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Show MIDVALE, UTAH, SATURDAY. AUGUST 2, 1919. VOL. V. NO: 44. A Local Political Bees Are FACING BANKS Buzzing RESPONSIBILITY $2.00 PER YEAR Case of Quick HONOR SHIP OF Results . Never before In history have the banks of the world wielded greater power or faced bigger responsibility than they do today. ' Before the war, few people really came in contact with banks, the great mass of the people considering them merely for the benefit of the rich. At the beginning of the war there were only about 250,000 investors. Now our billions of dollars of Liberty Bands are held in hands of 30,000,000 people, many of whom have thus been brought in close contact with a bank for the AOn the fifteenth of July, President Burgon of the Affiliated Commercial Clubs of Salt Lake county, and the mayors of Midvale, Sandy and Mur- CALIFORNIA WINE AND UTAH WATER MIX ON BOW A8 ray met with officers of Utah Light With a city election only three 18 LAUNCHED. and Traction for company the purpose RECAPITULATION month away. It la quite natural that of getting better street car sendee Iu the local political situation la beglii-uln- g this end of the county. The following Comment ukiu the grand success of to take on a little heat. In fact correspondence and, notice" prove be- Traditional Vintage Dashed by Miss the.comiMM! aeeius to be directed to- Midvales Welcome Home to the solyond jloubt tlmt the effort put forth Margaret Horslsy, Sponsoif of Utahs ward the fact that Midvale's next diers, July. 4, is still being made by Uberty Loan Honor 8hip, to Satfor better sendee has resulted favorcity election Is going to lie the warm- people of Midvale and visitors from isfy Sea Suporstition. and that it to ably isnt impossible est ever. Already, naiiiee are being other towns. The success which obtain the fulfillment a in of request celebraheard here nnd there of men whom It the of every phase hen dealing with a 8an Francisco. Into the high tide la thought will supply the necessary tion is worthy of lasting comment ; nnd first time. of Oakland harbor, the Utacnrbon, qualifications for the offices of mayor, now that the town has proved tlmt it An Investor ora bank depositor Ini will be noticed that the express Utah's coundlmen and so forth. And, no can stage really big things successliberty loan honor ship, was not likely to be a Bolshevik or a so- inauguration is only an experiment. launched at 5 o'clock Thursday afterdoubt, dork lantern meetings are be- fully, the good work will doubtless he cialisL The leading banks of the na- j' n will be up to the people of Mld-tlo-n noon, California wine and Utah moun ing held, in which voices are brought kept up from time to time. The mantime Is here to Vale to prove thut the express service tain water that realize the in merchto a whisper and In which all sorts of ner which our Industries, glistening on the bow as the get in closer touch with the great mass J by taking advantage of it big oil tanker glided down the ways planning and scheming are in order. ants and citizens generally got behind of the people in order that these peo- whenever possible. We would hunlly at the Alameda yards of the BethleIu fact, muny a face In Midvale Is the movement with their pocketbooks become acquainted with bank- recommend tlmt may pie people go to Salt Luke hem Shipbuilding corporation. Indeed, the financial liegiiining to take on the winning" is gratifying. and be brought to realise purposely to return between 5 :32 p. m. methods ing Tlie uuukuhI combination of wine s more einphn-slxestatement follows which is which only becoming expression Glut the safety of the nation Including und tl.iL p. m., but the cars to Mid- and water added flavor to the launchthe successes of the day's proand more the fad as election years rich and alike, and not merely vale must be kept filled during tlmt ing ceremonies. The wine dashed uproll on. gram throughout, and we are pleased the funds poor of the rich, dejiend upon time If we would prove that the ser- on the starboard how by Miss MarDoubtless, the close call administer- to lie jiermltted to publish such a state- sound institutions. Progres- vice is necessary. bunking The Utilities Com- garet Horsley, the pretty spoil xor, was ed to the Citizen two years ugo hud ment: are banks sive every effort to mission and Munuger Dleke have dime used to lay the Jinx" which men of exerting Financial Statement the effect of causing Citizen ears to teach depositors that banks exist for their part. Now, it's up to the people the sea contend may attach to a ship Of the treusurer of the Welcome prick up nnd Citizen eyes to open. and assistance of any wor- of Midvale to do theirs. Let's keep not christened with the traditional vinprotection Anyway, there seems to be a little Home Fund, contributed by the indusand responsible mun or woman the express service, even if we have to tage, Governor Bamberger dashed the less assurance