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Show nta i THE MAILS J? From the North S From the South S From the South m. .8:01 U140 a. m. 6:14 p. ni. hOCAIi BRIEFS. The Misses Sarah and Lizzie Kaniptnn visitor, on Wednesday last, at the home f Mr. anil Mr. Walter Rampton The Lagoon Railway people are running a neat femce around the vacant land at their Bountiful depot; preparatory to the seeding for a lawn nest year. Farmington ia aoon to low Mi Maud Kobinaon. Cnpid haa aucccaafully pierced her heart, and, a a result, she will move to Parker, Idaho, to make that placa her home. A FARM WANTED A small farm of fiom a to 5 acres with 4 room house etc, address, Frank Ellia 27 West South irmple Salt Lake City. Clive full par ticnlara. Laat Thursday, Pearl Blood and Lnclla Stewart cf Kayiville, called on the office "devil." Aa that individual waa not in, the ladiea spent a few wondering moment trying to diacover the mechanism of the Argus perfecting prem ami the linotype machines. J. M. Christensen of this city has just returned from Klwood Box Elder county near the new city, Garland. Mr. Chris-tenso- u visited his brother Ilyruin who will leave for a mission to Europe tx e latter part of the month, and J. M. went up to do a little carpenter work on the house before the family was left. Mr Christensen says he was decidedly surprised in lbechange of the country in that locality, the sugar work at Garland ami the general excellence of the crops st Klwood, a place that looked a few years ago a desert, today raises potatoes weighing 3 V lbs, cabbage that weighs 12 lbs to the head. It is wonderful wbat water can do for a country, under modern irrigation method. were ted he is said to have giout.d r.earlv iwo milium bushels of wheat, beside other grains usually ground in custom mill. Funeral strvicrs were held in the meeting bouse, Sunday, Oct. 23. Kldera Jas. T. Smith, J. D. Wood. David I leas and Bishop Secrist were the speakers, He was the father of eight children, seven of whom arc living. They are Mrs. Alfred Lundberg and Mrs. Tbad-din-s Griffith of Hoiintiful, John, Edward, Koliert, Henry and Andrew. The iiumeuiate cause of his death was general debility superinduced by s serious stuck of stomach complaint ami to retain any nourishment ou his stomach. ' ty ROBINSON HOUSE CENTF.EVILLE BRIEFS. The Argus made a iniVoke Us, week The only place in Farmington stating that Perry Kockwood was confined to his house with a severe where the travelling man stops. attmk of blood poisoning. Mr Rock-won- FARMINGTON UTAH. a was later learned, waa poisomd by handling poison ivy. The rifect was not so lnd a ('lin'd lr ezpectcd. Mr. Kockwood will'resuiiie his teaching in s short time. The new dancing hnll here will lie ready th.a week. The first danca will be given m-z-t Friday evening. Moses RuekwiKsI, the proprietor, in order to j OF- u trod lice the new lluor to Davis County j admit everyone patrons has decided in free of charge. The finishing touches have not yet lieen made; such as aint-in.decural i 1; g t tc; hut the floor is in excellent condition. Everyone is invited. At the Democratic rally held here at five oclock on Saturday last, A.G. Horn, Simon Bamberger, Arthur Welling, and PremJudge O. W, Power spoke. The meeting Must Vo oa to was well attended, anil the speech were Now Occuvery interesting. Judge Powers left Lere for Farmington at 7 o'click. AFFAIR. Hallowean Party Last Night at tha Homecf W.W. Rose. One of the most enjoyable parties of thescsson was given last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rose. The Misses Maud Robinson. Pearl Robinson, Clara Robinson, and Maggie Steed were in charge, and all compliments an the cooking, the decanting, etc, should be given to them. The evening was spent in playing games and in dancing. Three dignified gcntlemrn awarded Joseph Anderson and Maggie Steed the prize in the waltzing contest. Then oysters were served. The table was very artistically arranged with leaves and beautiful flow ers. The vari colored frnit at each end of the table also helped to make the arrangement of the table very pleasing, Oysters came first; then fruit and cake, After luncheon, dancing was resumed until thu midnight hour, at which time the guests took their departure. ' The following ladies and gentlemen were at the parly: Misses Maggie Steed, Rhode Van Fl.-et- , Clue Van Fleet, Laui Clark, Clara Karl, Ruby Miller, Ethel Brown, Maud, Pearl, Clara, and Julii Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anderson Messrs. Milton Hess, Wilford Steed Charles Rarkdull, Rail and Frank Vdy Wallace Huntsman, Wallace Potter, F. M. Abbott, Vernon Felt, Amasa Smith. 