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Show I THE MIDVALE MESSENGER, MIDVALE, UTAH cool. MESSAGETTES Monday afternoon. Mm. entertained In lionur of Wheat of Milford. C. A. Lemke Mr. M. 11. ufteraism, Mrs. l.enn entertained at a bridge meet. Wednesday Two tableH. Tlie ltevrrend C. 1 Marsh, pastor of the Methodist Church at Eureka, mid lii family, stopjied over night with the Reverend Miiiiwuring and family on lie way to Yellowstone Park. Mr. Marsh lms resigned hi luistorate at Eureku anil expect to attend the Yale Theological school, where he will work out hi I). I), degree. Reverend Marsh MEMORANDUM PRESENTED TO and Muuwurlng, with their families, THE PRESIDENT BY DELEGATION OF CALLERS. paid Hingham a visit, Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Andrew iJirsen entertained a few of their friend in their new home. The affair Mrs. A1 Strom fqient several days of was In the nature of a houxe wanning. till week at the summer resort hi Misa Ebba Nordlierg of Went Jor- Emigration canyon. During her absence A1 ha been doing a little spindan, who reeently finished a summer course at the "U," left Friday ning around oil his own account, all for Yellowstone Park, where she will perfectly legitimate pastimes, you spend a month. Mis Nordlierg was know. accompanied by Mis Ivy Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Olson have reMr. and Mrs. Carl Greenwood of turned from a ten-da- y fishing and Itlchfield were the guests of Mr. and climbing trip In Brighton. Mrs. Joe Mrs. Fred Hyke, Saturday and Sunday. Greene, Mis Millie Mill and Miss Mr. Greenwood is Mr. Uyke's cousin. Melvera Larson also came back home from the famous resort during tlie The wonl that a bminrlng boy has week. According to them, free log Mr. and Mr. George been born to were all the rage up there. nights Radovicli, of Montrose, Colo., wus reTlie Midvale Sunday School picnic ceived in Midvale, Tuesday. As a result, Dan (aimed the cigar at the re- at Liberty Park, Wednesday, was a quest and the exiieuse of Ills brother complete success, notwithstanding the fact that the Liberty stake scout baseGeorge. ball team fulled to put in an appearThe Jessup-Pallunc- h lump in Brigh- ance, to meet defeat at the hands of ton has been abandoned for the sum- the local scout team. The children mer, and both families are now back hail a fine time, and of course, that's on the Job. why tbe picnic was held. The Joe Joys and Forrest Noah reMr. and Mrs. W. S. Metts and son turned from Bear Lake, Sunday night. returned from Provo canyon, Tuesday All are enthusiastic in their praise of night, bringing their new auto purchnse the famous lake as a place in which hack with them In condie to iend the vacation. According to tion. Doubtless Scotty" has become Joe, one of the coldest streams In the a auto bug by now, and world ran right at the Imck of their might occasionally steer his way to tent, where they could keep the butter the scale house. and aurb things (you know) nice and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fenn will leave for somewhere In Iduho tomorrow. They know exactly where theyre goCo. don't Midvale ing, until they come in contact with a nice shady spot and a creek with Frank Patonai, Prop. lots of fish In It Rays a bear when It cornea to flshln' but says hes getIn winters now to a point ting Suits Made to your Measure. wherealong he doesnt like to wear his precious life away in order to catch them. ship-shap- full-fledg- Tailoring Pressing and Cleaning Main Street, near Center St Midvale, Utah Office corner Main and Center Sts., over Cox's Market CHRISTENSON'S STUDIO Studio open Wednesdays and Saturday. Mr. Christenson makes Midvale personally on Wednesdays, or will come by appointment any time. PHONE Murray 392 H.F. RASMUSSEN TAILOR West Center Street, Midvale, Locomotive am now devoting my whole time to the tailoring business, Your patronage is solicited. Men's and Ladies Suits made e. to your measure. Prices reas-enabl- Engineer. Tlie high cost of Washington. liv- wuge-eurne- of lhe Brotherhood of Locomotive En- gineer. They told him that if the government could not take steps to reduce the cost of life's necessities, to make It square with tlie iucuuie of the iieople, they would demand another increase Increase In wages. President Wilson, who characterised a memorandum le.ft by' the. engineer us