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Show PROGRESSIVE PRESTON UNIT Preston, Idaho: Amid the Impressive showing wo ora making In Preston, tho N. D. A. la living up to Ita namo in deroloplng Idle Induatrlea that have boon dormant daring this depression. Although, wo have much more to accomplish wo are emerging step t y step In every department and progressing In a NATURAL way which the word NATURAL means -- stow but sore. OGDEN UNIT OGDEN N. D. A. HOLDS INTERESTING MEETING Hostess Service The following Is s synopsis of the meeting held In Ogden on Friday, November 18th of the Ogden N. D. A. unit: The meeting was conducted by Archie Stokes, head of the Educational Department. The first number on the program was a piano solo by Mias Viola Spurrier, followed by a short address by a supervisor of the Organization. Russell B. Petty. Our contact manager, Mr. Stephens, briefly outlined the accomplishments of tho N. D. A The audience was then entertained by two duets by Mr, and Mrs.,J. W, Complete Service and Entertainment for PARTIES AND SHOWERS $5 to $25 A MATERIALS Already, through the N. D. A. there are more Idle men getting back to work; Idle Induatrlea starting again; surpluses being moved for the farmer; and helping tho unemployed to care for their families with food, fuel and clothing that would now be In want If tt were not for tiie great plan of the N. D. A. So here's wishing the N. D. A. a big aucosss wherever It goes for it's plan la one that will help everyone throughout the world. (Signed) Roy Lindsay, Ugr. By Otto Ohatterton. Credits. CASH. VERY REAL" ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS. Leola Home Cummins 1st North Wasatch 9093-- 106 W. INDEPENDENT Page Three. be changed materially so long as appropriation from the government Ilona of people are Mr. 8. C. Spurrier, Arrington. going on on remain so means more taxes and ths of tho 8mlthsonlan Business College prices of scant one. meal and a a that people day gave a abort bnt interesting talk on very low. There is little opportunity are all ready taxed now. And taxCome, let ua remove this big probnatural living, aa the eolation to or incentive for members to become es unpaid makes our government most of life's problems. Mr. SpringAgricultural producers unless they weak. As taxes are the strength of lem and free ourselves. I am ready LADIES DEPARTMENT er has been hind enough to rent his shall be paid therefore, at least the the government. Are we ready now to prove to the world the true cause some So of the mothers may cost (hat haU to the N. D. A., and further, is of production. As a trading cor- to accept the truth? Are we ready of this depression. All I ask to, aftaking scrip for payment of tui- know, we now drop the hint that poration, N. D. A. must adhere dose, to Judge for ourselves and stand by ter we find the cause, help me to reSanta Claus is leaving packages at ly to market prices, but in a fully our Judgment or do we tion. going move It from our way so we will the Ladles' Department. These will developed letage prices would be gov- on In the old rut makingprefer Mayor Francis Talks one mis- again be free. This means Union, The former Mayor of Cgden, be on display later. erned by cost of production. take after another. If we will still not a one horse union, but a union of Frank Francis, who now writes the While one group of women have live In the old way then sorrow and producers and consumers, meaning During the past summer the column NEWS AND VIEWS tor the been bnsy quilting, another of Agriculture of the Salt grief are our outcome, for we are all labor and all production. They group Ogden Standard Examiner, gave a have been making toys. We wish Lake Unit bandied many thousands to blame and no other. There are are the life of all business. very Interesting address, praising all mothers who have time would of dollars worth of practic- three principles we should stud tor. the N. D. A. organisation. Ho told make candy, or if you have toys to ally without the use produce of cash. It has They are Truth, Justice, ud Freewho of a certain man, said that contribute they will be gladly ac- been found necessary however, in dom, the fundamental principles of he believed this nation waa fast cepted. Mountain Chief selling, to require a small portion to all Just laws. These principles make because drifting into perdition, Some of our ladies are making be paid in cash in order to meet un- us free, but today we find ourselves however, children's clothing out of second avoidable cash expenses. history repeats Itself;" in bondage, bondage has tied all MINERAL WATER he states further that it aound eco- hand clothing. , The harvesting season is now producers up until they are unable THE WONDER OF THE AGE are nomic principles practiced there One kind lady who raises white past. Vegetables and fruits are in to function. Our nation claims there would be no need of ua doing so, geese gave ua some real down cellars and warehouses, hunIs an the if but in the overproduction, grain because we have the advantage feathers which were made up into a hay in the stack, livestock for gry were fed