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Show rw w Once Upon a Tima. Watch Moon for Omens. The Dutch farmers of Rowan county are among North Carolina's most prosperous urn) most Interesting people; they live well, save money and Improve In every way. Thrift la a virtue with them. They are great believers In signs and old saying; they do things by the moon. Before building a worm fence the Dutch always watch the moon, says the Charlotte, N. C.. Observer; It must be right or the fence will sink Into the ground. The bottom rail must be put down when the little moon la turned up, so that it will not sink Into the ground- - Hrord I once my uld nurse Stories by ill flra at ulijlit. about uly, brurded alania Till I alilvem In uffrlglii; Then her vulr came from a distance From a drowsy, far-odim. Echidna the sweet uld cadence Once upon a time." AH ff IWd I once a golden story Of King Arthurs wunder Launcelut and Uulncveiv. cuurt. All the knights of brave rruirt: amidst tlis loving. haliiiK. lut Still 1 heard the Insistent chime Like a cuckoo cluck, repeutina, One upon a time." WJI1 our lives when we have lived them Seem like stories we hare reudT Btorlss which our nurses told us H snug In bed. they swm us vague us drennis All thu days we thought sublime? are. Snail we hear the faint, luw whinner ' Once upon u time"? When tlie earth and day and sunlight Crayly fade away: When the years that we have lived here Beeui like one brief Shall we hour again atday twilight Echo of our nurse's rhyme, "Hers you lived and loved and labored Once upon a lime? Clifford Chase In Leslie's Monthly. ly Destruction of Egga. Millions of are destroyed In England etery ymr simply In order keep thu prices up. When the eggs coming in too fast from abroad a glut iu the market Is threatened, it Is the practice to break open case after case and deliberately smash the contents with a stick. Thousands of cases, too. are thrown overboard at sea. and one way or another It Is no uncommon thing for half a million foreign eggs to be destroyed In a week. London Mail. ALEXANDER McM ASTER, ATT0tHEI-T-- OMf: Stnrti Iwi I. Mr SALT LARK CITY, UTAH. Matin miliali Surgery-- DR. I. THOMAS I'lullp Maynwk, w DENTIST THOMAS AND MAYCOCK LAWYERS Suite zoi-3-- 5 bandy Prcbato and Guardianship Notices- Home Thom. Urun-i- bit of home surgery, stated to Consult County Clerk of Davis county. have been practiced when a splinter Utah, or the Respective Signers for Is driven into a child's hand particufurther information. L "m Salt Laki City 36 S. Maim Sr. Deseret News Building In all Slat atlm-nay- r Cu. o( Fedsrai Court Sir Amerii-a- Kw York. CHAHDES KEJiT LAGOON ROAD" TEACHER OF MUSIC. die UK I, XtiMbw Mil, 1101 larly deep, is Its extraction by steam, Kant A IHtiley, Salt Lake and Ogden Railmay. . uc Ui1pj A Hunt, iu wlurhemr one nf you that alnaa "When tha Kim Blonm Again. says the Brooklyn Times. A bottle Dear air: with a sufficiently wide mouth la 1 ham heard NOTICE TO CREDITORS. y.uaiiglha alnira Iwuiliful andaflacUng auog fwraral tlmaa daring lha waak al Time Table in effect Sept. 6, 1904. "Tbr Haymarkat. ami ha lukui nuiulmr uf friend, ladMa and ganilaiaan, raSnad and cnaipatenl filled with very hot water, TUIS SKCOSU JUDICIAL COURT, IK AND In judgM ef what - amid ngiiig tyii, mat hod, phraalng, ate., and all ray yuar ran dating ol lha anng and the mouth of the bottle la placed Full THE COUNTY Or DAVIS, STATE OF la a UHKAT Ml'MCal. TllV.AT. I bar livard my many aiogara la ay lima. halladMa, and haa raraly baaa aSatted an under the injured spot. The auction UTAU. atari, mlnaimla of all gnulea. pmfenMnnal and unpmfwi-luna- l, Leave Salt Lake 6:30 and 9 a. 111., 3 30 Idaaaaiitly aa wbru Whan lha Uliana Again. King, you hearing In tlur mutter u( it, btoit of K. polls in Orovar, ALT FR NEW-BORdraws the flesh down when a little BABE8. Winking you gmd luck and ir.j parity, I