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Show ! Davis County Argus. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Farmington, Uuh D P. FELT A SON Publisher P. FELT, EDITOR. VERNON FELT Manager fi.zj .73 .30 Application has been made for trana miaaiun through the tnalla aa vail aecoad-daa- a matter. - FARMINGTON, Nov. aa, 1904 '1JM" A FiW EXAMPLES OP ENERSY. f eharartcristir of I.' tab energy, aud that people b, abstemious livwith a vigorous parenting coupled age and euviruuiuenta that force one to become and There must be something In the air of Davis eounty, particularly, that stimulates aud maintains this strong personality, pluck and activity that characterizes so many of tho early timers. Their lives should be a model to our young men and women to follow. Those who take life too easily when youug, rarely, if ever, amount to anything as citizens of a commonwealth. They are generally the drones in the great hive of life. There Is always plenty of work to do wherever we may be and in whatever capacity of life we may occupy. There are none too wealthy to work, and none but what are happier for doing something. Work is the great n enersafely valve to our Is when and it gies begun early in life and we get old it will come as natural as it is to breathe, and wo will have acquired a comfortable home and competency, so much more enjoyable when earned by honest toil and. directed by Intelligent brain power which will leave rays of light to the masses and, like phosporous, holds its light even when there is apparently no agency to furnish it "Work for the night is coining." sw self-relia- nt D. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: (In Advance.) On Year - - - - - - Sis Months Three Uontha - - - - - T " . long-live- ' man, the representative, came hers kH and gave us a bid on the new heater. Wnlle in the building, we asked him to give us a bid on changing the register so it would give the school house better ventilation. As some of the tax payers expressed themselves that the house was not properly ventilated, we thought to get the heating changed, if necessary, and save Mr. Couchman stated that expense. he would like the job, but he eould not better the ventilation, as this school house, the sixth district, was one of the belt ventilated in the stete. I quote Mr. Coucbmiu'a note which For Presidential Electors E. W. Wade explains Itself. H. P. 1 Rod-give- us Davis County Bank nwriw Frank 3 117 91 85 107 109 3 3 113 94 1 79 115 91 isss 4 105 91 1 4 3 3 1 4 85 109 93 110 90 1 3 2 114 114 93 85 108 109 89 3 3 114 93 85 108 89 0 101 3 6 85 100 91 109 98 110 3 95 83 104 113 Christensen 113 118 87 112 90 109 87 . 87 111 94 109 89 114 124 83 ..... rtn 90 103 106 96 Jil tM 113 White, Jr. 94 Cler- kHenry W. Stable Thomas H. Phillips For Treasurer ,105 ( 96 84 110 112 92 126 86 69 82 110 127 George H. Blood Samuel M. Kershaw For Recorder Sadie Foes Sarah A. Howard For Assessor John E. Woolley John E. Thurgood For Sheriff James Ware, Jr. Joseph J. Holbrook For Attorney I. E. Willey William H. Streeper, Jr. ... For Surveyor John W. Chase Arthur D. Knowlton For Co. Supt. Pub. Inst E. M. Whitesides Arthur Welling H I H M M MINI Uhe Irgus. 115 86 93 110 91 100 108 94 90 90 109 92 107 89 114 113 94 80 118 110 81 120 88 110 87 107 88 112 88 105 96 108 91 111 77 116 FOR JUSTICES OF PEACE CONSTABLES. AND For Constable John E. Barker Robert District No. 1. For Justice of Peace FAIR KAYSVILLE, UTAH. 10 or CHANfiE OF CARS ST. LOUIS ii J WAeaSM I KSILROSDS at mail entnscs Pwrapn an leaded at a oosvsaisat hoar of the Espositiee mania, that aavlag tina aad cipaaM aa arrival at St. Leaii, aad avoidlar tha gicat crowds at tha Mg Uaioa Station. ia tha MANY HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER ROUTE ItMratrO OuitU to Pair n t on afipiiealiew. f C1TI TICKET OFFICE SOI Main Street Salt Lake City, utah 2. District No. For Justice of Peace Samuel J. Parrish John Reading For Constabl- e- 43 iao 259 jqi 12. For Justice of Peace 78 B. F. Bowman 73 For Constable-G- eo. jg Allan 73 75 4. 