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Show OUR PUBLIO SCHOOLS. (Continued from rge a.) Where Fake Shown Thrive. ALEXANDER McMASTER, The Drop at the Bottom. "The city people are the greateit A certain stingy son of Erin, on one A1T0RHEYIT-W farmer," said Allie Hall, the showman, occasion, upon seeing another Irishat the Hotel Pfisler in the Milwaukee man just going to drink a glass of Min: B.gtrtt l T. HUB Wisconsin. We are ruiiuing a fake whisky, exclaimed: Hould rn, Pat. SAI.T LAKE CITY, UTAH. show at faira-- ifa a good fake all right just let an ould friend have a drop, His and worth the money and ever siuce the luiste drop In the wnrruld. friend passed the glass, and the Mutlmnlhuli Tlwimuu. l'UUp Hayrack. we were out at the state fair grounds a few wceka ago I have learned a lot about stingy one quietly emptied it. Pat THOMAS AND uas annoyed, and said: people. It ia the city folks who like to lleUad,naturally I thought you only wanted a MAY COCK be buncoed; they like to be humbugged, drop? We may guess his feelings LAWYERS juitas Barnum aaid. The countryman upon receiving the reply: The drop geta sore unless he is given just what he I wanted waa at tha bottom! Suite Deseret News Building expects, but the city folks dont care; ran Ira In ell Stele ktokral Court r they like it. Not that they want to be Better Be Blind. lur Aaerieen altorua) Surety Co. of Mew Turk. The Chicago minister who felt it actually swindled out of their money, but if the fake is half way good, if there waa hla bounden Christian duty to ia a laugh or two thrown at them or a peak to the ladles of his congregaclever trick, they are satisfied and even tion In a most confidential, LAGOON ROAD manner concerning their petty come again, People talk about the faults and foibles, baa now bad It farmer who cornea to town to see the made clear to him that be had better Salt Lake and Ogden Railway. sights, but it ia the city people who want be listening for a call to aome other to see the sights not the country people; pulpit. Never be critical upon the Time Table in effect Sept. 6, 1904. not when it coats anything, anyway. It ladies was the maxim of an Irish L iix t-- bright he begins, in view of theae unfortunate couditiona, to diacredit the whole of thia moat important part of bia education, and ia apt u conclude that it ia alright aa a pet theory, but not in truth. In the matter of the achool boy, it ia of a dual nature; for under circumatancea aa deaevibed above, the reaction produced ia parallel with the impreaaion made; thua creating a diaregardfor inatruction and at the aame time perpetuating ignorance of the moat harmful nature; and that intelligence remaina nnabaorbed by pnpil, upon which, aa a aafe foundation, teats the auperatructure ofhia education and future naefulneaa. Without aatrong body, a vigorous mind, and a moral aptitude, our efforts. no matter how heroically put forth, muat oink into oblivion; Tittie doth purge the evil and perpetuate the good." Now we intend much of thia criticiam to apply to Farmington, for we think we should firat draw from our eyea the "mote" before looking for the beam" ia the eyea of our neighbor. The writer appreciatea in advance the amilea of complacency that will creep over the of aome of our very beat citizena while reading thia article, who have never taken the opportunity to notice the building in which our children apend ao fcnany health-deroping daya. To anch we here auggeat, juet take the trouble to inquire, when our achool ia running with (ta fulleat enrollment, the number of children there are in the different rooma, then go to the building, take your tape line, meaaute the width, breadth, and faighth of depart menta and, by the problem in arithmetic. End out the amount of apace alloted to your children. Mote the limited mean of the proper ventilation; go to the build-ineofevening when the janitor ia note the doudaof dnat and eweeping, arising' which are full of foul microbea that your children are breathing over and over again, largrly on account of unpainted and rough floor. And if you are not satisfied, you have a chance to deny thia through Tax Argus. We are now under quarantine, and we have reaaou to believe it waa cauaed through unhealthful conditiona at achool. My experience ia that aa aoon aa my children atart to achool, they begin to complain of headache and aore throat, and continue much of the time until achool clove. Certainly the education of our children phyaically and otherwiae, ia worth more to parent