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Show Pag PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Foot. SKETCH OF HYRUM SMITH While in Lethbridge as bishop, he often came in contact with various social workers and welfare organixa tions. If the fine spirit of coopera tion among the good pioneering people of Arizona, which enabled them to make the desert blossom as the rose," impressed him with the virtue of cooperation, the unpleasant things he saw among the poor and afflicted in Canada, in our disordered society, impressed him also as to the necessity of it. Both of these things, in fact, prepared his mind for the great idea ana work of the N. D. A. Among hobbies and side interests of Dr. Smith, we could mention an interest in taking camping trips into the mountains and canyons, reading bio(especially along historical and (Continued from page ou the bond of affliction anyway, but the drama ii always heightened whenever the bonds are broken. Dr. Smith has always been active in church work. In Snowflake, he was made superintendent of the Sunday school at the age of 20 and he was also, at one time, the youngest patriarch in the L. D. S. church. He was bishop of the Lethbridge ward for nine years. In fact, Dr. Smith has held positions of Honor and trust among the people for many years and a member of the N. D. A. compliments him on his ability to enforce rules and regulations and still have in people respect both him and the rules graphical lines) and participation athleticaland regulations. games and sports. Always his older ly inclined since youth, is quite boys will tell you that "Dad" them in able to hold his own with running, baseball and tennis, and they in these are not cross amateurs Singer Sewing Blachine sports, especially in tennis. Electric. Dr. Smith and his wife are not only 141W2 Special Dressmakers Model wheel horses in K. D. A. activities $32-5Cash or Scrip and business, but they have been so J. S-- YOUNG. from the start. Indeed they right Road. 165 Canyon were Benjamin. Stringhams very first Salt Lake disciples as Waraka and Going Kadijah were Mohammed's. still further back, it was Benjamin Stringham's first hearing Mrs. Smith's lectures on the science of living that gave him courage to write his book on Natural Government and when he came to Salt Lake last year he first made the Smith home his Shine . FOR SALE 0 N. D. A. Parlor Shoe 55 West Broadway. PROFESSIONAL SHOE one-legg- ed ao-ee- . bric-a-bra- cs 0 Prahl Cash and 10c Scrip or 5c Cash. Shoe Dyeing, 35e Cash. EVERYBODY WELCOME. PAPER & Kirten HANGING AND CLEANING. Good Work, Reasonable Call Hy. 5118-- Frank Wineriter. Across the r.v system. Give him a hand end fruit drying plant and are developN. D. A. CHRISTMAS TOYS. BELNAP FOR SCHOOLS own eoal mines. Since their ing help him over. Regardless of whether Santa the Association haa furnClaus hat a bobsled and reindeers out January to known well (Continued from page one) ished 50,306 days of work for Ha Wllford Belnap, this Christmas, many hundreds of cooperators, which sufficient and Independent. EDISON SUBSCRIBES represents a cash most members of the N. D. A., Is a be assisted value to are children going was report$150,0X6. WJth every dol- candidate for the In Montana bartering of school N. D- - A. lar ofofcash of the position efforts the exan through oommon. In Chippewa, ed as furnished, the Associa2nd ward. This year we have a tion haa been able to create a hund- board member from the Joy filled the Independent Proample, a farmer can trade two doien Santa Claus. Mr. who He our has Smith, In been depart- gressiva offloss Thursday when Myron and working fat buttor of five red dollars worth of business. The pounds eggs, and ten bushels of wheat for five gal- is appointed head of the toy depart- volume of exchange business done ment of wealth for the paat live subscription check from the son of diligently for the first three months of the months. He haa had fifteen years the tats greet Inventor, Thomas lons of gasoline. Banka accept wheat ment, has been working In payment on loans and flour mill for the past month and n half toward year compared with the paet three Edison of West Orange, New Jersey, experience In educational matters