am y air truly, and 5.30 p. UL reared. Kot e hi Crvdltm. JASV1S ULl'ME. pressure Is used, and the steam In a C'rMlllun will iiwnt claims with Ton bur to Leave Ik ul Farmington and Lagoon 7:30 and 536 Constitution Building, SALT LAKE Cl TV, CTA. Xw Building, Many Mothers Bellsvs it Wall to moment or two extracts Inflammation BullluiilerniKiied Luka City, L' lull, ,ui or bufcira Uw Shthdayuf 10 a. m., 4:30 and 6:30 p. m. and splinter together. This la very Fabrnary, 8prlnkls the Infanta. A. D. I'JU. The remarkable custom of saltlnc efflcaclotiB when the offending subAktsvi K. Onortn, Extra trains at 1 1 a. m. and 1:30 p.m. ul ihr wun ot Kupnlenu Urumr, new-bor- n babies fa still practiced In stance has been in for several hours, Admlnlatrutiir (teveared. on Sundays and Holiday. certain parts of Europe and Asia. long enough to have started some of Tmiuu hd MiiOiX-i- , ! lor AduilulHmtor. AtLururyr its evil consequences. The method varies with the differing Date o." Are pu bUeatl.m Oot. li, A. II. ML A. D. PIERSON, Gen'l Pass. Agt. nationalities of the people using It Incorporated I B. BEAN, Excursion Tiie Armenians of Russia cover the Agt. World' Supply of Cork. Office ibi Main Street entire skin of the Infant with a very Seventy-firfine aalt. This la left on the baby for years ago Italy supplied three hours or more, and then washed nearly all the cork used in England, off with warm water. A mountain but the Italian supply has fallen off AV.V&'.VAV.V.V.V. The only place in Farmington tribe In Asia Minor la even more greatly of late years. In some provwhere the travelling man stops. merciless than the Armntlana. They inces the trees have been cut down John H. White, Manager Telephone 3047k ij babies covered for charcoal and In others they have FARMING f ON keep their new-bor- n UTAH. with salt for twenty-fou- r hours. The been felled on account of their high 266 Ncrth Second West AT THE modern Greeks sprinkle their babies potash values. Cbrk trees easily UTAH LAKE CITY, with salt; and even In some parts of reach the age of 200 years. They In cork their thirtieth year and Germany aalt la still used on a child yield at hlrth. The mothers Imagine that continue to do so every-seveyears. Abstracter of Title this will give children health and A new process has been discovered and Conveyancer. which large pieces of cork can strength and keep evil spirits away by TWO Immense Swimming Pools be made out of small ones and this Licensed Abstractor of Davis County. (rpm them. TUB BATHS and PRIVATE has given a great Impetus to the cork NOTARY PUBLIC. San Pedro Los Angeles & SaltHake II. R Industry. The price of cork Is going PLUNGES. up steadily, both on account of the Office up stairs, Farmington C. &M. Bid Natural Hot Snlplmr Water. New and Powerful Combustible. Increasing demand and the decreasUTAH. FARMINGTON, raises Through the Famous TURKISH BATHS OUR SPEA new form of combustible, known ing supply of the raw material. oamon, haa been produced .In CIALTY. Europe from raw peat. Of the 90 per Saturate Tnrklah Batlu I ur Ladle. Ilalr--d cent water which the peat contains, Selected Appropriate Text. mating aud Manicuring arlnr. from SO to 25 per cent le eliminated Comprising Eureka, Mammoth and Silver City, auo Mining Di- :: There Is a church In one of our an a of boasts electric which A very by strict or Ophir, Fairfifld, Mercuk, Black Rock, Milford direct cur- large cities process. A short time ago a rent la passed through tbe mass of high pulpit. and Faiaco in Utah, and the Piochx, DkLamar and Cal-fint- e 52-5- 4 W. 3RD SO. ST. j the peat, contained In a suitable tank. strange preacher who was of a nervMining Districts in Nevada. Under the action of the current tbe ous temperament, "occupied this pulSalt Lake City, Utah link batsera Callrnte, Kamils and Dagger!, Tlia of tha rompInUna connecting water collects at the negative pole and pit, but. as