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Show Tha Ancients and Elactrlcity. Alt; oneh little waa known of elec-tr.it until comparatively modern been nnderatood alnce it tuo i, r T.) 11 CL that certain aub via"C v .vi.t-- rubbed ahow attraction ncJ roijuUion for various light mate Among these la amber; ao, In i part of the alateentb can ijo tn y. when electricity waa more def- l:rown. Its name was taken frvi f Cr.--1' word for amber. k Unique Wedding Notice. The following strange wedding notice la going the rounds, variously credited : The bride waa born of hong est but parents and could walk alone at S months, at 10 she could run real fast, and has never Sbe baa many slackened her gait. friends most of them dead ones. The happy couple took a bridal trip to Westly. snd will be at home with tbe -- ! re rut nji) . ALEXAMDER Millions Paid for New Territory. The cost of the acquisition of vast territory by the United States Is given In the following list: Louisiana, f 10.000, AOti; Florida, $5,000,000; Texas, 18,500,(K0: California and New Mexico. $15,000,000; Aritona, $10,000,000; Alaska. $7,550,000; Philippine Islands, Monkeys Not Fond of Water. Monkeys never wash or bathe, though they have, as a rule, every chance to do so. Possibly experience has taught them to be afraid of crocodiles, which are pretty generally disrivers. It tributed on monkey-haunte- d Is said that a number of Indian monkeys watched a party of Europeans in a boat, who washed their hands and brushed their teeth. Next day the monkeys were seen to come to the riverside and go through the form of washing their hands and of brushing their teeth with bits of stick. 50.000.000; Panama-cana- l 000,000; total. $140,750,000. atrip, . In M riMmMI i l 'l l H 1HH . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Mslbnsikoh Thomas. Philip DR. Naiaak, v LAWYERS ecu Suite aoi-3-- g THOMAS Salt Lake City 6 S. Maim ST. Deseret News Building PrsaUes Is all Stats fMarai Uoarta Oaoaral suurnayi be Amrrleaa Sandy Oo. of New York. Prebate and Guardlanahlp Notloee- - 1. DENTIST THOMAS AND MAYCOCK an$4.-nt- fm t...t Nooaraf $10, addi- tion the United States when It nexed Hawaii assumed a debt of i Whs.- - MetASTER, IM H"l,,l"l,l"l,H-,Mill,lH,H,,H,,- I W I H'I H I'M"! Rose One of the Oldest Flowers. Rose culture's beginning goes back Consult County Clerk of Davis county, Utah, or the Respective Signers for beyond records. The flower Is menfurther information. tioned In the earliest Coptic manuIndias traditions take the rsuaau, XuriBilmr thl, lsul scripts. Mean. Kent A Donley, Salt Lata and Ogdtn Railway. rose to the times of the gods on Wheo Blnnoi nno tha of Inara or DmMvy A Kent, nr whichever Agalo.M yns that ting earth. Egypt had roses, wild and sir: NOTICE TO CRBDITORS. lrar I have heard yno ting Ihe abnra beau II ful and alfartlng enng reran! II nine daring the week a! tame, before the Roman occupation THE SECOND JUDICIAL COCKT, IN AND Time Table in effect Sept. 6, 1904. ood rou.peie.il Thr Bay Diarkrl, and hate taken number of frlenda, Indian and gentlemen, made It, In a way, Rome's commere nglng etrln., IDE TUN COUNTY Of DA VIA, STATE OF to Judge of what la phraalag, air., and all any Jour rendering of the eong s 1 TKKAT. la beard laelladlrla, hare lime, UI'HICaL referred leeOkXAf my very many Ingere cial rose garden, yet, curiously enough, UTAH. and uiiwnlee.luoaI, end here rarely keen sBectrt eu of ail elare, Leave Salt Lake 6:30 and 9 a. in., 3 30 there is no reference to the flower in Is the miter of lha bus of Mapulaoa Ororer, U Bneee Bloom hen the Again." plaaaantly aa when hearing you allot, Nataoo to Creditors. M taking ifwil ymi good lurk and ynwiiarity, 1 am y nr. truly, painting, sculpture -- or hieroglyphics. Creditor anil preesot walsta with vow beta to snd 5,30 p. m. JABV1H BLIUfl. aodanugoad at