5. For Justice of Peac-e- 73 District No. 13. For Justice of John Draayer Charles Mitchell 225 For Constable 3g7 Clinton Frazier Thoa. Parker 231 255 Benjamin Brown Harold Smith Districts Nos. 6 and 7. For Justice of Peace Nathan G. Clark Joseph E. Robinson For Constable C. L. Robinson Jonathan Hughes Districts Nos. 8 and 9. Lev! Taylor, Jr. H. J. Shoffleld, Jr. 11 .. District No. Wm. M. Waddoupe Alma Hardy For Constable John A. Call Jed. Willey UNION PACIFIC 215 263 For Constable igg Joseph H. Allen Albert K. Green Districts Noe. 3 and For Justice of Peace NO RKTURN i 177 Henry Ellis 75 Philo Dibble Edward Mitchell Joseph N. Fackerell For Constable Lea W. Pack Whitney K. Roberts TO II District No. For Justice of Peace Blamlres Districts Nos. 10 and For Justine of Peaces Homy Moss Chaa E. Pearson For Constable J. I. Atkinson, Jr. Albert Hatch I i 118 118 116 85 118 92 109 81 81 92 109 92 110 81 1 3 1 3 8C 8C 116 85 108 93 101 89 FUNERAL DIRECTOR & lie 114 JOHN BARTON nemo nnm, S 3 9 Term Com., H. Larkins -F ijmr-...- . m., iClson d :: 5S F. Richards Hgrum Stewart K-ea- 2 f For Representative Jtah SETUPS . i 85 110 93 109 85 For 8tate Senator rS. 1 114 Wesley K. Walton William H. Rich l- ! o For District Attorney James Albert Howell Henry H. Rolapp For District Atorney George Halverson Albert G. Horn Building WAf-s- R. 1 O Ole Arllson William W. Armstrong For State Auditor J. A. Edwards John W. Geiger Joseph McLachlan Lewie B. Rogers For Supt. Pub. Instruction A. C. Nelson Nathan T. Porter Clande Lewis A L HARNESS, 1 1 T. W. B. Wilson . witl-pow- 4- - am James Christiansen Pti , It I K Walter James For Justice Supreme Court Daniel N. Straup Charles S. Varlan C. C. Goodwin For Attorney General M. A. Breeden Grant C. Begley Charles E. Randall Samuel McDowell For State Treasurer . e, 1 1 Porter A. L. le ! III For Secretary of State y Bountiful Lumber ; Charles S. Tlngey Levi N. Hannon e, J I Mytcn " James A. Miner Fred J. Klesel Samuel Newhouse Edward H. Snow J. H. Zenger A. J. Jacobson J. W. McGann For Reps, to 69th Congres Joseph Howell .... Orlando W. Powers W. H. Shock Ogden Hlles For Governor John C. Cutler James H. Moyle Joseph A. Kauffman William M. Ferry "The besting apparatus installed two years ago in the Farmington school house has proven a mostaaiislactory invest meat. The installation was made by The Salt Lake Hardware Co., who put in the tarn-oMages system of heating and ventilation. The heating and ventilation are W. II. Couchmak. perfecL TEOTLELT FOR well-know- Ml II OFFICIAL! ELECTION There la ono subject worthy of romment in Davis county that ia re- markable in the fai t that so much vitality is shown among tho older peoJohn Walsii, We noted in local our Chairmen Sixth District School ple. recently columns the conspicuous energy Board from 1901 to 1904. khowa by Patriarch John 8. 8mith of nayaville and later we have men. Documentary History of tho Churoh tioned Mr. W. O. Mayfield our oil representative and that genial hustler Tho Deseret News Is publishing a Uncle Joe Walker, the well known History of the Church, that should be found in every library. It Is a history character at the court houses waa alao which, up to the time of his death, pleasantly mentioned again last week was prepared under the Immediate we spoke of a visit by Mrs. M. K. . of Joseph the Prophet, who, Smith an elderly lady who, all alone, from the first, appreciated the Importhas charge of and successfully atance of having the annals of God's tends two large city lots planted in VM. great latter-dawork carefully writorchard and small fruits besides conten. Some parts of this history were published In the Times end Seasons" siderable garden produce. OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL. the Prophet's lifetime; subseduring We also have in mind another I wish to state some facts about quently they were republished In tha n business man of Kays-vill- our district school In Farmington, in Deseret News, and In the Millennial Mr. John K. Barnes, recognised regard to breathing and ventilation. Star. All these extracts are collated In the councils of the state as well as I was elected trustee in July 1901. and published in these hooka end may the church as a wonderfully astute Early iu the school year 190S, we the be purchased at $1.60 per volume. The time to get this work is now, as It business man. Kven tho' the sands