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Show LEFT; TIME IS SHORT! TWO DAYS DONT FORGET TO REGISTER; - x FARMINGTON, UTAH, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER VOLUME I. NUMHEU 8. IHYSVlIiliE flECUS "By Lee Uaylor . The Argu Correspondent slso receive, suhecriptione, mod advertisement. If you know any new, tell him about it. The Republican Rally. KAYSVILLE. Oct 31, The Republican rally held in the Muaic hall on Saturday brought out a good crowd. Geo. M. Cannon and Geo. A. Smith were the peakera. Chri Burton, Jr. wa chairman. Muaic waa furniahed by the Republican Quartet. The apeechea were well received and much enthuaiaam waa manifeat. Danoe In William's Hall-Th- cannery employee gave a dance in William' hall laat Friday evening. A large crowd of employee and friend filled the hall to it utmost capacity. The prize waltz was taken by William Barber and Jennie Phillip; each receiving $1.50 in caah. At half past eleven, a Prof." short program waa rendered. aelection; Day gave an instrumental Miaae A fton and Mamie Lewi rendered a beautiful song; Wm. Varney sang, "When the Rose Bloom Again; and Will Rigby sang, Asleep in the Deep." Republican Entertainment In the Music Hall tomorrow evening, the republicans will give a free entertainment to eyeryone over 18 year o age. Geo. II. Blood, the precinct chairman, is figuring on feeding a host of people; and there will likely be dancing. Some say tha republicans have an ulterior motive in that tickling the appetite of the voter. Perhaps the democrat will sense the situation and give a ban quet such aa Carnegie would pay for. KAYSV1LLE BRIEFS. John Flint and Jame Ellison left Friday for the World's Fair. Tho Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone boya were here laat week repairing the r line. ' , James GardittCf," . man- ne ager for Davis county, contemplates leaving for the Pair sbont Nov. 10. The Kayaville Amusement committee give a ward entertainment in the Music Hall on Nov. 11. Everybody ia invited. Hector Haight is at Long Beach, having gone there to undergo an operation for cancer. Mr. Haight ia topping with Rev. Knox, formerly a ctaident of Davia county. Cal-forn- TheKempton Comedy Co. will play here tomorrow A Homespun Heart night. The company i well known and ia rare to please. The tunal price will prevail. The Mutual Improvement association organized laat Tuesday. H. C. Burton waa chosen president; Albert Barton and Walter Coltrrell, counselors. The Improvement woik ia beieg carried on with a vim, the young men especially taking great interest in the woik. Ear W. As regards the canning factory the committee finds that the nearest successful fruit factory is located at Syracuse, but it cannot lake care of all the fruit in that section, so that it is very patent that there i room in this city for even mure than one large factory atid capitalists should be invited to inveatigate this particular line, ala certain dividend payer from the start. Regarding the fruit growers union the com mi lice find such organizations at three or four cities in the state, besides firms that are successfully exporting, and in one instance the returns for a crate of peaches netted the difference between 25 cents and It, lest 37 cents freight, 0 tint it more thin pays to organize a union as the demand is always greats r than the supply outside the state. Before dosing we would say that it ia also surprising that evaporating ia pot resorted to as much as it should be, even by the old process of sun drying and yet a a evaporator plant is easily within the reach of many of our orchtid-iats,an- d this would shut off importations which increase yearly, much to our shame. "We should also use more bottled fnr.t in our homes, thus reducing the meat till besides being snch an healthy dietf There is still another industry that can be made profitable that of distilling and Halt Is lit we should encaurage it. y lit raid. ing fruit, outside the state. Bainee, ..Henry Summer - ..! ' . 13. , Clinton. ij.,....,....Joa . Kaysville Dsvid Gailey Clearfield. 1 4.... ; - ' 1 , , . ING FLANNELS, FULL AND PLETE . . GOODS SELECTED .GREAT CARE LOOKING , NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE. . WE MAKE A SPECIALTY John R. Barnes, Supt. .. or'tiKAIE . s', ti r Yjt4 COM-J;- ; . 