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Show Davis County Argus, 1TBL1SHED EVERY TUESDAY Farmington, Utah t Publiahara & SON FELT D. P. I ! il u,l, ,,'ls M.'gbl conflicting agencies to mar tint happiiciillol 'f 'IT1:.IM ness of doing good to fellow man, a ll.i'l'-rf.lily . -i 'I !mi taste of which w have during yule I." I.,ji-ii'.iity i niliinlii.i,v:!li i.'jc-- i 10 1 mb-av- D. VERNON - - - - - - Sn Months One Year Three Month --- --- m ! aitoraiatH rualniloi, Art of CuaanM of Varrh . 1T- - - FARMINGTON. j obser- help can he realized River proposition an, any idea of tapping the mountaiiia rant of Ihu comity, in out of the qHee-Slo- ii from an economical atandpoint, even were the Inaildera mire of getting the necessary water, .it would he a atupendiiiHia lank with doubtful reIf ample volt alter accomplialied. vation, that from tl U4 Went water were obtained, there ia yet the probable loaa of much of it from percolation aa evidence in the canal con-atrui'l- cant of Bountiful, which later had to be piped before aullicietit water could be uarried along to the desired point of irrigation. The plan f jMimpiag water front Utah lake is rhinierira! aa a general solution to (he water problem. It may relievo the Hitkiation for the southern end of the county, yet it will he at an enormous 'eapciiKe, anil with the same problem to- face ; that of a heavy loss uerco,.atio-mlevanpr')- K them-elve- s. - tin high churaetur of leadership he has shown in times past. In his address to the negro citiziti of Hirminghuni. Ala., he urge.! negroes everywhere not HmpouMly, but to to bear a disappoint the predietioun that tor Itoosevelt would be followed by of tin, overbearing manner on the putt black eople. There is really no special application of this advice so fur us tne Itoosevelt election is voiuerned, for there '.va no ruce issue except iu tnj: minds of some of the Huutherii people, who accepted the spurious representations of blatherskite politicians. Hut good for ull time. Nethe counsel progress most surely where they groes l their lot cheerfully and with by dignity. They never gam anything force to their oluiina agniiuil established race prejudice. vic-tu- sary. iy Tiib Anui's feel to congratulate its big brother, The Deseret Xews, 011 its magnificent holiday edition of 100 pages. Hi a infix of matter Washington l'oM. dealing with Utah's natuiai and deThere Seems to lie every prospect is invaluable that veloped resnuicox, that the tnnitiiiide ill tins city on th nh of .M.'ivh will break all a a reference for all clar of people, j ie urd.-i- on Unit occasion, as uo.l elecThe News has for many ears luring til- recent I'uuipuigii tion, ll,e pi,'tiiresU. ali i eoinuiaudii.g the banner h didnv persoiniilty of President K.Kisevell wi,l b- - the popiilnr magnet. Hundred of 1'i'fivi-l.rlwccti any ping pii,di.ti'ii thuusuii.Is of po'lf who voted fur him him. Tin sight of him want to and Culiforni i, uti l pen. ., v jit tin-- it'i'A lie xiiilith-ninducement to travel wni cities of both these xf it.'s uii indeed hundreds of niiie and endure all manneca. He will be in ner of incon iu most any xiatc 111 the union. The the uniiie position of having receive i largest popular plurality ever acnewsboys and mails were loaded the corded a candidate for his high oilier, down with copies of tills mammoth and his followers will desire to tiecoid hint every honor. In a hliilon to this, edition, ami it seemed as if every the prosperity which has been experiby agriculturists of the West will citizen in Davis county had received enced enable thousands to visit Washington of the expense which copy ; if not, they should all get one without thought the Journey will entail. It would not ami after reading, send it to a friend be surprising if the Western states litpoured their population Into the who wants to learn something of Utah. erally nations capital. cinl-uvnrl- 'ig pre-vioi- in FARMINGTON. in th- - lluhy n Oit-- Innd.