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Show ALEXANDER McMASTER, H-- H woiwhip his 1ivauir iiccordiug to the Prebate and Guardianship Notlcea. H anil the duty dictate of his t ATT0Ar-T-Lwho f his fellows of rath man to Tho President Polnta Out tha Im- - ho worship him.lespn-And, oh, iny coun- Consult County Clcilt of Davis county. Seeaof dies Sees r.seAsse riff. Win: one of the highest auguries trymen, pcrtanca af Hema Training. Utah, or the Respective Signers for for the future of this mighty and maSALT UTAH. LAKE CITY, Nov. 20. President jestic nation of ours lies in the fact further information. Washington, liuoseveil made an address today ut that we brothers huve grown to rethe one hundred and tenth anniversary gard one miolher. with a broad und Thomas. Philip Mayarak. and kindly charity, and to realise that the celebration at the barracks LEGAL NOTICE. the.dcolt'atiun of Carroll hall, the new field lor human endeavor is wide, that THOMAS AND imrocinal building and iiarish school, the field fur charitable philuntrophy Is Ik Till DISTRICT CO CUT, PROBATE 'i'ne uev. pr. J. mnfTord, rector of Hi. large and that while u turner remains IK AM) KIR DAVIS COUNTY, MAYCOCK Patrick's acted as master of ceremo- untllled we do a dreadful wrong if we STATE OF t:TAU. nies. Cardinal Uibbons, several arch- fail to welcome the work done Id that In ihn uilur of the etlata of Juel Putsk, deembishop and other dignitaries of the Jto-m- field by every man, no matter what hie ed, Notice; 6 S. Main St. Catholic church attended the exSalt Lake Citv reed or provided only he works with Tl petition of Samuel J. ParrUh ami bra ParSuite 01.3-- 5 Deseret News Building sense of his duty to God und rish prsflrg for Um Issuance to swims! J. Punish, ercises, the lormer making an address lofty Kiru Parrish, Tariff P. Parrluh sod Joseph Ainu so immediately preceding that of the pres- hlH duty to his neighbor." Frarileols all State federal Court Parrish of Letters of Admlnuurntloa Is Ihn nststn ident. H. It. McFarland, president of After u sieeeh by Commissioner 1, Urourul a Horner American of I Par- Ish deceased, ha been set foe he ring or of directors District of the the board biiM Co. ot New Turk. the choir sun- "America" and on Jo A. U ln4, Saturday, tbs Snh day of was the Columbia, concluding speakei. number of hymns. The president st S o'rlnrk n ui- - at lbs County Court Himes, In The addresses were made from a bal- Joined in the singing and the audience tin Court bouse of sold null, in Farmington rlly, cony on the second noor of the rectory, was not slow to follow. A number of Dnvla county, Utah. Witness tbs Clerk of said Court with tbs seal and the audience gathered in the young church official followed the Uwri-rustreets The intersection of Tenth and president to his ciirriage. He shook UM. affiled this ICth day of Movambar A. D. li streets Northwest, Washington, was hunds with them and called heartily Uksst W. Btjsls, packed with people, and the crowd ex. as he drove away: "Goodbye, boys. I Clmk (UAL Csioian, Imsls 1M, 11 H. STunrnn, Ja. Attorney. tended fully a square north and south, am glad to have been with you." Laka and Ogden Railwa y. Hawn. Sort A Donley, Sat Dsts IMM. of fleet Dr. west Nov. the from east and or Hunter A Sent, nr uhlrhever non ot you liuU ring Who tho Reeue Binaa Again." IS, rectory. poUinUm, lteorsiri Stafford, in his opening remarks, re1 km huonl you ling Iho obovo beautiful and nffurUng anog eevunl kora during tho wuok uS ferred to the tact that in the century CAMPAIGN. THE LAST Time in Table effect The Heymurkrt," Slid havu takan a oumbur nf Minds, ladtea nod gunriauMO. ratnud and mipiU,i Sept. 6, 1904. and more that St. Patrick's church had NOTICE In Judge of nrknl I uniiri Binging rifle, method, phrariag, ate., sod oil uoy year rendering of the rang TO CREDITOR!. worked In Washington no lionur had referred le a MKKAT MI'BICaL TREAT. I hers heard eery many elngere In my lime. bnltadlMa, nfrar-ll- c ' Pueblo Chieftain. TDK SECOND JI'DICIAL COURT, IE AND come to It so great as the visit of Presiof ml iimfUMloaal and nnpmfraelanal, aad hove rarely been cheated m atari, Leave Salt Lake and FOR a. THE 6:30 COUNTV OF OF DAVIS, STATE m., 3 30 ptaaaanliy ae trben hearing gratae. 