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Show DAVIS COUNTY ARGUS VOLUME I. NUMBER tb FAKMIStiTOS, fife bus From OLb MAN WANDERS IN SNOW. Wirt. Poalay Leaves Heme Early In Mernlnn and Almost Periahaa Prom Extreme Gold. Special Correspciitili-nc- : Kjays-Otlle- . Mr. Frank Rigby will Christinas in Suit Lake. spend his Richard Galey was a visitor to Salt Saturday eveningi Ilun. Hyrum Stewart made a dying trip to the capital Thursday. Arthur G. Butcher left Fridily for Downey, Ida., to spend the holidays. Air. and Mrs. Thomas l.Aytcn returned to Salt Lake Sunday evening. James II. Parkins and W. E. Smith are serving on ihe jury in Salt Lake. Miss Louise Swan, who has been In the hospital at Salt Lake, returned Sunday Mrs. James H. Larkihs and her visitdaughter Bessie, wore Salt ors Friday. Mrs. II. Jackson and daughter left for Oasis, Utah, to spend the holidays with lier mother. UTAH, TUESDAY. DM'EMIIKH severe pains in the region of tile baek. Mr. tlurk rallied nicely after the operation. which nag performed by Drs. Rich and Rich. Those lovers of music should nut fail in aticud a grand Concert in Kays-vill- c Music Hall, gitreii by that great Unger. Miss Minina Ramsay, accompanied by the greatest pianist. Miss Jennie Samis, Thursday, December 39. This is a farewell concert, given by Miss Ramsay, who leaves shortly for New York to accept an engagement In the opera. Damuel Junes took A bAckset Wednesday and it became necessary that an operation fur the removal of an abscess from his lungs must be made. Dr. Crltclilow came up from Salt Lake Thursday, and with Dr. Gleason, repaired to Mr. Jones home for that purpose. While making preparations for the operation, the abscess broke, and thus relieved the doctors from performing tho operation. Mr. Jones was much relieved, and ail hope that his recovery will bo speedy. A family by the name of Dodges, consisting of man, wifo and three children. wi-rdiscovered living in an old log house formerly occupied by Geo. Fiitton, in a starving condition. Tho husband had been sick, and as they Were from Ogden, little was known thi-until by chance William Rcjmsoy discovered their plight. The furnishings consisted of an old box for a table and two eld chairs, no coal or loud, Mr. Rumecy soon got tho necessary things for them, and the Woodmen of the World took up A nice collection for' them. tvui 7 tt.s.i pany last April 34. He was associated with one John Orr who, on May 10 piead-e- d guilty and was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. (ICouimr pleaded not guilty; was released on bond and, October ist, jumped bis fyo. bund, leav-tn- g iur Stockton, Cal. He was arrested aiul subsequently retnrued to meet tbe charges; he was later released on auollier cash bond ol ft ouo. furnished by a Mr. Hugh Kilkenny, his wttes lather, who is aid to be very wealthy. BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS. Mr. I.C.IluIhruok wishes to announce tbJt l January 1. he will give one 25e box cf Sweet's caudy with every 8100 purchase. Archer Willey arrived Castle-datint unlay to spend t'hm turns heme. lie is iiwhing school at. the Ktr.r-rStake tirade my. One day last snout noon, while Thomas Wright, an axed gentlemen, who lives alouo, was away from hla home. Borne one broke Into ins residence and stole his overcoat and Cluck, besides What little food he hid prepared. The perpetrators any supposed to he tramps. On Friday evening, the day schools gave a very enjoyable entertainment at thn opera house. The program, consisting of son's, recitations and drilh', won very creditable, os-- peel ally the . hoop drill represented by nine dressed In white, pupils of David Telman's school, which rcth-ctegreat credit upon the teacher as well as the WILL BE ELSE THiS 00 EVERYWHERE WINTER. OUR yi.aK WHEN WF WE SUPPLY, tt.-.ti- feOUSHt SHALL 1 tHE OLD RAtES, AT tKERErOfcE RE ABLE AND T SELL AT w'-ek- CPEAT KAYSVILLE -- BSlK-GAWr UTAH CO-O- P MraoMk glt-U- For r-- com-ornc- DEARER PURCHASED William Foxley. an old man about "5 years of age, left home between 3 and 8 Christmas morning lb a blinding snow storm. Mr. Foxiey had been sick during the night and his wife had remained up with him until midnight. whim Mr. Fnxley requested her to go lit In'll, Mrs. Foxley retired, and later she awoke to fltld that the old iuan bad left the house, going out the bark door and leaving it wide open. The cluck In the house had stopped, and Mrs. Foxley could not say exactly when Mr. Foxley left, but it was perhaps between 3 add I oclock. She at once Inst lined a search; btit could And no tract of the old man, high or low. Mi.