-ay- . while u ilii'.Hi; lost playing diamond in the dressing promptly wrote lo Uncle Jo.- - V.siher whom she know to be the v.T.anager or the house. "AsShk the ring and returned it found Ho to tin' do', ghfol Isuy. He ssv for years prat no one has over left an artirlc ol value m the house hut what ii h:. b' t n promptly returniMl. and he ik pifv.id of Mich a record for hfa town and opera house rin.'. havicg room. Slu- hit if - opt-trip- teem, in the prolonged scramble (or money and luxury that only a Christmas time do we pause aud hoik around to see whom we ran help. Tliis is life season of the year when giving gifts is general, hence ilurjr linn reigns, more with the giver than Uie receiver, thus proving to mankind the real cxistenre of a heaven on earth and the Word of God gives the same kind of a heaven here-ft-L will added intensity, po wauild - - -- (1BS. Cil K. IUHiua - - - -- UTAH -: UTAH PACKIflO CO. I WHOLESALE tlBALEKS IK !$ F resh and Cured. Meats 1 When you have anything to sell, ask for the Stock Yards at West Bountiful. Highest Prices Paid. CANDY r. C. lloihrook, the Barber of Bountiful West Temple St. UTAH SALT LAKE CITY carries a full stock of Sweets Popular Candy. Also a complete line oi WirA?;VAVvV.5!MAvai! ;rV4V.r&A!rawiais2 PERFUMERY DAVIS COUNTY NURSERIES I.ook out for liis Xmas offers. Sundays Open from 4 jolo S.jo p. in. AT LOCATED v UTAH BOUNTIFUL S. 31 27-2- 9 . m CENTERVILLE AND RO) We grow a full line of i JOHNSONS ml Orn- 1'riiit, Shade, Gd amental Trees. our prices before you HOTEL UYSViLLE, UTiH r will give you v. v. buy. We. good dork ami fair !;?: treatment. t 1 v.-n- Tre V jj ('hli'BKO The usually fifty-nint- SMil free in deal, with th. un- tariff sti.w 11 j.iu n ujsoijj pun .uipu Xii!uu)sj MHll aAOJllUII Ol put Mj0d 011 JJAaMgrt pajadsojd still uonuu atn ii.'i( w j.ipun sapnod Mtl-poajojt! 01 it.ijpi saw II aaXustia jut)Xu jo joj ajn It has no call whatever to poaslble. art with breakneck speed and In special session. A national administration Is not a throe-rin- g circus. It 1 not bound to present a sensational notelty Its duty is rather to every season. avoid sensationalism. Therefore, let us all be culm. us not endanger the beneficent result of the election by us be hysterics or panic. and when w e take up tariff revision. do so In the regular urder of business. jJt It sober-minde- d. lortlund Oregonian. The Irrigation congress at El- I a so Is one of the most Initn.rtaiit organlxa-tion- s now ho ft is the public. We have all rd of the goxd confiTred on mankind by the benefactnc who inakes two blades of grass grow where only one has grown before, but the lrriga-- t ion 1st goes Mill farther and makes numerous blades grou where none have Ills work has done grown bvfoiv. more toward reriucing farming to Hi'lcnec than anything else In coiniec- aj tion with tlie Inditstry. Thnnighout the west there an' millions of acres of land of wonderful richness that tenulre of only the application water lo make it immensely productive. In the hands of the irrigatton-lst- s this land soon heroines more valuable than that which is dependent on the whims of nature for moisture. Kansas City Star. ' Pessimistic Hrsons have been disposed to urge that the great irrigation si heme would h deplorably wasteful: because somewhat expert-- 1 seems to have mental. The presid.-n- t grasped any real dangers that lie in - life-givi- ng DIX HARNESS, PARADISE. EVERYTHING NEW AND CLEAN REASONBLE RATES. & CO. Address 11 communication to SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. I V ,,1,'l,,!!Vpl"il columns bud !l conns ns if our contained ' unusually large number of rcpnrtn of small t Moving und petty the pust' year. btirglari-yrunklin county ia tiretty well nut' of the heuten tinr-gentl.