9 of dent Roosevelt. yna ring, When the HnaeeHkiua Again." Promptly following the certainty am I md and luck eleck lahiug ynu g UTAH. y wire truly, The Knights of Columbus formed a Democrat collapse In the recent and 5,30 p. m. umauerUy, JARVIS BLUHI. Is tlis matter of the Estate of Nnpoteos Oram, guard of honor for the president, but a tion came the announcement that deceased. Leave Farmington and Lagoon 7:30 and 536 Constitution Building, Nutoe lu CredlUw. salt Lakk CITY, UTAH. quad of policemen was necessary to Messrs. Bryan, Hearst and Watson, the Credltnre will praam! claim with von hsrs to 10 a. the crowded latter the recent candidate for the pres, open the way through and m. m., 6:30 4:30 p. at tbs Dvaerrt Mews Building, streets. Cheer after cheer went up as idency on the Populist ticket, will un- Salt imdenigiiad Lsks Utah, os or before Um nth day of Extra train at it a. m.and 1:30 p.m. the president and his escort appeared. dertake the organisation of a new party Fsbrsaiy, Cliy, A. D. Ural, Me was met at his carriage by Father with the expectation of supplanting the on Sunday and Holidays. Abtbds M. Qbtbs, Stafford, and as he passed into the rec- Democrat party ue one of the two Administrator of the art ale of Napolcoo O rarer, tory, a children's choir of 200 voices, leading aspirants for popular favor. Tsniue abb Maxoors, stationed In front of the church, aang A. D. PIERSON, Gen'l Pass. Agt. A turners for Administrator. hymns. Data of Bret Record-HeralWleelloa Ort US, A. D. DM. pa B. BEAN, Excursion Agt. Chicago Before the ceremony was begun the In considering the effect of the elecOfice it 1 Main Street president was shown through the handsome new rectory. When he stepped tion upon the future of parties a .wholly out on the balcony he was cheered loud- satisfactory judgment cannot be reach, so close upon the receipt of the rely, the demonstration doubling When ed Cardinal Gibbons took a place by the turns. But it is plul nthat there ie no for the Democrats in imperialprcslaent'a side and invited him to be capitalPanama The only place In Farmington and the Philippines. The ism, seated. Dr. Stafford, the first speaker, told national spirit asserts itself as It does where the travelling man stop. of the work of 8t. Patrick's parish, lts elsewhere in support of the agente of expansion, and after 1900 and FARMINGTON growth, and Its aim for the future. He national UTAH, introduced Cardinal Gibbons, who testi- 1904 there Is likely to be no change In AT THE fied to the value of the pariah and gave this respect of to rector. credit the efforts its great Dr. Stafford then introduced President Springfield Republican. mT Roosevelt as the "man of Unexpected uses of the New York Justice," the president of the square subway in the fact that are Abstracter of Title Vfr6-fr- 0 suggested President Roosevelt thanked deal.' poorly-dresse- d woman has already t TWO Immense Swimming Pools the rector and Joined In the laugh taken up an apparently and Conveyancer. which preceded prolonged cheering. domicile Just inside of thapermanently at TUB BATHS and PRIVATE railing Licensed Abstractor of Davis County. Then he spoke as follows: street and Broadway the Forty-secon- d PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS. San Pedro Los Angeles & SaltHade R. R i i PLUNGES. to sit on She has a soap-bo- x station. Cardinal Gibbons, Father Stafford, and for use in NOTARY PUBLIC. away her slender Natural Hot Sulphur Water. and you, my fellow Americans: It Is food allowance,storing there she has re- Office up stairs, C. &M. Bid a great pleasure to me to be present mained day andand Farmington ever aince the night r asses Through the Famous TURKISH BATHS OUR SPEwith you today to assist at the dedicawas opened. Policemen who try to : FARMINGTON, UTAH. tion of the school, hall and rectory of road la are told she her away waiting CIALTY. this parish; a pariah whose one hun- scare underone no else as and train, dred and tenth anniversary we also for a to Separate Turklah Bathe for Ladle. molest her she is being allowed now celebrate, for this parish was takes sad Manicuring arlan. It !a fairly warm down there to founded six years before this capital andstay. Comprising Eurrka, Mammoth and Silver City, also Mining Disand what will happen was placed In the present District of w hen sheltered, unhoused seta and the in winter tricts of Ofhir, Faisfifld, Mercur, Black Rock, Milfokd Columbia. I am glad, indeed, to have cluss seek cover becomes a question of been Introduced, Cardinal Gibbons, and Faiaco in Utah, and thk Piochb, DrLamar and Cal 52-5- 4 interest. W. 3RD SO. ST. by you, the spiritual representative in possible riNTE Mining Districts ttf Nevada. a peculiar sense of that Bishop Carroll Lake Salt Utah City, Globe. In who played so Illustrious a purt St. Paul the The eamptaUna of tha anonerUng link bet seen Calient a, Nevada sad Dagger!, affairs of the church, and whose kin' California will open one o the Mggaat ondevrinped mining dletricU la Um weet. ' SALT LAKE CITYS Lily Langtry. It