll. telling In come a for let to anyone willing f ir the queer way In which he used I HhAtt'Tiify if fifw? i.il4 r.ttiH'j1e. 1901 . half Interest, and he was much sur- and His serial bis over to rights. bargain prised when tht generous offer was l..V.V.'..V.VV.iV.ViV.'.V.V. "Mysteries of Paris" had Just apdeclined. peared and Sue was the man ot the John II. White, Manager moment. To him went the editor of 1 Telephone 2047k the of one the ronstitutionnel. ihen Last of a Noted Gallows. 366 North Second West The only place in Farmington i leading French papers, fur the purin Jail the wooden yard UTAH gallows The AT THE m as a riil the of LAKE BALT rights CITY, securing pose where the travelling man stops. has been torn down to make room foi of whatever new work he hail in s modern steel structure. Hy way ot hand. UTAH. PAKMINliTON a grim Joke the sheriffs office spread shall v ant 20,noo for It, replied "I Ixive the report that Deputy Sheriff ; Rue, payable intended to take the frame of the vensaid he was willing to The editor Pools TWO Immense Swimming erable- instrument of death to hit pay it. and produced his check hook. BATIIS and PRIVATE . TL'B Lome gud build a chicken house out -one of Is Title Abs' racter "Hold on, cried Sue. "there San Pedro Los Angeles & Salt LaKe R, R of It. on the theory that no negro, no condition. I understand that, yon have rLl'NGKS. and Conveyancer. matter how ardent a lover of chick the smartest carriage and pair In Natural Hot Sulphur Water. Licensed Ab tractor of Davis County. en meat, would dare to rob such a Paris. I stipulate that you shall send 1 asses Through the Famous roost. hen TURKISH BATHS OUR SPE- - Jj them every day to my house to bring PUBLIC. NOTARY old gallows me my proofs and fetch my copy. As s matter of fact, the C1ALTY. &M. Bid is to be split into kindling wood for Though the request was rather an Office upstairs. Farmington C. S SoMraU TnrkMi Balhn for Lulle. UiUr- - 2 use In the furnace of the court house. odd one the editor agreed to it, and. FARMINGTON, UTAH. K dremliiK and Manicuring arlora. Comi-kisinThis morning a negro man who has as the work which he thus obtained El'rrka. Mammoth wn Silvkk City, also Miming Disseen years of service as an attache ot was "The Wandering Jew, ho. proli-abl- y tricts of Oriua, Faibfiflu, Mf.kcuh, Black Rock, Milfoku -. the sheriffs office, was engaged In pil his of never bargain. repented and Fkisco in Utah, and tbk Piochx, DeLamak and un lumber beaten weather 52-5the SO. up 4 ST. W. ing 3RD g Mining Districts in Nxvada. der the steps of the portico on the I Utah Salt Lake City, ot The house. Tha (be rouilrtlim cobnaetlng link betwaen Callenle, Nevada and DaaawL north aide of the court Origin of Tennis. California wUI open ime of Hie Ukkw! amlevelnped mining dlatrlcte In Uw weak. the peasant IviV.V.NVA'.VW.VAVAWA Basque steps, intact, lay stretched on the among Popular to Interior empa, Me., Full Information na irdlna train aerrlm. Mage nnnnm-tfory Is an ancient game known as trin-quground. of TUK SALT LARK WHITE, or addiwx aiteal any by given last Many a man has taken his SALT LAKE CITY'S IL W. GILLKTT, T. C. PECK. walk up those stairs, said a bystand J. L. MOORE No one knows tne origin of col tne said er. "Indeed, they have, Gcnl. Pass. Agt. Paaa. like all Basque customs it can Gcnl. Asst. Pass. Dial. Agt. Agt. ored man. "I have seen twelve of be traced back and back till its histhem go that way Hawes and Byars tory Is lost in a remote past. NearDON POUTER SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. and Scroggins and Ben Eldndge and ly every court in the country bears others. Makes mo feel kind o creepy the aspert of extreme age. The cohrt to handle this stuff, but 1 guess It will t Bayonne is believed to be 4uu years burn all right. Birmingham News. old, and the one at St. Jean de Lux LUMP looks older than tbe one at Bayonne. & NUTt When Luuia XIV., who wan married in I St. Jean de Lux Church, went down to Tha Vacant Lot. X Have made arrangements Caleb Strong wns a cross old bache-- the little frontier town to meet his I can furnish and whereby found he the bride Basques lor who lived In a house that had the I Spanish 4 deliver Nut and Lump coal play-ovbenefit of the light and air that came of St. Jean de Lux energetically Give a me trial promptly. 4 sr.TimrcV an adjoining vacant corner lot, Ing their ancient game, and he took order. I will endeavor to to and him with back Idea Pans, the 'If HIHMfj which he, In hia extreme selfishness, please you. Phone 16-- n. J cornea the modi fled from it largely desired might remain vacant. X E. L. WILLEY. It was with extreme regret that be game of tennis. Office and Yard, n Itgt doaV" d.M.t X Tennis and trinquet are very aim! learned that a man from an adjoinat lar, save that instead of a racquet a Utah ing city had come to town to look Bountiful, the vacant lot, with a view of buying leather arrangement, known as a It and building a house on it. glove, is used for propelling the ball. Mr. Strong at once made the acCountry Life. children aeven of aolay quaintance who lived In the neighborhood. Then Mr. Hillyer's Burglar Alarm. he kept a sharp lookout for the saw him he coming Mr. When Hillyer was a