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Show THEM AILS From the North From the South From the South m. 10:40 a. m. 6:14 p. in. .801 . UOCMi BRIEFS. A"m' ' 1 ' Thomu F. Wilcox la now at An Knjoyable evening. the home of Mrs. J. M. Tanner, a social was given last Friday evening. Luncheon was served and a must enjoyable time was bad. Tbe following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B, Clark. Mrs. Lucy A. Clark; the Misses At c --- Promon- tory. Ida Turner will upend Thanksgiving In Logan. Mrs. Letts Bradley returned to Park City last week. Mrs. Judis Wilcox has gone to South :n Ut'h to visit her son. Lenard ft Meadows made their final shipment of beets lost week. George Clark of Garland shook hands with old frhnds last week. you need Even If you are well-breOviait. H. L. on Call more bread. Jessie Turner of Bear River, and Effle Kllfoll, of Kaysvllle, will be married here on Thanksgiving. Lottie Udy and Henry Secrlst were marrleu last Wednesday. Wallace Williams, sou of J. T. Williams, has diphtheria. L'lllan Secrlst la improving rapidly. Some time ago she was suffering with typhoid. Get a Jar of Menthelatum for your cold. It never falls of cure. 1 H. Oviatt. Gecrge Smith, oldest son of James T. Smith, returned to Idaho on Monday. The yellow flag has been taken from the homes of Mrs. L. C. Brown and Joseph Miller. During this week, we are giving even bars of Swifts Pride" for 26c. L. H. Oviatt. Nellie Sanders Is now attending school In Salt Lake, hating registered St the Oaker. George Abbott of the S. Y. C., Logan, and Jed Abbott of Bear River, wore In town last Sunday. Ethdine White, daughter of John White, Jr was seen In a buggy last week, hating succeasful withstood an attack of diphtheria. Fred Smith Is stewly Improving. The danger point has been passed, and he Is how at the mile stone marked "Recuperation." Mrs. Eugene Clark, Mr. aud Mrs. A. L Clark, Mrs. Luck A. Clark; the Misses James Stevenson Is having his fence painted. Ills son, Frank, Is superintending the work, and has shown good Judgment in the choice of color, hating successfully brought the fence and the houxe In harmony with each other. In order to show her appreciation for the kindness shown her by the people at Farm'ngton, Mrs. Lucy A. Clark, just before resigning from the employ of Uncle Sam, has decided to rut dress patterns for any lady who wishes her to do so. Mrs. Clark has been treated with marked kindness by all in Farmington, and feels that she cannot better morn the compliment than to thus accommodate the ladles. Measure English Sunshine. gj iimliim- - Is so rare in England that takes great rare to the sovernment 1100 Tab of K.NIT 3 and ap proved Garments sold The official summing up for 1"3 as regards sunshine shows that all dUirlcta in the British Isles, with one exception, fell short of the average. The exception was England Including Manchester, that uurthwf-st- , curiously had an excess of sunny hours. In Scotland north, west an I cast the deficit was eighty-onhours and 131 hours. hours, forty-eigand east were northeast England short by 107 hours and 119 hours. In England south and southwest hours and ihe deficit was sixty-eigh- t The Midlands were behind 11 j hours. hours. In Ireland by ninety-eigh- t north and south the shortage was hours and 118 hours. Comcigbty-onin the English chan-n-il islands the monly lave a large share of sunshine, hut last year they. were 125 sunny hours short. Djiu-oir- It. e fifty-seve- n Hazel Knowlton, Mary Millard, Myrtle Salt Lake Attractions Thia Week. Steed, Laura Clark, Clara Knowlton. The Balt Lake Theatre la in gala atand Annie Palmer. tire this week with Glittering Gloria" for tonight, Ban Toy for Wednesday and Thursday, with Thanksgiving matiSunday School Social. Last Saturday evening the Sunday nee, and on Krl-laand Haturday a school teachers gathered at the Ladies Chinese Honeymoon'' each presentaball and spent n very pleasant even- tion Is filled with the very best talent ing. A program was rendered, consist- that is to he found to the country. ing of songs, reading, etc. Among those Manager Pypef takes none but tbe best on the program were Archie Brown, to be had, and this weeks attractions who sang; Alpl Cotterell, recitation; are the best that 8all Lake has Been and Flora Walker, Instrumental selec- for some time of the light opera, tion. Luncheon was served, which Inspectacular order. cluded Ice cream, cake and sandwiches. At tbe Grand they begin ihe week's aiqusement cn Thursday aflernouu, matinee and every night the remainBUSINESS NOTES. der of the week, with