In the world than there tries, business men and others of Mid- thy not merely for a selected few. and stretch our mileage accounts u little, bottle of water against the port bow. Is used to be, nnd everybody appar- vale for the purjMise of giving the boys The war has given socialism and while the experiment is being uiude. MidRepresenting the treusury departIdea the that with imbued Iu u welcome V. 8. the sendee ently home, more radical movements an impetus Governor Day of the Twelfth ment, 1919. more Salt Lake than are vale elections merely held on the Fourtli of July : City, July 29, never before thought possible and Mr. E. U Federal reserve presented the ship to nuitter of form. And, surely, it Is Bergen, President, CONTRIBUTIONS Carlinn county, and it was accepted by working people of foreign countries, Afflliuted Commercial Club of Salt good that such should he the cuse, be- Received from llie clialrinnn of have gone centuries for Governor Bamberger. Governor Wiloppressed Luke town home cause interest In the govCounty, f.TiO.55 the Finance Committee wild with freedom which they do pot Midvale, Utah. liam D. Stephens was culled upon by ernment is imperative If we would en- It. W. Stokes, representing the understand. In many cases banks Master of Ceremonies Carl It. Marcu-seDear Sir: of of to letter my 22.00 governmental Referring railroad men joy all the blessings huve been pillaged, merely because and responded with a glowing 25lh to the Public Utilities ComJ. A. Dooley, representing the efficiency jwsslble. were supposed to be the deposit July to Utuli's chief executive. tribute they which wus of sent mission, copy you, Yes, we know all sorts nnd sixes of uml Co. Utah Iron ft Steel the rich. the of vaults The launching party from Utah was reI hand Midvale. herewith That is, employees of the plant you future mayors of 83.25 copy of reply Amerlcun banks are profiting by ceived from them enlcrtuiiied at a luncheon at the Hounder of date Peace July they will be future mayors of Midvale John Dunn, from the this object lesson. They are endeavor- 26th. You will note tlmt tel Ouklaud ut 1 o'clock by the OakIf things don't miscarry, and the town 90.45 they approve land Celebration Fund" and luborer individual the to chamber of commerce. bring ing Joseph u of the Installation of this express serlives long enough to give them all E. Caine, formerly of Salt Ijtke, was the capitalist together on common vice. 520.2.-- 1 chance. Hut we are not going to di- Total Luncheon was attended ground by having the funds of bdlh We are giving the newspapers a toastmaster. vulge the names of any of these futEXPENDITURES that same thus in the 150 about former teaching Utahns und prombank, by memorandum concerning tills service ures just yet. The season has been Baseball Games A 50.00 the bank Is fur the protection and as- as well us having a number of pin inent tncu and women of llie bay an exceptionally dry one, and it isnt 12.00 sistance of both. Contests which will he displayed cities. 'urtls exactly safe to prophesy anything. But K. A Glldner, eat- The banks tliemn-lve- a face the greet,., the printedStreet cars for some for pie pies, time. .State there's this much about It: Somebody's o 40. responsibility xfjf .lucafug tu FACE. LOSS OF, MILLIONS 'il)llIlllllJf yuu .iii Wi Umvllsi uWlim swl ol copy their ora Music 140.00 and thereby consolidating notice tlmt we are putting out, anil 1 the offices are going to be filled. And Vincent(band) Co. ' 18.20 position with the masses. Drug If the town meets with ns much govsuggest tlmt you give It to the Midvale, Investments Threatened by New Ag12.00 Waters ft Matthews, signs rarian Law Enacted in Mexico. our ernmental success in the future as It does country realize Sandy and Murray papers. 20.00 More Hum a thousand has In the pust, nobody will have very Advertising Wachlngton. DANGER Yours truly, 8.05 Fanners Equity Co. Americans are threatened with loss of much kick A. F. DICKE, P. C. Rasmussen ft Sons 8.00 The Kenyon bill now before the Senmillions of dollars in Investments by True, It Is absolutely impossible to Win. M. Coxs Mnrket for13.10 on anil Malinger. a new committee ate agriculture But the time. all agrarian law enacted by the everybody, please 10.80 estry, will, if it becomes a low, esDahl Brothers July 20, 1919. congress of Sonora, Mexico, at the dicitizens of Midvale have the happy and 8.05 tablish in practical effect, government Mr. IL F. DIcke, Manuger, rect Instructions of Governor Cailes. the fortunate habit of letting bygones Flags West Jordan Lumber Co. 25.00 oiteration of meat packing Industry of Utah Light ft Traction Co., Several American companies already be bygones and of inarching shoulder Booth Mercantile 127.29 United States. Company J City. have filed coinpluints with the state to shoulder In behalf of the public And right here is where the AmerDear Sir: Receipt is acknowledged department against the oiieratlun of welfare