there would be of looking back through history, pillows. You see there are many, bin, market in the feed lot. shortage In three months time. Mll- thereby benellttlng by past failures. many ways our women can help There remains opportunity for exHe says that the future is large- make N. D. A. a producing The manager of every N. D. change. ly dependent on our hope and courA. Unit should secure a competent age. He told a etory of a couple, man experienced in Agriculture to who found their home ablase when FURNITURE DEPARTMENT do as much exchanging as possible For a limited time, they awoke, and they barely had Perfect-Fittin- g The Furniture Department la es- within the unit, supplying local needs Brassiere time to get out before it was too a lot of toys and building up surpluses to exchange can be had on A Credit. late. A neighbor found them rak- pecially busy preparing Within a oouple of with other Units. All such surpluses For particulars, apply to ing in the ashes and naked them for Christmas. LADY GAY MANUFACTURING what they were doing. They moan- weeks we expect towa have a large should be reported to the Control at Salt Lake City as COMPANY. But the neigh- display. The toys are have already Department ed, "All is gone! going rapidly, should also the shortages or needs Was. 3648-- J or Hy. 1109 bor returned, Your home isnt had on exhibition seventy-fiv- e little chairs of each Unit. Internal or External gone. Fires burn houses, not homes. more than Heber Bcnnion Head of AgriA home is not in a house, hut in the have already been sold. We recentTO BE USED FOR fifteen culture phonographs Department. heart. builds homes. ly purchased Rheumatism, Kidney or Bladder ComMusic Consolidated the from , Quality and the Best of Service. 2 It will ba through our own ubles. Prostate Blands, EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. variety of musi$ and courage that will bring pany. With such aour Sore Throat, Swollen Instruments cal Under direction the Mrs. Ruth of department the nation back to prosperity. Stomach Ulcers, Joints, music P. Lohmoalder the Educational Dea of on the appearance takes Glatz Potato Chip Organisation Gives Security Yaricuse Ulcers, Hay furnitthe the store. For are Service present partment organizing a He further stated, as an encourFever, Etc. shop at 72 South West Bureau through which talented indiagement, that a man with this or- ure repair Directions closed. is viduals are an to given opportunity ganisation in its early development Temple Take Tcaspoonful Three Times a Company Mr. Hobson, who lias been away supply programs for clubs, parties, will be greatly benelltted. An oror three weeks, --hurches and other social agencies, two day, in water before meals. ganisation like this gives a feeling for the past Natural Mineral Water Mr. Hogan Is busy- in Salt Lake City and nearby towns. 3319 So. State St. Ilyland 8638 of security. WhyT Because an indi- has returned- A. W. WIN BERG A CO. toys. He The N. D. A, Educational Depart-- : vidual is afraid, but by unity we ing himself with Christmas 1833 South 4th East ment can now supply teachers for feel secure. He says, Here In thla trimmed the Christmas tree In the SOLD ON B CREDITS SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH The Hardware de- private tutoring in voice, piano, in-- 1 g j! country of ours we are facing great furniture stole. utensils, strumental music, dancing, languag- -' problems, we have built barriers to partment needs cooking es, sciences, in fact all branches of'n Always Clean and the Best. the finer things of life. Onr gold Is tires,' and all kinds of tools. as a barrier! iearning. Many schools in the city serving will accept a limited number of studIn speaking of technological unHEALTH DEPARTMENT No more Important service, per- ents on A credits. Any one desiremployment problems They say S. that the more machinery we have haps could he rendered hy this de- ing this service should call at the N. the more danger, but it should be partment, than the discovery and D. A. Educational Department fur DECORATING PAINTING IAlER HANGING the more machinery we have the removal of apparently Insignificant particulars. Also call on the Service We Do It. If It's Dune with a Brush greater the benefit. At present with bodily defects often present in tho Bureau for high class entertainers, all onr modern machinery, we are years of early life. orchestras or lecturers, for all occa1427 Blair Street Hyland 5030 not making any advancement. The It Is as though, setting out at sun- sions. reason is unequal distribution and rise on the morning of a great day, This Department aims to meet the lack of a medium of exchange. He a young life, jeopardized on ' the educational needs of its many trade gave examples of various barter ex- brink of a yawning precipice, had members, in a sympathetic and highperiments that have worked out been snatched from tragic death, to ly efficient manner. If your particuA Credits successfully. behold and give thanks with loved lar problems are not included in this Visual Training and Orulas Exercises ones at the later setting of the sun. survey, call at the Educational deTelling A Wonderful Story A Credits Examinations 1 Eye Mr. Francis further stated, focal are the defects an honest endeavor wili Among such think it is a wonderful story you are infections, too often present in partment B Credits Glasses Made to Order, and Repairs be made to care for your educational telling about the spirit of cooper- tonsils, on the root tips of neglected needs MAN ABOVE MONEY. ation, You are developing some- teeth, or in other parts of the body. of enrich the lives millions will that countless thing These abound in the community. People going to the of virulent strepto-coccu- s germs. 