than all elae, and to a great extent their liven will be a reflex of what their parent have left them aa an inheritance. Shall we not place in the hand of ear truateea the neceeaaty meana to build ua a houae of auitabte dimension to properly accomodate our children? Fhrmington haa three railroads and a resort which muat pay their quota of the taxea necessary for improvement, leaving bnta alightly increased tax for the citizens. Nature has placed at our disposal many advantages aa yet unembraced. Let us bgin now and not leave it to our children, for certainly if we have a dollar more than we need to build up onr home and to support our own household, then we can raise it to no better advantage than to improve and build up our own town. Let ua build up our church and tear down the saloon, by improving our choola; let ua build up our mountain home, by improving the schools! JOHN S. WHITE, JR. the child ia reasonably coun-tenarc- af an 201-3-- During an Attack of Diphteria. Dr. Van Cott haa furnished the following roles to be observed when an attrk of diptheris ia made: Remove from the room all carpets, curtains, upholstered goods and everything not absolutely necessary for the welfare of the patient and keep it well ventilated. There ahould be plenty of aun shine. It ahould be a room with a fireplace. The floor should be washed once a day with a solution of bichloride one part to 1,000 parts water. The wood work and walls should be dusted often with cloth moistened in aame solution. All cloths, bed linens, etc., ahould be boiled for thirty minutes or more and then placed in the sun light for a long time. All discharges and pieces of membrane ahould be placed in carbolic acid, one part to twenty parte of water or bichloride, one part to 1,000. Vessels for expectoration and other discharges ahould contain bichloride, one part to J,ooo parts water. Bed linen should be changed often and kept scrupulously clean. A large bowl of carbolic acid in solution one part to forty parts of water ahould be kept in room to wash hands, spoons, ayringes, etc. Diahes used should be boiled thoroughly. No milk nor food of any kind ahould atand in tha room. Hang a sheet at the door sprinkled with carbolic acid. Get advice from the health board aa to how disinfecting ahould be done, if a regularly employed person does not do thia work. The above drugs may be secured from the doctor or the local atom. Nux Vomica Kills. L. C. Hill of Ward ton, who was In town today, tells ua of a novel meana of destroying chicken hawks which la being employed there. In the feed prepared for forty or fifty chickens la a teaspoonful of tincmixed one-hature of nux vomica. This poison does not affect the chickens, ao It is asserted, but in turn does kill the hawk which makes a meal of one. Such food carried by the parent bird to young hawks while still In the neat also kills them. Hawka havs been causing a great havoc among tha young chickens In that neighborhood, but are now being materially thinned out by thia method. Roaeburg (Ore-gaReview. lf n) Salt Laki City CRARIiES KEflT TEACHER OF MUSIC. Catoaon, November Md, ltil Maser. Kai.t k I'oulvy, W haa the Hoere Bloom Agate. or Dooley A Saul, r lilhvar on of yau that ting XJwir Mr; nl and effecting sung several Unice during lb week el 1 have y u elngthv alinve baeuUf . 11I keve take a nninbnr nf friruda, ladle end geutlaaeo, rvkrd and rnmptteaf The Hayinerk-t.'- 1 le judge el whet In g - d a aging atyi, method, phraalng, etc., and ad aej your rendering of the aoog referred U 1 111 KAT MI'HICaI. THKAT. I have heard vary maojalngara la my time lielladMa, uparao tie stars, min rale of ell grunt, pr ,fi .Monel end nnpn (a.tanal, Md have nitty baeo affected W hen lb Hear nimim Again." pleaaeetly a whan hcnrlng you aing. ttlnhlng you g .1 loch slid pr.i ntr, 1 am y iur truly, JARVIS ULUMK. SALT LAKK CITY, UTAH. 536 Constitution Building, hnl for hla homage to pretty woman is with hla eyea Boston Harold. THOMAS St. 26 S. Maim 5 The only way that a genLeave Sait Lake tleman ahould loajc at the faults of a and 5,30 p. m. the sex. make their money." J. w DENTIST m heart-to-hea- ia in the big towns where the lake shows peer, remarkable DR. 6:30 and 9 a. m., 3.30 shut" Leave Farmington and Lagoon 7:30 and m., 4:30 aud 6:30 p. tu. Extra trains st it a. m. and 1:30 p.m. Midsummer Day Festival. Midsummer day, or St. John the on Sundays and Holidays. Baptists day, is a featival of much A. D. PIERSON, Genl Pass. importance among the Masur peasant Apt. girls In East lTussla. On this day J. 11. UEAN.Exiuisiou Apt. they each make a wreath, and each Office 161 Maiu bireel In turn tries to throw her wreath ao as to lodge it on a fruit tree. A girl must keep on throwing until her AVV.V.ViV.'