an impressive document," had Just finished a conference with Homer S. Cummings, chuirman of the Democratic national committee, who told him the high cost of living was the burning subject of tlie hour. Julius Barnes, chairman of the government grain corisiratlon, told the president of grain problem mid grievances of the farmer over recent rulings on wheat. Warren S. Stone, president of th brotherhood, presented the memorandum. He was accompanied by sixteen members of the executive board. The president, It was reported, listened with profound Interest, and assured them that their appeal would be given consideration. No comment was made by the railroad men after they left the White house. Asks Inquiry Into Scott's Arrest. Ottawa. Sir Robert Borden la un- to the premier against the treatment he received, asserting he wus ordered to leave a Northern Pacific train and, after being arrested, wus kept locked up for nearly three hours before escaping by breaking through the plastered wall of his cell. of witnessing the nation's lawmakers in action. Home functions are somewhat few and far between In Midvale these days. However, this fact does not prove that Mldvuleans are not enjoying themselves, socially. Trips to the mountains, to the lake and other summer resorts are all the go, and much In the gasoline which Is being purchased In order to take In" everything that Is worth taking In. Victory" Ribbon Bar. Out Soon.-- . Washington. The first issue of tbe official victory riblam bars will be made to the army soon after August D, the war deiiartment announced oil Wednesday. On that dale the first delivery of 400,000 rihlwiiis from the manufacturer will he made to the New York supply officer, who will ship to army recruiting stations and Nists only for distribution to officers and men In the service. Whim the victory medul Is rcudy It will lie distributed together with a ribbon bar. to all officers and men who pnrt!cfinted In tlie war. OF THANKS The lmrents, Clarence A. and Etbel Thomas, of Sterling Albert Thomas, deceased, July 23, wish to thank their friends fur words of sympathy and floral tributes In tlielr recent bereavement. Abbreviation. The letters 1. e. are an abbreviation of tlie Latin phrase id est." meaning that Is," and the letters e. g. sn abbreviation of another Latin phrase exempli gratia, having tlie meaning of "for the sake of example" and "for instance. Vs. Is an abbreviation of versus, meaning tlie Latin word Vice versa Is a phrase against. m eauiug the order or relation of terms being reversed." AND HAPPY 'THOUGHT. Washington. Exportation JUST SO. Woodman, that spar tree, Touch of sugar German Interacts Purchase Copper. New York. Moderate quantities of refined copper have been bought for German manufacturing interests, one New York. Mure limn bough. You see we all must be For conservation now. Is the master of disease. The person who gives chiropractic a fair trial will be convinced of the truthfulness of the assertion. Dont wait to see DESERET BANK BLDG. Wasatch 3454 6y Mary CrahajflJojincr MARGAY AND OCELOT. . Neighbors Are, Too. "I am saddest when 1 etna, And her voice rings far and high. I am saddest when I sin, So are we!" the neighbors cry. Evening tho 8cor. There will be trouble If those two men meet. The big one is a six footer." Yes, but the little one has a Selfish. What has become of that man who discovered the fourth dimension?" He has decided to keep It to himself. It's too valuable for distribution." A of Rain. Sign d worth of surplus textiles were Heck They say a ring around the off here ill about three hours moon is a sign of ruhi. by the surplus pnqierty division of tlie Peck So 1 ring around a womarmy, with representatives of Admiral an's finger a sign of reign. Answer. Kolchak's Siberian government taking more than yi.AUO.OOO of It. Hard to Figger. suy that every mnn has hts They Belgian Rulers to Visit Whit House price, begun the chronic liromidlst. Nothin' to it. snapped his wife. King Albert and Washington. Queen Elizabeth of Belgium will he "Some men are absolutely worthless. guests at tlie White house during tlielr visit to Washington tills fall, probably Naturally. ill Octolter. Elaborate plans fur tlielr There are dng to he hig profits entertainment lire being preinired by lu the coffee business." tlie state department. Well, that Is one Industry which ought