-menrofesHlonnl of the to whs have a science, though it may not be well to nvsutrie that this will always be the ruse. Mure thickly settled towns where there is more ioustant passing on the streets give better opisirtunitles for this gentry, however. The problem before the officers of our country towns is how to handle the youngsters that are life. A developing Into very sizable measure of prevention would be to rlcnn off the street corners the gangs of young fellows who are getting their first notions of escaping from the restraints of home and school Another effective move and chur--h. would he t haul up In the courts more of the hoys who arc stealing fruit. The ig iioitim seen, a to he among the boys that they have a right to 011. cun their hands lay anything they It Is time that steps were taken to convince them that tld is an error. f The s ConKremt will bo h " ii::' n-- Inter Ocean. rJil AAU'rrt putt -- " Comments. COMMERCIAL MENS housn-breukii- ig semt-crlinlm- U Consolidated 'Wagon SSL Machine Co. spr-adh- The Get Togother Folk. When it comes to unique Social club Centerville ha one that ia a dandy; it is called The Get Together Eolk Its origin may be ascribed to Mr. Nathan T. Porter as the chief l'olk with Win. Barber aud Jos. N. lord as right and left bowers. The membership roll is nude up by those who can sign the following "guarantee'1: The Ge. Together Folk. Witnesseth: Firstly, I'm not a day short of fifteen years; Secondly, I would like not to be as old as I be lie; Thirdly, I'm gein to die dead when I do tlie; Fourthly. I'd like to lie one of the kind. get together Signed. Thia is to tell ye that 'sign up that ye are one of the 'Folk. Remeni- - heading Implement Dealers Utah and Idaho, Extend to the Public the Seasons Greetings : A ME'R'Ry CHTUSUMAr and a Iu till (ia:i) or n : ; hAT?y ; JHEW similar one we shall at a later date advertise the lioca we represent, which are well known to thu public in this stale. o In the meantime, we solicit an examination of our stock and a personal interview if you are interested in the purchase pf such goods. Respectfully, Consolidated Wagon with Hu! noble teachings of Him whom we ao gladly rererc on Christ -xia day. All tlie divine teachers in lire bible tfught this great ennobling thought that ol helping cadi oilier but, it De- JjfA?w.VA!AVaVVsvvaAOTAVar.wAwacaaassaasf& - ; iimcKHS AM IdUECrOUSi A. Cl.tBK, Prwlrlunt; L. . UlLLS, Jort-- J lyman, Tbouiu SlMd, J. M. Ssrrlst, Jubn Watb, Julia uci-ep- h our canyona Another merry Uliristina is just past leaving behind a long train of pleasant thought for moat everybody, lttginuing in intensity with the little tot whose faith iu Hauta Ulaua la supreme, to the aged veteran whose soul pleasure in Jife is the joy of giving. Doing good unto others is the real heaven of life, in the great lirrrafter, if the Scripture are rightly understood, we are to understand that the Millenium ia one long criod of doing something for those who are unable to do it What a beautiful conception f heaven i The one that ia only made dear by modern revelation, and how beautifully St harmuuixra s j n. THE REAL HEAVEN. 1. Cannot Farmington hook on some kind of a system whereby onr streets and homes may be lighted with elec- liojie. tricity? Wires galore pass close Kansas City Star. advii.-to the Hooker T. VVaxliiiiKMii close by, aud no doubt cheap lights members of ills rii.e with reference to the recent election i In keeping with may be had. Sow Ifa senea vr auiali reaervolra were made, involving little expense, and foothills such aa fcaysville lias, thousands of gallons f Water would bo saved and the necessary irrigating conhl be carried mi even exceeding the required period aiul our crops multiplied beyond conception. We need not wait for the yevernment to move. If a move by the government is made, whatever we have douo lu this regard will be amply paid for if it i absorbed by Iheiu, so that there need be no peciiu-iar- y loaa iu any caae. Tua Annus stands ready to help aoy person or company to exploit thia idea, If it shall aasume a definite furm. borne one take it up and we will boom it for all it is worth. 