the sequel will show, only SALT LAKE CITYS Callbirnte mil opes one of thn bigg Hat nndamlofiad mining dlatrtete In tha weak SWSVWV.V i'iV.W.W.VSV flows out by openings in tbe side of for a very short time, for, having takFall Information regarding train asrvlcn, atega eosnsrUnii to Interior ermpa, sto., the vessel. In carrying out the en his text and said about a dozen chsarfully (Inn by any agent of TUX SALT LAKE ROUTE, nr add rare. process the Investors use from ten to words, he startled tbe congregation B. W. GILLETT, T. C. PECK, DON rOUTEll J. L. MOORE twelve kilowatt-hour- s a cubic yard of by saying: "Aa I am not used to pulraw material. The process lasts aboyt. pits as high aa this you will pardon Dint. Past. Agt. Gent. Paaa. Agt. Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt. an hour and a half. The electrically me, I know. If I come down and treated peat Is then dried In the ordi- preach my sermon lrom the lectern. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. nary way and reduced to smaller He suited his action to the words and piece in a crusher. It la delivered to preached a very good sermon from the . LUMP the trade In the form of balls or bri- modest lectern. And this was his ANUTt quettes. The heating power of the strangely appropriate text: "He that product la considerable. No trace of exalteth himself shall be abused, and Have made arrangement! sulphur la found, and it does not he that humbleth himself shall be whereby I can furnish and amoks or leave much cinder. Sciendeliver Nut and Lump coal tific American. promptly. Give me a trial order. I will endeavor to Indian Stringent Etiquette. please you. 'Phone 16-- n. In India a letter sent to a native OLD TIME POLITICAL CAMPAIGN. E. L. WILLEY, prince la often a very elaborate afOSc and Yard, Candidate's Pleasures In a Great Way fair. The paper la specially made for 1m ImC grgrt the purpose and la sprinkled with gold Compensated for Lahore. Utah 1 Bountiful, In tbe letters of William Cowper, leaf. Only the last few lines of the the poet, la an interesting description somewhat lengthy document contain of some political cam- the purport of the letter, while the repaign tactics In England: "We were mainder Is made up of the usual and complimentary ittlng yesterday after dinner, the two roundabout It Is folded in a peculiar Indies and myself, very composedly, phrases. and without the least apprehension of way, with the flaps outward, and any such Intrusion In our sung parlor, placed in a muslin bag, and this latter one lady knitting, the other netting, Into one of crimson and gold tint, and the gentleman winding worsted, with a slip knot of gold thread, atwhen to our unspeakable surprise a tached to which Is a ponderous seal. DF mob appeared before the window; a Thn address, written on a slip of smart rap was heard at the door, the parchment, is attached to the outside boys hslood, and the ma'd announced bog. These details are very ImporMr. Grenville. Puss one of the tame tant for polite letter writing In India, bares was unfortunately let out of and if any one of them were omitted her box, so that the candidate, with It would be an Insult to the person This work is now being published nil hla good friends at bis heels, was addressed. refused admittance at the grand enby The Deseret News in a aeries of magnificent volumes, in comtry, and referred to the backdoor as Boanli-fu- l. WAS COMPELLED TO OBEY. the only possible way of approach. In plete form, with an Introduction a minute the yard, the kitchen and to each volume and numerous tbe parlor were filled. Mr. Grenville, Authentic Instance of Submission of notes which render it still more Will. to Weaker Stronger advancing toward me, shook me by valuable. Volumes I, II and III ImAn extraordinary story of the the hand with a degree of cordiality are now ready. that waa extremely sedueing. When