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Show COUNTY VOLUME I. nUMBEU 11. FARM I XGTOX, UTAH, TUESDAY. Pack and Bessie Christensen were married last Wednesday. Fred Muir, who has diphtheria, is Improving. Eva Hepworth and Mary Knighton Lee lor . will spend Thanksgiving at Brigham The Aipu Correspondent also receives subscriptions, and City. advertisements, if you know any news, tell him about it. Susie, the daughted of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Smith, died yesterday of appendicitis. John W. Thornley left Sunday night Hyrum Stewart spent the greater J. A. Holbrook can now be reached on a tour of Cache valley to buy cattle. part of last week in Idaho, having gone by telephone, having had a telephone Mr. Hana Morten sen of Norway Is to Blackfoot to look at a herd of sheep installed in bis home, last week. In that locality. here vUltfhg bin aunt, Mrs. James Chip-ma- grazing A change in the Sunday school at No. Delpha Jacobson is the latest addi-tlon2 was W. wherein Elder the "bellow" station, making made, recently Misses Ethel and Luella Stewart will entertain friends on Thanksgiving H. Blood was made superintendent three girls now at the Bountiful exwith Warren D. Barnes and John Web- change. day. ster as his assistants. Hyrum Stewart sold 5.000 feet of Manager Dally of the Hotch store la Misses Ethel Stewart and Maggie not enjoying lumber last week. His trade in shoes superb health and may Layton have arranged for a Thanksgiv- be forced to resign his position in the and in lumber Is very large. The primary associations will hold ing entertainment In the form of an store. their annual meeting next Sunday In appropriate program, to be held in the Wednesday was a day of marriages school house on that day. The parents the meeting house. here. Ruby Pack and Ulysses Parker are requested to be In attendance. being the third couple to Join hands Cora Phillips, Pearl Blood, Ethel and A dance will be given in the Kays-vill- e on that day. Luella Btewart, were at the football Music hall on Thursday evening. A. Mr. n Christensen, the game in Salt Lake last Saturday. The Kaysville amusement committee contractor. Is Just new the completing Mr. Fred Bennett, the popular clerk have the dance In charge, and a good pbstofflee building and, as expected by Sheffield at s' store, has been engaged time is therefore assured. Everybody his friend, is a model of architectural to sell the Jamison stock of goods. is invited. neatness. William Blood and daughter, Maggie, The editor hereof, while at a social in Company E, sometimes known as the will spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Kaysville last week, gathered a num- Home Dramatic company, will play James H. Sanford, Mr. Blood's daugh- ber of notes in which he mentioned The Scout of the Philippines, next ter. The Argus correspondent, Mr. Taylor. Saturday in the Opera house. Meet ..Miss Camilla Barnes at the Mr. Taylor was blamed for having You should see Mr. Albert Eastwood Central of the Bell Telephone com- written about himself, so The Argus of the Hatch Brick company, fly up on pany, another special friend of The Ar- man wishes to vindicate Mr. Taylor by the fence and crow, that sixteen was written in admitting that the item gus. Republicans of their yard alone was not and sanctum sent The Argus The Misses Maimle, Mattie, Hasel had joined in a body to help elect and Uule Barnes will eat turkey In as regular correspondence. The Argus Logan, with their sister, Mrs. Henry correspondent Is very aggressive, but President Roosevelt, and the Davis Blood. county ticket. should not for everything. The new South Bountiful meetinghouse is now under cover and will be pushed to completion as soon as possible. It presents a very handsome appearance, and will be a credit to the county and Its energetic citizens. The Argus may soon present its readers with a cut of this and the Bountiful 2, 1904 91.25 ed the prize of 94.00 for satisfactorily naming, the hall. On Wednesday, November 23, a dance will be given in the Alberta, celebrating Thanksgiving. A good time la assured. The best music will be on hand, ind if you do not have a good time, blame yourself. At the funeral of Joel Pariah held here last Saturday at I p. m., Elders