Dm ret Naws Null dins, Japan In our time, parallels Egypt. Leave Farmington snd Lagoon 7:30 and 336 Constitution Building, ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, ItUkeCtly, Utah, ou or before the XHhtioyof Roses flourish there, but do not serve Vahraary, A. D. lent. 10 a. m., 4:30 and 6:30 p. m. as a motive for artists. There Is this Asrsua N. Oa vaa, Extra trains at it a. m. and 1:30 p.m, further likeness neither Egypt nor AdnlnMrslorof thaastalo of Nopoieoa Snrrar, oa Sundays and Holidays. Tuoues ess Mevoocs, Japan has a rose song or a love song Attorneys tor AdeilnlstreioT. proper. D ot Srst pa HleaUoa Oct. as, A. D. 104. " CHARGES KENT LAGOONROAD" TEACHER OF MUSIC. raS-te- -- mlur-rel- Going, Going, Gone. Down In a Virginia town tbe aged Ml ill pastor of one of not long ago. He was beloved by all the neighborhood and a constant atream of anxious friends rang tbe bell to make Inquiries. The nurse In charge was an Intelligent negro woman, and sbe decided to issue bulletins at frequent intervals. Sbe wrote them herself and pinned them to the front door, and this Is the way they read Rev. as they appeared successively: Later-R- ev. Hr. Blank am very sick. Night-R- ev. Mr. Blank a pi worse." MornMr. Blank am sinking. ing Rev. Mr. Blank have sunk. a gra-ieii- . oyer-all- imifi-einii- al XU-S- As the Dreams Gs Singing By. Brine no lights, but raise the curtain Let the gentle twilight bteal Through tha room; its glow uncertain The only place la Farmington All the day's long wound doth heal. What though morning wind waa cruel? cease tc sigh. Come, heart's treasure, where the travelling man stops. To my fancy lira and fuel As he dreams go singing by. FARMINGTON UTAH. HOUSE ROBINSON Whit though noonday sun was burning? Fes! Tbs glooming brings the penes' the hungry hesrt'e dull yearning. For the dresr day battles cesss. Though we're beggared, in the gloaming We may build our castles high. King and queen throughout them roam- SHU Mlnoral Loft by Romans. 7. At Castleton, Derbyshire, England, la the Blue John mine, famous for Its Abstracter of Title beautiful fluorspar. Antiquaries have and Conveyancer. dreamt go tinging by. A. established the fact that the occurrence of this spar was known to the Give no thought to vain Licensed Abetractor of Dsvis County. Fancy land knowa naught of time. Romans, who found it probably while Foolish heart that algha and Borrows, NOTARY PUBLIC. working the hills for lead. Anything Deaf to call of fainr chime! to linger thus for ays. deal that did not contain lead the Romans quit Office upstairs, Farmington C. &M. Bid Fancy land and you and I. threw to one side as worthless. And Just to love, and pray, daar. FARMINGTON, UTAH. As the dreams go singing by. thus It was that recently, In a tunnel In New York Press. Maud Hanlf Menny communicating with a shaft made by tbs ancient adventurers, the proprietors of the mine found one of the bigSMOKING IN ST. PAUL gest and finest specimens of the rare mineral ever seen a man that had Mads That Visitors been placed there by the Romans Complaint Sacrod Fana Hava Indulged. nearly 2,000 years ago. Who would have thought that It would ever become necessary to forSALT LAKE CITYS bid smoking In St. Paul's cathedral, If I Should Die which shares with Westminster abbey If I should die the distinction of being the most honEven hearts estranged would turn more to me, ored and sacred' fane In England? Yet DON PORTER Recalling other days remorsefully; The eyes that chill ms with averted It has. Notices. "Smoking strictly forwere nil bidden, glance recently posted up Would look upon me as of yore, perover 8L Pauls, among the tombs of chance. the mighty dead. One notice has even And soften In the old familiar way. For who could war with dumb, uncon been placed near the altar. clous clay? One of the chief officials