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Show r 4 i v. W k Ls DA VI FARMINGTON, UTAH, TUESDAY. DKCKMBEK 6, ?96aawftrearasassassaasss$ss3s3axa3s$sc3&s3staas BOUHTipULi HEUXS. By Ama Hardy . Argus Correspondent will receive subscriptions, end If you have any newa, ktndly give it to him. should have read Mrs. Jane Ann Holbrook, the midwife. The mistake has Child Of Edward Mona Burned While caused a little anoyance? by some calling up No. 9, and asking for Joseph J. Playing Near Flra. A particularly aad accident occurred Holbrook, the callers stating that they laat Thuraday afternoon when Lottie understood that It was Mr. James child of Edward Holbrook who bad the phone. Bather, a A daughter was born to Mr. and H. Mosa of Beat Bountiful, waa burned to death. The little girl waa Mrs. Ira C. Holbrook on Saturday, the playing near a bonfire out in the field 3rd Inst. near the bouae when by aome means unknown her Clothea became Ignited BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS. and before her father could reach her Walton Grant expects to leave this She was burned so severely ahe died week for mission to England, a the following night Her father, Mr. Zan Telford of Bountiful and Miss Moaa, waa In the house when he heard Burnham of Woods Cross were Etta .the little girl screamed and he rushed to her assistance aad in his attempt married Tuesday, Nov. 29. to extinguish the flames became seriThe South Bountiful Dramatic comously burned himself, especially hia pany expect to put on their new play, left hand, which he la likely to lose. entitled, Louvra, the Pauper," in the The right hand may bo saved, al- near future. disthough It will be permanently Mr. Schuyecr- Goldsberg of Cache abled. Tbs funeral servlres were held Valley has appropriated one of our yesterday at the Bountiful Meeting Bountiful ladies, and to clinch the House at - p. m. at which the sorrow- claim was married on the 28th Inst ing family were Joined by a large conMils Jane Jackson 'of Woods Cross course of relatives and friends includJ. S. Goldsberfy of Paradise, Utah, and ing Editor Wm. Buys and wife and were married Monday, Nov. 28, and Mrs. Sellers of Heber City, Mrs. home in Logan, Utah. will make their Amanda Clark of Salt Lake and concert will be given at A pleasing others. The services and cortege Iras among the most Impressive ever the 8outh Bountiful meeting house having been held In Bountiful. Of the next VVedemday, under the auspices speakers each one waa Impressed of the Sandy school, Nd. 1, of that with the sadness of the event and was ward. Inspired to say most comforting Fifteen million brick for o&e seawords. The speakers were Bishop son's run is a pretty good showing for Stoker, who conducted the services; one season's work, and is the record Elders Judson Tollman, WHford Tatfor the Improved Brick company the tle, Amos Cook; President J. H. Grant past summers work. and Elder Briggs. Another good man returns from the Another Account On Thursday the 1st mst., while World's Fair delighted with aU he David Stoker. He was Hugh Moss and his son Edward were saw Bishop In the field working at grubbing oak- accompanied by Mrs. Stoker, who was observer of much that brush, his daughter Lltha also a pleased wras seen..-'to be ' and"aaked ESther. went to her mother for some matches, saying that her pa The West Bountiful Y. M. M. I. A. wanted them, and upon receiving the has effected a reorganization, and at matches went a distance from the present is officered as follows: Presihouse in company with another girl, dent, Leo W. Pack; first counselor, and made a bonfire .with sagebrush, Gerald Pack; second counselor. Carter and while thus playing, Lithas cloth- Grant; secretary, Jesse Argyle. Lee ing became ignited and she was soon Muir and Elder Walton will serve as enveloped in flames. The screams of class teachers in the junior class, the children attracted the atention of while the officers will teach in the Mr. Moss and his son, who were in senior class, and Jesse Argyle and the next Hold, who ran to the rescue John Jackson will act as missionaries of the child, and in their effort to put in the ward. out the fire and save the child they Bountiful is to have a new M. D. in each received very severe burns on the person of Dr. Byron Kessler, who their hands, especially the father, has Just returned from eastern colwho, it is feared, will lose some of his leges with all kinds of diplomas, M. fingers, If not one of his hands entire- D." "D. D. S. ,H etc., and, with such ly. The unfortunate child was carried credentials, may be depended on for to the house in an unconscious condi- any kind of ailments of the body or tion, her clothing having baring al- teeth. The Argus has known Dr. Kessmost all been consumed in the flames. ler for many years, and is glad to welThe unfortunate child lingered and come him to Davis county, and only suffered for thirty-si- x hours and death wishes he had stepped along as far as came to her relief. Farmington and rather evened