seems, has struck folk played ao Illustrious a part in the Full Infarmailoa regarding train eerrico, Hugo ennneclloa to Interior ermpe, etc., vein of unhappy days She cannot affaire of the nation at the dawning of ee her daughter and grandchildren, cheerfully gives by soy agent of THE BALT LAKE ROUTE, or eddrem. this government. In greeting all of you, she has lost heavily on the races and 1 wish to say that I am especially glad none of the former world pays T. C. PECK, B. W. GILLETT, admiring J. L. MOORE to see the children present DON rORTER 15 attention. Which emphasize her any A ist. Genl. Pass. Agt Gcal. Pass. Agt. You know, I believe In children, Dist. Pass. Agt. painful fact that beauty is a fatal want to see enough of them and of the the gift. right kind. I wish today, in the very SALTLAKECITY, UTAH. brief remarks that I have to make, to Portland Oregonian. dwell upon this thought the thought that ought to be in the mind of every Not much remains to be said. But LUMP man and woman here the thought this must he said: No man in all the that while in this country we need history of American politics has 1 NuT wise laws, honestly and fearlessly exe- achieved such success as that which cuted, and while we cannot afford to has been achieved by Theodore RooseHave made arrangements tolerate anything but the highest velt. What Is the basis of It? To what Is whereby I can furnish and standard In the public eervlce of the is It due? To the fact that the man his coundeliver Nut end Lump coal government, yet that In the last analy- an American. He believes In He trusts sis the future of the country must de- try, and it believes In him. promptly. Give me a trial is He him. trust order. I will endeavor to pend upon the quality of the Individual the people and they and this of day, home, of the Individual man or woman the great Republican please you. Phone i6-- n. In that home. The future of this coun he is the great Democrat. In which E. L WILLEY try depends upon the way the average man and the average woSan Francisco Call. OSes sad Turd, "ft, Iggeee (mF1 Vega v man In it does his or her duty, and that As the issue presented itself there was very largely depends upon the way In Utah Bouniifui, in the campaign to give cause which the average boy or girl is nothing doubt In any quarter. The right for rea up. Therefore, peculiar brought candidate stood upon the right platform sponsibility rests upon those whose and was supported by the right party. lifework it is to see to the spiritual The opposition presented an emergency welfare of our people, and upon those candidate on a meaningless platform, who make it their lifework to try to IJHp by a discordant combination uain the cltixena of the future so that supported of recalcitrant factions With a sane they shall be worthy of that future. two the the between to decide In wishing you well today 1 wish people result could not be doubtful, and It yo l well In doing the most Important was not. work which Is allotted to any of our people to do. The rules of good cltisen-shl- p Sun Francisco Chronicle, are tolerably almple. The trouOF ble Is not In finding them out; the ie the greatest personal triumph It trouble is in living up to them after ever achieved at the polls by an Amerthey have been found out I think we ican cltlien since George Washington all of ourselves iuiow fairly well what was elected President without opposiq allties they are which In their sum tion. With this thundering Indorsement n ake up the type of character we like of his personality. President Roose0 fee In man or woman, eon or velt's wslght in the councils of mandaughter; but I am afraid we do not kind will be immeasurably increased, This work is now being published aiways see them as well developed as and, as from now on he can be moved we would like to. I wish to see In the only by a patriotic desire for the wel-faby The Deseret News in a series of his country and the hope of a average American cltlxen the developof magnificent volumes, in comment of the two sets of qualities which great name to pass down to his posterBoanli-fa- it we can roughly Indicate as sweetness ity, President Roosevelt's last term plete form, with an Introduction and strength the qualities on the one should be one of the moat glorious per numerous volume each and to hand which make the man able to hold lods in American history. notes which render it etill more his own, and those which on the other valuable. Volume I, Hand III hand make him Jealous for the rights Cleveland Plain Dealer. of others Just as much as for his own are now ready. is the exof cause surprise The only rihgts. Itself result The the of victory. tant sets must of qualities, have both We PRICES is no n the first place, the man must have was long since discounted. orItto speccauses of 1.60 per vol. now to talk Cloth, time own. You to hold his power prob As the Plain . uly know that I do not care very ulate as to consequences. Hlf doth, 8.50 per vol. Monday, the only quesch for the coward or the moral Dealer said on before the people was tion morocco 3.60 per vol. really Half I of each want you hoys. 