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Show WILL IPIIB0S IPJEMW lEVEIR nKIETtUIKM? 6aa Uvv Col. 1 INDEPENDENT National and Official Organ of Natural Development Assn., A New Economic System FOR HUMAN VOL. 1. PRICE NO. 27 WILL Sc. $2.00 A YEAR REALLVJVER RETURN? THE ANSWER IS WE MUST CREATE OVR OWN NEW YORK GROUP (Continued on page four) C. N. Lund, Editor, will be abolished. ization. New incorporations tor Balt Lake City and other city and towns units will ha filed, he explained. 8. L. Telegram, That ever, does not help in delicacies. "This la a terrible situation, he aald, "but It could be worse; nevertheless I shall do something about emergency. fact, how- the prauut If Pres. Hoover really means what he says about wishing to help Roosevelt In any wsy possible, he should uk his cabinet to resign. Then he should appoint Franklin D. Roosevelt Secretary of State. Next, he and Curtis should resign and Roosevelt could go ahead as president and appoint his own cabinet. WHY DOES HOOVER NOT DO THIS? A Reader The question Is too much for the editor. WAVE OF BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF DR. IIYRUM SMITH SWAPPING IS SWEEPING THE THOUGHT OF OUR TIME IT ALL LEADS CALIFORNIA FIRST N.D. A. UNIT ANOTHER STATE TAKES UP THE COOPERATIVE WORK (By A. II. Spencer) Oakland, California, Nov. 26 Be fore this issue of the Independent reaches Its readers, we hope to have the first California unit of the N. D. A. in active operation here. A large group of Oakland and Berkeley people are enrolled and meetings are being held weekly in two public library assembly halls. These are open to the public, Friday evenings at the Melrose Library, 48 Ave. and Foothill and Saturday evenings at the Alden Library, 52nd street and Telegraph. n SOME ONE Must Take The Lead. Why Not You? Here Is How To Start. L Get groups who favor cooperation. Put copies of the Progressive Independent into their hands. Have a group (Individuals will be interested in reading reading of Natural Government. and Equality which are probably in your Bellamy a Looking Backward local library.) Survey groups with the aim of including BARBER, IfASON, BRICKLAYER, FARMER, FACTORY OPERATORS AND OWNERS. Be sure not to get too many of one profession in your first group, and aim to get those who have surplus products or services to dispose of. Select five able persons to act as incorporators and trustees of a local chapter to be incorporated in your own community. Have your attorney write to your State Organization , of the N.D. A. or direct to the National Organization for Articles of Incorporation pnd s. Should you desire personal experience have your prospective manager attend a managers course in Salt Lake City, or we can furnish yon a capable organizer. Our organizers will accept their remuneration in products. For further information write Natural Development Association, Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. that mMiriM Tbs best thought of the real advance guard of humanity Is to the effect that the dawn of a better day may be brought about by the cooperative efforts of common humanity, and common humanity la springing forward because of the Inspiration of that thought to take hold of the new tasks that lie before It. Borne one has said that all thinking people now realise that we must have a now economic and social Byitem that will Insure security In economic affairs, and peace, harmony and Industry for all people. This is literally true and it la the best thought that comes from the world life of today. Borne of us hare seen this for a long time but we were pretty lonesome when we began to proclaim It. Now so many are seeing the Ughtthat it has become quite common to believe It. Thanks to the efforts of the watchmen upon the towers of human welfare. And why not try the new when the old Is falling to pieces? The old, conservatives have a horror tor the word "new. They dread it. They fear to change. They argue tor the statue quo. They struggle desperately to stay In tho old paths, to do things In the old, old way. Consequently they are putting forth powerful efforts to patch up the old system iu the hope that safoty, security and prosperity may follow. But In this hope they are t just as mistaken as were .tho men Tlio .New Order Is Coming who railed against the coming of steam and electricity and the miracles wrought by these In our modern life. And they will have to be swept aside so social progress may proceed on Its onward sweep tor tho betterment of conditions and for the relief and happiness of mankind. The new order Is coming with an absolute assurance of security In all economic affairs. And how It Is needed. There Is positively no permanent security In the old, or prevailing system. The Idea of security lias fled and all men are filled with fear and apprehension. Nothing is really secure under the competitive, g system to which tho standpatters are clinging so desperately. Peace has fled from among men because of tbe weaknesses and evils of capitalism. Harmony no longer exists in rugged Individualism." All things are In commotion and there never can be any different results until we decide to walk with lifted heads and animated spirits" out of the treadmill paths of war, poverty and distress and Into the light of the new day. Marshal Social Forces None are so