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Show COUNTY. ARGUS volume: i. dumber FARMINGTON, UTAH, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 12. Jeffries in a rev'val of "Davy Crockett. .What Jeffries will do to the role Special Jena Nelson left Saturday morning rendered famous by Frank Mayo is not known, but it goes without saying for a visit in Randolph. Utah. a pugilistic scene will be writThe mauy friends of J. M. Palmer that ten in some one or more of the acts will be pleased to know that he is on to suit Mr. Jeffries' particular histrionic attainment. the Improve. Davis ccunt) theatre goers may A son was born to Mr. and Mra. count ou being highly entertained at Chas. I. Hogan Thursday, November the Grand In this pie-- . "Davy Crock24. All well. ett is a name that interests all westerners Irrespective of what It may be A son came to the home of Jos. Ben-ne- t, novel, history or play. Sr., on Tuesday, November 22. All doing nirely. NOW FOR KAYSVILLE AND LAY-TOJens K. and Sylvan Nelson expect to leave Bountiful for Grantsville the A train of scrapers, and plows were first of the week. seen heading northward this morning Arthur Ilex of Randolph, who baa to the Rcene of (he railroad operations been visiting friends in Bountiful, reof the Lagoon read terminus. Mr. turned home Saturday. Frank Hers has been awarded the Ezra Benson and Miss Ruble Ellis contract for finishing the road to held tbe lucky numbers which drew Kaysvillrt and has a arge force of men the turkeys Thanksgiving night at the at work to get trains in operation bedance at Hales Hall. fore the snow flies. Mr. Bamberger Sterns Hatch, superintendent of states the work will be prosecuted vigthe D. L. S. Co., returned Friday from orously to get the road finished to the Grantsville, where he has been look- county line January 1st if possible. This will Include the towns of Lay-toing after the companys sheep. Tb-- j Syracuse, Roy, South llooper, beWood's Cross postofflee was sides KaysYllle and next year will be Installed in its new quarters Sunday Co. L. D. S. pusbeji into Ogden in time for Bumlast, just east of the mer our all ana of are tfatronage to tbe Lagoon. citizens store, proud the change. Animals Which Need No Water. Naturaiiete have discovered many CENTERVILLE. animals which seem to need no watSpecial Correspondence. Mr. Joseph Evans left for southern er or which drink only at rare intervals. .There Is a certain breed of gaUtah Sunday. zelles which never drink, and the There Is a great deal of whooping llamas of Patagonia live for years without taking water. There is a cough In town. class of cattle near Loscre. Emma Peterson is very 111 with particular In France, that rarely touches water, heart trouble. but In spite of this fact these cattle Luther Dalryimple is building a give milk of a rich quality, from which four-rooexcellent cheese is made. Many natcottage. have the theory that hares A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. uralists do not drink or that water Is not a Wiliam Whitaker Tuesday. necessity for them and that the dew Miss Millie Porter is homo from on tbe grass satisfies them. , Tooele spending a few days. There are a number of cases of whooping cough among the children WOODS CROSS KflVSVmiiE JiElUS "By Lee Uay Ior. The Argus Correspondent also receives subscriptions, and advertiaemcnta. if you know any news, tell him about it. D. B. Flock and wife returned to Salt Lake last week. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. Heber Colmcr on Friday. Samuel L. Jones, after Buffering for three weeks with typhoid, is improving. Tbe home of Orson M. Payne was made merry by a new arrival last week. Haight returned Thursday from a three weeks visit at Long Hector W. Beach, California. The Woodmen of the World will give an invitation hall in the Music hall on Friday evening. James Gardiner, distnet manager of the Bell Telephone company, returned tn Sunday from the Worlds Fair. . Mrs. Grande Raymond, who has been Buffering for some time with typhoid, Is at this writing, is a serious condition. Among the student r who spent Thanksgiving home were Fred Sheffield, Aggie Swan, Richard Robins and Ella Blamires. Levi Taylor, Georgo W. Cross, and William Varney were hunting at the mouth of Weber canyon on Thanksgiving day. They enjoyed a most successful hunt, having captured 42 ducks. John Bonnemort and son. Robert, went hunting on Weber river Thanksgiving day. Among the accidents of tbe day, the gentlemen lost the team and were compelled to walk home. However, they spent a most enjoyable day. ,40'Vdl BOUNTIFUL fiECUS. By Alma Hardy. The