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Show tin? lart,- of tbi - district ami Uu from each smaller districts, thus making a Ctuo Ladies Vftlh the John S. Lindsay Co, 1100 Pair ofKfilT jJJ and $3.50 ap- pro-deGarments sold d Local Briefs, at Home of Mrs. Smith and Lravoa New Furniture. While Mrs. M. E. 1. Bmltb was cut last week, a number of young ladles took possession of her horns and boldlurnl-ture- , ly refitted tbe roms with new tiwlth Mrs. etc. Whra carpets, returned she lerdly recrgnlzed her home 3ho wji in ,.W it C: surprised r appri-rlatliCM !: mat 3'. ifiuM r a than by yiviii? .'iii-I bi Si.iry i'iun!,. Tuti 't.l'tu were the Misses Magje Steed, Cblue Lamb, Mary Millard, Hazel Knowltcn. Mrs. A. L. I ara and Mrs. I. A. Bears. Arrives .Mr. Manful cf Xcrtb Farmington fa vary alrb. Henry 8toJdrd ia repairing tba roof of bit barn. Mr. Hampton went to Evanston last rr.'day to re ccnro ell men. t'laik Bros. have made a turnpike road between Clark and Burke Lanee. Amaru Smith baa resumed his work the Salt Lake Hardware Co. The county road Is being repaired by James Christensen. Mrr. II. W. Soule of Balt Lake is ftrre visiting friends. We have plenty of 8weet Pickles on hand now. L. H. Oviatt. We am still glvlnr reven bars of "Swlfii Pride- - Jor ?5r. L. II. Oviatt. Ml India Miller, who baa been suffering with tonatMtla, Is lmprov lag. John Call look his elans to Bounll ful Wednesday to show them bow brb k are made. K. C. Land, the night operator of fills place, baa a severe attack of rheumatism. Miss Judith Wllcos returned last week from a visit with her eon In southern Utah. Mrs. Win. Coomha Is Improving having been troubled for some time with rheumatism. Mrs. I enora Vincent of Balt Lake was In Farmington, visiting her father, William Cottrell, last week. J. J. Steed and Thomas Bleed houses arw now wearing a new dress, having been recently painted. L. H. Abbott wy in town for a few houra Thursday. rotonilnr nest morning to ffenura work at tae Ltu-" cut-off- . mince . If you need any prepared 'meat, get It from us. We have plenty. I H. Oviatt. George Rogers Is hauling timber for the Kentucky Mining company. The timber will be used In the tunnel now Being run In Millera canyon. Lono Bandftra returned from the World's Fair Thursday. Mr. Lawn Klncade, . Miss Bander's cousin, who was also at the Fair, camo to Farming-toon tha tame train for a short visit. W.M. Muefo, formrely a resident of Farmington, was taken from Idaho to the Holy Cross hoepltalln Balt lake, after undergoing an operation; ho la now gotlng along fairly well. Mrs. Lillian RecrlaL who camo here from Garland to attend the wedding ef her rister Lizzie, has been very (Iclr, since then, of typhoid. On Sunday last, Dr, Wllros cf Balt Lake and Dr. Gleason of Kiysvllle were here, tha rase having grown serious. At bat accounts, however. Mrs, Becrlst ia Improving. A. B. Richardson eame from Sherman, Texas, to look over tha Held In Utah for a favorable site to locate. Mr. Richardson la a gardner and stock raleer. He has met with success In Texas, bat the business outlook of Utah persuaded him to move here. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson will probably pivke their home In Pavla county. On Wednesday evening, Nov. 30th, a grand sociable and candy pulling was had at Rose rettsge. In which the officers and Sunday school teachers of rhu North Farmington achoel were the honored guests, and Miss Ksaa Rose the hostess. The crrailnn being a complimentary function by Miss Rose (who Is tbe kindergarten teacher) to The evening waa her pent In games, singing and nodal chat, besides the randy pulling feature and closed with an elaborate supper being eorved. J o - Work on the Extension. The extension of the lagoon road vomea on apace. An additional corpe ef men and teams numbering about 40 men waa sent on to the front yesterday. R Is said after two deep cute are completed that the grading will lave beeir practically finished to Kays-slUThe hill In which operation! are now being driven is said, to be a very difficult proposition, but Mr. Heea Is prepared to render him whatever aid ! necessary to push the work forward and put the county In touch with each r 444l I total uf MoniKliitiK over 2.0W attenda pretty ance In Davia fount senna. It showing. o SANTA CLAUS EARLY. i :: d at ! Price cn . . BUSINESS NOTES. M. J. Sheffield r.f Kaywill haa an It ad. that for logic la It rat rale. would be a good Idea to liaten to his advice and buy yew winter overcoat These garments are Lamb Knit, hand and borne made heavy weight. there. Just the thing for winter. See tbe Goods; they will coevince yon. has an ad call The IJountlhil Co-oAll kinds of shoes and gents furnishings in stock. ! Ing your attention to the fact that a good stove reduces the expense of coal. The rtovea mid by the Co-o- p are recommended by everyonfb who baa need them. MISS RUBY LINDSAY 77-7WEST SOUTH TEMPLE ST. 9 lloavy blanket i are Juet now a