-- n Della Galbraith returned to She Immediately aroused the neighbors and a general search was begun. Ixrenzn, Ida., Friday to spend the Search as they lulftht. no trace could holidays with her parents. Blanche Phillips went t: be found of him. It was feared tbul Arimo, pupil. the old man had wandered off into Idaho.. Friday, to visit her sister. Mrs. GRIM REAPER DEATH. some out of the way place and had per- Robert, ll. Jamison. ished of cold. A daughter was born to Mr. and e Death of Mrs, Samuel Hall, and About 3 o'clock. Sunday jjorning Mr. Mrs. O. A. Williams, reme lime ago. ' Baby of Mr. and Mrs. Barlow. Geo. Clark, who lives out about throe Every one well. doing The reaper. Death, has again visited miles from here, between Kaysville out (own. On Tuesday, an infant John Anderson, section foreman, and Fannlngiou, was aroused from bis who was Injured by a rail falling on of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfurd Harlow passed away and was buried 11 Wednesday. Slumbers by some one knocking at the his foot, is rapidly recovering. Also the same date I'nmm Holbrook Mr. Clark got tip to investiwindow. The Women of Woodcraft Circle Is Hall, wife of Samuel Hall, passed to gate, aud found the old man nearly the great btyontl. Although not being and many aplicatkms arc bebooming, well for some time, it was quite a perished outside. Jdr. Clark took him OCONNOR FOUND GUILTY. made for membership. In and made a Are for him. Mr. Clark ing shock to her relatives and frit.nds to A fine learn of her suihlenly boy made his ap- Will worse, told tho old gentleman to remain by Appear For Sentence on Jan- and death following sotaking soon, and so the Are Until he went out to hitch up pearance at Mr. and Mrs. Alf Schouary 26th. unexpectedly. Mrs. Hall leaves a husto bo cobid drive him home, and while fields home Saturday at noon. Mother As the Argus goes to preu, it Is learned band and children, besides a host and child doing Well. fir. Clatk was hitching up, Mr. that the jury trying the cave of the Inde- uf relatives and friends to mourn her death. She was Mrs. Elisabeth-Farnswortwho has pendent respected by ley followed him to the barn, where Telephone Co. vs. Win. OCon- all who knew her.highly Funeral services tyr. Clark told him to go back In tbe been visiting Airs. Mary Jarman Lay-to- n nor have brought in a verdict of guilty. wcr held on Thursday, at which a for several days, returned to her Defendant wifi appear for sentence, Jxn vqry large number house Ul bo was ready to go; bat Mr. assembled to pay nary 26, 1905. DConnor ia charged with ttfeir last respects to tbe memory of Foxley, evidently being fatigued and home at Coalville Friday. stolen wire from tbe above cont- - the departed. bewildered, could not retrace bis steps Mr. Joseph Jarman and wife re- having to tlu holme, ahd started off the turned to their home in. OgdCn Sunday Over' r.t)r-,- -. down aeross twi Arf'f. r "I'ltf !)?.& j took him and returned him to his home K&ysvtllo with' friends. about 8 oclock. The Military Dramatic company preMr. Foxley does not seem to realize sented "The Scout of thcPhilippincs" Anything about his wanderings, but it to a fair audience Monday night. The was very lucky that h was fouud play was well received. When ho was. Henry II. Wood and wife, Wilkcy Illood. and Mrs. J. N. Linford, came from Logan Saturday to spend the Davis Stake Conference. On Sunday mottling. Stake Confef-ic- e holidays with parents. A large number of friends from WAs held At Kaysville, At which lere were present Elders Rddger Kaysville were present at the wedlawsen of the Apostles quorum, and ding dance at Layton, given by Mr. Ider L. A. Kclsch of Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Wiliam Beeslcy Wednesday resident Grant, and both counselors, evening. M 8 oclock Thursday, December 29tli lembers of the High Council, oAlcera The hall of the Woodmen la being r the various Stake auxiliary organ-istionenlarged, and the result is that much besides A fair sprinkling of more space will be allotted the memPositively the last chance to hear the GREATEST SOPRANO OF THE Isitora from the Various wards of the bers; many are making application for WEST. (Miss Ramsey leaves January yth for New York to accept a five years take. membership. engagement.) No one can afford to lose the opportunity of hearing this great At the openihg sekslort, Counselor artist. George H. Blond, county treasurer-elec- t, nsrt M. Smith was