Argus Correspondent will receive subscriptions, and If yon have any news, ktndly give it to him. A SAD OCCURRENCE. A very sad affair happened in which a young mother follows her thre weeks' old baby to the great beyond. On the If th Inst, the home of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hart was made sad by the death of their Infant child of three weeks, and little waa expected that In less than one week that the gloom of sorrow would become more acute hy.Tha passing away, of th dear wife enu mother, which occurred on the 5tb. Mra. Pearl Bnrnn&m Hart was the daughter of Riley Burnham of South Bountiful, and was about twenty years of age, and highly respected by all who made her acquaintance, and deep sympathy goes out from the whole community toward the bereaved husband. What adds to the desolated family still more Is the recent death child, the youngest of the of the Burnham family, from reception given warrants the company to probably present the piece In various towns of the county this win- BREVITIES. Mr. Orson Day went up to his ranch In Idaho today. Mr. Alf Fletter left for hia home In Idaho Falls, Ida., today. Our principal, Riley Skeen, of the Layton schools, has gone home to nurse a bad cold. Wallace Cowley, a student at the A; C. U., Logan, Utah, la home for Thanksgiving vacation. Mr. W. W. Ramsey, our rustling blacksmith, has opened his shop again. Miss Lett! a Flint of the A. C. U.. Logan, who has been visiting her many friends, returned home tonlghL Mrs. Alfred Hender returned today from the hospital feeling much better. Her many friends hope she will soon have entirely recovered. Mrs. Snsan Whitesides left tonight tor Preston, Ida, to eat Thanksgiving dinner with her daughter. Mrs. Joshua Harris. A dance was given in the Farmers jnlon hell, which was crowded with oung people. Tbe new floor la a (Teat drawing card. Mr. Ed. Robins was taken to tbe ;'L Marks hospital, Salt Lake City, r from what Is sup-- I oaed to be blood poisoning. About 25 relatives and friends of tne A. C.U. football team went to ; ait Lake to wltneis the game be- veen the A. C. U. and U. of U. teams. Mra. Marlon Whitesides Hod son ar-- red from Blackfoot, Idaho, this even-1:.- ? to spend the holidays with her Mr. and Mrs, M. M. might-sufferin- . r'i-en- U. WILL BE ELSE THIS DEARER EVERYWHERE WINTER. PURCHASED OUR WHEN WE WE SUPPLY, BOUGHT AT THE OLD RATES, AND SHALL THEREFORE BE ABLE TO SELL AT GPEAT KAYSVILLE 'BlPGAIfrS CO-O- UTAH P weeks. Several little boys were arrested Saturday for breaking Into Moses Rock-.o- ds Hall. Cr r B own etumed from Beattie, W" h.. where h- - has been working for ' two years. Mr. and Mra. Elbert Randall are intending to locate In their grandmothers house, this winter. Mr. John and Jess Porter returned from Idaho Monday where they attended their brothers funeral. Elder T. J. Caprldr is released from his mission. He has been laboring in England for the pant two years. A very pleasant time was had at the surprise party given st the homo of Mrs. Harold Smith Saturday evening Mr. W. C. Cummings, who some time since got severely cut in a barbMessrs. John H and George Layton ed wire fence, 1r still confined to his returned home tonight after taking bed. In the World's Fair and visiting their Mr. Harry Uurgon Is to bo married brother, C W. Layton, at Thatcher, in the near future to a charming Arizona. A good time was had. young lady whose name will be given Mr. W. R. Adams and wife left for later. their home, Genoa, Nev, having stopConference of the Y. M. I. A. was ped off at Layton to visit their kin- held here Sunday. Brother and Sisfolk, Hyrum Adams and family, on ter Goddard from Salt Lake were the their way back from the World's Fair. speakers Wonder what has become of the A dance waa given in the Alberta Ladles club?' Come, Independent Two turkeys Wednesday evening. girls, get a move on you and get down were given away to tbe persons holdto business, the holidays are upon ns ing lucky numbers. There was also and we need some good old times as a prize waltz given. of yore. You girls know how to entertain. Give us a theatre, social, con8ALT LAKE ATTRACTIONS. cert anything to keep the club alive. At the Salt Lake Theatre Miss A party of nlmroda from Salt Lake Roberts appeared again and Florence tbe put in Thanksgiving day shooting old friends were In the audimany which of got they rabbits, frisky jack ence last night, and before the play quite a number. was over she had added many new friends to her long list The play BOY 8 WALLOW ED A BUTTON. chosen to open the engagement was This afternoon the little "Zaza and Is her