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Show west who think nothing of a nickel or a dime in good times which if saved and placed In the bank may some day prove a savior from bankruptcy or erhaps starvation. By all means take one of these small home savings banks and begin a bank account. See how much you can save here there and everywhere f you are too proud to do so yourself get one for the rhlldren help them learn to save. Encourage them to get all they can by honest means y and place it in the bank, then as amounts accumulate, put It in the bank where it will be further augmented by the Interest paid and ompounded and you will live to be glad that you have done so, not only from the habit of thrift and saving established but from the sum laid away for a stormy day. President Smith is righL We have hard times ahead and wise Is he who saves when the sunshine of prosperity Is on for the cloudy days of adversity. It is coming Just as certainly aa night follows day or aa winter succeeds summer, so prepare for it. Davis County Argus. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Farmington, Utah Publiahara D. P. FELT A SON Advertisement provided with ample school facilities or at least with room enough for elbo and breathing capacity, so that the clouded DEMOCRATIC t TICKET brain and impoverished physique caused by our illv ventilated and crowded FOR PRESIDENT! X school house may give place to the courAlton B. Parkar. aud cheerful a youth, ageous, bright D. P. FELT, EDITOR. has reflecting in the lives of our children FOR VERNON FELT Managar. the result oi proper environments at Henry 0. Davla school aa well aa at home. In thia great country of oura, there are SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS: three institutions that maybe said to FOR (In Advance.) Nawhouao of Salt Lake City Samuel embrace all of the people; the chursh, Kleaol of Ogdon J. Fred One Year saloon. the school, and the Edward M. Snow of St. George. 75 Sia Month! We shall not attempt here to point out -- .50 Three Montha - - - - the many channels leading from' thc FOR CONGRESS! occas-lonllast named resort, into the many avenues W. Power of Salt Lake City Orlando for trana made been baa Application of our social and moral existence, which minion through the mail! aa aecond-claa- a like a spider cancer, saps the moral, FOR STATE GOVERNOR! mail matter. social, and physical life of its victim; nor Jamoa H. Moyle of Salt Lake City. ia it designed to deal with the elements - Nov. t, 1904 ' FARMINGTON, of the first named organizations, the FOR JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT! church, which directs ita beat efforts to PAY UP YOUR DEBTS. the overthrowing of the evil effects of the CharleaS. Varlanof Salt Lake City. saloon: but it is the purpose of this arTheae am the days when It be ticle to deal with the school system FOR SECRETARY OF STATE! hooVea the average person to begin which embraces within its sphere of inLav I N. Harmon of Price. to aare hla money. Especially le fluence or Jurisdiction the other two; and thia advisable (or one who la involved when properly maintained, muitneces-aarill- y FOR TREASURER! assist the one in the upholling William B. Wliaon of Ogdon. In accounts payable; Le., In debt and maintaining morality, intelligence, The Americana aa a people are the and righteousness; and serve as a subFOR AUDITOR! and world most extravagant in the stantial barrier to the other against corW. Geiger of Park City. John thla la particularly bo in the liberal ruption. weat. In having the early training of the boy FOR SUPERINfENOEMT OF of today (which ie the man of tomorrow) SCHOOLS: rrerident Joseph F. Smith haa Centerville. The apples and other fruits raised how very important indeed must be the Nathan T. Porter of written an excellent editorial in the schools! "Juvenile Instructor" in which be in Davis county beat anything raised public What parent has not noted with keen FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL! aolemnly warne the people to avail In the state. interest the early impressions made on Grant C. Baglay of Provo. themselves of the good times now the little tot by its school teacher? How prevalent to pay up any Indebtedness JUDICIAL TICKET. With mines having such rich Indl plainly visible are theae early imprcaa-ionand if substantially correct there that they may have and prepare (or cations and oil wells almost spouting need be no futqre undoing or life