just as soon as election day Total 450.05 ican people should become Interested of your letter of July 25th, advising this law, and other complaints are in Is over and the ballots have been Political control of food supplies will that your company bus been petitioned preparation. The department la precounted. Of course, we must have in- Balance in the Midvale State 78.20 do one or two tilings, It will cater to by a committee representing the Affil- paring representations to the Carranza Bank terest in the city election, and Interiated Commercial Club of Salt Luke government against putting the law of All are differences means the bills Itemized above and the fanning element for tlieir vote und est naturally the bait used will be politically In- City to operate express cars from 5th into operation because of injustices opinions. And what we mean by say- are in charge of the secretary-treasure- r in the office of the Midvale Mes- creased prices for live stock which the to 33nl South Streets between the this government contends it works uping thut the next election Is going to on United States citizens who have incity hours of 5 and 7 p. m. more ever is that lie the warmest senger, and cun be seen by anyone consumer will pay. Or If the conThe Commission believes that such vested many millions In agricultural dwellers vote looks best, political in- should active an to look care over. to take them are they going people trol will favor decreased prices ut ex- operation will result In an improved lands In Sonora. terest In it than ever before. And D. M. CLARK, car service on tills line und authorizes of agricultural districts. pense By the terms of the law it is prothut means that Midvale is progressIs a hundred to one shot, how- you to establish such sen-ice- , It effective vided that the state will pay for lands a for means city It If anything; ing, CROP8 BETTER THAN WA8 ever, that whichever course Is pursued, August 4th. expropriated with agrarian bonds Iselection without popular interest is as ANTICIPATED In addition to the publicity which sued by the state, redeemable at a political Interference with industry senseless ns a man without hope nnd and of desire to give tills experiment time and manner to be stipulated later. law the and demand, you supply future expectations. According to authentic reports, the will Increase Instead of decrease the through the newspapers, it is presumed The new constitution of Mexico proSo let er heat up Just as fast ns crops of the county are In much bet- cost of any commodity. We have suf- tlmt cars operating us express will vides that the states shall issue agrarIsMsible, and the more candidates In ter condition than was thought pos- ficient proof of this statement In the curry a banner conveying till infor- ian bonds under authority of a law durLet's scrap the field the better. sible for them to become this year. United States today to Justify the be- mation to all passengers and tlmt con- that has not yet been enacted liy the with next the campaign municipal ing All irrigated farms on the west side lief tlmt political Interference with the ductors on these curs will notify all federal congress. The American point all the vigor at our command, elect the of the Jordan, especially, are making pocking Industry would be no exivp-tlo- n passengers boarding same Unit the out In their complaints to the state debest ticket and then settle down to the cars ure not stopped to discharge pas- partment that these beads are of no surprising to the rule. yields, and even dry farms business of making the town beauti- in Instances liave yielded as high mi many unprebill The sengers after leaving 5th South Street. value and, imisniurli us the national preseuls proposed of motto As the ful In all respects. us twenty bushels of wheat to the cedented situation in legislation afThe Commission will he pleased to government of Mexico 1ms not imid the the Messenger Is Independent," It Is acre. While the In pence have you beet business is American sugar crop Is fecting nqiort the result of tills ex- Interest on Us bonds since 1913, there the thut Messenger needless to say not as good as last year It is fuir, and times. It gives one mun, the secretary periment. is no Indication tlmt the agrarian bonds the going to lie independent during with the high price of beets the farm- of Agriculture, autocratic power to will be of any value. Yours truly, we will Naturally, coming campaign. ers feel that they have no cause for make or break a private business. It TUBLIC COMMISSION UTILITIES to be we believe lie for the men whom serious The second crop makes every packer liable to lose ids OF UTAH, French Law Chief For Callaux Trial most competent, Irrespective of their of alfalfacomplaint. is fine, and the cut is bring- license by reason of un act of omisBy T. E. Banning, Sec'y. irre1aris. Trial by a high court of and IHilitieul views, nationally, ing the extremely high price of thirty