to lie In i settled condition." A Lack. "This prohibition business Is going to hnre a bad effect on Jukes. Why, Jokes can be made on many other subjects, can't they?" Certainly, but they won't have any spirit In them." Not Often Out. Crank Yes. that great basebgil player was married lust week. Fan So? Any change In him? Crank Not a bit. He Is running and sliding fur home more time ever. St. Glubo-Deniocrii- t. Of course It Is true I hnve fine round ssits which are interesting And they sny I nin rare and that my very snialliies Is Interest iug. Thuts wlmt they say, and so Unit Is why you are In tlie zoo," said the Ocelot cat. Now I lihve a lot of Interesting things about me. I come from South America. I'm considered large for my siieeles, or lilg family, or coiisinship, or whatever you want to cull It." "I don't rare about calling It anything In imrticular," said the Margay cat. nue-tione- CHIROPRACTIC not a ill rli Representative Elliott, Republican, Indiana. He said wholesalers were giving as a reason for fnlllng to fill orders from sugar retailers tlie neces-sit- y of filling exiKirt demand. e Dr. A. B. Kesler By JUNE JOHNSON. 50-ce- would lie prohibited for two years under a bill Introduced Wednesday by of tlie leading selling agencies Wednesday. Shipments alThe Amazon. to ready have begun and are rxsi-tiThe Amnznn discharges the largest assume larger pro sirt ions. amount of water of any liver in the world, and the St. Lawrence next. Will Probe 8inking. Other Interesting facts about these New London, Conn. A naval Imnnl h rivers are that the ngrh of the lie appointed liy ('apt Amazon is SJiOO miles and Its width of inquiry will N. Hnfrees, U. S. X.. to Investigate varies from a few hundred feet at J. U. S. lUrrercnt points to more than 100 tlie sinking Wednesday of tlie G-'submarine down in went which miles at its mouth. The St. Lawrence Ben cl i, Is 2.200 miles In length, is front one Long Island sound, off Pleasure thn-loss lives. with of the miles wide at places to to several ninety miles at Its mouth. Surplus Textiles Auctioned. whether your neighbor gets well or not you are likely to get worse while waiting. The individual who wins in this life is the one who has initiative and leads others. Be a leader try Chiropractic.' Consultation and analysis free. FAIRYTALE Leading Man (of the stranded troupe) Nothing to do but walk back to dear old Broadway, methlnk. ll I n d kitchen Leading Woman But think of tbe stoves, said the disgrace I Ocelot. Ingenue And the rustic giberyl "Most of the Comedian Peace be with you all I said the time, Why, we'll send the advance man ahead to scatter the interesting tidings Margay cat, you will find them there. You're an Ignorant creature," said that you ladies are biking suffragettes and we men the accompanying news- lhe Ocelot. And why, pray tell?" asked the paper correspondents. Buffalo ExMargay cat. press. Because ordinary rats often sit under the trees. They watch for birds. Light Reading. aren't always under stoves at Mrs. I understand your They all. Besides In this hot weather, husband 1 a well-rea- d man, Mrs. they're trying to he cool and not hotO'Houlihan. ter. Mrs. O'Houlihnn he Is Bedad, that, Often, too, ordinary cats are lookmum. He reads the livelong day. Into garbage tins and getting ing Bhure and he do be wan of thim conthings to eat if they find what they stant readers. want. ordinary cats are Mrs. Im glad to hear that. often And, ontoo, beautiful soft cushions sitting What doe he read? in beautiful drawing rooms." Mrs. O'Houlihan Gas meters, mum. Beautiful soft cushions and beautiful drawing rooms. snarled the MarHis Profit gay eat. It's absurd to heitr you talk. He sold his house for 2,000 mote You have the Idea you are very wise." than he paid for It. I know I'm right. I've heard chilThat so? Did he buy another? dren talking about cats who came to Yea." the zoo," said the Ocelot eat. Make any money on the deal? "fats who to the zoo? asked When he figured up what he had to the Margay cat. pay for the new house and the exNo, children who came to the zoo pense of moving he found that he had were talking about cats, said the Ocemade Just 2.85." lot cat. "Then pray say what you mean and One Way er the Other. express yourself better. said the Mar-ga- y Meat la terribly dear! Meat 50 cat, Instead of putting tlie lmck cents a pound ! port of