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Show THE MIDVALE MESSENGER. MIDVALE. UTAH PLAN CIVEII TO HUSBAND SAVES WIFE -- Pittal For many months Pa. to do my work owing to weakness which caused backache and headaches. A friend called my INTEREST IN ROADS GROWS attention to one of t your newspaper Mors Attention Now Given to Imadvertisements and provement in Highway Than immediately my Ever Before In History. husband bought three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkhams The good roads movement Is seeing Vegetable Com s big revival now that business la sound for me. becoming normal. The most ImporXfter taking two bottles I felt fins tant program that has recently come and my troubles caused by that weak- to our attention Is that of the state ness are a thing of the past Allwomen of Michigan, which has Just voted in who suffer as I did should try Lydia E, favor of a $50,000,000 program that; Pinkhama Vegetable Compound. when carried out, will place Michigan Mrs. Jab. Robrbbgl 620 Knapp St, on the map big to far as good roads N. 8., Pittsburgh, Pa. Women who suffer from any farm of are concerned, writes Blrkett L. Williams, truck sales manager for a large Weakness, as indicated by displacements inflammation,, nleeratioii, irregularities, motorcar corporation. backache, headaches, nervousness or Everywhere else you see also more "the bhies, should accept lira. Rohr Interest In good roads than In any and E. bergs suggestion give Lydia PJnkhamTs Vegetable Compound n period in our history. It is true to say that the war and Its needs taught us thorough trial For over forty years it has been the value of good roads. Perhaps It correcting such ailments. If yon have did. Peihs pa it brought home to those myiterious complications write for dull ears of higher ups the supreme advice to Lydia Pinkham Modirino Importance of sn intelligent system of Os, Lynn, Mas navigable highways. But more and more It comes home to the man who studies the situation that back of the good roads movement must be the ordinary man, the average man who pays taxes and votes and thinks as he by votes. The farmer or rural dweller In cerAcid-Stoma- ch tain sections for s long time stood in the way he wanted the roads, but he people who wanr. ore deepea-Caa- t. didnt want to pay far them. He did pare apella of auatal dapraaaloa, feel not realise that in the long ran good blue aad are eftea malaaebolr. beliava that roads pay for themselves out of savtaeaa aoadUleae era duo to oatalds iaSaeacea ever which they have Httla ar aa central. haulHearty always, how.ver, they eaa be traced ings made to the community In to aa iBtaraal aeurea Nor la age of people and merchandise. But besla-aln- s It do be weadered at. the farmer todnys reckoning In units with aueh writ! defined aymptoma ae halehlaa, heart bara, bloat, a to., of time. will If aot ehaehad, la tlma .(fact to aomo decree or athar all the vital arcana. The Yes, he realises the value of minBervoua system becomaa deraacad. Dlceetloa euSeta. Tha blood la impovarlahad. Health utes throughout the season and he Is ud atreacth are uaftenulaed. The victim of Just as keen in conserving time os the althsuch ho may hat know 'tha eauaa of hla allmeate. facia hie hope, city-bre-d man who operates a Mg facoarase, ambltloa aad aaaicy allpplac. Aad !traly life te dark aot worth much to tha tory; If anything, he Is a bit keener, aaaa or weataa who hae acid stomach! for seasons do not wait and crops must Oat rid af It! Dea't lot held wreck yaiu health, make year be sowed and cultivated, reaped end Jo back, mlaereble, make yea a victim at the "blaea" aad cteomy theuchte! There la a marketed at the right time. He has 'marvatoua msdara remedy called BATONIG convinced himself fact time Is money. that brines, eh! aueh quick relief from your And he knows thnt mac h mlmrlea oeta year atomach to rights good reads save ' a toeaakao It stroaa, eooL aeroat aad comfortime and that they save time largely t's bla. Helpa you cat back your strength, vicar, vitality, aathualaam and pood ehaer. Ba because they make It possible to get thouaaafia upon thoaeanda af eufferare ' many satisfactory services from motorcars have need EATONIC with each marvalaualy laaultB that wa are aura you will and motortrucks. And he Is not one halpful feel the earn way If yea will Jut rive tt a ' trial. Oat a Ms bit blind to the fact that operating cost cent box of BA TONIC It tha rood tasting tahlata that yoa eat Ilka a Is largely Influenced by roxd condibit of Bandy from year drnsstet today. Ha tions that good mads make gasoline will rotara year manay If raeulte are more elastic, rubber and steel more durable and bring markets nearer, and that good roads Increase property values ont of all proportion to the cost Strong Clothesline aid Clean, Sharp Meat Saw Are Among Tools Required. I was not b -- MOWS TO CONTROL ANIMAL Necessary That Rope Bs Held by A slstant 8o That It May Be Slackened In Cass of Emergency Where Horne Should Be Cut. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) The dehorning of cattle can be very satisfactorily performed without other apparatus or Instruments than a good strong clothesline and a clean sharp meat saw, or a miter saw with s rigid back. The same simple means for controlling the animal la Just as applicable when dehorning clippers are to be used os when the horns are to he removed with the saw. The head of the animal Is Been red to the horizontal rail or stringer which holds the upper ends of the stanchion boards. The animal is put In the stanchion in the usual manner; then one end of a heavy clothesline is passed around the upper part of the neck and tied in knot that will not slip, otherwise It will choke the animal. The free end of the rope is now carried between the horns, through the stanchion to the front, up and over the horizontal Caused 06wpRAafftoifAa ms Use Cuticura Soap To Clear Your Skin OMmantBOJ JJLJjjJBjJrtBoipJ Mead of 'Steer Shewing Good Health my present good health, largely, to Doans Kidney Pills," sayi S. Y. Bishop, 51d2 Kensington Are., St. Louis, Mo. "1 wasn't able to work. Sliarp paina would catch me when I stooped or tried to lift an thing, and at night the kidney secretions passed frequently and were sranty ana painful. Specks seemed to be before my eyes and 1 would get dizzy. There waa a iiulIliH under my eyes. 1 could see myself failing from day to day and I finally was laid up from June until September. 1 sot Doan's Kid-W- s Hr. BUfcsy anil ueed them. I received ney relief with the first box and became stronger every day. I could sleep well at night and the kidney secretions were now of natural color. The dizziness and other trouble disappeared and 1 nicked up in weight. After I had used tour boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills 1 looked and felt like my old seif. The cure seemed a miracle and I firmly believe that my life waa saved by this remedy. Bvorn to before me. J0HX W. BRUX8, Xotary Public. Most Logical Method of Abating Nuisance la to Eliminate All Breeding Placet Coal Tar Sprays Are Recommended. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with the safety Bayer Cross." Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which con'Prepared by tlie United Etatcs Departtains proper directions to safely rement of Agriculture.) Stable files arc a source of keen an- lieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, noyance to work animals during the Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin heat of summer. Every owner who has boxes of 12 tablet! cost but a few the welfare of the dumb beasts at cents at drug stores larger packages Iso, Aspirin Is the trade mark of heart should strive to alleviate as far os possible the discomforts to which Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetle-acideste- r of 8alicylicacld. Adv. the horses are exposed. The most logical method of abating Unfortunate, Wasnt It? the fly nuisance Is to eliminate all was the same old story. He hud It breeding plnces, such as manure piles. got the wrong number on the teleManure should be kept In pits or bins until such time as It can bt phone. Only this time he received a shock. hauled to the fields. Pits should be I'm sorry I gave yon the wrong located so conveniently the manure can be easily thrown In at the time line," said a sweet voice over the wire. It doesn't matter a bit, he replied, of cleaning and so constructed that It not to be outdone ln courtesy. Tin enn be readily removed. essenCat Doss's at Any Star Me a Ban It is tial that files be prevented from reach- sure the number yon gave me was much better than the one I asked for; ing the manure, but, as some of them but it Just happened that I wasn't able FDSTERrMILBUBN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. will, even