.Y.Y.'.VAVAV; wreath stays in the branches and the number of attempts ia supposed to Indicate the number of years she will 1 have to wait to get married. When the girls are thus engaged the young $ AT THE men of the village atand around chaffing them when they mlae. The girl 1 who lands her wreath at the first attempt la vehemently applauded. The Maaurs are Poles who live In that J TWO Immense Swimming Pools part of Prussia which waa once part of Poland. TUB BATHS aud PRIVATE PLUNGES. Natural Hot Sulphur Water. BOOKMARKS OF ALL SORTS. 10 a. WHITE'S DRESSED MEAT CO. (Incorporated) WE ARE BUYERS OF FAT CATTLE. SHEEP AND HOGS. Get in the Swim f Johu II. While, Manager Telephone 2047k 266 Ncrtit Second West UTAH BALT LAKEiCITY, SANITARIUM City Librarian Haa Collection by Forgetful Persona. Anything in sight will do for bookmarks, said a librarian of a city circulating library recently. "Many In returning books forget to keep their bookmarks. As a result I have an large collection of odd things ia tha bookmark line. Among them were stacks of letter, business letters of Importance, letters containing grocery kills, gas bills, meat bills, due bills, bills of sale, mortgages and insurance policies, social letters, family letters and letters of the amorous sort, photographs, hairpins, spectacles, keys, scissors and single keys sufficient to equip a gang of burglars." TURKISH Cl ALT Y. t j $ F asses Through the Famous BATHS OUR RPE- - jjj fe Sefiarate Turklih lielha fur Ladle. dressing Ualr- - ' TINTIC MINING DISTRICT Comprising .. : The completion nf the ernnartlng link between Cell note, Neruda and Daggers, Cellfomta will open r of Uie blggaat and aval oped mining districts In Urn west. Full Information regarding train sendee, stage ennnectlna to Interior enip-- , etc., cheerfully given by any agent of TUX BALT LARK ROUTE, or addraa. wvwvvv;ivvv.v;.iv. trgus is not an experiment; it is here to stay. :: 4 f. L. MOORE Dirt. Pass. Agt. T.C. PECK, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt-SAL- T E. W. GILLKTT, Geul. Pass. Agt. LAKE CITY, UTAH. -- u --t Value of a Hearty Laugh. Health, an English publication, saya: It la good to laugh. There la probably not tha remotest corner or little Inlet of the minute blood vessels of the body that does not feel aome wavelet from the great convulsion produced by hearty laughter shaking the central man. The blood moves more rapidly probably its chemical, electiie or vital condition la distinctly modified, it conveys a different impression to all the organa of tha body as it flalts Jhem on that particular mystic jour 007 whan the man ia laughing from what it does at other tine. The time may come when physicians shall prescribe to a torpid patient ao many peals of laughter to be undergone at such and such a time. 8PENCER'8 8EN8E OF HUMOR. Not a Special Characteristic of tha Great Philosopher. Herbert Spencer baa been described as a person of great Intellectual power who took himself too seriously." He was amusingly literal-mindeOnce a certain Mr. Mozley remarked, disparagingly, that Spencers works Wa are Immortal now, and here. were an imposing system wbleh occuChances and changes, night and day. pies several yards of shelf In most Are landmarks In tha eternal way. Our fear le all wa have to fear. public libraries. Thereupon the philosopher wrote in his autobiography The eoul that drifta all darkly dim The least Through floods that seem outside of with portentous gravity: grace, number connected by several Is Is only surging tnwerd the place Which Thou hast made and meant for three and, at tha time Mr. Moxley him. wrote, the volumes I had published For this wa hold 111 could not be occupied . twenty-on- e inches, or less Were there no power beyond the III, than a fifth." Spencer poesessed but a Our wUla are held within Thy will; faint sense of humor. He writes thus The ends of goodness raet with Tbes. of a Joke he made on a visit to tha Fall, atorma of winter, aa you may: Tha dry boughs in tha warm spring Isle of Wight: When sitting down to rain Shall put their gram Havas forth dinner at Freshwater, ( made Lewes laugh by exclaiming, Dear me, these again. And airily wa are more than thsy. are very large chops for such a small Alloa Carr. Then he proceeds to anisland.' alyse his propensity: WOMEN BAT IN