has accept grain in payment for grind- making this one of the happiest and months haa Increased on n ratio of In hie company on Utah and Idaho. He la n pro- the put himself and most complete Christmases for those one to forty-fou- r. ing grain Into flour. Newspapers There have been list. This is one of subscription who axe dependent upon the N. D. A. times when the Salt Lake unit has perty owner and taxpayer end bis the best aigna of auocess for the wheat for subscriptions. Maintains Exchange for their livlihood. done six thousand dollars exchange program will be one of economy and paper. Oklahoma City baa lta shirt Hundreds and hundreds of chairs, business a day. Fhotostatle copies of the check an eaultable distribution of funds. sleeve exchange" where the unem- tables and doll beds, made over toys, The expansion has been amazing. He knows the problems of both the are being made. , ployed are sent out to work for peoand home made dolls In January there was one N. D. A. and the teacher end has ple who pay In goods rather than will grace the base of many a tree unit. Now there are 14, namely: taxpayer first hand knowledge of the Belt money. An unemployed tree sur- this year. In Utah Salt Lake City, Ogden, INSURANCE geon received 10 cents In oaah, a Not only that but Santa Claus will Logan, Delta, Brigham, Lehl, Price, hot inner, peek of potatoes, a be able to draw his trees and a large American Fork. In Idaho Idaho Announcing the Opening For N. D. A. Scrip hlrt, two coats, eight baby dress- quantity of trimmings through the Falla, Twin Falls, Pocatello, Mont' of the es, aix childrens hats, three pairs of efforts of the toy department. Un- pelier, Preeton. In California OakAH Life, Health and Accident shoes, and one pair of girl's ga- der the able supervision of Mrs. land. Also, as a result of the N. D. K. D. A. TAILOR SHOP Insurance with Biggest and loshes for live hours work. The exladies department are A., similar organisations have been the Btringham, Best Company in World change take these articles and un- making dolls and H. N. Hansen, Mgr. effected In Phoenix, Arizona, and as PAID IN FULL FOR SCRIP. dertakes to obtain for them articles well as stuffed animals. In an effort New York 55 2nd West the Floor City. past Broadway, During the tree surgeon can use. assist Santa Claus this year, a three months there have been repFIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE Los Angeles has a cooperative ex- to Wasatch 10347. N. D. A. from resentatives the basic of been in started has B CREDIT industry change with more than 4000 mem- the west Portlnnd, Maine to Portland, Ore., through the N. D. A. bers. it operates on n system ALL KINDS OF TAILORING. Call to New Loa F. L Hickman. from York million dollars Over three worth Angeles, City debit and credit. A performs labor from Canada to Mexico. Thirty Wasatch 6745 for B and la given credit with whch of wood, paper and cloth toys are end Wanted Several A-- l Tailors. or leave order with Mr. Howe. he may obtain food or clothing pro- hipped into the Salt Lake territory six states in the Union have been letters vided by C In exchange for services annually by Eastern manufacturers. visited and there have been Inquiry received from ell parts of that were rendered by D. This These toys are not available to the of the U. 8. It is estimated that there movement has spread to a half doz- N. D. A. through local distributors. are million people who know of Next year it is the hope and desire en small towns near Los Angeles. SEAGULLL APARTMENTS, 215 NORTH WEST TEMPLE are Interested In the N. D. A. In Nebraska newspapers accept of the toy department that these toys and papers an the New York Times farm produce for subscriptions and will be available to local distributors Such Saint Paul Dally News, and the Well Furnished Apts. Heat and gaa for cooking furnished. In a number of communities doc- through the efforts of the N. D. A- Much of the credit for the success United Press have given write-up- s tors, dentists, and merchants take N. , D. A. $20.00 to $30-0Third cash, balance N. D. A. Coupons. of the toy department is due to the concerning the produce In lieu of cash. In Ban Francisco the barter Idea untiring efforts of Mr. A. C. Christla