1 Tho Womens Domocratlo Club Tho Democrats In Layton. trial tu llic Argus. On Thursdar last, Mra. Cohn of Salt lake was in Farmington for the purpose of organizing Womens Democratic Cluba, 8 eac district, to attend to organising other cluba in .the varioua towna of the county. Mra. Susan D. Clark was elected president of the Farmington Womens JJemociatic Club; Mrs. Effie Palmer, vice president; Miss Nettie Atywt, secretary and Mis. J. E. Hue, tn airier. Acorn- mittee of five was appointed to visit each town in the connty and organize similar clu&. The work of'the committee ia progressing rapidly, alrraly they have oiganised dabs in Ksysvills and in Bountiful. Mrs. Cohn, alter starting the ball rolling, returned to Salt lake. Judge Powers spoke. The speeches were, course, purely political. Judge Towers gave a most interesting speech; snd when we remember that he had previously spoken at Bountiful, Centerville, and at Farmington, all ou llie same day, we begin to marvel. Hazel Barnes rendered Beautiful song, the title of which cannot fie learned at this writing. The Democratic Quartette also eutertained the audience with a number of selections. LAYTON, Oct. 31, On Satnnlay last at 9 oclock, tlis Democrats held a rally hrre.at which David Evans, Simon Bam the idea being to appoint comiuilteea for O. W, A. G. Horne, and berger, Judgs Pcwera In Farmington. REPUBLICAN TICKET the i ises l. -- V. ,1 vr 77-7- Utah National Bank. 1 P-- n' HARDY ai;cl Landscape Portrait PljptoG-7 - , rapier Out of door work a Specialty. Por traits made ou cloudy days as well as ou clear days. Call anil sec our our samples. Trices low ; good work, promptness known. UTAH BOUNTIFUL, ICOAL LUMP & NUT Have made arrangements whereby I can furnish and deliver Nut and Lump coal promptly. Give me a trial order. I will endeavor to please you. 'Phone ifr-- n. f. L and Yard, WILLEY. "fli Leqe Bountiful, diset Utah 9 WEST SOUTH TEMPLE ST. SALT LAKE CITY t Some time ago an effort was made to oust Young tiros, from the premises! where they have done business for i many years, but the landlord waa un- successful at that time. The lease having expired, they are I now going to remove to the address above given, and realising that a movb Is about as bad as a lire, they have decided to take away from the selling price of their stock an amount that will assure the enrly removal of all or at least the greater portion of It. The atocK is new and fresh through- out; the company not anticipating a removal, hud, of course, made recent pur- chases, but notwithstanding this, the prices will be rut to a ridiculous figure. We must lose money, said Mr. Young, and we may just as well lose It first ns last. So we will let our friends, the public, receive the benefit, Rome Idea of the excellent snaps that will be offered can be gained from the following: A tine line of new dmp-hen- d sewing machines, worth from 415.00 to 160.00, go at 415.00 and up. Entire stock of the famous Angelua" Plano Player nt less than factory cost. A complete line of line music boxes, worth from S40.00 to !1 10.00, will be sola at from 420.00 to S60.00. reductions ar Perhaps the great-- st made on pianos, of which they have a fine stock, worth from 4350.00 to 4100. These will be sold, the 4350.00 kind for 4150.00, and others at the same prnpo,-tlo- UTAH 44444441. 6444444444IWWWWWW4444WW44W Vv4NR99M Try the Rrgus a Yeai. MVBE.'RJ'l WL Buy now I before I you get j you feet wet from 25c tvay yill the to fil.50 per foot. MERCHANDISE and MEATS, GROCER : IES, CANDIES, CIGARS . DRUGS, AND PERFUMERY, L. H. O'Viatt, Farmington n. The variety of organs carried are so numerous.that the prices are nhnost out of question, hut reductions are the same great ones as on the rest of the stock. 100 violins wl'l le sold lit from 42.00 up. whose value is from 45 to $75.00. nno over 200 mandolins and quitara at leas than tost. The Intrst anil best In sheet music, most nf it worth up in 60c apiece, will be sold for 10:1 each. No reserve. Everything in the entire stock is offered and nothing 1s withheld from this sale. Coming as It does so near to the holidays; this sol" offers the best opportunity to holldnv tnirrhflsprs ever given to purchase on ntrini''Pt at such It till Vtnnt. prices and Undoubtedly the -- pepin will moke the Younr Pros, store a busy place for the next few days. s'r PSR CENT. OFF We will give 25 per cent, off on Shoes this week.' DRESS GOODS goes at 6c. Dont miss this rale! FARAWNBfON Do you Knots That XOe Are Hatting a Great Liquidation .fate? 3C It required a full page of the big Salt LaRe dailies to formerly selling at 20c per yard, NOW ioc A YARD. Beet Prince 1 co-o- p give details . We recently bought the Lace House , and this Sale is to raise money to liquidate the balance due. EVE'RVTHIJfG THE SCENIC LINE TO On Leadville, Pueblo, Olenwood Springs, Kansas Denver, Omaha,' City, SL Louis, Chicago, ; and all points eaat. . . Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all Soi;tiikkn Pac- I trio and Oregon Shout Line Trains. Tram continental Lint patting dirtetiy through Salt Lakt City. GOi5 Colorado Springs, Aspen, SvAv.viVsV.w;wvsVsvaV?