1 lie it resolved ISegiiiniiig with the new year, every citir.cn of this county shall pledge himself to use his very best efforts to make Davis county the best iu the west, even to the sacridco of personal aggrandizement, if neces- Saving The Ring Recovered. Mr.t, ! l.-- : 57300 Jiktn S. without thee? issue callltol tali lu laliy ail tl.e fi,es of n svTio.i ami ubnl,ilii:i an a hiillcnifc. Ill vl--. iv i.f .i 1'i'iliahlf character uf the ia-it may ta- - i.m i.uch to hope that s will triumph. tin- fon-e)U"iKi Tht- - optnii-fjiiitlor .1 truly great man is no A' tnvsvatv!. hut Xiciioia 11 ha c ct tlirtpl ija-i- l few Kigii of that niaster-lutiiami will sliuh are manifestly nts-Ua nisr win, 1ms to tight his way toward tin-- Imhl iliiougli all the with wnica family, ('iiln iiKleii a'li t have dynasty, n litinii .ical timlinon him ahodt. !! may. however. reinerruer tin iibtral temlcncii rt of Alcxiinler II. In gminlfallicr. who was 'limit to create m mitioiial legislature, alien lie was assassinated, and Imally and lor all yieid tc the persuaurh is the sions of the torward party. - SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. D-.j- m - i.I.uwk end ICT partment Pays 4 per cent Interest i and favorably received a to be an .;;.ri,i,;f. trM i A wry cursory examination of the adaolute necessity iu the home of r.iisi"! I.y in'.1 zemstvo tor th- fir'', t.n.c in t. all. DEPOSITS OCT. fjfioo COMMERCIAL acLS-pte- f'Ci-lrtcii- t Tub Akocs gives one hand to the north and one to the aouth, and says, Ict us go on to glory and success-Iuniou there is strength. It would accin, from done CAPITAL ii Due. J7, (904 ran-yon- Davis Bounty Bank v (jet your good rcaoluitons rcudy, and before pledging yourself, make up your mind to keep them. if the farmer of thin conuly were to get together aud appropriate, from among themselves. a email aunt of money, u riigiuerr could he employed to aurvey and iorate a Merica a of email reservoir within the which, when ronatructed, would eonaerve every drop of water from the melting enow and early apring vain, lty thia mean, enough water eouhl he waved to irrigate every acre of cultivated laud ill the county. : -. t4 Utah, aadarlh BUILD SMAtL RESERVOIRS. j . .50 BiaMer XorMsbar 4, MenaS-el- at l'575 - Join Joseph, Signed, il.U:l latci-- i iiu- - to JuV. three ol the Folk. i;ilh-- r lh.ui The Arcus is at a hits to know how ! t lirt IiuII. It llt-ivvliiih ini Cii.t at Christina or tide, ladies ate matriculated, for every one ii tli" i'iiitid!'ia:oi. iwtl. linn I.y .,. to liave voit cl th- - know how averse they are to any Tub Anuta wishes it reader all irrvjri'ss, MTV .'Ills of lllOSl- - 11.01 of age even to a 15 year oh! limthe joy possible in the holiday greet -v. mil. t.o111 It nny b will be it. .if cotire their cat s may be more lli.it I'liWe thank our friend for the 111 4h!v:i iugM. i'H'ii mli'. Viiiiilifn! (1 ( In work, for elastic that the men and perhaps the man-- 1 hearty l,00'! will shown us and true! wl.i.-l-wiM li' Mu In:' iv sponsor, a nil that ly liearileil or tnoustnehed hero cau bide i'forii.i'O h" it skilfully before another year roll a by that we :i.nl vv.tli ii h:s tL'vth and avoid an age technically t'i ilit; hitiadt-rt- t L. it .) hall have become mi well acquainted hut Woman oh Woman what is life-- j i.-- SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: i In Advance I 'Get Together ami Ir the Motto, Nathan, William, to In. i - P. FELT, EDITOR. FELT Manage. muii' P.li'i GCOI.GE T. k Machine Co. ODKI-L- , General Manager. JoRBrir F. Fhitb. M. D. Wf-Lf'S- , Trca. Sec'y Guam HAurroN, Asat Scr. I'raa't W. ,. McIToknicr, Vice 1'rea't A A Tress. SALT LAKE CIT& yEAK. Ii |