used hy charitable institutions to ensen, millwright, and to various STRINGHAM TO lumber- - and in the IDAHO FALLS provide for the needy unemployed. Hold Swap" Days city. Mr. Christensen has a comIn Albine, Corpus Chrlstl and pletely equipped shop and haa proved B. Benjamin Btringham left SunHenderson, Texas, there are month- himself to be a real cooperator. Many day, November 27th, with Messrs. All Kinds of Electric Work, Wiring, Repairing and Motor- Work. ly "swap" days when the farmers hundreds of toys have been remodeled Passey, Dial and Clark enroute for come to town with what they have and repaired through the efforts of Idaho Falla where he will assist in o GIVE US A TRIAL o to swap and return with wagons Mr. Alic Hoggan and his able assist- further organising the N. D. A. He 1932 Lincoln Street Hyland 5109-loaded with the articles they need, ants. has been requested to give a series A number of Texas schools accept There is still time to do a lot of of lectures over the radio explaining produce as tuition. work to help old St. Nick- - The N. D. the operation of the National DeveKassas city has an organisation A. has the men, the equipment and lopment Association. Mr. Btringham similar to the one In Los Angelas. the ability to do much more than has was happy to answer this call for Ms The state of Washington and Min- been done in the past but material home state. Idaho la claiming its neapolis have organisations similar la needed. Cooperate by turning in own. 49 West First South Phone Wasatch 10060 to the "shirtsleeve" exchange of broken toys, odds and ends of lumber, Oklahoma City. cans of extra Christmas We use the best material. paint, surplus A GREAT CAUSE In Athena, Tenn., the tinsel and tree decorations. accepts the farmers produce We wish you would try us. inof With the cooperation people for subscriptions. The N. D. A. and all other coopN. D. A. there is no reain terested We In Louisiana Commissioner of Agare a member of N. D. A. eratives have a great cause and dare why any kiddie should go with- to make it known. riculture Harry D. Wilson is cam- son From the ranks You need out Christmas. this dont emto to Induce farmers paigning whiskers to be a Santa Claus of the oommon people have come and leadership, and it is to ploy labor and pay with surplus long some to kiddie who will otherwise support believes that farm produce. Wilson them that we shall continue to look of be a very, earnMerry deprived very can thus workers pool produoe for support and leadership. Prosed and by bartering among them' Christmas. Do your bit along with perity will not return except through N. D. A. the selves obtain a balanced larder. NATURE BUILT YOUR BODY cooperation. The cooperative moveNATURE CAN IT. ment is here to stay. It is in the Lawe Natural If TRY are to WAY. NATURES permitted operate minds of all people especially those WILL PROSPERITY RETURN HISTORY OF N- - D. A. who are broke. Chronic Diseases Successfully Treated Without Drugs or Surgery. It appeals to both (Continued from page one) (Continued from page one) John Corbin says capitalism has dedded to call the movement the young and old. It speaks a common EYE TREATMENTS GLASSESFITTED. broken down. Alfred Mitchell BingNatural Government Association. language. It declares the profit sysW. M. Stony, N. D. Opt D. Offices: 5th Floor, Felt Bldg. ham. brilliant young writer, son of First the movement waa an educa- tem to be wrong. All ovei the ha Senator Hiram Bingham of Connec- tional one, but it soon took on the tion plans are being worked out B Credit N. D. A. Scrip Accepted ticut, says capitalism is sunk. Dr. aspects of a real savior In supplying The best methods shall bo chosen woven and Into one 1506. and Wasatch Lake City, Utah. screme, known Salt Telephone plan Cadman, nationally religions of the material needs to its which will solve the trouble and disand uplift leader haa recently voiced many members. tress that so sorely vex our nation the same opinion over the radio. Dr. May we pause to explain, in a and world. Are yon sn advocate of John Dewey, probably the nation's exhow the way, Just practical the cooperative system,? if not wliy u.3 leading educator, la an active and change started, which is accomplish