B.II. Roberts, J. II. Felt, John C. Seaman and Bishop Porter (poke. Excellent music was renderd by the choir and others. Many tributes of respect weretenderd the .departed, by the respective speakers. KflVSViltliE JiEGUS Uay By NOVEMBER nine-yr&r-ol-d at HEAVY BLANKETS 4 WILL BE ELSE THIS DEARER EVERYWHERE wiNTER. PURCHASED OUR WHEN WE WE SUPPLY, BOUGHT AT THE OLD RATES, AND SHALL THEREFORE THE NEW ELECTRIC ROAD. The Argus has learned ou the authority cf a member of the city council of Salt Lake City that Mr. B. Mahler, the lines, is big promoter of now In the east, having in tow Manager Campbell of the Consolidated Street inter-urba- A YEAR BE ABLE TO SELL AT GFEAT n Railway company of Salt Lake. It la said the only obstacle In the way to the absolute certain construction of the line is the opposition of the street csr company at Salt Lake, which has so far refused to listen to the pmimsltlnn of a combination with the new company nntll convinced of Its earnestness of purpose and profit to their system can be shown. Mr. Mahler has always insisted on those two results: has courted the closest investigation and recently Invited Mr. Campbell to accompany him oast to look into the standing of his backers; examine the results of such a coalition and thereby become prepared to appreciate the profit to his own company and benefit to the entire state by the installation of the proposed road from. Fay son to Logan or certain to Brigham City. These gentlemen were to have returned iftT the 18th Inst., but so far tbey have, not shown up and it is generally believed, among these on the Inside, that. In the searching Inquiry made by Mr. Campbell, Mr. Mahler's claims are being confirmed and that ere long the pleasing intelligence will be given out, that some kind of a nnion will be effected. whereby any of the streets of Co-oSalt Lake may be covered by the couA new- enterprise Is to be launched pons of the new company and that tickets may be bought to any point covered In South Bountiful bv Messrs. Samuel' by the proposed road at stations on the Howard, Jr., and Albert Eastwood, who street system of the Salt lska ThosTi county and city 'officials Vi. brick, green tilmgT'Af wer pipf,-- u s have granted franchises; and the It Is believed that the clay for p v, I generally are Interested In the results of the efforts put forth by Senator ufacture of these articles is nu. Smoot, his associates and later by Mr. will and fine attend success that ally said to represent some eastern Mahler, exas both are their efforts, gentlemen capitalists. Are they In the field in perts In this line of work. earnest, or is it a huge bluff? The above mentioned city council The engineer at the Kirk Brick man is confident it will be a go and yards, a Mr. Clark, caused some trouble as he is well posted on such matters. It there last week. Through a misunder- seems the public will soon know for a waa standing, Mr. Clark discharged. certainty. He persuaded the other employees to stop work, and Immediately the management replaced the entire force with new help. It was not a strike, but resembled very closely one the difference being that the men struck for a man and not for more pay. Clerk-elec- t Stahle was County seen "working" aronnd recently his front door and home', and KAYSVILLE, UTAH tbe event was so unusual that crowd of spectators was watching him. Dr. Van Cott was in the anxious throng and had just dropped Mr. COMMERCIAL MEN'S Stables hand as the reporter stepped PARADISE. up. Argus readers may be comforted in the knowledge that his pulse is nor- EVERYTHING NEW . mal and will live to assume bis place AND CLEAN at the county desk. KAYSVILLE PGAIffT B UTAH CO-O- P whll-know- THANKSGIVING DAY IBBTWRaagPJlUeHliE' 1 able-bodie- d - BOUNTIFUL riECHS. By Alma Hardy. Tb 11 Argus Correspondent will receive subscriptions, and advertisements, If yon have any news, ktndly give it to him. "- - ere making a special reduction In artlolea that ere used In preparing the Thanksgiving Dinner. We especially desire to cell your attention to our prloe for SEEDED RAISINB, and for other ouch frulL These all go at We . 10 C a royjin Thanksgiving Dinner supplies, such ad SWEET CRANBERRIES. POTATOES, CURRANTS, RAISINS, Etc. are - A NOVEL CELEBRATlON- .