heavy stopper, stranger. a chronic up the street he hurriedly Invited the He was a man. also, with tln-stwo seven children to play in his front fear of burglars. It was OF much things that led him to have the win as to them told play and yard dow of his sleeping mom equipped as they pleased. They at once took him at bis word, with a burglar alarm of the latest and and rushed Into some game that ap- most approved description. ot A few mornings after the device had parently required the full strength down to been installed be came their voices. The stranger approached, looked at bmakfast with a grin on bis face. This work is now liug published I had a funny dream iast night.' tbe vacant lot, then at the children, bv Tile Deseret News in a series 1 dreamed that a burglar and then at the house he supposed he Bald. of magnificent volumes, in comon went his alarm heel, and window the turned He In. raised my they lived In It. He plete form, with an Introduction walked away, and never appeared off, but he didn't seem to mind found to each volume and numerous bureau the drawers, again. rumaged the neighborhood notes which render it still more my watch and pocketbook and slipped out the way he came In. By the way, valuable. Volumes I. II and III die added. I forgot to bring down my are now ready. Savagery In Luzon. a tribe of watch and pocketbook. I'll go and Among the Iloongotes, PRICES so-them.' savages in the interior of Luxon, - 1.5ft per vol. a in return :d Landor, and Cloth, A. went Bavage He Henry ps(eirs cording to by the moment with an entirely dlffuent look lf cloth, - 2.60 per vol. the wedding present given ixicket-doe- s sweetheart prospective groom to hia and consists on hjB face. The watch ami Half morocco 2.60 per vol. a been had not it were not lack quaintness, goni.. and Full morocco 4.00 per vol. dream. Youth's Companion, of a human head, part of a breast two. or a as well linger heart, as . man can produce these gifts ha DESERET HEWS BOOK STORE of Hia Wild Oats, Reminder these but a bachelor, a remain to has Richard Croker once visited an SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. eifts are invariably produced. The h in the wait ancient in English casllo, the ownor Taclined to wed lies ing absent at the time. The valet in grass until an unsuspecting man, who to by, go charge waa generous with his informa-- ' woman or child happens dead la upon left uon, and as a climax to the ,ew minutes later anatomical 0f Interesting rooms opened a door the pof minus ID6 trail and disclosed a large number of botabove. Hons enumerated tles, placed In perfect symmetry, and reaching to the lofty ceiling. A pyramid of empty bottles? exArtificial Propagation of Fiih. 1ST. claimed the New Yorker. "What does One no longer speaks of hatching It inean? occathousands of young flab by artificial My master comes in here means, but of millions and hundreds sionally. said the guide softly, "to of millions. The number of eggs. fry. realize whst a gigantic ass he has fingerlings and adult flah distributed made of himself." Portland by tbe United Bute bureau of HO aggregated 1.500, OOO, 000. i It Is certain that the shad, whiteflsh. lake trout and pike perch fisheries, Poor Excuse Better Than None. A new golf story comes from Scoteach of vast importance, chiefly through artificial propagation, at a land. An irascible old colonel wbo high degree of productiveness. That used to play at Sandwich had a habit, common with many, of blaming these fisheries are industries valued at nearly $3,000,000 annually, everybody but himself with his bad Out of iloor work fe Specialty. Porla due entirely to artificial strokes. Finally one day. becoming as well badly hunkered, he first took mighty traits made on cloudy days vengeance on the turf with his club, as on clear days, t 'all and sec our then glaring around in expectation of Students. the usual friendly (?) comments and our samples. Prices low ; good work, German University students the of f nobody saying anything, he blurted More than promptness known. iast out: "How the devil can you expi-cof Germany universities at the on Muse decent were to golf man 37.8S1J play a n winter (10.9$ 0:it enrsed links with ships passing up fro UTAH BOUNTIFUL Prussians: ".I'- and down the channel'." . f:r-a- ( - :. iii-.i- ait-tin- M-t- THOMAS DR. 1 It-- i Mi.u-.--W- i- V- f M.-- DENTIST -- r r i. r - - in-t- -- " CHARLtES . LAGOOHROID Mi-- nr. - .li-il si.h-'-ii-- i l.-iil- ys -- niiiii' frit-nit- Il i.lxi-e- u ii 111 r I ...... aSw-Uf- lu-rtni., creditors vom-hw- Ail-r- . I J'l-II- it-- 1 WHITE'S DRESSED MEAT CO. WE ARE BUYERS OF FAT CATTLE. SHEEP AND HOGS. j ROBINSON HOUSE I Get in the Swim m SANITARIUM J. E. R BINSON. i li it J TINTIC MINING DISTRICT i. Cal-mkti- trin-que- t; NEW HOTEL t aa Uhe ts not an experiment; it is I Jl sras here to stay. 1 1 HISTORY II CHURCH Calls to Salt bake from Bountiful, Centerville, and Farmington lO CENTS From Bountiful, Centerville, and Farmington to Ogden 1 lTn-if.- be-hic- flhCQft 1 HARDY IS CENTS From JKaysville to Salt liake 15 CENTS to Ogden From 15 CENTS SEPTEMBER EFFECTIVE Landscape ar)d flsb-eriei- Porbraib rapl;(?r Rocky Ben to-da- one-hal- t s.t r.eniiM-- Pl;ofco- - Telephone Company |