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Show T positions in the Nation, State, aud Church. Unity would increase in TUESDAY PUBLISHED EVERY all the arteries of county aud pubFariuin(toii, Utah lic institutions aud policies, smiling Publishers prosperity dawn uKin all tiring in D. P. FELT A. SON the county, with greater intensity D. P. FELT, EDITOR. than ever. VERNON FELT Manager. All great teachers from the Savior down to the present time have taught SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: that harmony and unity are the (In Advance.) greatest agencies to sucress that can One Year Any person or class of 75 be found. Six Months tries to get the better individuals that Three Months .50 some other man or faction, or of Application has teen made for Iran who is always fearful that he or they mixaiun through the mails as e are being imposed upon are a mail matter. to the well being of a communi- Nov. 99, 1904 ty. It does not matter whether perFARMINGTON, ' . .u sonally selfish or generally selfish, NORTH VS. SOUTH FACTIONS. the same result follows, and some one, or the community, is bound to In conversation with 1 gontlemsn suffer, and all brought down iu the of thia county, who lias lived here same maelstrom of despair, or at nil Ida life, we were told of n very least depressed to a uniform level. unfortunate condition that prevails in Xow may we not expect that as Davis county and has been for attention lias been called to tills matyears which has had a great tenter, that all may look to the cause of dency to destroy harmony among this effect and join in a move to relesome of the people in their commer-ria- l, gate this to the past? Let us pause social, and even ecclesiastical before the new year comes aud see relations, lie referred to the serious where resolutions can be formed ami divisions that have occured between this evil. Join in one effort the north and south ends of the remedy to make Davis county one big town county, in years past and even up to from Halt Lake to Ogden no facthe present time, to a great extent no discrimination 110 locality, This gentleman thinks that Farm- tion, because of our size, but only for ington, the county seat and middle merit and tho good of all in one ground of these fighting factions, is of great family. a serious sufferer in Davis County Argus- - --- --- sccond-rlos- a men-auc- ' - 1 consequence this ; that its life blood, and that of the entire eounty, is greatly impoverished by it Years ago, if we had have been united, the church academy that was established at Farmington, could have withstood the wmpetition of Ogden and Halt Lake City and today have been a well attended institution, throwing thous. suds of dollars Into circulation and launching hundreds of good, intelligent, energetic students, iulo the commercial and religious world. if we were united as a eounty instead of being divided into two big ends of a community with an attenuated center, we could have almost any klud of an enterprise established ; being at the county scat and radiat. iugto either end, containing many more ioeal iuduatrius thee. aro now ruuulug slid the entire county many fold more prosperous. This ugly division of sentiment is manifest to a greater or less extent in nearly every question ' Involving the people of the couuty. It is plainly seen in political conventions of both parties. It was seen years ago when the church authorities were disposed and anxious to establish one good ' church school in Davis county; two were built and both died of weakness brought 011 by internecine quarrelling as to its lo- Hurry up gentlemen, and make some definite move for an Experiment station. Davis county has the best clay in the state for the manufacture of pressed brick. Nearly every town in the state of the importance of Farmington has electric lights. Why not we? It will noted that the Halt Lake Horticultural society is moving for an auxiliary Experiment station. If Davis eounty does not move soon, get her fences in place, she will have no show on earth to get it established iu our eounty. Im Unless we get in on some of this Irrigation work that is being dono in the west, and Utah in particular, we will be left. No committeeman from Davis eounty waa appointed to attend the late congress at El Paso, Texas, aud no one seems to take any interest In the matter. Why not wake up to this important question? New York Tribune. BEETis understood to lie still