'eakllng. President Roosevelt should .nd the girls Just as much, and each of whether can There confidence. morocco of vote 4.00 per vol. Full a have you yo ng men and young women, to as to the popular answer. have the qualities without which peo- -. be no mistakewhich rathmen turned on A campaign DESERET HEWS BOOK STOR ay be amiable and pleasant while er than Issues has ended in onever rego well, hut without which they most Indorsements emphatic In of stem trial. ceived ( anr.ot succeed times SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. by a presidential candidate in 1 wifl: to see in the man, manliness In the woman, womanliness. I wish to American history. see courage, perseverance, the willingness to face work, to face, you men, if BUFFALO BILL. it is necessary, danger, the determine tlon not to shrink hack when temporKansas City Times. arily beaten in life, as each of you will be now and then, but to come again Buffalo Bill told the newspaper men and wrest triumph from defeat, he waa going to Join the chase for the want to see you men strong men and robbers and then 1 to wish men. In and. brave addition, But Colonel went hunting Instead. see each man of you feel this strength got all the free advertising out of Cody him make the but his and courage he could with aafety. 1ST.! worse unless to that strength and it courage are Joined the qualities of ten Los Angeles Times. dernese toward those he loves, who are Buffalo Bill has become a real dime dependent upon him and of right deal novel hero at last. He and his EngIng with all 1 hia neighbors. want to congratulate all lish nob friends expressed themselves Finally, successes that we as delighted at the prospect of a man of us here on certain have achieved in the century and hunt In Wyomnlg as a substitute for quarter that has gone by of our Amerl the bear hunt they had started out can life. We have difficulties enough, on. We want to kill the outlaws, not and we are a long way short of perfec capture them." yelled old Bill as he tlon. I do not see any immediate dan grasped his trustly rifle. "Bah, Jove, a flawsh." Oh, the ger of our growing too good; there is he was as quick old swashbuckler; wouldn't he ample room for effort yet left. But we cheap have achieved certain results, and we make you skk? have succeeded in a measure of reallx ing certain ideals. We have grown to Out of door work a Specialty. For New York Evening Bun. accept it as an axiomatic truth of our Buffalo with matter the What is be to man la American life that the of the bank rob traits msde on cloudy days as well treated on his worth as a man with Bill? When heheheard on his way west out retard to the accidents of hia post bery at Cody of was titled Englishmen." m on dear days. Call and see our a party tlon; that this la not a government de with celebrated scout and showman anThe as man rich such, to favor the signed he and hi friends would our samples. Frier low ; good work, or the poor as such, hut that It Is de- nounced that or take the trail at once. They would signed to favor every American, richacts have a man hunt Inalead of a wild atii promptness known. poor, if he la a decent man, who mal hunt. But here is an Interesting fairly by his fellows. to We have grown to realise that part point. He stated that they wantedWho UTAH of the fo'indntions upon whirh our lib- mukc a kill instead of a capture. BOUNTIFUL rnt fodv eupeiior f" fh law? erty resin Is the right of each nisi n h IIHH MR. ROOSEVELTS ADVICE. DR. J. THOMAS Mitb-aiha- DENTIST LAWYERS au XiT-iiib- er, CHARLES KENT LAGOON ROAD" f TEACHER OF M USIC. mlne-rel- a tui-S-- . d. ROBINSON HOUSE AmSSiMiiVAV.YeV Get in the Swim I even-hand- J. ed E. ROBINSON, SANITARIUM 6 TINTIC MINING DISTRICT Halr-dreeal- NEW HOTEL . he trgus is not an experiment; it is here to stay. iCOAL i I Isaas? HISTORY 'GlSiGlHsB 1HE CHURCH re Calls to Salt Liake from Centerville, and pQHnmgton IO CENTS From Bountiful, Centerville and Farmington to Ogden Ah IDA HARDY Landscape ai;d Portrait u IS CENTS From laysville to Salt Lake 15 CENTS From K&ysville to Ogden CENTS IS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER ocHy Telephone company- - |