trustees, found that the heater had issues from the press. There will be of time have been running along for to be repaired or a new one pur- five volumes up to the close of the many summers still In is personally chased ; that a Halt lake hardware Nauvou If you wait until the period. and keenly alive to every detail of company had the kind we desired, whole work Is completed you may the large Barnes Interests at Kays-vil- and would We think yourself unable to buy It; if you give satisfaction. buy It aa the volumes issue from the ; in the state, at several banking called upon that firm to Inspect our press, it will not burden yon, as no instiautiona and also tho Barnes-Hard- y school house aud to give us a bid on such volumes were ever published In store of Balt Lake City. Installing a new heater. Mr. Coach this country at so low a price. Mention can very consistently be also made of Mr. Jake Smith of TP Woods Cross a name not very pretty in itself but almost everywhere known havfng made his buttermilk" a Lake City. L4 jomwon word iu siBlt w CAPITAL- - fti,m six deloek n tuofuiwg jiut COMMERCIAL and SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. rushes up the steps to leave milk at Saving Oil 4 the writers' borne having trsvelta can Inkraaf parmenl par tea miles to do so. fie does this so orncaes a so diseotocs; Jams S. Cull. PrwtdMrt; h. S. Hills. A. L. Clau, o--fc regularly that It may be almost callet . Juba Wiyaau, Thomas Staad, 4, M. SarrM, John Wa.th. . Joaaph X. automatic. FARHIHGTOR. UTAH Those who are not - under the necessity of early rising should pausb and consider what Mr. Smith does and yet he is on tho down hill side of life and far enough over the ridge for FSL yfcjgn. most men to takea rest and let some (Incorporated) other man do the work; but uo, he X does this personally besides superin. tending his many Interests at Woods Cross, and must, as nearly as a e can observe put in no less than eighteen The beat supply and most complete stock of Building Supplies hours of work per day and has done that can be had in the county. Our prices ore X always right. so for years past Attention is drawn to Mr. John Vhona t2-- 4Bountiful, veteran the fforlst of Beading, Center, ville. Ho is as hale, hearty and full of business energy as many a man of twenty-fivand yet he wee in the prime of life, according to some esti tee, thirty rears ago In RaM Lake City, and today ie one of the Davis The only tieamad ambalmar in tho Countv. eounty hustlers. All this may he said of David Alto Daalar in Stoker, bishop of East Bountiful and Peter Barton holding a similar posiFurniture, Plctura Framet, Wall Paper, Window data. Etc. tion in Kaysville. Mr. John Fisher, (be merchant at Bountiful, h also has predom. a man whose hinted over the physical for a long lime, and under ordinary circumstances, would retire to a life of ease and comfort, yet be stands at his post. . Scores of other persona could be mentioned, all of Davis county, and a large percentage of Utah people may also he classed a wonders in We grow a full line of this regard. Fruit, 8hade, and OrnWe bad the pleasure recently of amental Trees. touring the Pacific coast, and later Get visiting 8t Louis and New Orleans our prices before you in company with Elder Charles W. buy. We will give you Penrose ( tho Apostles quorum and editor of tba Deseret News. Whengood stock and fair ever the question of age came up the treatment fact that he ia over II year old waa a signal for expressions of wonderment that a man of Me age could get around so sprightly and preserve DIX CO, such a youthful appearance. Address ail communications to Without question, there ean be SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. but one reason assigned for this wonderful vitality, mental and physics, BVSW.YiW.MiVV.r 4 I H-H-i-- 121 11s Peac- eyj 48 71 45 District No. 14. For Justice of Peace John Fraugolt Peter Christensen For Constable Joseph Corbridge Gea H. Smith 138 District Ne. 15, 101 For Justice of Pence Thomas B, Williams 180 John W. Singleton 212 For Constable Roland Thurgood 207 Frank Blake 195 .WWW 51 gj 54 47 M gg go gg District No. 18. For Justice or reare Gea R. Bennett For Constable 208 273 Thos. A. Ross 44 4$ |