position of one will upon another waa the conference ended, Mr. Grenville told before the psychological section PRICES squeezed my hand again, kissed the of the British Medical association at 1.50 per vol. Cloth, ladles and withdrew. He kissed like- Oxford recently. Dr. Eldrldge-Gree- n If 2.50 per vol. cloth, aid that he was talking with a pawise the maid In the kitchen and Half morocco 2.50 per vol. seemed upon the whole a most loving, tient on the subject of hypnotism. The patient, a lady of more than averkissing, gentleman. Full morocco 4.00 per vol. age force of character, said she defied any man to send her to sleep and DESERET HEWS BOOK STORE I told make her do aa he wished. ONE OP SHERIDAN'S TRICKS. ' SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. her it was not necessary to send her aulii to and the added, doctor, sleep, Joke Played on Creditor by Famous 'You will wake at 6 oclock Wit Waa Appreciated. It la related of Richard Brinsley morning and will send me a postcard own wishes to say no.' I Sheridan, tbe dramatist and states- despite your It was somewhat that got postcard. had he in debt, man, that, always to effect: 'I have been trying not among hla creditors the brothers Cha-li- to this write to you, but I did wake at 6.' who were the partners In a wine was he Arm In 1775. One day when giving a dinner party to some dis- VEGETATION THAT WILL LAST tinguished people Sheridan sent for 1ST. one of the brothers, told him be was Scientists See Long Future Before Innow able to settle hla account tnd Foreata of South America. vited him to the dinner party, asking to some astronomers the According him to come before the hour for some on the planet Mars patches greenish arrived Chalie conversation. private woodland Indicate regions and the In tbe no sooner waa early and he house than Sheridan sent off ft serv- traveler Wartegg predicts that centurant with a note to the clerk desiring ies after the rest of this earth haa become aa barren aa the mountains of him, ns Mr. Chnlle was favoring him with hla company, to send as soon aa the moon Martian astronomers will till distinguish here brought green possible three dozen of Burgundy, two doxen of claret and two dozen of spots of considerable extent near the east coast of South America. Tbe forport with a doxen of old hock. The ests of the Amazon valley, he thlnkr, with sent the clerk wine, unsuspecting Out of door work a Specialty. Por which the guests were so pleased that are practically extermination proof. An shrubs of 1,000 rank trees, traits made on cloudy day as well they asked where it came from. Sheri- and average acre of cover every creepers "I said: dan, turning toward Chalie. as on clear days. Call and see our am Indebted to my friend here for all ground and a years neglect la enough most of the our samples. Prices low ; good work the wine you have tasted, and am al- to obliterate all traces A film of sponK thorough clearing. ways proud to recommend him. known. waa not until the following morning taneous vegetation soon covers the de- promptness and shoot trees the serted field, meanup double the that Chalie realized sylvan deities resume their ancient ing in Sheridan words. Tbe debt sway. UTAH BOUNTIFUL, was canceled. Sm two-tklri- ls npsr-aU- aul-Z-- lM-er- et WHITES DRESSED MEAT CO. e ROBINSON WE ARE BUYERS OF FAT CATTLE. HOUSE SHEEP AND j Gel J. in HOGS. tbe Swim E. ROBINSON. I SANITARIUM I TINTIC MINING DISTRICT I j EW HOTEL &e trgxis ts not an experiment; it is t COAL here to stay "r. HISTORY THE CHURCH Calls to Salt hake from Centerville, and Farmington tO CENTS From Bountiful, Centerville and Farmington to Ogden kind-hearte- d 15 CENTS From llaysville to Salt bake e, RLiCDfl HARDY Landscape ai;d Portrait 15 CENTS From KaysVille to Ogden 15 CENTS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER RocKy Mountain Ben Telephone Company- - Mmmmmz i- |