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Show Fifteen Ward Meeting Huiise, Salt Lake Cry, recently. Misses JenAt the TH EMAILS a. Prom the North. Front the Sooth Ft on tbe South n. 10:40 1. m. 6:14 p. m. Local Briefs, K. M. Clark la hauling bay from Lay- ton. la able to be on bla feet again. , are here wire and William Kobinaon from Idaho. . Km! Smith Frank Wood returned from River but week L. P. Abbott returned from the SSth Inat E. A. Steed la a little better laat heard from. Gilbert Turner haa returned Bear River laat Monday. Bear Lucln nrt-of- f Mlaa tng . Laura Clark when from nie Rone anil Annie McDonald attended and took part as school girls in a character bail and were highly complimented for their representation. Last week, a weary transcicnt, thinking perhaps of the cold weather la store for him, scrcptltlously took possession of Clinton Stevensons overcoat, but Constable Robinson got his Argus eye around and began a search lor the culprit, but was relieved of further search on the tramp returning the coat. J. D Wood and Waller Hampton were hunting in Millers canyon on Thanksgiving Many are the tales of woe that are told of their mishaps during the day. Mr. Hampton laughingly refers to the horso rolling down the bill as If It were nothing unusual. However, to the mind of the tenderfoot, the event seems something more startling. a pent Thankagiv LITTLE SUSIE SMITH BURIED. at Porterville Little Susie Smith, the 9 year Id daughter of Mr. Jake Smith or laat week. Woods Cross, who died at a Salt Lake Mary & Clark spent Thankagtving hospital, was burled last Wednesday at Ogden with Mary Rich. at Centerville, the late home of the Mra. Ada Rlee la here from Idaho parents. The remains wtero brought up last Monday aud services held vialtlng relattvea and frienda. and were largely Wednesday Mlaa Flora Cottrell, who haa been RI. returned to achool Monday. chaa. Welling returned from Edward Ifcaa returned home from LI8T OF HOME MISSIONARIES Bear River for Thanksgiving. FOR 1905. Laat Sraday a aweet girl waa bora Centerville. to the wife of C'harUw Muagrove. Elbert E. Randall. John F. Smith. of Cedar City, vlalted Mary Clinton. Mr. and Mra. D. K. Cbaflln laat week. Lee W. Child. John T. Burnett. A new boy waa born at the home of Eaat Bountiful. Mr. ami Mra. L. E. Abbott on SaturAngus Smedley Henry Wood. day laaL Farmington. Frank Heee haa received a contract William 11. Wilcox. Fred Abbott to push the tunnel road through to Kaysville. Kajartlle. Frank Edmunds Ilyrum Stewart. Mr Mark Hess liaa bought a new Layton. residence, known heretofore aa the James M. Whiteside. "old Gtover place." Marian F. Adams. Bountiful. South Judge Hector W. Haight returned home from California where be baa Samuel 8. Howard. James T. Atkins, Jr. been for bla health. South Hooper. Calvin IX Mayfield of Rear River Fred. T. Flanders. David J. lalce. waa' here on Thankaglving to eat turWeber. 8outh key with the folka. M. Stark. Edmund Jenklnson Mlaa Nettle Rice who haa been at George Syracuse Boar River for aome time haa reD. Samuel Cook. Miller. Arnold turned home again. West Bountiful. Eben Robinaon of Salt Lake City, lanthus H. Barlow. Hyrunr O. rack. spent a very pleaaant Thankaglving West Layton. with relattvea In town. John T. Corbrldge. Frank L. Sheffield. Union meeting waa held la the Cth district achool house Sunday. Mlaa COMPELLED TO MOVE. Tubba stng a aong. CLASS WORKERS , nizuh ii f 2U to tho wise woman of V. ),! gathered at the Ladles hall, MEET. for departure n!:d, when the time ()t Saturday morning au Interentlng ladles found the that they were quartet ly niucting ot the Religious The Janitor, or some su-- ' priMiucrs. class workers and friends was held bad locked them In! iu the r.'.et-l'uhouso at which a large piTii.'.lural being, one of the party thought of tbe 'lint aud repre-tntatlCcrps of workers j and a game of "back-out- " from all parts of the stake were pres- windows, followed. The must nimble lady of ent. crawled through tbe winElder Samuel Howard was the first iln crowd, and there followed In dow first, speaker, giving directions as to the who frequently had ladies best method of conducting class work children not to climb their ctjiimu'leil for tho coming year. His talks were is whispered, however, that it functs. Interesting aud clear. A beautiful cirrol was sung by o:i Indy waited until the "man of Mieses Sllke Hampton, Jennie Turner, the keys, was notified of the mishap. and