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Show zHE MIDVALE MIDVALE. UTAH MESSENGER, BULL! WHAT IS IT? When the chain store charges a customer $34.75 for a suit not equal to one of our $25.00 suits, gets caught at it and then trys to cover it up by howling about their big business: THATS BULL. When they try to palm off a e suit perhaps made in a sweat shop as the maker is ashamed to put his name on it: THATS BULL. When they tell you they buy only from the factory and not from travding men: THATS BULL. When they tell you they sell sixty thousand suits per year: THATS BULL. When they say they have the newest and nifties line of suite when up to date they havet shown one waist line model: THATS BULL. Buy where the makers name is on the article and where we dont have to peddle bull to sell the goods. Buy at no-nam- PUT ONE DOLLAR ON TOP OF ANOTHER Sunday' IiuhvImiII exhibition iteeni-e- d of course, need not Interfere with to be fluvored with Mime of the eilher teams right to book games with e and pep which Mldvule aturted to outside players, for Saturdays put Into the game early Id the eeuxoii. other week days. But Sunday for the The Mldvale-Wea- t Jordon game was next , three to five weeks should he a hummer, lautli tea um allowing flue. given to the eonqietition of the two And, although the Welfares lost to the home teams. The receipts would sure MiNiaera, they acted more like liall be big, because everybody would natplayers than they did a week ago, aud, urally turn out aud use ull the fun consequently, didnt lose by auch a stuff ut his command In behalf of one great majority ; and a few more games or the other of the home teums. In will doubtless make of the smelter fact the rivalry, the good natured rivteam one to be proud of. alry, we hope, would lie just about From one stundolnt, it seems n ten times as strenuous as It Is under slinuie that the Midvale hull players the present conditions. should be divided, some In one team Of course, both teams are fuvored and some In another. For the team with managers who doubtless know lHisslhle in Midvale now, granted that what are doing. But It seems so they the very best players le selected, would evident to ns that Interest worth while make the state look up and tuke not- ran lie given birth by the ice, and It would lie a safe bet to method Hint we can't help makwager that the visitors, no mutter who ing the suggestion. they were, would always he forced to The two games played by the Welgo home and tell the folks why they failed to win. From another stand- fares during tlie week, the one with point, however, the division of the Draper und the other with Bluff Dale, players can result In some of the most prove the contention tliut all the Welexciting baseludl that ever hupiened fares need Is practice and confidence in the town. The only thing necessary ' Everything considered, Bluff Dale to bring ubout the said excitement Is played iis good a game as did the Dru-'pe- r team, still the Welfares heat the for tlie two home teams to lock horns us often us iossible. The thing to do former decisively and lost to tlie lat-- : Is to make a schedule of ubout five ter. With Draper, the score was 8 to 10 In fnvor of Draper; with Bluff guinea, for a purse of some pnqMir-tlonand. believe us, there'll lie some- Dale, the score was 8 to 2 in favor of thing doing In Mldvnle. The schedule. the Welfares. and emulate the examples of this countrys biggest men. They are big because they realized the value of the little additions. Remember your at a money is a money-makhigh rate of interest when placed with us. old-tim- er Midvale State Bank Utah Midvale home-conie-titl- ; The- - . Salt Lake Farmers Equity s, Corner Allen and Center Streets PHONE MIDVALE 28 DRY HAY, GRAIN, COAL and LUMBER PHONE MIDVAL EIO 8 The Best of Utahs Most Famous COAL Solves the Burning Ques tion. F. C. Rasmussen & Sons Operating Four Stores C. S. Rasmussen, Manager FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES FRESH AND CURED MEATS A Good Mower Try others, then try us. We buy more, we sell more We buy cheaper, we sell cheaper Stays Sharp QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR SPECIALTIES The entire season. A poor one keeps its cutting edge but a very short time. Each of our ballbearing mowers is equipped with four knives of crucible steel the kind that stays sharp for months. 16 inch mowers, $16.00 and 14 inch mowers, $15.00. Excellent 16 inch mowers priced at $10.50. ball-beari- ball-beari- ng Two Yean of Prohibition Have Helped the Thrift Habit, and it is Increasing With National Prohibition. OH, MIDVALE CITY OFFICIALS West Jordan Lumber Co. Mayor John A. Aylett Recorder Mrs. Hilma S. Wiles. Treasurer A. L. Anderaon. Councilman Andrew Larson. J. A Wright, L. A. Porter, John Jenson, Alnra Ilogensou. City Attorney H. A. Smith, 003 Boston building. City Justice Nells Lind. City Physician Dr. A. J. Hosiner. Road Supervisor and Water Master Nlel Anderson. Plumbing Inspector W. J. Wood-hea- 60 DRYI For two years, Utah lias been hung on the prohibition clothes line, high aud dry, and just a abort time ago, the rest of the U. 8. followed suit. One of the great things that lias been disttivered by prohibition, la tliut the average man now has more money to save, und not only are the bunks n Trying more depositors, but W. 8. 