55 West Broadway Phone Wasatch 9544 charor other Service, Community Traveling In the blood stream, of a have institutions weak other infect feeling these ity embarrassment, this is something ened organs, with the result that XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXj an never he found in should that sooner or later consultation rooms organisation such as yours. There and hospitals are filled with those Natl Development Association 1 are great possibilities in a thing ruined lives with but scant hope And Exchange Service X like this when a crisis comes on, of recovery of health. 347 C. Street Has been Selected as Our Official N. D. A. X Oh! the greatness of the hitter Scrip, in the 1907 depression, some X Dear Friends: District. in the quick things of the universe! X Sugarhouse say, was the reason for the Representative Attention is now called to all peoX This department, appreciates, recovery at that time. calamto the our nation of X great ple those Gold Standard Hinder therefore, the assistance of X Is which That of depression. ity valued X There is an enormous waste in medical, dental, and other and both rich all. people astroubling X of As an illustration he workers, who have the health tnuTi power. Is loss X ... nation The a at entire poor. espec3K S said, There are four million people sociation members at heart to know what to do to bring back out of work, which would be enough ially of such as enjoy unmistakable old IkxkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjmI times those of s, good prosperity to rebuild San Francisco in one day magnetic personality with , and who are of quick vision again. after the fire. He denounced the There has been many things dole system. "Men in England have and dexterous hand for thereby may have content now many lives may he lengthened In brought forth which lost their Is particularly helped bring about these conditions, civilisaservice. Is It eat. useful and to Bleep only and but there Is only one true cause It tion falling because history repeats desired that young medical and Modem Equipment. Is the foundation of all others. Now itself? We must get out of the rut dental patients of thirteen years there Is only one thing to do, and Class A Materials, Cash Labor, and we must get off the gold stand- nnder, In all the units, may receive Is to find out the true cause and ard. M. S. Eccles has said, that, unstinted service. At this age of that the remedy. There has beon Battery Charging. the destruction of the gold stand- life all of the permanent teeth, apply no remedy put forth as yet, and W. R. Nash, Prop. ard would he a great benefit.' Men with the exception of four wisdom are no better. The outlook 13G9 South State Street. out of employment cause others to teeth, have been In position for one times Our govIs still In had condition. Hyland 414 be out of employment with their year. Many of these teeth, owing ernment has appropriated millions lack of purchasing power factories to the above mentioned Infectious, This is being nnd millions of dollars that have to close down nnd cause more unem- will need attention. entirely. he paid back. That Is just a meal tho all for After so on. scrip and accomplished ployment for tomorrow nnd we find ourselves, AND GRANITE WORK PLASTERING CEMENT, most wonderful thing to you is your The tonsils in close proximity may service also he involved, to cause heart and in the same boat floating in the waWith worthily. KINDS OF STONE WORK ALL serving ter with no control only to look tor , of kidney trouble later In life. your spirit will get some degree life. friends. our N. tor from help A bulletin of suggestions satisfaction after it leaves this KURT SCHMTDT city and the people In a. health department Is Inonpre-re Now the You are putting heart and soul to to can all are You Are they If doing Particular, Call the Concrete Specialist. general go paration, and may be had each other, and if yon folks canout; ; help take care of the poor. This will OR NO PAY. SATISFACTION on you will give us a wonderful quest.. always have to be done, unless wo look on life. I Make It. peoCement the Made will free of a that If find Ils remedy Historys Tremendous Story say- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE these conditions. Each from ple AssocRented the his Mixer by concluded Cement speech Day or Week. hy He The Natural Development comhas undertaken to perfect an iation 433 Downington Ave. 5148-ing, "Out of the research of Phone Hyland mon heritage, ancients