1 s- ,Jr wiTH "T TO,(THEh"v t iT- L ; , - ,r AEO CODMTRY 1UOHVCC. a,' Kaysvik, Utah . r 4 Ij you carb buy aywfyere else, l SheTd, 1 the Merchant Number I For Prices K. S. SIMS CONFECTIONER mrns. JOHN BARTON 4 -- Ed. Thomas Bountiful MM6MCC WMIMMWMWWmimWHWtMWWM Also Dealer m t iwuvuiuirrc 1.. C. Woolley 5 The only Hcansad ambalmer in tha Countv. HOTEU Bountiful " JFw'nltui', Picture Frames, Wall Paper, Window Glass, Etc. KAYSVILLE, UTAH. KAYSVILLE, UTAH Centerville. two weeks, and retained her full mental vigor np to the last, She even selected the hymns, the speakers, and arranged details of her burial. She was often seen driving around in her buggy and in her genial way throwing gleams ofannahine around those despondent. Her purse was slwaps open to the needy, sml her last bequest was to the new meeting house, in the sum of $20. For number of years, the has been the prize winner for being the oldest lady present at the Old Folks' reunion. She has also won prizes and expreasiohs of surprise at her agility and strong mental powers. The funeral sarvices were held in the South Bountiful meeting house, on Mem day the 24th inst. The speakers were the three sons of her eldest daughter, and President Grant. The funeral was largely attended by local friends besides many from other parta of the slate. W. II. Wilcox Farmington 7.. .Jos. Wells Ilesse Farmington. 8...Marr Ann Long 6 " " " " Ksysville, " i " 11 animated discussion before the county Horticultural society at its regular meeting in the city and county building some time ago. The subject cume up in the form of a committee report submitted by J. E. Cox. The report was adopted at the cloae of the discussion and the request was made that it be printed in full in the local pupers. It took strong grounds in favor of a growers association and also in favor of the establishment of a canning factory for SaltLaka coamy. The report was as lollows; Your .committee on the glut pf fruit in the market beg to report that the Jcondi-tiec- s of the market in thia city are a stands tlie planting, pnining, thinning, spraying, watering and fertilizing of hi trees, the care of handling and packing in first class condition, the selection and amort nicut of grades anil proper labeling. There ia fold on Salt Lake markets the fruits not only of this county, but also of the largtst iurtioii of Davis, con' siderable from Utah and Tooele counties, besides other points reached bv team and rail, so that the supply far exceed the demand even in off years. Your committee suggests especially two remedies, a canning iactory and a fruit growen' union for the purpose of ship-- E2E33j!jiii&3l35E3 COMMERCIAL MENS PARADISE. EVERYTHING NEV AND CLEAN REASONBLE RATES. I ! Geo. H. Blood Mick Bonnemort j BCWEmORT & BLiOOD Dealers in FRESH AND CURED MEATS Telephone Mo. 5 Kaysville, Utah R. W. BARNES, Cashier J. R. GAILEY, Asst Cashier JOHN R. BARNES, President L.S. HILLS, Vice-Preside- nt BRPtfJES BfllUUHG CO. KAYSVILLE, MHK'JTOIIS uun, UTAH SURPLUS AND PROFITS 535,000 UAlJTAI. $25,yiJO l. s. iiilu, 1. O. M. UBNM BLOWl, . W olwar paid nn Tlrai) add iMalMa an, aliwe In Uw arrl-Ynur WILLIAM to the practical orchanlist in that those raising only a small quantity are Committee Submit Report Deplor- careless in the quality of the fruit, ita packing and ita price, thereby to a lrge ing Present Conditions. The glut of the local fruit market ard extent regulating the price making it plans for its cure was the subject of uu unprofitable to the orchanlist who under menace .Jos. II. Allen Layton. S. S. Smith Layton. 10 Jom. a. REGARDING GLUT OF FRUT Kayaville Alice Foxley. 9 . FUNERAL DIRECTOR JOHNSONS Woods Cross. James ihurns 3 Th Argus Correspondent will receive subscriptions, and advertisements. If you have any news, ktndly give it to him. n, ! 1 Bjv Alma Hardy. When Mrs. Phoebe Atkinson djfd last Friday, Oct. si, 1904, there passed from earth a grand woman, one whom the angela will delight to welcome in the portals of heavens Deceased eras born Oct. 9, 1809 at New Brunswick, Csnada, and baa lived in Bountiful over half a century. She waa the mother of fifteen children, seventy-sere- n grandchildren, 329 89 great great grandchildren. Her total posterity numbers 460 descendants. She suffered little, ifhny, pain in her last days, being confined to her bed only ,jl -' ell-w- ade BEGISTEW BOUHTIpUli Obituary. - HATS, FALL LINE OF CLOTHING. . '.Iff si; ., DRY GOODS: ETC STOCK OF. OUT- -' Hoad The Argus' On November 11, a ball will be given by the National Guards, Company E. in Hales Ilall. The Bountiful Orchestra will furnish the music. Everyone invited. t I Dry ooods, groceries, hardware, ..Etc ' I. i Why Rich Should Bo Elected. ' t I .. (Advertisement - Mercantile rafe DEALERS IN v.: i 1 Co-ope- Bodily Syracuse. John T, Smith' Sooth Hooper. J There Is one wan who is placed on the Democratic ticket, that ia entitled to election irrespective of polities, and that is Wm. II. Rich of Morgan, candidate for Senator from the Third district. - By all rights of birth and association, he ia a Davia county product and as such should receive the vole of every 'citizen in the eounty. Mr. Rich is essentially a man. He waa born at Centei-vill- e in the year 1857, and with hia parents joined the "move