8. i ml Thrift Stamps are being purchased iiy those who formerly wasted their money. Jack Sears in Ills Cartoon this week represents both Utah and the U. S. Building Inspector J. J. Isler. 'umging on the prohibition line, and Marshal D. C. Smith. util dry, Utah being luheled very Iry." Night Marshal A. E. Marshall. Wasters" has been a term of reChief Fire Department E. M. Fuller. proach always given to the citizens of the United States, but now that term L. D. 8. CHURCH DIRECTORY. an be no longer applied, a i with the Irink evil being minimized, and the A. John Aylett, bishop; Alliert for thrift being car--ieGlover, Jr.. Aurelius IlasmusMm, coun- rreut camimlgn on In the schools, we shall no Sacra-nientsellors. Meetings : llegulur meetings Sunday, 2 p. m. Sun- longer be entitled to the name of 1U::iO a. in. E. I.. Cropper, Wasters." hut rather WSSere." School day superintendent, George F. Webb and Olnf Olson, assistants; Priesthood OPEN FOR GAMES. meetings, Monday T :30 p. m. ; M. I. A. meetings Sunday 7 :00 p. in. during the The U. S. Welfare hasebnll team of winter season. Officers. E. Allen Bateman. John Jenson and. Arthur Welib. Mldvule Is anxious to get games with semi-pr- o teams In Salt Lake county Choir practice Thursday evenings. und adjacent counties. For arranging METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. games with this team call Louis Le Due, Mldvule 120. Adv. Located on First Ave. Three doors east WANTED To rent a four or five-rooof Midvale Bank. Thomas Manwnrlng Pastor furnished house by August 1. Board of Trustees D. J. Greene, Two In family. Address P. O. Box 81, L. D. Anderson, Jas. Alcorn, W. S. 2t Midvale, Utah. Adv. Metz and Arvld Anderson. Board of Stewards N. J. Carlson, IV. S. Metz, D. J. Greene, Mrs. A. A. modern house FOR RENT Strom, Mrs. Margaret Henderson on east First Ave. Plioue G. A. Childers, Hyland 1007. Adv. IT IS NOT DIFFICULT to keep the family in good humor if you have good, wholesome things to eat. You can select a delightful lot of good things here. THE QUALITY MAKES THEM A PLEASURE OUR PRICES MAKES THEM AN ECONOMY tl ' Shoe are like persona what they look like ia not alwayi what they are, and it often take cloae companionihip to find them out. When the wise man buys shoes he looks at value 8ALESMEN instead of coat. He wears better shoes, wears them longer they look better, feel beter and in the end costless. The shrewd bond buyer pays no attention to the gold on the paper, but looks at the gold back of the paper. Glitter and glamour make no impression upon him. Remember this: Many crooks have been cap- tured in full dress suits. About the first thing a man does when he wants to unload his worn-oauto is to have it painted and polished. Dont buy all finish, buy shoes and servic ut 5 Booth Mercantile Co. Specializing In Sets Shoes WANTED To solicit orders for lubricating oils, Playing Safa. greases and paints. Salary or commisAlgy, when are you going to ask sion. Address Tlie Lenox Oil ft l'nlnt fsther for my hamlT Co., Cleveland, O. Adv. Next time he goes to Chicago." Huhr . FOR RENT, furnished rooms, Mrs. Til rail him up on long distance.' C. Cllppenger, corner Center and Louisville CourlerJourual. Oak Streets, Adv. Little Sympathy for Him. Headin "bout what dem soldier men FOR SALE CHEAP Five room frame house. J. A. Alcorn, at West went through, said Uncle Eben, Is Jordan Lumber Co. Adv. g'lneter make It mighty hard to sympathize wlf de man dat complains a little thing like a ho$ day." FOR SALE One young driving bout horse, harness and wagon. A bargain, Roosevelts Long Ride. if sold at once. Dan Radovlch. Adv. In February, 1000, the lnte former President Roosevelt rode 98 miles on FOUND Broach pin with engraved horseback In the seventeen hours beInitials. Owner can have same by ap- tween daylight and dark. The trip was plying to Dan Radovlch and paying from Washington to Warrenton and for this advertisement. return. Three horses were used. J. -- HPnH UUdJ a g00c tme.to. senc in your subscription... Your Own Flesh and Blood That little rosebud fragment of humanity who nestles in the cradle of your arms and coos What are you doing to protect and nourish him and keep him comfortable? We keep a complete line of everything for your baby remedies for internal disorders, gentle and soothing salves and ointments for rashes and chapped spots, dainty toilet waters, cooling talcum, baby foods, nursing bottles, nipples, fine combs, soft brushes. THE VINCENT DRUG Vincent & Miller, Proprietors |