Kuropatklii -the Japanese on. Presently ' luring Republican presidential electors and he may wish they were nut so easily at the sunie time, so to speak, on the lined, same ticket elect a Democrat as (lover- nor by a plurality of about 37.00U, Is u XI. Louis Star. isilltlcal phi nomenon which needs exIt is true that In 182 a The Chicago Inter Ocean asks: Are planation. Deiiiucruth Governor waa Hunien more honest than men?" Sure. when the state threw a plurality vote The former use genuine paint In tor Republican their cheeks. presidential electors. With all of Gov. Russell's great popuhail a vote larity, It is obvious that if New York Herald. been cunt for President Harrison in any degree similar l that which the as scientists contend, the moon If men people of Massachusetts cast 011 Tues- makes the hair grow, Roosevelt, there will have a valid excuse for staying day for President would have been not the least chalice out late these nights. of a local victory for the Democracy. One Is Just I tied, therefore, in saying Chicago Record-HeralIhut the conditions presented by this re unparalleled It Is now believed that the London phenomenal exierli-iicin the political history of this state. experts who, at the beginning of the war. said Port Arthur would fall within six weeks, didn't know any more Springfield Republican. about It thun was known by Cy harfor future Judge Parker's apeiil Springer and Jeff Wardls of Bost- atwill In Democratic the mony party Corners. tract attention, und many there be who will say amen. Rut, for th present. It Chicago Journal. Is doubtful If a full realisation of what hua happened has yet Ireen gained by Yes, Russia's little affair with Eng-llan- d will probaly distract attention cither the Democratic party or the whole people. from the way she Is being handled by the Japs if thut is what she was af- J to ion Herald. To have the state of Massachusetts' give a vote of neurly W.00U plurality for - ed V cul-urii- ig 11 that over 15.000.UU0 American Memphis Commercial Appeal. sovereigns have attended to the litof the United tle matter of selecting one uf their The next President number to sit at the head of the ta- flutes will he elected by the Indepenbic fur the next four years, we may dents. thut Is to say. by those who ure eusily spare the time to watch the not chained to any political party nnd movements of those other inonarchs who sit on thrones because their folks were born that way. We'll probably w suit to do a little trailing with them, now and then, and if they should go to swatting one another perhaps we shall be uble to step In and make peace among them. Magnlflclont Toy a. lo ThsProsoncs of tho Children flL if! . .the best interests of the country. rj"' Davis County Bank CAPITAL $25,000 Umi'EHR H. Class, Praaldant; - FARMIHGT0H, Bountiful Lumber 721 LUMBER as right. i Vhone 12-- 4- Bountiful, ad JOHN BARTON FUNERAL DIRECTOR The only lieoneed omholmor in the Conn tv. TTTTTfltHgmsgSlgH4.x.X-- . Alto Dealer in Furniture. Picture Frames, Wall Paper, Window Biass, Etc. KAYSVILLE, UTAH. STOVE (HEATHER Eight months of Stvoe Weather before yon. Going to use lota of Coal. The better your Stove the leas Coal you born. If yon have un old fashioned Stove, YOU ARB BURNING MONEY. One of our New Stoves will reduce your Cash bill one third. Mhat means one third less Coal tocairy; one third less attention; one third less ashes. A great deal more satisfaction. A little cash, and n little now and then. We make i specialty of Garland Range Heaters Stewart Ranges and Heaters BARfiES BACKING CO. ft 1 lsn. The best supply snd most complete stock of Building Supplies that esn be had in the county. Our prices are alwaja nt pt Building UTAH (Incorporated) FRESH AND CURED MEATS nt De- AND DIRECTORS; L. 8. Hills, A. L. Class, CaaMsr John Wajrman, Thomaa Stead, J, W. SaerM, Juba Waiab, Joaaph K. RoMaaon loan BONNEmORT & BLOOD water-providin- 1ST $73,000 end SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Saving partment Pays 4 per cent tnleresf Geo. H. Blood , Pueblo Chieftain. The most Interesting part of the eastern war situation Is not the siexe of cation. Each "big end" wanted it Port Arthur, which la rapidly tending t Deaton in there and when it was properly es- toward the aurrender ' of that redoubtafortress, and It Is not the battle tablished at the center and county ble that aeema preanxed by the close conseat, each "big cndM sulked ; each tact of the Immense armies that confront each other along the banka of the built one alone and both failed. Shakhe river. The chief Interest of the otophone Ho. 5 Kaytville, Utah Does it not seem to the average war Ilea In the possibility of bringing It to a close by means of negotiations citizen that tills spirit rather charac. that will not only stop the wholesale slaughter of the soldtera of the mikado tcrir.es all public couuty business, and the esar. but will tend to make all wars more unlikely In the future.'