A Little OutCo-ola out with a The Kaysvllle cast, a return visit. Every one renew advertisement that will pay each members the sensational story of this person $10 If they will follow Its play. Its Chinese restaurant with Its gorgeous oriental draperies, the duel advice. scene In the waves, the tftalistlc IncomII. J. Sbefleld. the Kaysvllle mer- ing of the tide, and the rescue of the chant. has a new ad. this week telling fighters by the police. I he part of Boh, He sells the newsboy, will be filled by Dolly about his holiday fruits. No doubt big crowds will fill the best seeded raisins at 10c pound Dupree. seats for the entire engageits popular and all other fruits In proportion. ment. J. D. Wood cf Farmington has a shoe a large sale on, having purchased His Chanecs Wsrs Good. Is A young graduate In law who had prepared to sur consignment he prise you wlih his prices look pp some experience in New York City wrote to a prominent practitioner In his add. The Farmington Commercial haa a Arkansas to inquire what chance there waa in that section for cuch a fall sale of school suits for boys that one aa he described himself to be. should be an Inducement for each He said: I am a Republican in polianTheir parent In the county. tics and an honest young lawyer." nouncement Is In the advertising The reply that came seemed encourIf you are a aging In Its interest: pages. laws here will the game Republican the Last week tbe Argus stated protect you, and if you are an honest Bountiful Cop had sold a store In lawyer you will have no competition." Balt Lake on account of their Hot air story. It should have read a stove." See what they hae to say. No need to look to' Salt Lake for bargains. See what your local stores have to offer. They have no high rent to pay; salaries are low and profits close end are represented In the Argus advertising page. e at Trice 2 e Miscellaneous. tvbile they fast p Special Comapnndrnrs. LAYTON. Nov. 10. Lay-ton'- LAYTON FOR SALE I have a number of pigs just old enough to Wean. Reasonable prices. 1 hoy are lrom good Polon China anil Blrkshire stock. .T. F. Wilcox, Farmington. FOR SALE A thoroughbred Shorthorn bull, age 4 years. Apply to t Isaac Sears. Salt Lake City. A small farm A FARM WANTED from 2 to 5 acres with 4 room house, etc. Address, Frank EUls, 127 W. South Temple, Salt Lake City. Give full particulars. l y These garments are Lamb Knit, hand and home made heavy weight. Just the thing for winter. See the Goods; they will convince you. All kinds of shoes and gent's furfiishings in stock. WESTS MAIL ORDER ROUSE 2-- 77-7- UTAH Hick Bonnemort Geo. H. Blood CANDY n Barber of Holbrook, the Bountiful, carries a full stock of Service's Popular Candy, also a complete line of PERFUMERY. Look out for hia Xmas offer. Open Sundays from 4:30108:30 I C. Holbrook P. M. BOUNTIFUL Utah I, C. s, well-know- BONNECnORT & BLOOD FRESH AND CURED MEATS Telephone Ho. e Opening Saturday of Magnlflclent Exhibit of Chfrlatmas Keith-OBrien- : la BRIEFS. Beet shipments will probably cease at the end of the week. John O'Brien and family are down from Teton, Idaho, to spend the win- ter. Mina Tlllle Green has been appointed Librarian of the Y. L. M. 1. A. of East Layton. Mrs. Alfred Bender, who Is lx tbe Ogden hospital, having had to undergo an operation, Is progressing nicely. Mr. Wm. Lavender has Just finished painting his meat market, which great ly improves the appearance of the building. Mr. L. 8. Ileywood ft Sons, our local lumber merchants, are building an addition to their already largo building for storing moulding, flooring, etc. A gang of Independent telephone men have pitched their tents on a vacant lot of Mrs. Sandall's for a few dsys, while they are constructing a telephone line through Layton and suburbs. Alf. Flitton of Idaho Falls. Idaho, Is In town attending to some of his local Interests. It has been nearly three years since Mr. Flllton left us to make hia home In Idaho; and he notes, some great Improvements in layton store he left. Thursday evening, a dance win be given In the Opera house. There Is no need of going elsewhere. Remain at home and be loyal by attending the dance! Dances here are usually so poorly attended that the managers feel COMPELLED TO MOVE. disposed to rtop giving them. If every dancer would make up his or her mind to patronise the home dances, in the Compelled to Mova In tho Mldatof near future Farmington would be able Salo-Ma- ny Turned Away. to boast of the balls given here. A great many people called at Young Bros, store nt 38 Mato street to make purchases, but as the company