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Show 5 Davis County ArgusJ are more or leu Injured, and on aoma of youth has been touched by the Poultnsy Bigelow to Travel. Poultney lllgelow has Just been ap-- ' their arrival, have to become aoellm-ate- withering blight ef eontagsoa,.it is a serMick Bonnomart Geo. H. BI00A ious matter and to remove the cause is pointed lecturer at Boston university PUBLISHED EVERT TUESDAY ; but here we have all at our in the department of forsrbool law their most desire. earnest relations and colonial adminisFarmington, Utah very doors ! And yet many of our The winter placed himself on record eign He will deliver his first lecD. P. FELT & SON tration. Publisher fruit raliera permit old orchards of in a former article u believing diphther ture next winter. Mr. Bigelow la now half a dozen varieties to remain and i originated at the school district number on the eve of starting on a long cruise D. P. FELT, EDITOR. and will visit the east and west coasts allow the fruit pests all VERNON FELT Dialert in Manager. carelessly of Africa, and also the east coast of kinds of liberties. They not only South America. He expects to gather destroy the fruit itself, but carry their material for further chapters In his SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: book on colonies. to oreffects, pernicious neighboring (la Advance.) oophono Bo. 5 KcytriUo, Utch chards where care and a determin- - - $1.33 One Year $75,000 Leopold's Rug. King - - Six Mentha .73 ation on the owners part may prevail. 00 Xing Leopold of Belgium owns one Three Mouths - - - - .30 8eethe Injustice done there. You who nig that cost a comfortable fortune In are careless not only ruin the repuItself,' said J. F. Caldwell, who represents an Eastern carpet manufactApplication lias been made for trans tation of your state, and perchance mission through the mails ss second-clas-s ory- "I have seen the rug, and It Is the entire western market, but are a beauty. King Leopold paid mail matter, like the dog In the manger ; you will or 975,000, for It I saw the rug - Dec. 6, 1904 not let any one else do so. when It was on exhibition In Vienna. FARMINGTON. It was made In the Orient, and la Suppose the Bountiful Coop tufted. Its age Is Its principal tend TNE VALUE OP CLASSIFICATION should receive an order to furnish value, sad It has been under the feet of royalty for probably a century. The 500 chickene of agiven size, breed, Baby Carriagea, Wall Paper, Curtains, Poles, Trimmings, Coffins, are we the ir.g is very large, measuring probably Davie In very or quality, where would Mr. Stoker county, CO by 75 feet. Caskets, Undertaker's Trimmings, Stationery, tto. best situated of any other people of get them? This same Idea of eultl "Few rugs like that come to America, though the millionaires frequently Utah, to demonstrate to the farmer, voting, classifying, grading, and pay as much as $5,000 or $3,000 for fruit and produce growers, the beau. I muring, can'jusVas well beearried some. Few carpets are Imported, as lies of classification of their various ,no Colorados Geld Output. they can be made nir.ch better by mato houKwife.( domaIn? Colorado's gold statistics, for the chinery than by hand, and America products. Our soil Is so Heh the farmers. It Is just as euy to first six months of the current year, excels In all machine made goods. constituency for the cultivation ofl aad much euier show a total tonnage of 312,300, with Large numbers of rugs, ot 310.S2I.S0A. Should however, are Imported every year from any of the small or other fruit and , market (00d breed of poultry, a valuation there be no decrease In the produc- Turkey, Persia, Arabia and all parts CAPITAL $25,000 DEPOSITS OCT. rar $73,000 various agricultural products that It M , to do u, M mMy tion for the ensuing half year Colo- ct the Orient. We have no labor capan no many yet COMMERCIAL end SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Saving Depreienk We raiae gny kInJ of rado's total output of gold for :M( able of competing with their rugs." js longer experiment; till hang to the Idea that each I chicken that happens to result from will be about 322.600,000. I oulsvllle partment Raya 4 per cent Interest fanner must have nil kinds of every, the eggs set under the hen. No reOFFICKKS AND DIUOTOM; i I If It Ml 1 1 1'HHtHH I It 111 eling that