-and enterprises to some extent? X JOHN R. BARNES, President We believe if these little differences R. W. BARNES, Cashier Chicago Record-HeralL. IS. 1IILLS, R. GAILEY, Asa't Cashier J. could be buried and a united pull announcement that laird for the interest of I ho entire comity, England will heartily participate In the new peace congress called by President irrespective of locality, could be In Roosevelt and his strung words that an experiment praise or the arbitration treatrlea which KAYSVILLE, UTAH nations of the earth are arfarm could be secured ; an auxiliary the greatone with another were things ranging CAPITAL to hear In this year of feurful SURPLUS AND PROFITS $35,000 X $25,000 sugar plant built; large agiicultural good battles. Nevertheless. It would be by X end fruit interests amalgsinatcd into no means aafe to assume that England P1HRCTOKS; mss a BABssK, lt; now contemplating any actual atepa a . umt b anas, rsns imm mm, WILLIAM SLOlie, county societies; canning factories trward intervention between Japan SAMBA I. 1 A AXIS. I. . M. BASSBl iBlwxxt paid ns Tims Papnalfe, Ws bars Money to loan ns flood Security. bmfia aud evaporators in each town built und Russia. old psyaMa anyubara In the world. limp Ynur haHnona anileUrd. NOTARY PimiJU IN BANK and thereby save the surplus fruit ; New York Evening Mall. There la every reason to believe that dairy milk stations witii separators, aud all the paraphernalia for the Russia and Japan will have to fight their war somewhat nearer to a finish saving and manufacture of our dairy before arbitration or mediation will avail to settle it. The utmost that the products, into cheese and butter. United States can do at present toward Iteservoirs, canals, artesian wells, suggesting peace Is to hand an. ms the and other representative of Japan, agencies, diplomatic tentative any suggestion, as to the accould be constructed that would help ceptance of good otltces from any quarter, which either power may he willing every citizen of tho county. Kncour-sgemeto make. This would he In no sense to establish home industries whatever an Intrusion. There Is no reason to suppose that our governwould prevail and thus keep our girls ment will commit the error of suggesting any terms of peace. It will merely and boys here. Electric lights would stand ready to be the medium of any direct or Indirect, that overtures, glimmer in every village in the coun- either party may wish to make. ty ; water works would be instituted New York World. In til our large towns, beautiful Great as Mr. Roosevelt's majority in aud homes would be )ans. gardens the Electoral College is. It Is by no the rule rather than the exception means unprecedented. In 1X20 James ricau, well-keroads, streets, and, Monroe received 381 electoral votea to cast for John Qulnry Adams, a ditches would be seen in all parts of one majority of 250. in 1X40 William Henry Harrison received 234 votea to 60 for the county ; more and larger, airy, Martin Yan Ruren, a majority of 174. and well -- ventilated school buildings In ISM Franklin Pierce received 254 votes to 42 for Wlnlteld Scott, a majorfrom which would come more bright ity of 212. In 1864 Abraham Lincoln re. and intelligent children to take relveil 312 votea to 21 for George II. McClellan, a majority of 11. In the courses in the High School, Acad- election of 1872 Grant received 2X6 votes, while 60 Greeley electors were chosen emics. and Universities, and would whose votes were divided when the colUler be tailed upon to till important lege met. by reason of Greeley's death, Grant's majority being 206. DEPOSITS OCT. COMMERCIAL nd Hick Bonnemort Exhibit of Christmas Requested. It will bo a Nig Day. who vote for what they conceive to be Chicago Inter Ocean. Thera Is no reuson why Toklo should be the tlrat large city to hear of the fall of lort Arthur, even though she Is perhaps more anxious to hear of It than nny other. At present there ltoston Transcript. seems