not? forceful advocate of a new economic Motor Rebuilding Brake lining in hook Ideal the the presented Dare to be a Daniel." system. Prof. Henry Irving Fisher, ing Natural Government. Hr. String-haService Dare to stand alone Ignition Repair Battery economist and statistician, has dewith him from Idaho Dare to have a cause voted much of his attention to show- a fewbrought truck-loaof potatoes. And Dare to make it known ing up the fallacies of the present those Interested In putting system. barwas the a into operation: plan, Dick Clinton, Manager. LADIES DEPARTMENT Matthew Woll, head of the A. F. ber who of his had 'three-fourtof L. proposes a Congress of Indus- time Idle, representing a Second 76 South East WANTS Street Phone Wasatch 4981 of surplus tries. Stuart Chase advocates the hair-cut- s. On the other hand, Mr. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION revival of the old War Industries ladles department of the N. Btringham had a surplus of potatoes. D. The Modern Equipment Board, without which the great War They A. will he glad to receive any arNew and Rebuilt Batteries. to exchange their suragreed could not have been successfully Soon there were others who ticle made at home for display and pluses. WELCOME! D. A. MEMBERS. N. carried on. Gerard Swope has offer- were to copperate in the sale at their tore; Bring In any old ed a plan which would transfer the same willing can be used that for clothlsg manner. The exchange grow making pewers of government to an indus- to represent nearly all the depart- toys, and any new pieces yon Can trial dictatorship. to be used for spare dressing up toys ments and activities of life, such as Greatest Good for Greatest Number bak- Also old or broken toys which can be cleaners, shoemakers, farmers, The plans of Woll, Chase and millers, mechanics, doc- repaired and sold. ers, Swope will not appeal to those who tors, printers, skilled and unskilled dentists favor the greatest good for the great- workmen of all kinds. These peo SPORTNEWS- est number. They are mentioned commodor services their gave pie Shine 10 cents. here only because they serve to swell ( Continued from Page One.) on an exchange system at ms: the groat chorua of opinion that the ities old shoes now and save money. of that ball. Every one shows a more Inetead ket Dye However, your prices. present capitalist system must he using cash, coupons were Issued and consistent score each week. We Clean and Block all kinds of Ladies A Gents Hats 50c. replaced. They confirm the findings need sa a medium of exchange. Thanks to the ladles that accomThe old system Some services and. commodities of "Technocracy. All Worts Guaranteed were their husbands. You, the la. dead. It cannot be revived. We not available on coupons entirely, panied ladles, ARE WELCOME on every 246 South Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah must organise onr own prosperity. and hence, part cash was required. Thursday Nits at the Alleys, for this Taken as a whole, they force us B Service. Arcade. Keith AssociaEmporiumthe In 1031, December, is clean good, sport. to the one logical conclusion; Hs own pastarted tion publishing must cooperate. The solution to The Progressive Independent. the problem is Natural Development. per, the editorship of C. N. Lund. Take for Instance Technocracy? under 1983, tha Nstnral What does It mean In actual prac- On January 27, Development Assp. was Incorporattice? How will It affect onr dally ed under the laws of the state of Uvea? k as a and Utah, in means that simply It nobody and also, corporation Exshoes. will sell the .nation The original Incor80 SOUTH STATE STREET much shoe will the set styles perts B. String-haas they do now. Other experts will porators were Benjamin Owen Wllford President; t compute these figures, the planning Woodruff, Wllford hoard will budget the number of A. COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE L. E. Glad, a nation the for needed shoes hy 'and Hyrum given period. They will be ordered, Smith, Secretary and Treasurer. The WE SPECIALIZE IN PERMANENT WAVING-wearers. to the made and shipped Assb elation was further divided into he for made No direct payment will ten departments taking in an the them, any more than a man today of life; namely, Labor, EducaS. 