sion of one of ids employes without NOTICE TO PUBLIC Joseph Callaux, the former premier, spective of the ticket upon which they dollars a ton on the field. Most as- any default of his own or the responCommencing Monday, August 4ih, who has been under arrest a year and might decide to run for office. We suredly, the fanner is a sible heads of the business. It limits the 5:17 p. m. Midvale, the 5:32 p. m. a half, cliarged with having had treaslucky guy" a will make man good don't believe a these days. the free right of appeal to the courts, Sandy, and the 6 3)2 p. m. Midvale cars onable dealings witli the enemy, is remayor or a good councilman or a good which Is Inherent in every American will ran as EXPRESS from 5th South commended in the conclusions of Theoa or good a recorder or good Judge citizen. he to 33rd South, making no stops to dis- dore Lescouve, attorney general of the FARMER8 IN anything In office, simply because If tills bill which practically pro- charge or pick up passengers, except republic. M. Lescouve' report liad PURCHASE thinks HK will make a good anything. vides for government operation of at 7th South and 9tli South to pick up been filed with the coinmiMsion of inThere is considerable good material stockyards, dealers in transfer passengers destined to points quiry, which Is just dosing Its long The Salt Lake Fanners Equity de- packing-housefor all offices In the town, and we. liband livered poultry becomes a nonth of 33rd South. Local passengers investigation. It is understood that dairy products the a have to machine threshing like individuals, expect during the is It the wedge for gov- are requested to take the TIIILTEK the attorney general finds no ground are law, week to a opening who company of West Jordan erty of deciding for ourselves nnd ownership of CARS Immediately following. ernment and operation and South for prosecution of the accused deputy, decision Jordan our how And who are farmers, best. the be operating cooperatively under the every basic industry in the United UTAH LIGHT ft TRACTION CO. Louis Loustulor, who was involved your decision will Jibe remnins to N. B. This sen-icname Fanners' Equity Threshing As- States, thus committing us to paterIs In the nature of with Calllnux. seen. sociation. About fifteen farmers of nalism and socialism, from which there an experiment. It has been requested West and South Jordan compose the may be no turning buck. by the Affiliated Commercial Clnlis of House War Inquiry Will Go To Europe PURCHASE PLEASANT GROVE We have Just helted free the world Salt Lake County and approved by the of the association, and membership Washington. The house war invesMILL have made the purchase for the pur- from the crushing hand of auroerntic Public Utilities Commission. committee Inquiring into extigating Hare we U. U ft T. Co. pose of attending to their own thresh- power and officialism. abroad will sail for Europe penditures with in this IVrduhn and Sons, formerly caught the fever of autocracy ing business. 7 on the transport Mount on August A DI8A8TROU8 RUNAWAY country, which in running Its course the West Jordan roller mills have was announced Thursday. It Vernon, the Pleasant Grove roller mills ANNUAL OUTING OF M. I. A. will wipe out true Americanism? the committee are CoiiiHilng mill mid are now engaged in the flour Last Suturdny afternoon, the team of South Dakota, Jolinsou business on their own lielmlf. Those M. E. 8UNDAY 8CH00L PICNIC belonging to Mr. A. E. Smith of state Bland of Indiunu and Flood of VirThe annual M. Perilulins of the A. I. the of with outing who are acquainted street ran away, one of the horses ginia. ure confident that they will lie highly the Jordan stake will be held August Mr. his leg as a result. breaking 8, at Saltuir, ns usual. The Methodist 8unday School will Smith was hauling liny from his field Everything successful in tlieir new undertaking. Four Persona Dio in CloudburaL Albert Cooper, formerly of Midvale, points to the foct of a large attend- give a picnic at Liberty Park next and had jnst about finished the patch Lander, Wyo. A cloudburst at Duowned and operated the Pleasant ance, and It is expected that the out- Wednesday, for members of the school when the load tipped over and the out-d-o on Horse creek, Fremont county, nil of Its predecessors. and their Grove Mill for many years nnd wass ing will parents. Each one attend- hones ran. On state street the team bois, The M. I. A. ontlngs are looked upon ing will be expected to take a lunch. met an anto Thursday night, drowned four persons. Mersuccessful iu working up a very to Chns. belonging Dr. Welly, 70 years old, business. Owing to the death each year with growing interest, for The school will leave from the Meth- rill of Salt Lake, and one of the The bodies of Don nnd denged 13, were recovLong, afford for heirs splendid opportunities they odist church at 10 a. m., anil will horses struck by It, being Injured so of Mr. Cooper, however, his