Is to be grown, not only J Jomrs L Cutis, PrwUteat; L L Hills, VleaVraaldwit; A. L. Ciasi, CMhter b (alien of the laying or meat : I It I Jain W.jmaa, Thomas Stead, J, M. Bscrlat, Joha Walib, Joaapfc X. Xobtnaoa for hie own consumption, but for the qualities. FABMIBGTOB , UTAH market.Each scrub chicken eats Just as of Sheffield for Mr." Kay evils, ranch ns does the very beet breed Jjf instance, were to receive ea order for raised, end where poorly bred poulBv carloads of a certaia kind of po try furnish ranch less number of eggs lathes, he would be at hie wits end to a year and market but 15c to 35c a FSL get them in any considerable quan dozen at the present time, yet flrst titles ; and ten to one, when he did class eggs bring from 50c to $1.35 a (Incorporated) WHIN IT DOES COMSI kujr, the classifying and grading dozen, to say nothing of ths profit rojiiil hi so poor that the whole from the sale of dressed poultry, OOMS, OLD SANTA GLAUS MAKES HIS REQULAN shipment would depreciate like a peclally if It can be furnished in uni It would form size and cL$n In its weakest link quality, and in large The beat supply and most complete stock of Building Supplies CALLS ON THN ef beccsslty be Judged by the poorest lots. that can be had in the county. Our prices are always right. J Can we not urge our citizens to a qujily found in the lot. the was Utah farmer the pioneer renewed oftort to correct some of ii ;! 'Phone 12-- 4Bountiful, potato raiser in this country and these faults and place our county today should be the best able to furn- - where it belongs, In the front ranks ishnot only quantity, but quality; of the United States for its special A FEW HOLIDAY 00008 ANE NOW IN AND MORE yet docs he do so T No. Colorado varieties of fruits and vegetables, and is today the best able to furnish po- - all else ARE COMING DAILY. pertaining to farm life? tatoes in large quantities and the best grade as to size and quality, in the United States. Colorado farm The only licenied cmbalmtr in the Counts. V ers hare bent their greatest effort i$ , School District Numktr Six. confining their attention to the cult Also Doctor in are of high gradn potatoes, and other la'lastweeka issne of Tn Aaeus, Furniture, Picture Frame, Wall Paper, Window Blass, Etc. pro ucte, end, when formed, ' place notice aa ahic'o which, after tbs author their whole potato or other field, la had stated that the purport or intent of hie article wee to give some facta about the one kind or variety found beet heating end ventilation, proceeded to Bulled to that locality. Then when advertive the wares of a Salt Lake hardthe crop is harvested, it is carefully ware company. We were hen reminded graded as to size, and if there be any of the foreigner who, having recently inferior potatoes, they are culled and purchased a new wagon, which he penist-entl- y claimed waa the beat wagon in the sed for local consumption, or fed world, was caked for hie reason for think-lato the stock. The result is, Coloraso. He replied "I know it lathe beat do has gained an enviable position in wagon because the man who aold it told Eight months of Stvoe Weather before you. We here a complete line ot Men's Furnishings. If yon this regard, a reputation that belongs Going to use lota of Coal. The better your Now, es the Argue is open to discussion to Utah, properly, and to Davis want a hat, call and see ns; if you need a new pair of Shoes, Stove the Ism Coal you burn. If yon hare an of matters pertaining to tbepublic welfare seunly in particular. and, aa the above mentioned article emold fashioned Store, YOU ARB BURNING we hare the kind you went. We also hare e PULL LINE .. Utah was the flrst state in the phasizes the satisfactory remits of the MONEY. OF GROCERIES. We are agents for the Ksmmcrer Coal country to raise apples. beating apparatus of district number t, we Her success was so marked that it submit herewith a few reasons why w One of our New Stoves will reduce your Cash Co. Oar Lumber yard ia looked as though she could walk think the heating system in that district bill one third. Mhat means one third less is mast unsatisfactory, leaving the readers away with prizes against any com. to act as Coal to cany; one third less jurors attention; one , petition, especially poor old lava, Pixst We believe that the heater third leas ashes. A great deal more satisfaction. . m. p