blind and stupid aa those who will not see. The thing to do is to marshal all the social forces for a wise and peaceable change Into a better, more natural and rational system, and only by doing this can we hope to find the road that leads away from revolution. hope lies In Humanity Natural Development. ol profit-makin- i WHAT CAN I BUY WITH COUPONS No wondor communities everywhere are asklsg for N. D. A. to help them. N. D. A.coupons have furnisliod thousands of people with food, fuel, shelter, clothing, entertainment, education and health ser- vice. N. D. A. coupons have opened three coal mines and put a fourth one in operation. Coupons have equipped factories city. We here feel that the N. D. A. has come on the scene In the very nick of time. Any Californians who wish to further Investigate the Invited workings of the N. D. A. are Califortn write to Mr. Wilkinson at with boilers; buildings with heating plants; have taken trees from the forest and converted them Into the tor pres buildings, furniture and toys. nia headquarters, which N. D. A. coupons have built twenent are at 451 28th. St.. Oakland,. Founders of the N. D. A. your ty miles of road daring the past first California unit greets you! summer, and much of It was dngway and through mountains and forests. a tannery PAPER AND PRESS MOVED In Coupons have started a state where one oould not exThe Progressive Independent and ist with money. They have paid Wasatch Press have moved head- tens of thousands pf dollars of quarters from 206 Scott Bldg., to 52 debts. Coupons have without donbt savPost Office Place, where business Is of AH, ed lives and turned hundreds being carried on as usual. new men and women from despair to friends are Invited to visit the and courage. place. Address all correspondence hope N. D. A. coupons ere not Intended to Editor Progressive Independent, 52 Post Office Place, Salt Lake City. to supplant money, but they have been a godsend aa a supplement to Utah. it. TWIN FALLS ORGANIZED SPORT NEWS Twin Falls. Idaho, looks ljke a The N. D. A. Bowling league dot good field. We have a nice building steam their np Thanksgiving at 181 Main St., across from Our manager. James I. nits at Ace Bowling Alleys. 848 So. who Main St., and hoy, oh boy! how they Young la a local business mnn busidid linwl. Too much turkey or not has been In meat and grocery ness for a number of years. Mrs. enough, It could not be figured out, but the boys had fun anyway. Mary Nellsen. head of the clothing ITIgh honors this week go to V. department. Is keeping the hooks gets too big when she II. Taylor, with 899 pins high series until the-Jowill he given help. Dick Amon Is anil 161 pins high singles. Mclvjn Williams gets second place this week assisting Jack McArthur in contact893 pins high series and 158 ing and buying produce and ments. with Look out, Mr. We will try to get the ladles organ- pins high singles. got control on ized next week and they expect to do Irjn, you sure have (Continued on Page Four) much gopd work. Wool-worth- I itfMnnr1inMrnn COOPERATION Men In Front Ranks Are Vision ing A System That Will Bring Security and Peace OPENS e Do You Want N.D.A. PROSPERITY For Your Community? TO DIRECTLY COUNTRY Dr Hyrum Smith, secretary-treasurof the N. D. A. organization, was born in Snowflake, Ariz., of pioneer Since Mr. M. W. Wilkinson, naparents. He was reared on the farm "EXCHANGES FOR tional organizer, has been here, be but, unlike most farm boys, farm SURPLUS PRODUCE has been speaking almost nightly to work of all sorts was never a drudgARE MAINTAINED various groups. His lectures on the ery; he 'Went over the hardest of its ten departments of Life, from tbe X. tasks with a will and to watch crops bare been clear and congrow and the flocks multiply upon the (This article shows the drift of tbe D. A. charts hills always gave him a solemn joy. times. There is no more a question vincing and have been much appreThose were pioneering days indeed, about it, cooperation is winning the ciated. Our bundle order of "Indefor those early settlers of Arizona day end Its Just a matter of people pendents" has also helped a lot and had not only to conquer it but to getting on tbe N. D. A. wagon or there Is a strong demand for Preo. make it produce for them a livelihood. left behind. And this article Stringhams book Natural GovernDr. Smith tells stories of the peo- being ment", and and for more ten cent does not tell half the story.) as soon as they can be reple making many of the articles they pamphlets, A great wave of bartering Is printed. required (as straw hats, for example), and of loaning bread yeast about from sweeping the country. The N. D. A. of California will opA shortage of money and accu- erate as a State organization, and all neighborto neighbor. Yet the most mulations of surpluses In commodiCalifornia unltz will be part of It. wonderful' spirit of cooperation pre- ties have combined to bring about We have been fortunae In having vailed; neighbors helped one another with their crops and labors, various a revival of elemental commerce Mr. A. D. Erickson, a leading Oakwomen nursed the communitys sick tbe swap of one article for an land attorney, to prepare our legal and boys swept the church oi other without the use of money. papera and he has given us much A nation-widsurvey by tbe Unit- helpful advice. chopped