resolved, organization which shall include proHisconsumers. to things. and equalise t failed ducers, distributors Rite Barber 59J tory is telling a tremendous story is the ultimate objective, that It the and can be W shall world. reject to the Association hut members ofof the like not serv-ce- s do we of which a wide variety things jroducers accomp Beauty Shop and commodities and that the keep the good points. Toa common A-must we develop Ush that Special Attention to N. D. same membership shall also consume with surGAS AND STEAM WORK OUR SPECIALTY. Credits Bartering Only heritage. thus is produced what which 124 No. Mam St. Our Manager, Mr. R. B. Garner, for to things exchange acpluses within the Vearl J. Manwill. C. K. Miller responded in a short talk of of may not be produced knowledgment of cooperation group. a hopeGas ft Coke Co.) with Utah and expressed the members, (Formerly At present, however, N- - D. A. has ful attitude in the future possibil- not yet.attained this independent HEATING AND GAS INSTALLATIONS. ities of the N. D. A. products status. It is in a formativea ' Following two musical selections, and its business is mainly A ft B Credits stage Sherman Mr. played and snng by using coupon Exchange, was the meeting Call Us for Estimates and Mr. Spurrier, Years 20 transactions. Experience checks to facilitate adjourned. the of Department The activities Member of N- - D. A. Licensed and Bonded Plumbers of Agriculture have been confined and largely to collecting, exchanging, Hyland 4272-- J. E. L. Egli 1848 South 2nd East Street Hyland 2089-8. M. Taylor distributing products of the soil, the flock 'and the herd, rather than proKwMiaaa; ducing these things. And it seems probable that this situation will not Members of your family, or friends in other relatives Chiropractic offers a simple, natural, effective method of restoring see to he Over 25 year in Salt Lakewould happy cities health in both acute and chronic ailments. e 14K South Main you if you could drop in for a Licensed Embalmers. why not consult an N. D. A. Chiropractor Use Beet Materials. visit today. Perhaps you may B Credits Accepted B Credit on the Scrip Accepted not even see them during Also Hat Cleaning. DR. GEO. A. WILSON 1445 So. State St holiday season. GEO KOPOULOS, Prop. 14 Years Experience WHY NOT DROP IN BY Licensed in Utah, Idaho and Nevada. TELEPHONE? Successor to Dr. Bcnj. R. Johnson and Ifn easy to call just give (sum sown. laKT Mwtk the out of The Johnson ft Wilson Chiropractic Long Distance IHtftHfi 4 UU f A. D. N. TO the OR PELTS WOOL CONSIGN OR SELL YOUR Servicetown telephone number or the Health and listed. wool Is all we since prepare We can secure better prices for you name under which it Phones: Youll be there in a minute. pelts properly before marketing. 312 Boston Bldg. be Office. Was. 4938 also will glad The operator GIVE US A TRIAL. rate. 66C9-(he Salt Lake City tell Was. to you Res., Salt Lake City, Utsh N. D. A. . 55 West Broadway STATES MOUNTAIN TIIE A CREDITS. Mur. 235 Phones: Wasatch 10347, Hyland 6142-R- -, TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH SALT LAKE UNIT farm-produc- ts LINGERIE Self-deni- al Ton-siliti- s. self-denia- ls SUITS OVERCOATS UNDERWEAR RUBBERS L. D. S. GARMENTS. Until further notice Yt cash and Yt N. D. A. Coupons. CL G. TEERLIXK, 215 NORTH WEST TEMPLE. Hepners Rabbitry SEE US FIRST FOR YOUR STOCK NEEDS. ALSO MEAT 764 Blair Ave, Salt Lake City. FINE STOCK AT ALL O. TIMES. Fourth Ave. Shoe Shop H. H. ANDERSEN 376 4th Ave. We call for and deliver. HEALTH Call Wasatch 10123 N. D. A. B Credits. DEPARTMENT A and B Credits accepted. Inclusive of all Medical, Surgical and Dental Requirements. Optometry, Chiropractic, Drugless Treatment; Chiropody, Nursing, Prescriptions and Hospitalization. For Information Apply to Wasatch 2796, Hyland 4508-or Wasatch 10347 X-Ra- ! y, W. Faber, President. ! Willy P. Henkel, Manager. Modern Woodworking Manufacturers of Bank, Office and Store Fixtures. Superior Cabinet Work. 668 South State Street Salt Lake City, Utah. Phone Wasatch 8183 ' VISIT THE NEW, MODERN N.JD. A. Barber and Beauty Parlor COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. WE SPECIALIZE IN PERMANENT WAVING. 55 Went Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. S- - 10087 8. (Steve) Stevens, Prop. OWING TO THE LARGE RESPONSE OF OUR VALUED !; NDA Scrip, WE ARE AGAIN CONTINUING 1-- THIS 2 Cash OFFER NUTIL CHRISTMAS. i MANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS HAVE REMARKED THAT IT IS SURE A HELP AND A SATISFACTION TO BE ABLE TO BUY THIS FINE MERCHANDISE AT SUCH LOW PRICES HALF N. D. A. SCRIP AND HALF CASH. BUY NOW AND RECEIVE YOUR PICK OF THE STOCK WHILE THIS OFFER LASTS. man-kille- IDAHO FALLS rs I BURTS BARBER&BEAUTY SHOP child-patient- General Auto Repairing self-respe- HBHRBHagSfl Theyd Like AT 2 Dr. J. O. KING M and M Plumbing Co. .CUSTOMERS. AND TO THEIR GREAT SATISFACTION IN RE-- ; MERCHANDISE CEIVING OUR FIRST GRADE, II 1-- OPTOMETRIST Just AGAIN ; ; ; Wasatch JAYNES To Hear Your Voice Today Intermountain Funeral Home R Quality Shoe Repair St-W- Wanted Wool and Pelts -- J I COMPANY. -- |