Chloe Lamb, entitled "Our Moun- Then, as In olden times, the prisoner within heard the rattle ot the keys tain Hume." and soon was in the open air, without, Ezra Tolman and Elders Judson as free as anybody. Richards spoke on the religious class work urging the bishops and people generally to take a keener interest in the work. It is the desire of the First A Presidency to make it a success aud It would be such. President Jan. 11. Grout was present and In the course or his remarks said: He knew By special arrangement! made with the where the work started that it was of We succeed. would God and publishers we make thie splendid propocertainly cannot afford to lose anv of our re- sition: three greet pipers for less than the ligious class workers and won't If the price of one. For $7 paid in advance we brethren and sisters will send their will send you for one year: the daily Salt children to bo taught. the Metropolitan MagaLake Telegram, "To the teachers. I would say put the Davie County or "Madame", zine, your whole heart into the work and success will crown our efforts. After Argus. The price of the Telegram alone a dismissal song adjournment was is f7 20 per annum. You get ft t for $7, taken lor three months. The Metropolitan ia ihe beat general An instrumental selection was giv- magazine published. You can not buy it en bv Miss Draper entitled A Dream except at 15c per copy. ''Madame" ia the of Heaven. best woman s magazine published. The Telegram is a leading evening daily between Denver and San Francisco. - Argos PRISONERS IN LADIES HALL. In tbe rush ot crowding events last is your home weekly paper. Thus for $7 tbe heat daily, tbe beat monthly week, the Argus failed to record a you get Send ia your orders accompublished. ludimost Interesting and also very $7 crous event, a number of ladies, panied by and we will start these three ranging in age from- the blushing great papers to you. j WW 1100 Pair of KJfIT jfJ and 3.50 approved Garments sold J aue-rwiu- n at Price SPLENDID OFFER. VY H- - H 1 1 11 HMSMNMMaMMBMaHMMMHMMHMMMMMBBMMMVI Tlieae garment are Lamb Knit, hand and borne made heavy weight. thing for winter. See the Goods; they will convince yon. All kinds of shoes and gent'a furnichings in stock. Jut the A WESTS MAIL 77-7- Chrlatenaen have returned from a pleaaant vialt to the Werld'a Fair K. D. WEST SOUTH TEHPLEST. 9 UTAH EDWflUD THOMAS FURNITURE 1 1 Baby Carriages, Wall Paper, Curtains, Polee, Trimmings, Coffins, Caskets, Undertaker's Trimmings, Stationery, Eto. CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE COME, A YEAR, AND WHEN IT DOES OLD SANTA CLAUS MAKES HIS REGULAR Mens Furnishings We have a complete line of Mens Furnishing. If yea want ahat, call and see ua; if you need a new pair of Shoes, Deseret Live. Stoek Co. we have the kind you want. OF GROCERIES. A UTAH BOUNTIFUL, CALLS ON THE FEW HOLIDAY OOODS ARE NOW IN AND MORE. Co. We alio have a FULL LINE We are agents for the Kcmmcrcr Coal . Our Lumber yard ia well-stocke- d. : ARE Compelled to Move In th Midst of a Sale-Ma- ny Turned Away. great many people called at Young A party waa held at the home of Bros, store at 38 Main street to make purNathan Clark Friday evening. They chases, but as the company was compelled had 4 very enjoyable time. to be moved by the lat of the month, they Andrew lima, Joseph Jamoa, Frank were unable to show goods satisfactorily, nor did they have time to wait on tbe Ifeaa, and Samuel Jiuuea roturnod public. from Blue Creek last week.They have concluded to extend the time Mra. Phoebe Peart and con, Joacph, of their sale for one week to enable those haa returned to Bear River, after a who were diaaappointed to aecre the instruments they desire, for while the pleaaant visit with relatives. T. F. Wilcox haa returned from ales have been enormous, there were who failed to make purchases who Promlntory Point, where he haa re- many desired to. cently taken up aome land. The new stock ia complete and sacrifice Amaaa Smith haa accepted a posi- price prevail. Sewing machines are offertion tiring on the O. 8. L. railway. He ed at $15,00; over 100 were sold in six days has bean to work for the past two Sheet music still ro cents; some of it ia weeks. worth 60 cents. Everything we have will be reduced for Aa Interesting meeting waa held at the home of Eugene Clark last week this short time, as we want to please you under what la called a "patriarchal and are anxious for you to see our new store. meeting." West Don't the new location, At ls- -t accounts. Mra. John Earl la First forget few doors west of 3 tbe Utah South, a at the danger point. On Saturday National Bank. her frienda began to lose hope of her recovery. t Thos. Sanders and Frank Baker, two local nlmroda, took a run to Clear laid on a rabbit hunt. They were FOR SALE 1 have a number of pigs reasonably successful. old enough to wean. Reasonable Just The Farmington ball team played prices. They are from good Polon China the North Farmington ball team at Blrkahtre and stock. T. F. Wilcox, score was The Lagoon Saturday. Farmington. 