&vjWAv.v.v.vVAVV,v-Fast between Splcuilidly equiped ' Trains Daily Ogden and Denver Via Three Seperate anil Distinct Scenic lloutrs. through tollman and ordinary rlfeping cars to Farmington loses one of its most prominent citizens. He was horn in England June as. 1818; emigrated to Utah in 1S64, inrating in J armingtoa, whers he has resided since. On hie way to Utah he remained n lew years in St. Louis. For many years he was the principal miller cd at the last three mills that he oper. FOR ATTORNEY. I. E. Willey. Dtnror, Omaha, Kantat City, St. Louit, and Chicago without change. Free reclining chair cars. Personally conducted excursions. Dining Cart, Service a la Carte on all through trains Chase. FOR COUNTY SUPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. E. M. Whitesides. WEST'S MAIL ORDER HOUSE South Few Doors West of Street, a ALifDA Office These garments are Lamb KBit, hand and home made heavy weight. for winter. See the Goode; they will convince yon. and gent's furnishings in stock. shoes of All kinds Will Remove to 23 West First e they last Just the thing 38 MAIN ST. James Wars, Jr. W. While pied at Obituary. In the death of Henry W. South worth John ' Price YOUNG BROS. COMPANY. FOR SHERIFF. FOR SURVEYOR. at j A ap- proved Garments sold REMOVAL One old merchants reply to my exlike a serperience question sounded l.enrn one word learn to say mon. no nn:l when t say It to buyer and sellor. Ymi me that, man ct the desk? This fa my brother working for me now but he tried to be In business for himself. He could not sny no. I havo offered him this lirrlnrse hut he does not (lore trust himself. The most Important tVtlr.c; I have learned during the yer.is of sUlfc fa that one word. year to l?nrn But It thes twenty-fiv- 3.50 3 and FORCED Advertisement! The Democratic rally last Satunlay evening was well attended. Judge Powers did not arrive at 7 oclock as was advertised he should; he reached Farming-to- n FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. at 7:45. The stage was dlcoraled W. Wadfe? H.P. Myton, beautifully with bunting and evergreen. James A. Minor. James T. Smith acted n chairman. Etta Tubbs of Farmington sang, Whers the FOR CONGRESS, Silvry Colorado Wends its Way." W. II. Joseph Howoll first Stewwas the Rich speaker; llyrutn art followed; and Simon Batnlierger also FOR STATE COVER NOR, John C. Cutter. spoke. Mr. Rich and Mr. Stewart each told what he would do if elected; Mr. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. Bamberger spoke ot church influence, Chailen S. Tingoy saving that there it no such thing ns church domination in politics, O. W. FOR JUSTICE OF SUPREME Powers followed. He gave a very interCOURT. Daniel N. Straup. esting speech, briefly speaking of the tariff, the bard times of 1893; ht found FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL. fault with the republicans for claiming M. A. Breeden Nominee Cutler came in lor everything. FOR STATE TREASURER. bia share of sarcasm; Judge Powers read James Christiansen. a "poem" written in honor of Mr. Cutler end said, "Now, after reading that, any' FOR STATE AUDITOR. body would vote for Moyle." Etta Tubbs J. A. Edwards. sang, "Our Own United States," and the FOR SUPT. OP PUBLIC meeting waa declared adjourned. INSTRUCTION. A. C. Nolsor. Republican Rally Held Here FOR DISTRICT JUDGE. The Republicans held an enthusiastic James Albert Howell. House at on the Rally Opera Friday which the C. at Hon, John Cutler, eight FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Lesley K. Walton, Geo. Hal vorseu, Ezra Goerge Halvorsen. F. Richards, James II. Larkins, Henry FOR STATE SENATOR. V Stable, Geo. H. Blood and I. WesloyK. Walton. A'illey occupied the rostrum. Inciden tal to the speaking done the Walton Silver FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Ezra F. Richards. Baud, comprising the family of Wesley K choice mnsic.niuch Walton, interaperced FOR COMMISSIONER, Four to the enjoyment of the hearers. The Year Term. James H. Larkins. .publican Baby Club of Farmington .Iso famished selections that fairly took FOR COMMISSIONER, Two the visitors by storm to say nothing of Year Term. the delighted mammae, papas, sisters, Jens Nelaan. brothers and friends of the precoaioue FOR CLERK. children. Henry W. Stahls. The Open House was crowded to the guard standing room lieing at n premium FOR TREASURER. and the crowd enthusiastic at all that Georgo H. Blood. was being rtndeied anil was most orderly FOR RECORDER. and decorous. . Sadie Foss. The subjects diseased covered the reFOR ASSESSOR. gular campaign oratory, dispensing with ell pcronslities or mudlhrowing. Joh.i E. Wooley. 1500 Pair L. 2. d, g AN ENJOYABLE SSSr9S090SSSSCS9SSeS99SSSS9SOSt)&XS0SSSS9eSSSeKSSS90e9SSSSX909SSSSe9 , I. IW rat ns fiiiil era, fras Illustrated bnnklrSs elf., Inquire nf your rarest ticket egret, sperlfln the Kin Onsde mute, nr Uivm A. BENTON. 0. A. P. D.t Salt Lake City. V.V.V.ViVVeV.V.V.V.VV.VVWVV.Vi,.V;V "war t" Bartling's JiEW yO'RK. CASH SUOPE. |