John Shaffer, a piano tuner, nnd ered. the of entire And to the stake people leave get establishment. the m. :30 6 home the for sell at to cided p. park severely tlint It had to be shot. And, In really wholesome Free auto conveyances will be provid- of course, the auto also received some an unknown form hand were the other the Pcrduhns were the lucky purchas- together victims. ed for all attending. ers of the property. Injuries. N a, I. . Secy-Tren- s. s, e pur-elius- llepre-aentatlv- pros-jierou- President Wilson was invited to tho conference of governors, twenty-tw- o having aignified tlieir Intention of being present In Salt Lake, August 18 to August 21. He was also invited to accompany the governors on their trip to Yellowstone national liark. Tlio Invitation was sent by Governor Bamberger by wire at the auggestion of former governors of the slate who with Governor Bamberger are arranging ' a program. Earnest and at times strenuous protest was made by a large delegation from Davis county last week against the proposal of the stale board of equalization to raise the assessment of farm lands in Davis county by a fist raise of 15 per cent, and the assesed valuation of merchandise in the county by an even larger amount. The proposition Las ben made at u Cedar City to construct a road up canyon to Intersect with that up Cedar canyon as a means of opening scenic attraction for tourists. Ths highway will serve the added purpose of Improving travel for local industrial traffic. Mrs. Elizabeth Melsner, 81 years Old, and wife of Samuel Meisner, 86 years old, of Morgan, committed suicide by hanging herself to a rafter on the second floor of her home. Temporary aberration, coupled with infirmities of age, caused the act, neighbors say. The public utilities commission of Utah last week, after a conference with prominent officials of the Mountain States Telephone ft Telegraph company, decided to order a physical valuation of all the property of ths company In the state. To Utah may come the distinction of having the first war orphan. He is Millun F. Gledhili, the Infant son of Herbert F. Gledhili, who was killed in France, June 14, 1918. The Infant buy's mother died at Sigurd, Utah, November 3, 1917. Gold medals were awarded at. Price to seventy-fir- e employe of the United xrete Fuel yjiqqiiiiK win wqfj niilitnry service durliig the war. The men were from Blark Hawk, Heiner, Hiuwailiu and Mohrlund, nnd In tbe employ of the fuel company. M. II. Greene, manager of (he Salt Lake office of the United States grain corporation, who lias just returned from a trip through southern Utah, rejMirts tlint tin1 drouth worked havoc in muny of the districts. On August 29 taxpayers of Washington county will vote on the proposed Issue of 56,0(10 bonds to finance the county's share of construction of the state road from the Iron county boundary to St. George. During the past two months there has not been a case of contagious disease reported, according to Health Officer Peters, of Murray, who urges citizens to maintain cleanliness about their premises. Utah Indian war veterans will hold their 1919 encampment In SpringvIUe, August 12 to 15, under auspices of the departments of Utah and Wasatch counties. Engineers liave started surveying the proposed canal from Bear river to bs used In Irrigating land in Box Elder and Weber counties. The Tremonton Mill ft Elevator company is the name of a corporation just organized at Tremonton to Install a new flour mill. Midwest Dye anil Chemical company is obtaining title to land necessary for installation of a plant at Tooele. Prof.. J. C. Hogenson. who for the past seven years lias been connected with the Utah Agricultural college as state leader of Junior vocational work, extension nnd as such established an international repututlnn for expert and efficient work, has accepted a new position with the college. Henceforth he will be in charge of farmer institutes, handling agricultural correspondence work. Somewhat of a departure from the practice of former years will be made in the convention of district school superintendents of Utah, to be lield at the cnpltol, August 8 and 9. Heretofore speakers from among the superintendents have been assigned to various subjects of interest In the present case tbe principal resposlbillty for presenting subjects will be placed on ths state supervising staff. The state road commission 1s advertising for bids for construction of a boat three mls of cement road la Provo canyon, commencing at a point In the canyon a little below the first high dugway in Wasatch county and ending at the Deer Creek bridge, a distance of 2.02 miles. On account of tbe heavy traffic this year tbe roads hnve become very poor. The Mountain Btstes Sugar company of which Ernest R. Woolley Is president and Ben C. Rich, secretary, has decided to change Its name to corporation, according to amended articles filed with the of state. Par-owa- seo-nta- ry |