5 to 4 in favor of Farmington. Andrew. Hess, Willard Knowlton, Albert Dustin and Joseph and Sam James, are home from Bine Creek where they have been working for Brport ud to U neamtary mt Mata of lb But of Utah, of Un ntidlUno of Iba Pniifwai; Baak, Frank Hees. loeotad Hi Finalngtoa, lo Iho oantyo f Doth, The girls of the Theological class lataofof Utah,1 ot tho olooo of bodmm 00 tho loth 04. at the L. D. S. U., have been acting day Nor., Rxsouuoxa. aa missionaries, and have succeeded Loom mod Dtadunla ft,W M Stork, OrttAoUM, ate . . .. an 00 !b getting a number of young men to Boado, KaHnral Danko Duo M . . JRM Oooh and uk I loan na bond . M ,7 Sunday school MM us Ourroot 00 poo. 00 aad taioo paid The dance In the Opera house on . . iisyw SO Total LIAUIMTIKS. Thursday evening was a success soJA.tmo 00 Stork paid la cially and financially. A good crowd Oat-t. (.Tie M lladivtdad pniflto . lie 00 waa out. and all had a good tlmu. DiTtdaoUo unpaid 1 7 dapoaila Kittle Seeruit returned to Bear River Individual Safins Dnpartiaoal tatorool P I ptr Mai. 31, ITS Of Oaahlarl ckicki MWN taw week. - - - 1H,M0 10 Total Luelle Hughes gave a very sociable Mata of rtah, Ooaaly of Dado. 25. November The peoparty Friday, A. 1. dork, tain Oral daiy awora armfdlwf depawe oad aoyo that he lo caebnr el Ihe eberu ple present were Haxel Lamb, Mabel law, amad book; that tbit oboro and tnnuotaf npnrt the Smith, Roy Walker, Walter Hamp- eentalnoa fall. Urea aad norr.nl otataiaooi of thaaald bank atthedoao of toaotno ton and Mr. Smith. A very enjoyable rooditmaof in the bub dap of Korambor, MM. A. L. Cull, Cantor. time was had. Mnbtartbnd and rwora to bofnre m tbta IMh day 1MM. X. Kobibm, of I. Dnrwabor, Laat week tbe Mlssca Margarette mob Notary pabUo. Dnwtfeix Elizabeth. Rigby and' Eliza- Stata of Utah, Oat.ta of tho BMtotary of Mala: Josmo T. Haraood. amatory of Mala of tho I, beth DUerden. called un he office cat Mow ot Utah, da bwwby reruqr Iba the foNgutaf fbll true and normal anp) at tho naHtaatil of The mmpliment'waa highly appreciat- labo aboro i awad aoaraanr, now aa ! la a oflUw ed. for kfnee then, the cat has been bla SIM day of Mortis bar, 1PM. J. T. Hauunao, tr.SttrJifculi gMiJ'iiiuxl. . tntr.iai! of PUlf ORDER HOUSE SALT LAKE CITY 0 Mr. and Mra. they last tvh tie COMING DAILY. Hyrum Stetoart, KaysVille. A WOODS CROSS, UTAH. John Fisher - Keeps a pull Stoek of GenCUT THIS AD. OUT! hl He aella the beat Flour in Davis County and ita always on band. toa reduction in our ad., you may ha'tie 23 per Vtafo This ad., if brought to us, entitles the holder If you bring thu cant, reduction. Therefore, be wise, and do not forget to cut this ad. out and pnt it in your pnne. It meant a saving of 95 per ceut. on a Boys Suit. Just like cutting out a green back, isnt it? School Suits. J. C- - JamTSori'S BNKUPT We offer a Great Reduction In STOCK- - To Be Sold COST. muet make room for our new eupply of Suita. Honoe, In to order olear our ohelveo of the prooont stock, wo muot offer tho Suite at a better price. There le no need of going elaewhoro for Bargalne. Our prloee have not been marked high tomakethe reduction look larger. WE HAVE DEDUCTED 25 PER CENT. OF THE MARKED PRICE. We County Banfi ........ ... .... eral JVIerehandise. Bountiful Opera House Miscellaneous. Vault'S i BM-fwar- amr- Ng offers to Holiday Shoppers. Make your Flam Fundings now while BLUE RIBBON RAISINS ARB SELLING AT xo cents; and LEMON FEEL AT 17 cent. Extraordinary fntil Vecember School Suits go ' Trice . LooK. 15, at all our one-four- th at this SEE HERS Trice List, i - Any kind of Tea. Schillings Baking Powder, Shilling "Baking Fowder, 1 pound cant - xcc lb. 40c pound caps. 90c . 4 Pounds of Rice 4 - rounds Sago. aBoaesoseeaesMaecea aa a eaesaeaefeaeeeoeeceottaaeeaa 4 Pounds Tapiocca FARDDIfiGTOfl COmflQERCIAD 25c 95c 95c FKED BEFFETT, Cyanogen |