south. In 1861 his parents took up their home at Rich-vill- e BUSINESS NOTES. named in honor of hia father, Thomas Rich and he has ' lived there Co-oan has excellent The Kayaville ever since. Mr. Rich ' ia one of line of fall goods. the wealthy men of Morgan counK. S. Sima it well stocked with candies ty, having made a comfortable living that fairly draw the coin from your pockand then some, as a farmer, etock raiser, et aa yon look at them. and shipper of prodiye. He waa later elected school trustee and held the posiIlyrum Stewart has just received a new tion consecutively for fifteen years. He apply of shoes. He ia the man who has waa later elected a connty commissioner, the shoes that fit, and the prices that and held the position for four yean. In fit every pocket." the year 1900, be was appointed water k: is Sheffield, the merchant, doing a verv commissioner for Morgan connty and still is business. He satisfactory receiving holds the position. Mr. Rich is also a new goods every day, and if you can't director in the Weber River Power and has it. buy anywhere else, he . Irrigation company. Bonnemort & Blood, the most dealers, of In his it support candidacy may be are well satisfied with their fall trade. The public is reminded that this ia regaid that owing to the peculiar constructThey have little trouble now that it is istration year and those who want to vote ion of the Irrigation law a serious flaw cool weather, to keep the flies off the should see that they get their names xw been found that will require the has block. even is idea to register the list. It a good of a new law Much car must dn not intend to vote this time but framing John Bartons line of furniture would if you be exercised In its : 'Construction, and Mr, almost decide a young man to begin The Argus advises all persons to vote 1 is the best W'S for the position so borne of hia own. When you decide to who are entitled to as every American far named. Ahm-- another reason should citizen it proud of hia or her franchise. do such a thing, call on him. be recited if the Republicans are success-fu- ll Some people may lie under the irnpi The Johnson Hotel has recently init is absolutely certain that 1 Reed sion that because they registered last ; , 8doot will be sent bkek to Utah; for they stalled a $73 muaic box. At present it will not be necessary again this him, whereas if tha demo' they have only a dozen records, but have but it ia a most certain fact that all mutt wont need ordered 23 new ones. The muaic box ia grata are - successful. Republicans will election vote at who the coming in the front room and attracts many register not dare ferafyact him bit seat, for it tpill The election laws call for an entirq Wean the sealing of a democrat in hia pasacraby. tir. and Mrs. Johnson are registration and dqyqjhavebeen set extensive Cffatomplating improvement, 'tjbr lhis work. As there kromriy ip the building now occupied by the in which to complete the registratiod it ia Tavb:d no matter how many women, mlm al. ask for hia removal. hotel. An addition on the south will le that all make it q point to iaters, et. if Mr. Rich ia elected. built as an ice cream parlor and dining veryinimportant Renumber, and have their names properSenator Smoot .will hold hia seat; if deroom. The confectionery and cigar sup- get earlyon the lists, because if everyly entered ply are already large; the hotel accomo- body holds back until the laat there will feated, then Smoot will be sent home. dations are excellent; and when spring be so much confusion that some are liable comes, the Johnson Hotel will be even to miss being listed. THE better. And, by the way, the Johnson The days set for this work are the 11th, Hotel has the agency for the beverage 12, and iSth.of October and the ist and called Blue Grass Belle, a very delic- 2nd He deals in choice and pure confections, of November. ious and harmless drink prepared from UTAH The county registrars are aa fallows and KAYSVILLE, fruits, may he found at their several offices cqj the dates above inentioued: Election District No. 1 W. A. Brown Woods Cross. " . " " 2 G. W. .Roberts p l.Sft A YEA. 1, 1904 Int-r- ROTARY ; rnu analtni, inn 2JIMM If. I IIIIM. hx.r Mum, to loan un Omni atllclU-- 1. WBUO Shuiii lljf. l.an IM DARK HYRUM STEWART MERCHANT For Shoes that pit That Fit Every Pocket. HEMS Ha Sails PAIRTS, OILS, DRY GOODS , ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Because they have a fairly good. supply of pall Goods; but cue let our goods boast for.us. WE HAVE A New Fall line of Men's Shirts. and-Price- s DRUGS , OTHERS BOAST w. iiiiLSV BRING YOUR FEET TO THE ft 4V with Dry flootls of every description. FURS-ISHIMG- commERcmii manufacturing co. FARmiNGTON S, & .ETC. KAYSVILLE, Our shelves are overflowing UTAH V |