up the In a recent issue of the Argus it was medical and professional fraternity a stated that Mr. A. J. Holbrook had a little in the county. Farmington needs phone placed in his residence. It a good man like Dr. Kessler. LITTLE GIRL FATALLY BURNED. ld . MonA kitchen shower was given Mrs. and Mr. of Special Correspondence. day night in honor Agnes Nelsen returned from Ran- Ulyses Parkin, at their home. A very dolph Saturday. nice time was had by all who attended. James A. Eldrcdge recently left for A very pleasant surprise party was his ranch in Canada. tendered Mr. and Mrs. John I Evan, A. U. Eldredge returned last week Thursday evening at their home. The to his ranch in Idaho. Young Ladles' Mutual Improvement Mr. Anderson will leave soon for a Association presented Mrs. Egan with visit to his old home In England. a very pretty musical album. Miss Ella James is able to be out o CENTREVILLE BRIEFS. again, after an attack of typbqid. Miss Jetta Hatch is improving rap-I- s Correspondence. visiting friends and relatives here. Special Several of William 8trceper's chilA daughter waa born to Mr. and dren have the whooping cough. Mrs. Thomas Laker Thursday. All The dramatic club will have their welL rehearsal tomorrow night first The South Bountiful Sunday school Mr. and Mrs. Randall are down on a very Interesting program give Weber from spending a few days. next Wednesday evening, was given for Mr. shower A kitchen and friends relatives, is here visiting Smith last Mrs. and Thursday evenmission to prior to leafing for a ing. Elbert Randall and John F. Smith Sterns Hatch and Henry Moss left here for Randolph Tuesday, Nov. 29, are the home missionaries from this place. expecting to be gone about a week. A literary society has been organJames Jackson of Randolph, Utan was The many friends of Mrs. Robert ized recently. Mrs. Lun Rampton made see to her president will be pleased Plercey The young ladies of the Y. L. M. I. around again, after a struggle with A. gave a surprise on Mrs. Mabel Rantyphoid fever. Mr. Randall Mrs. James Layton and dall Saturday evening. Mr. and their two children are recovering from was formerly president of the assodiphtheria, and hope to be released ciation. from quarantine this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Reading reave The funeral services over the re- for Bakerfleld, California, about the mains of Mrs. Emma YIder were held 15th of this month. While in Califorfrom the South Bountiful meeting nia. they will visit many friends in house Tuesday, November 29, at 1 various cities. .,r. and Mrs. Reading will not return until February. d'clock. WOOD'S i i COUNTY ARGUS OLL'HEI. NUMBER 13. Tt - 'w J CROSS BREVITIES. 1904 The annual ward reunion will be On Wednesday morning. December given next Friday. A program will be It, a hall will he given In the Farmgiven In the afternoon, and a dance ers' Union Hall for the married folks. In the evening. The proceeds will be AU married couples who have lived spent for a Christmas present for the hero, and are living here are Invited. Thin hall, therefore. Is for only those missionaries of Centerville. who have rli'wen lit- - partners. All others may look on. hut not partake LAYTON NEWS NOTES. of the fnilts i f tin- - e cuing. This invitation extend not only tu those of Special Oorrrepimdence. Principal R. Skeen Is at his post Kaysville, hm also to all married again, having recovered from his cold. fblks of Layton. o- - Mrs. Ellen 8anda!l left Sunday for a ten days' visit with her son William, BEST AND HEALTHIEST TRADE. at Thatcher. Utah. Workers Who Make Dyos From Coal All of our students who havo been a Tar Havo Long Livoa. Tli best and home during Thanksgiving have retrade In the world is that of from coal turned to their school labors. tar. There 1 no manual work that Miss Nan Short, who has been cornea near It, for tar and the amell teaching here, has resigned. She will of It is the beet of all tonics and teach in Castle Gate, Utah, at a better The average life of a cornea out at elgbty-al- x salary. A fine son was boro to Mr. and Mrs. years The mortality la eighty per James E. Ellison November 28. All cent lower tban In any other factory doing nicely. Mr. Ellison says the trade. Malignant diseases are almost little chap has a "fine pair of lungs.' Unknown in aniline dye factories, and Mrs. Richard Ware went to Ogden even In epidemics the workers Buffer yesterday to have an operation per- very little. And there la nothing like for keeping off Influenza. formed, the surgical work to be done Rlghly-al- x by Dr. Rich. years la a marvelous averMiss Maggie Cowley, one of Adams age when we remember that the averA Sons Co. lady clerks, who Is home age length of life tor the whole popusick of a slight fever. Is progressing lation la only forty-ninvery favorably. E. Pilling, who has been suffering a : f several weeks with a badly sprained foot, la able, with the aid of a stick, to start to school again in Salt Lake City. Alvin Evans, Ray and Clarence O'Brien are down from Raymond Canada. Mr. Ray OBrien is going to work in the Logan sugar factory, to learn t s 01. 