ridden Idaho and yet we lost the should have been placed adjacent to, inK.MewwAmmwHiwmeireieftwwintiritw'twraemsteiAWten-p w im i; ,3 A little cash, and a little now and then. of In stead under the recent all contests and the prize building in this par-- ! for two good reasons; one is! our northern We make a specialty of Idaho, ticnlar case, neighbor, so an abnndauce that of pure air may be marched away with a number of arcesasble at ell times, thereby them, Just because we did not take the necessity for any but tbe avoiding purest sir care of the fruit against the pest that passing through the heater into the alto giving a more satisfactory I destroys the production. Nature did its part The fruit looked lovely, draft. Another reason why heater should tasted delicious, but when the knife not be under the building ia because ot tbe very wet end boggy subsoil is which was applied, what a sight waa rep it was necessary to Mac the heater, thna sented I leaving e hole in which water is to be Wo ask again, suppose Mr. Moss found most of tbe year round. In an intelligent community it certain-- 1 ef the Deseret Live Stock Co., were He eells the beat Hour in Davie County -a-nd its always on hand. CO-O- P celled on to furnish a carload of ly will not be necessary to point out that water standing under a building where apples ef a given name, size, and hundreds ot our children spend so much of I their time is, to my the least, uahealthful quality, how would he do it? toss888$Mssssss!ms8S8 taagassMaaaaaaaisggg bat from almost any responsible sourct Idaho could do so, and ehe is out of ws learn that such a place ia but a microbe cutting pioneer Utah incubator in which diphtheretic germs are COUNTY all kind of legitimate fruit business almost certain to develop, one time ot anbecause no oue locality can fnrnlsh other and LOCATED AT yet this condition has proved a more then a few bushels of a given moat satisfactory investment; so we are CENTERVILLE AND R0I kind nod quality of apples, and, in told. Tniuo It perhaps may be thought by the general carelesenesa that prevails, ia the whole lot mty be either con. some that it not important that the air ' We passing through a beater be absolutely grow a full line of demned or depredated to little value ia heated thereby lemoning purees it Fruit, 8htde, and Ornby the failure to grade, to cull, and, tbe danger; but it is here that the syitcm is most at fault worst of all perhaps, to The ventilator which amental Trees. Get properly to (he hallway, which also conveys treat the trees In spraying season. onr prices before yon As Davis county is situated, she passes through open doors to the lower! rooms ir not connected with the hea e has the best opportunity in the world but buy. We will give you simply puses (be air from the pit in to get not only the best good stock and fair grade of the basement, and alter haring been warmed by the exterior of heater, into tbe fruit trees, bnt the most of any treatment. quality already acclimated to our to- hallway to greet every child that comes in at the open door. tality and conditions. We have nnr Now it ia easy for one to become Poserin theft supply all other parte o of nice little pet hobby, and to the state and arronndfng localities continually harp upon it, and X am aware DIX CO. from California to Kansas; from that there are these who sometimes misAddress all communications to take sock for common sense, bnt Osnada to Mexico. Shipping long with those hobby whose home has been visited, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. dUaum to tins the trees and is which one or more of the Mos--1 d BOAfiEmORT & BLOOD FRESH AND CURED MEATS - EDWARD THOMAS 15,-IC- FURNITURE BOUNTIFUL, UTAH u lifr Davis County Bank hand-mad- e u Courier-Journa- l. m mill 1 1 1 1 1 Hit C m 1 CHRISTMAS - - I TAountiful Lumber Building I i I LXM'BEB I : - - Deseret Live Stoek Co. PEOPLES' Jiah JOHN BARTON FOTtVMV. WOODS CROSS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR UTAH. KAYSVILLE, UTAH. HHlfHItflUlHllllllllHWfffm'Hmi'ltHHIIIi STOVE (HEATHER Men 's Furnishings g . well-stocke- d. Hyrum Siebuart, KaysxJille. fji , John Fisher apart-rent- s; Garland Range Heaters Stewart Ranges and Heaters 'uwmiauMaininaPi Keeps a pall Stock of Gen- eral JWerehandise. Sccinrftt Opera HoUJ VOViGIFVL Jtah n rap-id- ly DAVIS NURSERIES I rr HARNESS, pie, & |