failure, the hard times that are Imminent. is It any wonder that Davis County Now comes this same little gem, but of FOR DISTRICT JUDGE! We fully endorse all that he advisee citizens more mature years. Perhaps he or she Henry H. Rolapp of Ogdon. rejoice in the outlook? and are confident that he haa sized up has been advanced to the fourth, fifth, or ixth grade. He listens to the teacher the financial outlook with a prophetic FOR DISTRIOT ATTORNEY: By all means let us have an experi- as he A. G. Horne of Ogden. is to how very necessary explains eye. It la our duty to heed hie ment station in the It is life are health, and mental strength, to county. warning and in no better way can ours by nature's orders and wise Is have at all times an abundance of pure SENAlOm TICKET. we do so than by saving the email he that flys not against natures behesL air as well aa cleanliness in our apart, luma as they coma into our possession, ments. The teacher explains how the human system takes from the air oxygen, It is a trite adage that If we can save FOR STATE SENATOR! furnishes the best county Dsprls W. H. Rioh of Morgan. being life sustaining; and emits carbonic the nickel the dollar will save Itself brick In the stale. Many of acid gas: and which reinhalcd in sufficient pressed and If we shall assiduously set oui our best buildings of the state secured quantities becomes a deadly poison. He ,FOR REPRESENTATIVE selves to observing this role it will their brick from the south end of the may for thc purpose of making a lasting ftyrum Stewart of Kayavllle. surprise one to see the many places a impression, relate an incident or two eounty. email amount may be saved. from history; such aa that recorded of the COUNTY TICKET. English war in India, when 146 prisonwhich The rule by the fortunate ers wen shot up in a room scarcely laige Thc Aaous representative met few rise to rlchea la this: Never live enough to hold them, the fresh air en In Centerville gratifying FOR COMMISSIONER, Four reception beyond your Income, and save a por tering by two very email openings at the Year Term. and citizens are assured tnat its they narrow end of the tton of that Income, no matter how room. In eight Dan Muir of Weet Bountiful. prison small It may be. Tbal'e a simple will find mention of events la their hours there remained but so men alive, and they were in an exhausted condition. rule, and can be easily observed li hustling community. FOR COMMISSIOMER. Two He may also relate to them Peiceys' narI Year Term. one makes the effort. A little self , have received the first kiut of rative of "The Battle of Aasrijtg,, 8. White of Farmington. John Wf loff unnecessary denial, catling the MGold and Blue," the students' when 300 Russian soldiers were confined savings in the your pitting of the L. D. 8. University. in a dosed tavern, and 160 of them died FOR CLERK bauk and In a few; years you have the paper in a few hoars for went of fresh sir. He H. Thoo. Phillips of Kayavllle. Online whole, it presents a neat and means with whkh to begin a bust might Impress upon them the very posubstantial appearance. We note, tent fact that one not powerfully strong ness, bdy a home, and pay your FOR TREASURER however, that the present staff has to resist such unfavorable conditions, and Samuel M. Kerohaw of Layton. debts. used the same form exactly aa was with predisposition to lung diseases, This editorial Is Inspired by the used last year. We suggest that they may be quite sura sooner or later to deFOR RECORDER canvass that la being made by reprevelop consumption or pulmonary disease; Sarah A. Howard of Bo. Bountiful discard all and precedents produce sentatives of aa eastern manufacturer all for the lack of pure, fresh air which of home savings banks who are oper- something original. The ads. bear is cheaper than anything else known. FOR SHERIFF evidence of the strenuous endeavor The teacher may explain that 60b feet J. Holbrook of Bountiful. Joooph ating through the Commercial of space are necessary for each pupil, and National bank of Salt Lake City and made by the manager ; he is a hustler. that the ventilation must be going on all ! all be means, origins! local banks where the business Justi- But, by s the time. He should insist that great W. H. FOR ATTORNEY trooper, Jr. of Centerville. fies. cars be taken to keep down all unnecesKaysville Canning Co. alone haa sary dust; that it carries the impurities We heartily endorse this plan of FOR ASSESSOR