5 A YKAU HEAVY BLANKETS M WILL BE ELSE THIS X DEARER EVERYWHERE WINTER. PURCHASED OUR WE WHEN WE SUPPLY, BOUGHT AT THE OLD RATES, AND SHALL THEREFORE ABLE TO BE BELL AT t - CFEAT KAYSVILLE UTAH CO-O- P i e. WISE JOHNSONS HOTEU the trade. Workmen are buay repairing tne school building recently burned west of Bishop Layton'a. The trustees anticipate having the building ready in about three weeks to resume school. The West Layton young men gave a dance in the Farmers' Anex hall Friday, December 2, for the benefit of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations of that ward. Mr. Henry Bennett of Fairvlew. Cache county, and Esther Talbot of Layton were married In the Logan temple Dee. 1. A reception waa given them at the bride'a parents on that evening. Mlaa Nina Holder returned from Raymond, Canada, today, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. W. Green, for the past six modtbs. Miss Nina enjoyed her trip very much. ' On Thursday Mr. '15. P. Ellison returned from Raymond, Canada. Mr. Ellison reports everything progressing nicely at Raymond. The augar factory will turn out about 81,600 bags This means of sugar this season. considerable revenue to be divided among the farmers. Manager Geo. Swan of the Layton Canning Co. has Just received a consignment of 305,000 of their new labels. Manager Swan has made up an entire new design, which is very pretty, hating a blue fare with red border and bronze trimmings, being s great improvement over the old Is he who saves s little COMMERCIAL MENS PARADISE. EVERYTHING NEW ' AND CLEAN REASONBLE RATES. CANDY , TO MOVE. Compelled to Movt In tha Midst of a Sals-Ma- ny Turned Away. A great many people called at Young Bros, store at 38 Main street to make purchases, but as the company was compelled to be moved by the istofthe month, they were nnsble to show goods satisfactorily, nor did they have time to wait on the public. They have concluded to extend the time of their sale for ona week to enable those who were diasappointed to secre the instruments they desire, for while the sales have been enormous, there were many who failed to nuke purchases who desired to. The new stock is complete and sacrifice prices prevail. Sewing machines are offered at $15,00; over 100 were sold in six days Sheet music still ro cents; some of it is worth 60 cents. Everything we have will be reduced for this short time, as we want to please you and are anxious for you to see our new afore. Dont forget the new location, 23 West First South, a few doors west of the Utah National Bank. now and then. All rich men ssy they never could have become wealthy if they bad not bsea careful in their expenditures, You. db not necsasarilly need a bank in order to save money. The safest way is to bay your Winter Overcoat from Sheffield, the Kaysville Merchant. He saves you from 23 to 50 per cent. Hence, if volt buy s $12.00 overcoat, you arc saving front $3.00 to $6.00. Thai is, a $12.00 overcoat at Sheffield'!, sella else when at T. C. Holbrook, the known Barber of Rouatifol carries a foil stock of Sweet's Popuiar Candy. Also a complete line of $15.00 to $18.00. ' : t h H- - J- - ' I - SHEFFIELD, i it a j J: -- x . . i, f : V '-- t- - 2 r v.4 Kaysville Vhr YpopJfurjpJNiVJOiiW J Santa Claus Toys, well, : 35ZS&C 4 Will soon be here, and iff course X X you wish to give him a fitting re- ception. Our Xmas goods are X arriving daily. If you wish any 1 X thing special, we can get it for u 1 you. And when you speak of X 1 r UTAH BOUNTIFUL just call on us. X ;i . I Look out for hia Xmaa offers. Sundsys Open from 4.30 to 8,30 p. m. t eh V; perfumery ' COMPELLED MAM KAYSVILLE, UTAH In Bhe t t Meantime X You will probably need some coal, X Don't wait until the first snow AJV ISfVI&ATIOJ Noxt Saturday, Santa Claua will raoolvo all tha Young People of Davis County who wish to oall on him. Hole desirous of masting all of tham, ao wa hava mad thla a day for tha raceptlon of Davla County chlldran. Tha mothora and fathera are aapoolally Invited. GHEK.L, IS MO TVCH SHOWING OF TOXS IN ALL UHE WESC storm. Fill your cool shed now. Winter t We are not havingClolhtng very cold X wet- - T X 1 X ther, bat we shall soon be taken by surprise. Be on the safe side and get your Winter Clothing before . the extreme cold weather sets t PWTS in. D. WOO'D. J Farmington. FOOD- - If yon know anything about chickens, yon know they most he healthy to lay any eggs. And if you know Pratts Food, you know it will keep the chickens healthy. The reoplea Cash Store are circulating some wonderful bargain announcements. In addition to this, they give coupons to all their patrons, entitling them to s chance in a drawing for 10 beautiful prizes. All who ssk for it get $1.00 worth of Trading Stamps free and regular stamp for all other purchases. this county with MERCHANDISE AND MEATS , GROCER IES, CANDIES,' CIGARS DRUGS, AND PERFUMERY, L.H.OxJiatt, Farmington h . 'Vi....- - TT |