your sentence where the front But think how cheap money Is, part should be. nnd mixing up the with a piece worth only words so no one can understand what pound of meat I you mean." You've a very cross, snarly naKind Conjecture. ture." All Maude's family are , Belle All, I'm a eat, and so are you," JffBbdea. Where did she get such black said the Margay cat. You happen to eyes? be feeling In a more purring sort of Nell I guess her husband gave mood thnn I do. that's all. them to ber. Y'es. I wouldn't say you were very pleasant." In Suspense. You don't have to sny so; I Patched up (trace with your wife wouldn't waste the time and effort to as yetr ssy so If I were yon, snld the Margay Not quite. My my wife cat. and her two sisters are discussing tbe Still, I don't see why I am In the terms. zoo. Would Prohibit Sugar Exportation. 2, ALTERATION, CLEANING PRESSING. MISS PERVERSITY I've no special reason fur lielng In the zoo that I can see. ssltl the Mar-gacat. I have every reason for hetug said the here, Ocelot eat. Well," said the Murguy cat, I'm a very small cat and I have no greater size to brag about Ilian an ordinary rat liehlud a kitchen stove. Still I am In the zoo. "Ordinary cats aren't always be- ing and growing unrest umong of America were put directly til tii the president lu a remarkable way Wednesday by the advisory board Drank With Lovs. Oh, Amorous Dove by this ImposUtah. ing queen, was one of the best sots of the evening." New York Times. 1 FUMYJtt DADDY3 EVENiHC y Mrs. Marla T. Goff returned Thurs- derstood to have asked the British emday afternoon, from Elisabeth, N. J., bassy in Washington to request an inwhere she went five months ago to quiry Into the arrest of Walrer Scott,' visit her daughter, Mrs. C. M. War- former premier of Saskatchewan, at ner. Wliile awuy, Mrs. Goff made sev- Pemblnu, N. D., last Monday by , a eral siile" trips of Interest, visiting United States immigration official on Washington, D. C., while congress was the ground that he was traveling within session and consequently, having an out pussport. Mr. Scott has protested A CARD THE Profiteers Are Charged With Responsibility for Condition Breeding Unrest, by th Brotherhood of DR. R. D. GEE opportunity DENTIST jir "Well." said the Ocelot nit, "I mean a lint one would cull It If one wanted to speak nlmut It. 1 can't Imagine who wonld want to," snld the Margay cat. Now don't lie rude. said tlie rat. snarling. I'lsih, don't put on such fine and 1 mighty airs," said the Margay cat. are. And don't. I'm a modest you hnve nothing to lion st of. A Jaguar would not think nnything of eating you. He wouldn't tldnk liny more of you than a child would of h sinnll piece of cake." "That's a good leal." smiled the and no Ocelot, mutter wlmt you mav say I know 1 nm it handsome. s ait led cat. anil 1 think I lisik like a leopard. I do." "No one run Mop yon from Now, Dont Bi Rude. hiko," said tin- - Margay eat. yawning. Bill I must have ii imp. I must have ir.y beauty sleep." I don't need such ii tiling." snarled the Oeelot eat, Im felt a III lie cross at tlie Margay rat. thinking, I siii- - Huh! Who ever heard of a girl keeping a promise? Bienk il five minTliu In ute after they make It. ncoruful tunes s)ke Johnnie Lewi, with all the wisdom uf hi seventeen summers. Oh, I that so?" With a snap of her blue eyes, Georg' im Lewis sike with the superiority of au older sister. What about me? Oh. you'd keep a Johnnie grinned. simple one, lie taunted, "hut a good stiff promise you'd lie like all the rest. The girl flushed. Listen, Johnnie, she commanded, you're going to take that reinurk buck before you strap a wink tonight. Do you hour? Now give me a good stiff dare ilmt I can carry out before tomorrow. Go ahead aud think of something ! Johnnie stHred, then, seeing lii slater meant It, racked hla brain. Finally a whoop gave assurance of ids success. I've got It," he cried ; hut It's a stiff one, ais. You're going to that dance tonight at the White'. While you're there I dare you to contradict everything tiiata said to you that demand un answer. If you carry tlmt out Ill swallow my word and lake you to a matinee next Friday to square It. If you dont you'll eat humble pie. Do you hear? Did idle hear? The dance that she had talked about for week! The dunce which wiim the lilg event oMIie season I Tlie tear inline to Georgina' eyes. Then