favorite piece and M. F. Adams ion of Mr. and Mrs. she always makes a hit with that, swallowed a large button, sticking In Zaza will be followed by Its throat The little fellow could not especially Hope's Anthony charming play, "The eat its food until Mr. Adams took the Teas, child to Ogden and had Dr. Rich re- Adventures of Lady Ursula, and "Marta of the Lowlands. move the button. "The Adventures of Lady Ursula Is a comedy crowded with laugh proMR. GREEN BADLY CUT. While Mr. John Green and family voking Incidents, It tells a very pretty were returning home from Ogden love story and affords a chance for Mr. Green mistook a some good acting. The action occurs about 8 p. ditch for the ahadow of a telephone in England during the early part of pole, the horses Jumped the ditch tho eighteenth century, and gives an for some picturesque throwing tbo occupants out of the opportunity vehicle. Mr. Green received quite a stage settings and handsome bad gash on his head, requiring two stitches to close the wound, the rest Tbe Grand closed a successful week of the family narrowly escaped with a few scratches. The horses ran away on Saturday with "A Little Outcast." through the fields and one horse was The first half of tho week will be dark. On Thursday comes James J. oadly cut with the wire fence. -- r-- t s, eos-tume- s. jrfWISE MAN little now and then. All rich men say they never could have become wealthy if they had not. been careful in their expenditures. You lo not neceHarilly need a bank in order to save money. Tbe safest way is to buy your Winter Overcoat from Sheffield, the Kaysville Merchant. He saves you from 35 to 50 per cent. Hence, if you buys re AK5A&SKE8 to $6x0. That is, a $13.00 overfj.oo coat at Sheffield's, sella elsewhere at $15.00 to $18 00. la he JOHNSONS HOTEII ... -- LAYTON NEW8 NOTE8. Special Correspondence. HEAVY BLANKETS - ter. The members of tbe Bountiful Sliver band are preparing to put on a Tour act drama entitled "The Bank Cashier, of which more will be said here. In the near future. Elder Howard Streeper leaves for The home of David Fennlck la hla mission about the flrtcen of next quarantined for diphtheria, one of his . children having come down with the month. Mrs. out is Cleveland to able be disease. again after an 'illness of several THE CITY COUNCIL. The city council met on Wednesday evening, November 23rd. The spe-cla- y committee appointed to consider the granting r,f tb- - Mahler franchise made a roprrt. Councilman Willey reported favorably whi! Cruncllman Cook reported adversely. The reports were verbally given. The bridge 'cross Barton creek below Mra. Willeys, was reported in a bad condition. Tha street committee was authorized to replace it with a SCOUT OF THE PHILIPPINES. new one, sewer pipe being suggested On Saturday night the military as a substitute for the 'old. The following claims were allowed-Jame- s drama entitled the "Scout of tne PhilGreen, 123.05, for sewer pipe; ippines, was presented in the opera 3use bv members of the National Joseph Palmer, $7.25, for services as Guard, Company E, U. G. U., for ben- street supervisor. Adjourned to Deefit of the organization. The gratifying cember 14, 1904. 91.25 A YEAR 29, 1904 KAYSVILLE, UTAH COMMERCIAL MEN'S H. PARADISE. EVERYTHING NEW AND CLEAN REASONBLE RATES. d- - who save a SHEFFIELD, PRATT'S CANDY FOOD- - If you know ant thing about chickens, you know they must be beslthy to lay any eggs. And if you know Pratti Fond, you know it will keep the chickens healthy. Holbrook, the well-knoBarber of Bountiful carries a full stock of Sweets Iopniar Candy. Also a complete lint- - rf T. C. MERCHANDISE AND MEATS, GROCERIES, CANDIES, CIGARS . DRUGS, ANDPERFUMERY, PERFUMERY Look out for bis Xmas Open Sunilsys from 4.30 to 8,30 p. in. offers. BOUNTIFUL Kaysville L. H. Ooiatt UTAH Jhoes! Farmington 9 hoes! We have just received a new lot of Shoes. The order amounted to $300. and in- We have them in all sizes ; cludes all the latest styles of Ladies' and Gents' Shoe. We are pro-from the babies foot to the man who wears number tens. pared to suit the eye as well as the pocket Get your winter Shoes now ! CALL UHIS WEEK FOIL FI'RTT CHIOCE Babies Shoes' from 30c Children's Shoes from Misses Shoes from to $1. $1.23 S 23 to $1.50 to l.7J J.D. 4 carloads of Coal. If you want Rock Spring Coal, we have it before boinler eel in. laities' Shoe from Gents Shoes from $1.30 $1.30 to to $3.30 $4.00 CylFLOADS OF COIL UHB.EE Some time ago, we received 1 Each week, we shall have a new carload. the best Coal on the market. Order note 1 WOOD , F armington. -- P .VxS. ' !' ' ' . ns .? ; j dMPIl p-'- |