home savings as it is possible for pat up no less than 1,060,000 cans of thc foul air,, intensified by the spent - John S. Thurgood of Syraouoa. of tomatoes this year. Besides this breath of others in the rame room. anyone to have a bank account To make, the impression more lasting FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF You ueed not wait until you have the company have put up enough and complete, the teacher may go into PUBLIC SCHOOLS to and add catsup 60,000 pumpkins or oue detail hundred dollars In hand, and explain that itiathe oxygen fifty Arthur Welling of Farmington but you can open an account at any cans to their season's output, with ia the air that unitea with the carbon in FOR SURVEYOR time with only on dollar and add to prospects of an Increase every year. wood, thus giving forth the blase which warms and cheers ns by the fire; just as Arthur Rnowlton of Kayavllle it at convenient Intervals. No one is Talk about cultivated resources ! the oxygen in sir unites with the eletoo poor to save something, and but One should visit the nurseries at Cen- ments in our bodies, THE PLATFORM. giving forth that few so rich that they can afford not terville and Roy, to see the grand living spark celled life. And so he may sight presented ; and then contem complete his instruction on this subject to save Farmington, Utah, Oct. 1, 1904, and members oi the DemChairman Hon. each will tree the declaration the do that by starvation great good plate oxygen There are men who spend a fortune and ocratic carbonic add County convention: poisoning together on expensive cigars that are wholly for Utah when the tree Is planted on Platform and Resocommittee Your more life than other known destroy any in the various parts of the state. unnecessary and are a disgrace to lutions report as follows: health besides a filthy habit If they We, the Democrats of Davis county in Having impressed them sufficiently our beliet must smoke why not get a pipe and strong with reference to the essentiality convention assembled of ample fresh air, cleanliness, and made in and allegiance to the Democratic reduce the expense to a minimum? a lasting impression upon the school boy, principles advocated by Jefferson and Then with the amount saved take one we have arrived at the point at issue. Jackson as being best suited to the interof these home savings banks, drop a The interested boy or girl has now be- ests of the masses of the people. come imbued with the importance of the We indorse the Democratic platform as nickel, dime or more in as it is saved The articles appearing In this depart- subject. His attention has been skill- adopted by the Democratic party at 8b and ere long you will have a bank ment are the opinions of the writers obtained and the impression suc- Louis in July last, and heartily indorse as account that will be a surprise to you whose names are signed thereto. The fully wise no in is responsible for any cessfully established. Let na note the the standard bearers of the Democratic and that will bring in an Interest at Editor opinion or argument that may be pub- effect it has upon him when his very sur- pa i.y, those sterling democrats, Alton four per cent per year and which la lished here; hat will from time to time B. barker and Henry G. Davis. roundings are otherwise. comment upon or criticise, acone We indorse the platform adopted by If who again compounded quarterly and you cording tofavorably understands casts his eyes his best judgment. The ci tihave a pride in adding to your de- rena are earnestly requested to discuss about the apartment he discovers that in- the Democratic State convention held at matters as they may deem of interest stead of 600 cubic feet of space to each Salt Lake City Sept. 8, 1904, and the posit. The bank feels an interest in such to the public or to themselves. Tbs only there are 30 or more pupils toia-hal-e candidates nominated by said convention you ; you feel yourself to be a better restriction being that the. writers mast pupil,the air of We believe that the officers elected t j this amount! and with in personalities or abuse. eitlxen and a better man. You owe not indulge or Republican should be the Democratic limited facilities for ventilation very tij it to yourself, your family and your OUR PUBLIO SOHOOLS. He furthermore observes that the floor iff servants of thc people and we pledge the fcienda to open an account as soon as the ball room, or amusement hall, where candidates