she sat up straight. Johnnie had dared" her. It was her own fault. Its a go, Johnnie," she replied quiet; ly at last. That evening a disconsolate Georg ilia, having been forsaken liy her faithless liroilier, settled down in a corner prepared for a lonely evening. gushing Suddenly Alice Wells, young miss, came fluttering up. Oh, Georgina, she beamed, Ive been lookJust back from ing for you. Turner boy Is France, you know, and the so bored. He cant dance ami, dearie. Johnnie told me you weren't dancing tonight, so I I lion gilt It was an ideal chance to Introduce you to Turner. Thus It wns that Turner Wells, bored nnd lonely, saw his sister hearing down upon him lending a pretty girl. "I tensed to meet yon," murmured the lieutenant when Alice Introduced the two. He had met many young ladles since he arrived, hut they had nil forsaken him for tbe more alluring dances. And now tlie lieutenant received the beginning of a series of shock. For expression on lier Georgina, a face, was stammering: No, you arent pleased to meet me. The lieutenant was startled, to say the least. He gnsjicd and twisted uneasily In his chair. Wns his new acquaintance a mind render? To sny that Georgina was miserable wns only mildly expressing it. Site had heard of this young officer, who lind distinguished himself more than once over there." And now tluit she was so fortunate as to secure an Introduction to him she had to contradict everything lie said. Alice, wlili her brother safely ensconced with Gcorglmi. hurried off to the dunce, leaving the two alone. Have you met Professor Briggs yet?" Inquired Turner liy way of startt, lies very ing a conversation, isn't he?" A drap flush overspread Georgina's face then, No, 1 don't lliink so." Tho lieulenanr's eyebrows went up n Then hastily fraction of an Inch. changing tlie subject, Awfully catchy piece they'll! playing Just now, isn't 1 brll-liun- 11 ?" Johnnie's suffering sister, looking there wns wildly around fur an nervnone. "It isn't cnteliy." ously at her fan, It's awfully and stupid. Turner r:u-I- ; d Ills head for a safer topic. Tills young Indy, lie mused, had (due-kin- n rather contradictory nature. interWell, he'd try a topic of est. I mv by the paper," he ventured, tlie Red Cress in tilts town Is cuing to hold a benefit for blind soldiers. Bully Idea. Isn't it?" This time there was no hesitation on Georgina's (tsirl. If she lmd to comni-dle- f she laid to. No," wiis the puinpt reply. It isnt a good Idea. Perfn-tlIm-m- I fiMilish. And then the lieutenant hts astonishment no lunger. H.- star d. thi-n- . itiio n without wanting. Iiiu-hearty laugh, and despite herself Georgina followed suit. "Come, fess up." said tin- lieutenant finally; "you don't look like a pessimist--let me share In tlie mystery." Georgina dreps-- her eyes before the soldier's steady gaze as she stammered. I can't explain Just now. Iiprunse please don't ask ine. It'r too sill) )mi wouldn't understand." before Bill Turner did iilidcrinn-tlie evening was over, dm- - to a secret intervh w w ill) .lolmnir. Tlmt night, when tlie lieutenant hid to good-nigat her own disir. he said, with a I h wish grin; You've earned that matinee. Miss PerIt will. By the versity, and way. would you mind if I happened to be ut Unit matinee -- ext Friday 'n Basaltic Imx wlili n certain young lady wlio can stick to a dun-?'- l Trying Voices. Catching Aerial Limited. Stage Aspirant Is there a voice Just Uncle lliriim Gusli, nevvi-w- . trial today, dense? the look lit tile steeple-.kicup goill' No. Stage Doorkeeper (fed up) stile of tliiit building. miss. It was held yesterday. And all lncle. Nephew Nonsense, City tbe defendants was found guilty of tocntell ii silhiirhiinitc Thin's up going Show. Binging like foghorns. Passing tin- .c.'ll Aerial Limited. Judge. Ami then Georgina showed how femHis Advantage. inine she could he as she answered Are Making Bough. They a "A magistrate has great advantage i softly: "Yes, I would mind very iniirh Why does It seem liuit In (lie over other married men." If you weren't there." Then witli a of May most of the trees nrv going "What Is maklaugh she wna gone. bubbling Hecmisc lire a on they Journey? out to stnrts When his wife give 110. by the ICopyrixht. to leaf. und ready Ixmghx getting Mm n piece of her inlnd he can bind ing Bindicatc.) her over to keep the piece." - " itr airw-pap- |