presiding and In Is taking' his first lessons as to A He mAde liargd of the services. MISS JENNIE BANDS, Pianist and ACcempariistr that capacity, froni the Hon. Chrisn iw remarks on the general condl-oBurton, Jr., who shortly turns topher or the Stake and vailed on El his office over 16 Mr. Blood. Management of CHAS. F. CARLSON, ers Henry fllcod of Logan, John W. A lively fight, between Bert Cole and 'oollcy of Centreville. John Walsh of Frank Warren was fOUgkt Monday Armthgton, to speak, all of whom evening In the rear of Sheffield's store. poke eloquently of Christmas day, J. G. W. Barnes, it seems, was the significance and of Whom it ON SALE At H, J. SHEFFIELD'S STORE, KAY8VILLE Neither scored a knockout. referee. made Remarks Were also No arrests were made. mcernlng the life and labors of the Mrs. Ella Williams Anderson, whose rophet Joseph J. Smith, whose blrth-x- y husband is lying at Death's door with Christmas also comes so near to in Chicago, received the fever, Claw-typhoid 33. Elder December ay, being was the last speaker, And delivered sad tidings by wire Tuesday morning sermon On the same subject as tbe that her husband has now contracted Mrs. Anderson has the diphtheria. receding speakers. of all her friends in her At the afternoon session, President sympathy of hour sorfow. rant and Counselor EldrCdgc were Tbe closing exercises of the public resent, and both officers mAde brief of marks on tbe Condition of the Stake, schools under the management their teachers. Miss Mattie Barnes, Inn comments of tho dAy, its ration, ahd the birth of the Pro-tip- t Miss Maggie Layton, and Miss Ethel 4. with kfs subsequent labors and Stewart, were carried out Friday And were highly appreciated by those presrest Work. X The singing Under Elder Lambert ent. The school closed for two weeks la mlrCs was oxceptronaliy good, and during tho holidays. At the Presbyterian chxpt-- fYiday te reappearance of Mrs'. Sarah E. Now (hat Christmas is ovcf, (ho next question aylof in solo work was A pleasing evening, a very pretty programme was she forcarrit-of did having not the conference, stare out, Santa Claus What shall 1 bnv l.t that presents itself is, mg In (he anthem, "Praise Ye the get the little ones, for all received d ord.1 Miss Beatrice Jonoe also some little token. The chapel was Wcr are well supplied with alf Sew Years? a chArfnihg solo appropriate to beautifully decorated, and many wore tbe presents that old Santa had hung i occasion. about tho pretty fireplace. .. If ton wish the (toads for Holiday Week KAYSVILLE BRIEFS. Glen Green, 15 years bid. sou of Robert Green, was taken to tho Og: i anything In that line call on us. don Geenral Hospital Saturday evenH. Done was an Ogdon Mrs, ing, to undergo an operation for apThursday. Tho operation was perpendicitis. Salt Lake visl-(o- r Mr. Giex Cox wAs formed Sunday morning by I)rs. Rich Saturday. A Rich, and the little fellow rallied Horf. ll. i. Sheffield was a Silt Lake iy sftor tho operation. COisflor Thursday. Mr. Michael Clark was taken to OgMrs. J II. Ifcmc'fhori is An Ogden den General Hospital Tuesday mornx flutter Friday. ing. where he wsa operated on for tin Ur ah. Woods Cross Mr. Jnhfi c. Graham went to Hcnc-H- r removal of a largo tumor. Mr. ( lark j ba-- l beer, ; Frida r for a vtrit for some rime fimn o'L-lot- t , A New Years. Now that old Sauia has made liis exit, we are next Id see the arrival of the Infant, ngjj. New Year's gifts are always in order in fact, many wait unlit the first Of I he year to wesCnt their Holiday Gifts. We are well supplied with APPROPRIATE PRESENTS. We invite all to call and look ov- -r our supply. - -- JWISS EJVUWA Unis AJVISEYS KAYSVILLE MUSIC ALL TICKETS 50c. Holiday it Week. o to do " IT H- - J. SHEFFIELD, Kaysville HALL s. com-icm- ij the best place S'"'- - jrotit Christmas Fhoppin $ CXAAS Faretvell Concert $ t t ! i d Men's Furnishings Ve have A complete line ol Men's Furnishings. If you Waht a hat, Call aud see ns; if you need a new pair of Shoes,- - We hate ihe kind you want. We also have a FCLl LINE CROvEKir.S. Co. We arc Our Lumber yard ia ag'iil t DESERET DIVE ST03K r-'- uff-rin- - g fur the Kemmerer Coat well-nocke- Hyrum Steloart, Kaysvilte. W WE DO JVOT IfTEJSfD To indorse any except at tides ofgenuine merit, but hue take pleasure in referring to t f I , T X i- 1. v. I Garland and Stew- art Stoves and I Is ren-ere- l. jL Ranges. .V Whose superiority fo too buell established to be called in tfueslton. XShey ATIE vy VAQ1AID AAJJ A THE WOULD. THE BOUNTIFUL CO-O- f J; |