though great care Is exerto use It. cised, It Is advisable to place a flytrap on the pit. Te Have a Clear Sweet Skin. The coal-tn- r sprays used in combat- Touch pimple rednes roughness ing the fly evil In the dairy stable are or Itching, If any, with Cuticura Ointa big knee like this, but your hone also efficient in driving the winged ment, then bathe with Cntlcnra Soap may have a bunch or bruise on hi pests away from the horses. Among and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and ankle, hock, stifle, knee or throat. the best of these Is a solution of 100 dust on a little Cntlcnra Talcum to parts of fish oil, 500 parts of oil of tar, leave a fascinating fragrance on akin. and 1 part of crude carbolic arid. It Everywhera 25c each. Adv. will dean it off without laying up may be prepared at home at a cost of the hone. No blister, no ball about 55 cents a gallon. This spray, Jollying Her Along. gone. Concentrated only a few as well as kerosene emulsion and othI wish a set of John Shakespeare's drop required nt an application. $2. SO per er fly repellanta containing conl-tn- r books. teak UirmS. Pewrite res i cut far adl iMtanfis free. ABSORBIN' E. JR., ita products, fish oil, resin, and oil of tar, Yes, ma'am," said tlie glib clerk. s Bools I R far SMltM, wten Psistal tatUten are best applied with an Inexpensive Here's a set of ahem John Shakealarfad Glaada, Wm, Srulm. Virtcm Veiaai stars Fite SI.2S ksnlrai Indian if Pais sad tatamaariaa. spray pump. It Is preferable to give speare's works for only $40. deUrcnd. Ubetel trial bonk peatpald far 10b the horses a hasty spraying early each Is It a complete set?" P.D. F..HOTanlat.. Srlnt1 alt, Kite. W.F.YOUN Yc Indeed. It Includes a life of morning before they go to work. This A CHARMING GIFT ahem John Shakespeare and some brings best results from the use of the fly eradlcator. letters he nddressed to a prominent ARMISTICE PERFUME Tkli parfnaaa unset trill isesll to yon tbs rich For general comfort of the work gasoline merchant of Stratford. aoatly odor nf s hundred french flow in so laiung so tree. WU UUAHAMTSM to send joe 4 SoUIm. animals when they come from the field Birmingham M oenoe each, end one speelsl buttle tlth sir at night it la recommended that after topper and old pleiad top (thle eloee la worth o duller) sltosetlwr In Sou lea of dlSeieat, ei the harness has been removed each Important to Mothers Inc perfeuea for OMU HOLLAR, poaipud, wdarureBnener- - Bond ll.N IHJDATT Examine bottle of carefully every animal be given a sponge bath with a ARMISTICE SPECIALTIES solution of cool salt water. In rase CASTOBIA, that famous old remedy 181 Went SBth St. Turk, R. T. for Infants and children, and see that it UUALUU AS UMT- S- Bead 11 DOKow (or shore lnelnd- there are any work gnlls or shoulder 1ns end tema exclusive eseaer isnliorr. essiplad, Bears tha wuodarf o' proposition. sores, these injuries should be treated of with white lotion, which Is one of the Signature most healing and soothing preparations In Use far Over 30 Year Children Cry for Fletchers Cutoria of Its kind for use In warm weather. fly-tig- DOANS WAV SELDOM SEE Every Woman Wants 1 Way of the Schoolboy. Teacher Now, Willie, suppose you were to hand a playmate your apple to take a portion of it, wouldn't you tell him to take tlie larger piece? Willie No. You wouldn't! Why? Cos it wouldnt be necessary. HOW to Efficient FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved ia watar for faflau. pelvic catarrh, ulceration Recommended by Lydia E. matie Pinkham Sled. C for tea yeas A healing wooder for Basal catarrh, ere throat end sore eye Economical. ud Has RHEUMATISM BEGINS Tbs excruciating agonies of riienmt-Maare usually the result of failure of the kidney to expel poisons from tha system. If the irritation of these uric acid crystals ia allowed to continue. Incurable bladder or kidney disease may result. Attend to it at once. Don't resort to temporary relief. The tick kidneys must bn restored to health by the use of some sterling remedy which will prevent a return ofthe disease. Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OH Capsules immediately. They bare brought back the joys of life to count-- It thousands of sufferers from rheu- -i BUSY Rr KILLED m Aselstant Is necessary that the rope be held by an assistant, as In the event of the animal struggling during the operation so as to throw Itself off Its feet, RECOMMEND to Doan's. I owe stanchion rail, then down underneath the neck and up and over the top of the stanchion rail to an assistant, who should hold it firmly. Now open the stanchion, allowing the animal to Fanners and Dealers Ar Preventing Enormous Waste by Building withdraw Its head; then, keeping the, J rope tight, pass it once around the muzzle, np and over the stanchion rail, and through to the front again to the hands of the assistant, who should stand 8 or 4 feet In front of the animal and hold the rope firmly, but prepared to release It when told to do so by the operator. The animal is now ready for the dehorning opera- or If there appears to be danger of its choking, the roie may be slackened promptly at the word of the operator and the animal partly released. This, however. Is rarely necessary, for ns Boon as the head is secured the operator should he ready, standing ut the right shoulder of the animal with his aw, and proceed to saw off first the right and then the left horn. It Is a good plan before commencing the renl work, to experiment upon an animal In the matter of control by tying the head to the stanchion rail as described. If the stanchion rail Is too wide to permit of properly securing the lower part as well as the upper part of the animals head, the turn of the rope around the muzzle may be omitted and the last lap of the rope carried around tha stanchion rail to the front nnd to Hou tha hands of the assistant. Cure should be taken that the rope pnss each time over the neck of the animal the field cent of istism, lame back, lumbago, sciatic gall stone gravel and other affections of the kidney liver, stomach, bladder and allied organ They will attack tha poisons at once, clear out the kidneys and urinary tract and the soothing healing oils and herbs will restore the inflamed tissues "d organs to normal health. All others are imitation Ask for GOLD MEDAL end be sure the name GOLD MEDAL ia on the bo Three Oise at all good druggist Adv. ...... valued . Wlth E,rthen Sid w11 , ,n ln dlseT and 7' storage, lost 00 per its crop that portion being at . ATTRACTS AND klLLg ALL FLU Nt ehaap. fee! eeojeo. all ataaeallarie metal, can't r LOSS AUUUMfUUJiA W. N. 0 ita Rate I (improper Dehorning. No. 19. the dirt beneath hfs foot." Oh. that might hurt the feelings of an ordinary wrsnn, but when n movie director raves, the actors can always maintain their composure by thinking of the salaries they get." Birmingham He who pursues pleasure should Age-- I lernlil. make sure that he Is on the right trail. About Due. Many offices are now Issuing quesTwo's company nnd three Is grist tionnaires." I know. My wife will far the divorce mill. lie getting up a form next. MANURE One-Ha- lf one-ha- lf plant-foo- carefully the back toward the be richer In plant-foo-d element ton for fan, than fresh manure. It reIf the cut la made too high an irreg- quires one and f to three tons ular, gnarly growth of horn la very of fresh manure to make a ton of rotapt te fallow. It will be seen that the ted manure, which is reduced greatly point of union of the skin and horn and the total quantity of plant-foovaries in different cattle ; hence there elements also Is decreased by fercan be no rale of measurement, ex- mentation and exposure. Ereept In cept as the eye becomes trained to see special cases nnd for certain crops or the point or line at which the cut gardening condition there Is no adshould be made. In the beef breeds vantage In rotting the manure; bob one-haInch of skin, all around, ter apply it fresh from the stable be' fore any loss occur Aea.BneUn.N.1 Consoling Thought. I don't see how these motion picture actors can put up with ihe treatment they receive from that director." Why not? "When they spoil a scene he talks to them as If they were no better than of Plant Food Value Lost When Left In Open Yard Du to the stanchion rail between the horns ln such a way that It will not Ing Summer Month Interfere with the work of the saw. Manure left In the open yard through Where to Cut the Horns. the rammer months may lose The horns should be severed from Its d value due to fermentaa quarter to a half Inch below where tion and Rotted manure the akin Joins the base of the horn, which has leaching. been saved will cutting front. CtaereMeed rffeetira hTTEX?sS&. peeped, NJBk U, Salt Luke