blearing to ono who enjoys a pleaaant The Kayavllle coop Is night's-res- t. selling them at a great reduction, WW4444044444 RH R4 R H R4 4 W4444444 when compared with tho prices offered by others. Tbe Deaerct Live Stock company of Wood's Cross, Is ready for the coming of old Santt Claus. Their supply la being dally enlarged, end will soon be so largo as to merit praise from their many customers. L. H. Oviatt, one of the aggressive advertisers of Farmington, la giving This ad. , if brought to us, entitles the holder torn reduction ia on seven bare of "Swift's Pride" for 25c. School Suita. you brtni tbu ad., you may AoVi 23 ,ver Everyone should take advantage of . reduction. Therefore, be wise, and do not forget to ent this ad. cent this offer. He will anon announce an out and pnt it in your purse. It means a saving of 35 per cent, on a astounding sale of jicrfumery. Boy's Suit. Just like cutting out a green back, isnt it? J. D. Wood announces that he la renow Xmas Just ceiving goods dslly. one can havo an excellent supply to We offer Qrwat Reduetien In choose from. But, Mij Wood also auggeeta that you buy ynnr winter clothing before the cold weather comes. Pretty good suggestion. The Davis County Bank has been We muel make room for etir new eupply of tulle. Henoe, In doing an enormous business tor the to oleer our ehelvee of the preeent etoefc, we muet offer the order past two month. Very few evenings Suite a better price. There le no need of going eleewhere for et baa Mr. Clark been home by the par lor Are. The hooka at tbe bank. InBargain. Our prleee have net been marked high to make the reduotlon Ieoh larger. WE NAVE DEDUCTED 2B FEN CENT. OP stead, have been demanding hla attention. Deposits October 1st were THE MARKED FRIGE. 173,000 and tor November f55.000. The Farmington Commercial la now having a sale In Boys Suita. Their ad explains itself, but The Argus wishes to nay, in addition, that their ale li genuine. Mr. Robinson absoLooK. lutely refuses to mark the prices high In ofdor to deceive the buyers, as do MISS EDITH LINDSAY many others we know of. If you want Miss Edith anil Ruby l.indsay, who The itai-t- they played In the great bargains, call at the COmmerolal. have been playing with tbe Raymond comedy bill, "A Domestic Blizzard," stock company at Boise, and who mot with great success. This play la a dramatization taken from the same played tho trading parts In thirty-fiv- e German source as Wm. Gillettes play In Bolac from July, 1903, to "AH the Comforts of a Home. and is plays April, 1904, are to play in Da is county considered the most brilliant comedy this week. After (he Holsc season of modern times. A Grand Ball. Mr. John S. Lindsay appran as Mias Iluby Untlsay accepted an closed, On Friday next, the Centerville the overbearing brother of tbe Jacques, ward will give a grand ball in tLe engagement to play leading emotional cripple in "The Two Orphans," and "Alberta." Every one ia invito. This roles for a season of twelve weeks at as John Davis of Kokomo. Indiana Here she ("Handsome John he is called in Kowin undoubtedly be the beat ball of Walla Walla, Washington. was surrounded by a splendid com- komo), In "The Domestic Blizzard." the season, for each member of the pany. and received unstinted praise Other well known members of the committee la working like a beaver, for her work. She ram from Walla company arc Ed H.'Felt, Don Johnson, enWalla to direct her determined to carry out that aim a present accept Jr.. Claire 1. Foote, Mildred Lindsay record breaker for attendance, and a gagement. Foote. Fannie Hammond. Mr. Nance During Mlse Edith Lindsay's engageprize winner for the excellent time ment In New York, she was associated and Mr. Waltc. Special attention la paid to costuming and equipment, and each shall have enjoyed. with Miss Maud Adams, another Balt from the good word that haa been Lake her held o girl, who, by the way, brought by those who hare seen the with Mr. Lindsay, company. Mr. Lindsay la excelling his hi, engagement At tha Opera Houae. 8alt Lak Knitting Works, 58 Main.Salt Laks piaylng tbe chlld'a part in "Celebrated former efforts this season. jj Knitting Works, 58 Main Case. Mlse Edith apepared with Miss Mr. Lindsay and hit company will Z On Friday and Saturday, Dec. 9 and Adame in Salt Little Minister," come to Davis county Wednesday, Dethe 10, John 8. Lindsay and company will "L'AgHon," and "Quality Street" when 7, and will play "Two Orcember play Tho Two Orphans" and "A Do- Mlse Adama went to Europe and Mlaa phans" and "A Domestic Blizzard" at enmestic Blizzard " the former on Fri- Lindsay came west to accept her Kayavllle opera bouse. Two Orphans" at Boise. Dee.7. and "A Domestic Blizzard," day and the latter on Saturday even- gagement The above excellent likeness of Dec. I. ing. Mr. Lindsay Is well supported this Miss Edith was made while she was The company will play Two Orseason, having with him hla two playing an engagement at Portland