- tjrvne'fiuhdi tiaTEU,Taetrl! wiicar. S' to . A pleasant social affair occurred last lighted by her, and when permitted, to the were a given time, Tuesday In which Mrs. Samantha Wil- burn for mementos of the occasion ley was the principal figure. Mrs. Wil- guests as tokens of esteem for the aged lady. ley Is one of the pioneers of the county andEven though Mrs. Willey is ninety nineof In commemoration her and, of sge, she enjoys good health, years tieth birthday, and In the evening her can without glasses, and can get read children, grandchildren and descendas around spry as most women at half ants to the number of sixty five, asthe age. sembled at her home, where an excellent program of songs, speeches and BOUNTIFUL BRIEF8. recitations, was rendered and an elabAlice Hampton left for Pocatello on orate lunch served. A pleasing feature of the affair was Sunday. Harry Falter and Malme Wood were the placing of a large cake containing ninety candles, representing the years married on Wednesday last. ur JVEW, HYRUM STEWART (a THE MERCHANT pot Shoes that pit and Prices That pit Every Pocket. Ht Stilt DRUGS, PAIRTS, OILS, DRY GOODS, MEATS FURH-ISMHG- JOHNSONS SHEFFIELD, the kaysville merchant, HAS 7& 2 Pe Cent- - off pnRfniHGTOH It commERcmu VIfffER. Uhc UHA JVK.SGI VlfiC We are prepared to supply you with tbe necessary articles for tbe ThanksWe have plenty of Mince Meat and of Suit, juat the thiag giving Ihnni-r- . you want, isnt it? If you desire a fine Pot Roast, we have it; if you want a Leg of Mutton, call on us. This week, in particular, we are ready for the Thanksgiving Dinner. If you cant come, telephone your order, and we shall leave it at your door. MERCHANDISE AND MEATS, GROCER IES, CANDIES, CIGARS DRUGS, AND PERFUMERY, L.H.O'Oiatt , Farmington BRIEF8. Special Correspondence. Frank Worsley returned from Curlew last week. Mr. Burgen has laid the foundation for his new house. Edith Adams and Earl Smith were married last week in the temple. Mrs. William Cleveland has been very ill, but is gradually improving. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Reading will , spend the winter in California. Mr. Joseph Evans returned last week from southern Utah, where he has been Now is the time that mothers are buying the girls and boys new surveying with a party from Salt Lake school clothing. We have the best assortment any mother would City. all and sizes all We Benjamin Brown won tbe office of have over. look them prices wish. Call and , constable over Harold, and S. J. Parfrom f 1.00 up. Until December 1st, we shall give rish was elected Justice of peace over John R. Reading. Mrs. Etta Zink, who has been visit' ing her relatives for some time, expect to return to ber home in California the last of this month.- Tbe Centerville dramatic club, which has met with such success in the past, rfb. will don their costumes and give us an1 other play soon. THE IF YOU WANT BEST, for cash, on all School suits. The A. C. football boys, who were CALL TOMORROW! CALL FIRST. defeated on tbe gridiron In Salt Lake Saturday, stopped here for a day on Sunday and were the guests of Mr. John Chase. The new dancing pavilion Is to be known hereafter as tbe Alberta. Mr. HStiSt99Si9SS9StSt9tti9iSiS99SS99iWtti7999f9i999tS99i999999t9999t9t9SS999i4i H. r. Brown of this plsro having land- SCHOOL SUITS THEM. l'ass$gs$Mssgs3ss3W3gssass83saasssss$ssssssssssssasss REASONBLE RATES. CENTREVILLE UTAH KAYSVILLE, . clti-xen- S, ETC. FPESH. Jind .SWEET A.- - flOTEU BRING YOUR FEET TO . fhoesl We have just received Undoes! s new lot of Shoes. The order amounted to cludes all the latest styles of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes. from the babies foot to the man who pared to suit the eye as well as wears the pocket 300. and In We have them in all sixes ; number tens. We are Get your winter pre- Shoes now I CALL UHIS WEEK. FO'R FI'RJ'T CHIOCE Babies Shoes from 30c to Children's Shoes from ,17. to Misses' Shoes from 1.23 to UHB.EE 7 25 Ladies Shoes fiotn 1.50 to 1.30 Gents Shoes from 1,30 to 3.30 4.00 i .75 CtPLOAVS borne time ago, we received 3 carloads of Coal. If you want Rock Spring Coal, we have it OF COyiL Each week, we shall hare a new carload. the best Coal on the market Order nob before toinler eeU in. J. 2. WOOD , Farmington. |