City, $4, CSS. 110. OF VALUABLE ' (Sneer; wiO not eu. ar injure enythia This state produces about 12.5 pei cent of the sweet potatoes raised in the United States, and the crop ranks fourth in the state ln rnlue, being surpassed only by cotton, corn, and tobacco. Storage losses through the South are being greatly reduced, as the farmers and dealers are continually building both community and Individual storage houses of the Improved type. v. I Source of Keen Annoyance to Animals in Hot Weather. It MamB Operation of Automobile For many yean druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable record of good roads to say one Individual. Therefore, the farmer Is new back of meintafnod by Dr. Xflmnrs Swamp-Boo- t, tha gnat kidney, liver and bladder medi- road Improvement. cine. Dorn the city mnn fed any Interest It ia a phyeieiana prescription. In good roads? Ask year neighbor, Swamp-Boo- t ie e etiengtheninc mediIf he doesnt own an automobile he excine. It help the kidneys, liver end blad- pects to own one, and be knows ell der do the work nature intended they about where the good roads we and should do. what they mean. But when his influSwamp-Bohas stood the teat of yean. ence counts big, the greatest Impetus It ia sold by all drussiita on its merit has naturally sprung from the nnmer-ou- s iOnd it should help you. No other kidney i medicine has so many binds. army of motorcar owners to whoa Be sure to set Swemp-Boend start motorcar ownership has made the teritreatmnt at once. ritory for miles around his neighborHowever, if you wish first to test this hood. (greet preparation send ten cents to Dr. Counties and states where good Kilmer A Co, Binghamton, N. V, for u become a steady part of s sample bottle. When writing be sun and roads have mention this paporr-Adprogressive program of legislation have seen values shoot np In the most surprising fashion, end this, again, has Jfandy Man to Hava Around. Bantu how is It you have given ,hht home the fact that good roads asked Pastor ,.ay far themselves. Thus it is natulap rofag to church ral that the years 1919 and 1930 will Brown. iffts see the most stupendous good roads proWell, Bah, replied Bocto Ale way. I likes to take aa Active grams Inaugurated In America that the (Nut, sn' 1 used to pass de eoileettou world has ever known. This will basket, but dear's give de Job to Brotb-A- h result In the wider utility of motor-ear- s and motortrucks and, of course, Green, who Just returned fees prove s big aid to the solution of the Ovah Thal-oh-. "In recognition of his heroic service, freight traffic problem. X suppose. No, sah ; I reckon he got dat Job NEW ROADS COST $8,000,000 n o' his having lost one o' la V ble hands." Cartoons Magazine. Utah Rians Extensive Improvement on Lincoln Highway on Wyomlng-Uta-h Lino. in Ufa's great structure dont puli e props till the concrete's dry. The road law Just adopted by tha Utah state legislature will provide in NmGA' SmAm( IFIRNB connection with the federal aid fund Vizl.SZ Beals UMb, Keep your Eyes a total of about $8,000,000 far highana Healthy.1 If jRnBij Strong way construction in that state. Pres theyTIr Smart, It ent plans call far extensive Improve- Bum, if Son; firital Inflamed ori ment on the Lincoln highway, partic UseMurlne often. Safe for Infant or Adult 11ns I ularly between the Wyomlng-Ut&- h aU Book. At Druggist Write for Free Eye nd Salt Lske City. MsttNE7SBwd7CsBfsarlCbksjelD,5.A i Result of Proper Dehorning. Rope Held by Good Roads Are Neoeeeary reeo-nttio- S. W. Bishop Wu Laid Up By Kidney Trouble, Now Owes tion. London Cabbys Gallantry. A cabman was driving a very stout old lady one day, end bad some difficulty in getting her In and ont of the vehicle. Tm afraid Pm a bother to you,1 said she, as he was helping her out. Not a bit, answered cabby, meaning to be gallant I likes a fare what steadies the cab. London Tit Bits. WHY DRUGGISTS GENUINE ASPIRIN Age-Heral- d. h, ATONIC Couldnt Work iad-spt- t - BAYER CROSS" ON FROM STABLE FLIES DEHOBHCATTLE From Suffering by Getting Her Lydia E. Pinkhama Vegetable Compound. THE BLUES PROTECTING HORSES from one-hal- Such tender bits of fine m eat such careful season bjeJ One taste of Libbys Vienna Sausage, served piping hot, will tell you it was prepared by nmhy chefs! Ask your grocer for a package today. Contents will serve two. Libby, M?NeiII & Libby, Chicago lf E3il iwwsmsjexi |