to be no reason why Toklo That there will always tie an opposi- should ever hear of It. An tion may be taken for granted. opposition Is essential to the success of free Institutions. In the country the Springfield Republican. existence of State sovereignties conHawaii has un area uf about 6,000 national with authority temporary miles of land.and a population of makes the play of centriiicial and cen- square irsl.uuo, but the little Island group can trifugal forces Inevitable. Hnd therein Warily accommodate 1,000,000 emnes opposition. Rut there nre sev- says an editor of the Hawaiian people, The Star, who Is in the States urgingDally eral ways In which to oppose. an beter way is fn offer an alternative bmlgrallon to the archipelago. Someanto than rather policy, perpetually how or other these oversea acquisitions tagonise developments that arise from of ours are not Ailing up with Amerithe Instincts of national life. The cans to anything like the extent which Democratic party needs to seek new Is- had been Emigration has to sues which do not aim at overturning be urged, expected. nnd it does not move. a hat the national sentiment makes ac- One trouble Is then we have a pretty that Is It cepted results. biully defeated sparrely settled territory here at home It Is more on ever than now; dependent ..to take care of. one sertlon for Its representation In public life, but It Is by no means mnrl-bouMcClure's. as yet. all other oppositions. it can live for a long time on the If you have never taught school you hope that If the majority breomea dis- probably Imagine that the most Imporsatisfied with its lenders It will avail tant problems in education consist In Itself of the machinery of the opposithe solution of such questions as the retion to expel them from power. lation of the state to the schools, the secularisation of the schools and the application of correct principle! In the New York Times. A victory thus won has Its visible .Instruction to the development of the child. I did, once. Then 1 began to A President chosen perils. by this unconscionable vote has need of mure teach. At the end of a year I knew an thun ordinary strength and equlpune that the problem, the to resist the temptations problem, was the natural to such an Indication of popular confi- parent." Weekly, sometimes dally, waa dence. We hope Mr. Roosevelt will my Ingenuity taxed to Its utmost to bear In mind that the great vote which meet, and If possible vanquish, the inhas come to him from outside his par- different parent, the Inconsiderate parfona ty. being easily detachable, cannot be ent, the meddlesome parent, the counted upon to stand by him for all iwrent, the proud parent, the troublesome Igthe the Irate parent, parent, policies or In all contingencies. norant parent, and the enlightened patent, but in the end the parent prevailed. Kansas City Star. The country will make a mistake If It Sun Francisco Chronlcls. v attempt to Ignore the extraordinary Mexico has a way of its own of strength of the Roelallst vote In Illinois. reIn Chicago alone Debs received dealing with locomotive as many votes as were cast In Kansas sponsible for collisions in engineers which huma.i City on Tuesday for all candidates. In life Is sacrificed. Last spring a collithe state he received hnlf ns many bal- sion occurred on one of the railways In lots as were cast for Parker. There which several lives were lost RecentIs only one Inferenre from such a showly the engineer of one of the trains who are ing. Many people evidently los- was held responsible for the collision ing hope of correcting abuses unde: was sentenced to four years' imprisonthe prespnt Industrial ayatem, and ment. In California train hands reare ready to go to the extreme ofthey sosponsible for similar accidents on tho cial revolution in order to remedy ex- rail escape by being simply discharged isting evils. from the company's service. Tres s Comments. Kolth-OSrlfl- UHEBE WILL B JtO SUCH SHOWING OF Toy'S IfV ALL uhe wesu ter. Times. I Am Angeles 3. Opening Saturday of d. Now 1 op J e V SAJVTA CLA VS bald-head- e 1 B OVJf&IFVL P U i. & Mi IF I 21 CO-O- P DAVIS COUNTY NURSERIES LOCATED AT CENTERVILLE AND ROt We grow a full line of Fruit, Shade, and amental Trees.' Orn- Get S our prices before you buy. We will give you II good i j:g d t stock and fair treatment HARNESS, SIX & GO, Address all communicstious to SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. |