of the go I might rest, forgiven of all, toLUMP v night cathedral has publicly Sxplalned that NUT Oh! friends. I pray many foreign and Colonial visitors Keep not your kisses for my dead, have been discovered smoking by the brow. Have made arrangements The . way Is lonely let me feel them attendants lately while Inspecting the whereby I can furnish and now. cathedral. A wealthy South African deliver Nat and Lamp coal Think gently of mo; I sm travel-worfeet are pierced with many waa actually found sitting on the allfy faltering, promptly. Give me a trial a thorn tar steps and smoking a dirty clay order. I will endeavor to O hearts estranged, I plead! Forgive. When dreamloM rest Is mine I shall not pipe-please you, 'Phone 16-1-1. . need The tenderness for which I long E. L WILLEY. CHARM OF VICTORIA FALLS. OSes snd Yard, 7e Aeee Seed" deset E. ROBINSON. WHITES DRESSED MEAT CO. A. D. PIERSON, Genl Pass. Agt. I. B. BEAN, Excursion Agt. Office 161 Main Street (Incorporated) WE ARE BUYERS OF FAT CATTLE. SHEEP AND HOGS. Get in the Swim COAL ht I 11, White, Manager 266 North Second West AT THE SALT LAKE UTAH CITY, SANITARIUM W44WWWW44446W4 TWO Immense Swimming Pools TUB BATHS and PRIVATE San Pedro Los Angeles & SaltHaAe PLUNGES. Natural Hot Snlphnr Water. TURKISH BATHS OUR SPE- - 1 soars CIALTY. Separate Tnrkloh Beth for Ledlee. d reeat of and Menlcurlnf orloro. Eurkka, Mammoth and Silvku City, also Mining Districts of Ophis, Fairfifld, Mkrcur, Black Rock, Milford and Frisco in Utah, and the Piociie, DxLamak and Mining Districts in Nkvada. Comprising Cal-fin- tr W. 3RD SO. ST. 52-5- 4 Salt Lake City, Utah of the amnertlns link between Collenle, Nevada sad Dessert, Calllnrsla will opes on of the blxxeat nmler eloped rnlnlne dtatrieta Is the weal. Toll lnformeUon refferilinff train aervlca, otiffi eosneetloa In Interior enpe, ole., cheerfully flrea by any agent of TIIK SALT LAKR ROUTS, or addreew Tfce nmpIvUnft Uhe J. L. MOORE trgus is not an experiment; it is here to stay . Diet. Pass. Agt. T. C. FECK, Asst. Geul. Pass. Agt-- B. W. GILLETT, Genl. Pass. Agt, SALT LAKBCITY, UTAH. ' i L. ht , . . SKULL DRUMS OF TIBET. Necessary Part of Religious Ceremo- alee of the Lamas. Some of the most curious drums In the world are those used by the Lamas of Tibet when they practice their religious ceremonies. They are manufactured from skulls, preferably the mall onea of children, two of which are placed together and the dried skin of a snake stretched over the concave side of each. The vertices of the two skulls are next contented to either aide of a wooden disc covered with cloth, the sides with tbe skins, of coarse, being outermost; and to complete the ghastly appearance of these musical Instruments, the beads of devils and horrible imaginary creature are painted oa them la gaudy colon. SORE NECKB ON HORSES. Seme Timely Suggestions Team Owners Should Read. The most of the machinery now used on the farm Is balanced by the tongue, and consequently a great deal of weight cornea on the horse's seek, which Is liable to get sore during the hot weather. I know how disagreeable It Is to drive a hone with a sore neck, besides the pain and annoyance It gives the hone. I find that the trouble can usually he avoided by observing the following rules: Jteve r check the horse while at work ao he cannot lower his head and work tha collar front slightly while standing. You will always notice It Is the horse that carries his head high that Is most liable to get a sore neck. See that tha collar fits the neck of the horse so It will not work from side to side as he walker-Northwes- tern s ever-changi- DIPFERENT VIEWS OF MARRIAGE. Is Russia erod a Misfortune. In most countries where civilisation Is somewhat backward marriage la apparently regarded as the necessary fate of every woman. This Is so much the case in Russia