8. (Steve) Stevena, Prop. of Wasatch 4912. makes direct payment for a drink Commerce, Wealth tion. Agriculture, water. Justice, Manufacturing, Building, The above procedure will he ap- Mining, Health, and someone was No plied to every human need. in charge of each department. placed other program is possible. What Growth of the N. D. A. need to he the profit system has there have been Since now become, rather, the loss system. fourteen January hundred families apply foT It has destroyed itself. We must he membership In the Association, ready to substitute Natural Devel- which represents five thousand, six opment. hundred people. Although it is the Thus the scientists have endorsed of the N. D. A. to cooperate Furnished one teachings. Thus has their re- plan with Industrie! already established, search proved our truths. The rea- it haa been necessary to enter the B on soning of onr leaders has been amazSince organfield of production. ingly confirmed hy the facta of the ising, they have constructed a tanThe weight of their ESTIMATES FREE engineers. brickyards. nery, gas refinery, ALL LABOR A CREDITS opinion is with us. As life moves the way. deers truth onward, Exterior Decorating. All Kinds of Interior and House Painting, Sign Painting. THE FOUR PHASES Batteries, Starters, Generators and OF EXCHANGE Auto General Repairing H. F. Hanks & Sons All transactions of the N. D. A. Ignition Work Labor, A Credits Parts, Cash 838 Roosevelt Ave. system of exchange are comprised in of the N. D. A. Member these four forms: Hyland 4539. 155 E. 27th South St. ON A CREDITS 1. Goods for goods. Services. for 2. Services 3. Goods for services. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 4. Services for goods. SWAPPING SWEEPS NATION Charge. R street from the Holy Croao Hospital HOME BARBER SHOP East First South Street A. D. BEDFORD, Prop. Also Open Evenings. Ladies Haireutting s Specialty 1 N. D. A. Credits. 1018 Shoe Service Ensign East 1st South Phone Was. 5719 Call and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17t!h South. Special Rates to Members of Natural Development Association. 577 The Larsen Electric Shurtliff Shoe Repairing . Post-Ath-enl-aa Don't Be Discouraged D X X X X Zanol Quality Products g Cosmetics, Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Paste and Household Necessities. X X X X X X PACKAGE GROCERIES mr. 667 South McAllister 7th East Street. Salt Lake City, Utah-- B" Credit. !XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX$XXXXXXXXXXXXKXXe? m . Auto Electric Service Co. ds Furnace Cleaning and Repairing Lee and D. T. Worsencroft hs Mueller Gas and Coal Furnaces & Quaker & Clarks Furnaces New Work on B Credits Repair Work on A Credits Phone Hyland 7597 Salt Lake City, Utah If Its Electrical, Leave it with Shurtliffh. Phone Wasatch 10060 49 West 1st South Street We Call and Deliver IS LlCTll 1 C CO. SIIUUTXIFF WE BUY OLD GOLD. Electric and Radio Supplies Repairing of all Kinds Motors, Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Irons, Etc. We are a Member of N. D. A. v: inti? riiy v?. RALPH C. NELSON GARAGE 3 Post Office Place. ALL MAKES OF AtJTOS REPAIRED Motors Rebored Fenders Repaired Radiator Repairing Car Painting Rebuilt Batteries Battery Service 50-6- Washing Polishing Greasing. ALL WORK GUARANTEED d Day and Monthly Storage. Phone Wasatch 8139. Residence Phone Hyland . Rex Hat Cleaning Shop and Shoe Shine Parlor -- non-pro- non-stoc- Beehive Barber and Beauty Parlor fit al Vice-preside- Vice-preside- Elg-gre- n. Vice-preside-nt es Steam-Heate- 8045-- J. m WANTED 100 MEN and WOMEN CASH PROPOSITION No Experience Required see Erich Reich At the N. D. A. or 3450 South 8th. West Wall Paper A and Credits BATTERIES CHARGED A ON CREDITS Otto Moss . Cooperation Built The I D. M. Kemp MOTOR RECONDITIONING Years Experience 020 East 27th South Ily. 7373-Labor, A" Credit Parte Cash Satisfaction Guaranteed 25 ) . A. Use Cooperative Dairy Products. Patronize Those who Patronize You: Buy your milk on B Service. The Cooperative Milk Producers, Inc. Cooperative Dairymen. 1208 East 21st South Street Hyland 1055 Cameron Battery & Ignition Co. 956 South Stale Street. Phone Hy. $555. (, y s v |