COUNSEL With me any tendency toward facet lousness is the result of temporary Centurlea Ago Tholr Judgment on elation, either, as in thia case, caused Matters Was Welcomed. State health-givin- g by pleasurable change, Jennings, in hla Aneodotel History or more commonly by meeting old of the British Parliament, quotes e friends. Habitually I observed that paragraph from Gurdon which trnda upon after a long Inseeing to show that centurlea ego women terval I waa the Lotts to give vent to some apt had e direct voice in affaire of state: witticisms the first hour or two The ladles of birth end quality set and then during became rare. they in counsel with the Saxon Wltas. In Wrightreda greet council of Beoon-eelA. D. 694, the abbenaea sat and Prebate and Guardianship Notices. deliberated and five of them signed the decree of that council, along with Consult County Clerk of Davis county, tha king, bishops and nobles. In or the Respective Signers for Utah, IIL a and four Edward time Henry further information. abbesses were summoned to parliament, viz., of Bhafteabury, Berklng, 8L Mary of Winchester and of WilNOTICE TO CREDITORS. ton. In tha reign of Edward IIL were IN TUX SKOOKD JUDICIAL COUKT, IS AKD summoned by writ to parliament, to FOR TDK COUNTS OF DAVIS, STATE OF appear there by their proxies, Mary, VTAI1. count-eseonntesa of Norfolk; Eleanor, i Id (he Better of Ike Eatate of Napoleon Graver, leaned. Modes to Creditors. of Ormond; Anna Deapenaer PhilCreditors will prawnl rlalms with vonrben to Daaeral Keve Building, ippa, countess of March; Johanna the nadenlgind at Lake City, Utah, oa ur befure the SMbdayof Salt FitiWater Agneta, countess of Pem, A. D. IWft, broke; Mary da SL Paul, countess of Aarons N. Omni, Pembroke; Margaret da Roose Ma- Administrator of the estate of Mspolvoa Grover, tilda, countess of Oxford, and CathTnsii Ximri, Attorney for Aileilniairatnr. erine, countess of Athole. I At of firvt imliUcellua Orl. 2S, A. U IvOl. Levi Is Life. Our days at few and full of strife; Like leave our pleasures fad and fall; But Thou who art th Thy nam la Lova, and lore la life! We wnlk In Bleep and think we aa; Onr lltilo Uvea arc clothed with dream; For that to ua which aubatanca enema la ahadow, twlzt ourselves and Thee. ll. Birds Dacorato Tholr Neats. In Scotland a naturalist has found a golden eagles neat that contained a rubber ring, carried thither by the birds aa an adornment An observer In California has reported that a pair of golden eagles there decorated their When the kite neat with sacks. builds look to lesser linen," says Shakespeare, alluding to the robberies committed by those birds from the hedges where the linen was put to dry. The late Mr. Booth described a kind of bower made by some aesthetic eflHea in Scotland. Blunders In Translation. In New. Britain a missionary, In translating, was seeking some native Idiom to convey the idea of a binding oath, when a chief suggested that the desired phrase was, I would rather apeak to my wifes mother than do In British Such and such a thing. Columbia a missionary wanted his catechist to translate A crown of This glory that fhdeth not away. waa done to the satisfaction of all concerned, bnt ultimately the missionary found to his horror that It had been rendered, A hat that never wears out! joke-makin- g Calls to Salt Lake from Bounli-fa- it Centerville, and Farmington lO CENTS From Bountiful, Centerville and Farmington to Ogden IS CENTS prom Kaysville to Salt Lake 15 CENTS From Iaysville to Ogden 15 CENTS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1ST. d, Rags for Paper Making. Hundreds of tons of Egyptian rags are exported every year into the United States to supply the paper Mannhelm-on-the-Rhln- e At mills. g American Importers have houses where rags are collected from all over Europe, the dlaease-infecteLevant not excepted, and where women add children, too poor to earn a better living, work day after day, with wet sponges tied over their mouths, sorting these filthy scraps for shipment to New Tork. The best papers Are mad of these rags. The common Ones are made of wood pulp, which is obtained by grinding and maceratfor ing huge blocks from est trees. d d I-- xn-S-- in Rocky Mountain Ben tie-TRICT- S BLACK ROCK, MlLFOED and Frisco in Utah, and thkPiociix, DkLamar and Cal finte Mining Districts in Nrvada. V, Salt Lake City, Utah Ghe Eureka, Mammoth and Silvke City, also Mining OF OFHIR, FAIKFIFLD, (IkRCUR, . W. 3RD SO. ST. 52-5- 4 San Pedro Los Angeles & SallHake R. R Telephone Company. |