was compelled George Clawson Dead. to be moved by the ist of the month, they George Clawson of Shelly, Idaho died were nnable to show goods satisfactorily, last Saturday of a Paralytic stroke. He nor did they have time to wait o the resident of a wi formerly Farmington, the corpus was taken to this place for public. They have concluded to extend the time burial, the funeral bring held at two of their sale for one week to enable those oclock. Mathonihah Thomaa of Salt who were disssppointed to secre. the Lake waa the speaker. He told of the instruments they desire, for while the great hcait of the deceased, and spoke sales have been enormous, there were lovingy el the old friendship. many who failed to make purchases who desired to. A Birthday Party. The new stock is complete and sacrifice A birthday party was given on Mon- prices prevail. Sewing machines are offer-e- d at $15,00; over 100 were sold inaix days day evening in honor or Mra Gertie Mirer. About thirty relatives and Sheet music still ro cents; some of it is friends were present Luncheon was worth 60 cents. served Immediately upon the arrival of Everything we have will be reduced for this short time, as we want to please the gn?sts and again nt midnight, you leaving n luting impression and are anxious for you to aea our new an the minds of those present that Mra tore. Dont forget the new location, 3 West Miller' 4 birthday la on November 21 First I South, 1 few doors west of the Utsh Is no one went llmt said for away National Rank. huniyj. The Preaence of the Children i Requested. It will be a Big Day. SHOWING or Toys in all uhe wesu John Fisher Keeps a pall Stoek of General Hetehandise. X 444- 4 IN FRUITS, RAISINS, AND CRAN-BERRIE- ALL BE CALL BEFORE HAD DIN- NOW. IT IS UTAH IF YOU WANT SOME-THIN- X DIRECTORS; i x sill, n'nrm uim, so as w. B1IUI mu s. i. If. basks BLOOD, s. labbibs. IntWMt pM no Tima DapnalM. Wa almya bars Money to ton on Oood Recur! ty. Drifte mid payable anywhere la the world. Your barium nilrltrd. ROTARY PUBUO IK BAKE " f 7? t 6DWD THOMflS G NICE, CALL WE HAVE JUST THE THING YOU WANT. som s. babbs, WILLIAM FURNITURE TOO PRETTY PRICES BabyCarrlages, Wall Papar, Curtains, Poles, Trimmings, Coffins, Caskets, Undertakers Trimmings, Stationary, Ito. UTAH BOUNTIFUL, RIGHT; GOODS GOOD. salt X S, THE FRILLS TO A TURKEY wx Cash! SURPLUS AND PROFITS 135,000 X - ON US. R. W. BARNES, Cash! J. R. GAILEY, Aaat Vice-Preside- nt KAYSVILLE, BARGAINS ATE. on hand. baknes banking go. THANKSGIVING DAV L ita alwaya Ml ah JOHN R. BARNES, Presidegt HILLS, IS. NER, and Hountfftti Opera House II MAY ' KaysviHt, Utah 5 He aella the beat Flour In Davia County GHEHE WILL HE NO CXCH Special (TorrcapondMice. jj Dealert in SAffTA CLAVS Toya. WEST SOUTH TEMPLE ST. 9 SALT LAKE CITY VVhcYeopJeAKr.eNilh3 ohoot Houae Destroyed. Last Tuesday, about 8 oclock, a fire destroyed the school house Just west of Bishop originating through a defective flue. Books and desks were saved, and the loss to building la about 11,100; InMrs. Phoebe leart and son, Joseph, sured, 1800.00. The children from this of Fielding, were In town last week, will be distributed among the building visiting old friends. Mrs. Peart and other schools. Miss Short teaching In ron attended the funeral of tho late new school building. the Joel Parrish, held at Centerville H. D. Mannering Is now day operator at the O. S. L.. Mrs. A. F. Nichols having gone east for a vacation. A. C, Loud, after spending a few weeks in the east. Is now at his old post as night operator. John Pierre, rf lie ir River, In in town supervising the manufacture of a wedding cake. At this writing, The Argus cannot learn the fortunate ladys name. However. It Is known. Mr. Pfcre will marry on Thanksgiving day. The O. 8. L. oflhials came along tbe line to car number 12, Inspecting the stations and roadway. Look out for gold medals on the breasts of lucky agents and section foremen for having neat, clean stations arid a good railroad track. It will take several weeks to complete the inspection. THIS 8HOH . STOVE CClEflTHER DESERET UVE STOCK CO. WOODS CROSS, VTAH, Eight months at Stvoe Weather before yo Going to use lots of Coal. The better yoi Stove the leas Coal yon bum. If you have 1 old fashioned Stove, YOU ARE BURNINi MONEY. One of onr New Stoves will reduce your Cat bill one third. Mhat means one third le to cairy; one third less attention; oc third less ashes. A great deal more satisfaction A little cash, and a little now and then. Coal We make a specialty of Garland Range Heaters Stewart Ranges and Heaters B OVJiUIFVL .4 CO-O- P |