of the Democratic party Invitation having been given to the people attend two or four hours during Davis county to an honest, efficient, and possible and begin the saving habit. business-lik- e general public for discussion of matters the week for recreation, is usually administration of the fiscal kept The habit will grow as your account of interest and of general importance to perfectly smooth and scrupulously dean, affaira of the eounty. grows and when the hard times coma the public, I the efore avail myself of the while the school room in which the stuWe declare it to be the policy of the you are prepared to meet it. Your opportunity and proceed to the ventil- dent must stay for months, ia rough and Democratic party of Davis county that d ;bts will have been paid and you ation of a few pent np ideas and views porous, wheiess a tew gallons of linseed the tax levy shall be fixed at the lowest for several yean lain smould- oil an raise yowr head and say "I owe which have applied once a year would obviate rate consistent with efficient and economwithin the very bonce of at least much ot this dust evil. ering ical administration of county governso man." the progressive citizens iff our modest At present the fact is that no matter ment. it is Die only way la the world to County seat. And like the smoldering how often the We favor librnd appropriations tor the dry, rough floor ia swept get rich honorably, and to appreciate embers of a neglected camp fire when the each time a child walks across it, the roads and highway of Davis county in wealth after It Is obtained. Money necessary elements are applied the foal gases that have united with thc dust keeping with the revenue that can be burning rise to be breathed over again, thas viti- used for that purpose. or anything else secured easily or amokey pile will bant forth into flames dispelling the hazy horizon and Resolved that we the Democrats ating tb blood and impairing the genwithout effort Is rarely valued as shedding a ray of light to cheer the sur- eral health. The child is perhaps ua. Davis county in convention assembled highly aa when obtained by the rounding travelers, so the citizens of mindful of headache and pledge our representative and senator and "sweat of the brow" and by careful Farmington who have the rearing and health and the. complaintsdepreciated of those the Democrats of this county to use their mors precious jewels around him, or his own buoyancy. If best efforts in securing Horticultural and stinting and aavlng. There are hun- education of one or have for several years looked forward to Agricultural Experiment stations for thousands of dreds, nay people In the thc time when their children should be (CoDtinucd on Fags 3.) Davis county. I (Incorporated) X T! ftah X "Bountiful , xa- - dfa 2e2E Davis County Bank DEPOSITS OCT. CAPITAL $25,000 COMMERCIAL end in $73,000 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Saving enl Pays 4 per cent Inloresf OrriCXKS AND PIBH0TOHS; A. L. Class, Caiklar Jamn S. Clam. PnMdmt; L. & Hills, Jobs Vi;su, Thomas Slaad, J, H. Sacrist, John Walsh, Josaph X. BoHnaos - - - - FARMINGTON, UTAH 3E J. D. WOOD DRUGS, GROCERIES HATS DRY GOODS SHOES a goad Always carries Stock el COAL &c. s, ,D TELEPHONE UTAH FARMINGTON, Fisher John iwMxsBaw1""-'- I Keeps a pull Stock of Gen- eral JWerehandise. lie soils the best Flour in and Davis County ita always on band. ftah "Bountiful Opera House DAVIS COUNTY NURSERIES AT LOCATED CEMTERVILLE es, AND ROT We grow a full line of Fruit, Shade, and Orn- amental Trees. Get our prices before you buy. We will give you good stock and fair treatment. I HARNESS, & DIX CO, Address all communications to SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. EDWARD TROMRS FURNITURE Baby Carriages, Wall Paper, Curtolno, Polee, Trimmlngo, Cofflne, Caekets, Undertaker's TWmmlngs, Stationery, Eto. BOUNTIFUL, jTto)e UTAH Vi feather i to use lota of Eight Months of Stove Weather before Coal. The better your atove the leoa ooal you burn. If you have an old fashioned Steve you-go- lng you Ire 'Burning Money One of our New Stovee will reduee your Oaeh bill one third That means Ttoo Thirds tess Coal to carry One Third less Attention One Uhird less Ishes A great deal more comfort end eatISfaotlon. and s little now and then. A little Caah Garland Range Heaters Stewart Ranges and Heaters 3 OVJVUIFVL CO-O- P RRRRRRWMAMAAAAMAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa iVuVUVVUVV |