in Farmington Dec. 9. and "A phans" daughters, Ruth and Edith, and a two yean ago. Domestic Blizzard" Dec. 10. Then Mr. This season Mr. Lindsay organzed a and company will return to number of strong adore. The people Two Orphans, and Lindsay to company resume their northwestern tour of Farmington will undoubtedly show "A Domesticplay Blizzard, and secured ether, at least to the extent of the their through Idaho. Washington and OreIn buying your holiday prorata. apreclatlon for Mr. Lindsay by these young ladles to play the Or- gon, where Mr. Lindsay has bookings Mrger towne. tor thli whiter. - -turning out In a body to aee the play. phans, Henriette and Louise, parts in that will keep him in the northwest o 58 Don't yon know Knit Underskirts, which they have appeared together oil'j late in the season. A Pleasant Surprise Party. alt Lake Theatre. Knit Shawls, Knit Sweaters, are the A very pleasant surprise party waa honor of will warrant actors last a that ia corps Friday evening, given big At the Grand. meat uaefsl and appropriate token Tonight and tomorrow night the ef Mina Mattie Robinson, at the borne and our well boose, county represented Salt Lake Theatre has for Its patrons to give a friend? ef Mrs. Unle Brown. Aa elaborate The Grand is presenting this week Thomas Jefferson, in his delightful In tbe audience. excellent entertainaupper was much enjoyed, and all had of its another The next atrtaction of groat merit of "Rip Van Winkle." Young a very good time: Tbe guests present portrayal with Is "The Runaway," which will open on ments, commencing last night, Jefferson himself ago long proved were: Misses Mattie Robinson, Lillie Snlts." and running the "Frits and Saturwith a on Friday night matinee, worthy ef the great name he bean, a Hampton. Ida 8teed, Jennie Tanner, of the week. This offering name which, tor five generations, hat day and closing on Saturday night first half Jennie Turner, Ruby Wilcox, Chloe la of one the light musical order, filled This win be a musical extravagant!. 58 stood for all that ia best In dramatic Lamb. Millie Abbott, Ethel Brown, with work, a chorus of 30, specialty Arthur Dunn 'and la the man, art. He comes with tbe highest kind leading Caddie Moon, Letlle Preece; Messrs the usual comedians. three well known prims oonnss as as- and " M. Phillips. J. Steed. J. Paine. C. of credeptials, and ought to be renight and all the week Thursday sociates in the cast of characters. It, Cates. R. Openehaw, A. Stewart, G. ceived. theatrically speaking, with announce the pathetic piece en- 2 they one has of tbe biggest choruses travelSwan, M. Stewart, F. Udy, R. Young, open arms; not simply because he Is F. Warren. the son of a great father, but because ing. The production cornea from the titled "Nettle, the Newsglrt," managed OP 2B PER GENT. FOR DAVIS COUNTY o he has made himself a genuine favor New York Casino, which Is sufficient by Messrs. Gould & Freed, who proma ise play of exceptional strength, Ok, Thoae Erring Districts. He with theatregoers everywhere, ana to say that It will Include everything mounted with special scenery and 0 Whitesides we will see him for himseft County Superintendent In BUYERS. the musical, comedy and 0ALL AND REE THE LINE. alone. $ las gives the Argos a list of the school He ia a chip off the old block, and re- costuming line. A special feature that 01 At tha Utahns. attendance In Davit county for the sembles the elder so c announces, la a closely, both In the management month ending Nov. SO, which, how looks chorus in which ten girls take part, all and ad Iona, that one can hardly The Utahns theatre, which la now ever. Is not complete, for the reason tell them apart, either on or off the of whom are dressed In gowns of white ensconced In the old St. Jamca hotel that cne large town and two small dis- stage. Davie county patrons will not net, spangled with silver. can take care of 1400 patrons comThey pretricts have failed to send In their Hats, make any mistake to see "Rip Van sent an effect under the calcium said pnd fortably. haa several times played to Kence the detained report will be held Winkle" once more under the able to be decidedly bewildering. 58 until next week. This Incomplete re- presentation of Thomas Jefferson. This being eo distinct from the "Rip Lhe capacity of the house since the On Thursday night Mrs. Morris pre- Van Winkle" style that all theatreThia week's vaudeville port about s total attendance of 1417. reopening. to a hli-f- may be added about 309 from vents "Who's Brown," in a strong goers this week may be well suited. hill la but attractive one. uiew Its lMOAg Pumiuti anal HS'U!W 99 wiuom Bumtu sc-- , they last WEST'S MAIL ORDER HORSE iOALT LAKE CITY UTAH i CUT THIS AD. OUT! If n , JntU December 13, all our School Suits o at one fourth t this Trice List, Trice, tmusements. FARffllHGTOH COfflfDERCIAIt r . ! USE JUDGOlEfiT Lake A SPECIAL CUT s Lake t I SALtT liARE KNITTING WORKS 58 MAIN 8TREET. |