that there, when the parents of a girl see her getting on .towards without any prospect, of marriage, they take her abroad for a time. After a year or two she will reappear among her old friends as a widow, and though they may inspect that her late lamented husband never existed outside the Imagination of those who Invented him, yet the Action is useful In giving her a certain status in society and enabling her to avoid the mortification ef the unappropriated blessing. In Bermuda, on the other band, girls are often prevented from marrying by the law of the land, which decrees that a woman who marries a foreigner ufimll not only lose what property she may happen to have, but shall also become tacapeh'e of Inheriting any. Sometlmen Bermudan girls renounce their birthrights for love's sake; but ns a rule the charms of penniless damsels are got sufficient for men to desire them for wives, and therefore many of them are doomed to splnsterhood by the law, . .. $ Utah Bountiful, I HISTORY on he if- CHURCH This work ii now t erp pnMWinl : by The Deseret News in of magnificent volumes, in complete form, with sn Introduction to each volume end numerous notes which render it still more valuable. Volumes I, II and III ere now ready. Calls to Salt hake from Bountiful, Centerville, and Farmington lO CENTS PRICES Cloth, Half doth, Half morocco Full morocco prom Bountiful, Centerville and Farmington to' Ogden 1.50 per vol. 2.50 per vol. 2.00 per vol. 4.00 per vol. IS CENTS to Salt prom IS CENTS prom Kaysville to Ogden 15 CENTS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER DESERET HEWS BOOK STORE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. fibCDfl HARDY 1ST. ai)d Porbraib PIjobo- - focky ra Out of door work a Specialty. Portraits made on cloudy days as well as on clear days. Call and see our our samples. Prices low J good work, promptness known. . BOUNTIFUL, UTAH R Through the Famous n; Visitor Shows in What Way They Bun-pasThose of Niagara. How the Victoria falls impress visitor Is recorded lor- - Miss C. W. Mackintosh's Journal of a recent tour Miss Mackintosh la South Africa. We perceived ao hint of the says: falls, only seeing before us a screen of rocky-basebright green forest, apparently cloalng in the river, Ilka a lake. Ten minutes walk brought ua to the camp, on a cliff which literally overhung the gorge, and we saw the cataract thundering - down Into the Boiling Pot at our feet The walls of the chasm, 400 feet high, were panned by a rainbow. The charm of these falls lies not in the one overwhelming crash as at Niagara, but in the cumulative effect of varioua glimpses, the matchless beauty of the surroundings and the atnngeneaa'of the whole setting, but chiefly In the columns of spray, called the thundering smoke and in the river sudrainbows, Tha mile-wid- e denly drops Into a yawning crack la the ground, stretching right acroos the stream at right angles to tbe banks, a foaming trough, quite narrow, of which tbe walla rose 400 feet above the aurface of the water. 1 TINTIC MINING DISTRICT fUlr- - NEW MOTEL ht John Telephone 1047k 1 To-Nig- First University Curriculum. Tbe first appearance of nnytblng approaching n university curriculum, said Prof. E. A. Gardner in an address at University 'college, London, oe-- curred in ancient Athens during Its most flourishing period. The ephe-b- l, were ns the undergraduates called, were organised on a military system. The university calendar waa published annually. It was Inscribed on marble slabs, and set up in tbe market place of the city. The slabs contained n complete list of the matriculated undergraduates of each year, and were documents of the highest importance, for nil the political and civil rights of an Athenian cltl-se- n depended upon the appearance of bis name on that register. i Beff T5 Telephone Company 'U ' |