up winters wood for the widows and wives of missionaries. It ed Press discloses that bartering is Very shortly we Bhall have our was in growing up in these conditions a part of community life in many down-towstore location. Farm some that Dr. Smiths mind "tfhsf first pre- parts of the United States. In contacts and a steady food supply pared for such a thing as the N. D. A. localities It Is unorganized and hap will be started next. A womens When a young man, Dr. Smith, on hazard, but in others it enlists thou- department has been partly set up movement. account of ill health, was obliged to sands In a already and we hope we will be In In Utah a farmer trades a bushel full give up farming as a vocation. So swing In Oakland before long. LouisIn as the necessity for gaining some of potatoes tor a haircut. Many business and professional peotuition other employment became desirable, iana farmer boys pay their ple have offered their cooperation he went to the State Normal at Flag- In a state university with farm pro- on the N. D. A. plan ami, together staff (having previously gone through duce. In Kansas City, a workman wltb our craftsmen and workers In the public schools and the Snowilake trades his labor tor food ami cloth- all trades, will complete tbe chain At the State Normal, he ing. academy). of resources upon which tbe value obtained a life diploma to teach in In the middle west, bartering and of X. D. A. checks will rest. the Arizona schools. He followed "payment In kind la more extenOperating In five slates now, these this up by teaching four year in sive than In the east. Fanners arc X. D. A. checks, being uniform a- -: Arizona and he has also taught in paying tor machinery with wheat all units, will give ns s far Canada. The various sciences and and store keepers are accepting farm ninng broader basis of xchnngQ than mathematics were usually his sub- produce tor merchandise. would lie possible In any purely lojects and he enjoyed teaching very cal group. Plan Utah Develop much. N. D. A. California units will likeThe largest of the movements Is Later he decided to study chiroasly have surpluses of fresh and dried He and his wife, Dr. June that of the Natural Development practic. farmers fruits, nuts, farm and sea products, B. Smith, went East and studied it sociation embracing 5000 of Utah and southern lumber and oils to exchange wltb together, both getting degrees in this and workmen two other units, through the National art. Going to Lethridge, Alberta, Idaho. The association baa Lake We here can control department Canada, there followed sixteen years floors of office space In Saltdoctors use your surplus wheat, wool, leathof chiropractic practice and, although City. In the association are And as the Dr. Smith has lately become so occu- cleaners, merchants, dentists, mech- er, gasoline and coal. state .to state crafts- N. D. A. spreads from pied with N. D. A. labors that his anics, geologists, plumbers, of all kinds. it can do more and more for the repractice has suffered, he still engages men and tradesmen services and lief of unemployment and tbe buildtheir in it to some extent. An associate They exchange We mentions the fact that, in his career, products among one another, using ing of a new cooperative society. our in to have as changes have asociatlon may the issued Dr. Smith has dealt with several cases scrip by The as- - methods from time to time, but tbe in particular which have been drama- - the medium of exchange tic. It is always poignant and dra- so elation boasts that It Is helping to objective remains clear. Mr. Wilkinsons chart lectures nt matic when our fellow humans arc in make Its members economically seli-- ( two meeting places have been efour on tour) Continued page (Continued on page four) fective and we will not soon forget his homely Illustrations on the black board, especially his parables of the ABCD families, the marble vs. baseball game, the bankers Irrigation failure and his diagrams of the working of true democracy. Any group fortunate enough to get Mr. Wilkinsons services will always remember his blackboard talks. Dr. and Mrs. Gale, who came here with our organizer, are returning fo San Joze to take up active work with the Cooperative Exchange of er 52 roetoffloe Flaee THE DRIFT OF THE BEST Progressive Independent, Dear Blr: Thera la no longer any reason tor allowing a defeated president to remain tn office tour months after his defeat. Before another election cornea around, this ancient custom great engineers are, end noticed the hungry boy looking with eager appealing eyes at the fine window of friends and asked them to help him. They formTURNS TU SCRIP ed a finance corporation and loaned money to the baker so that he could pay the Interest on hia mortgage to the banker. ORGANIZE ON PLAN OF Many years passed. N.D. A. The hungry penniless boy has now grown to be a man. He la still James McMullin, New York Fin- looking with eager appealing eyes at ancial writer who helps write the the tempting delicacies In the bakpopular Inalda Stuff for the lead- ers window. ing uewapapera of the nation, tells Other men have Joined him In us that: a group of women In New cluding the great engineer. York la working on a plan to help P. W. V. meet the winters emergency by creating a series of "barter colonies among the unemployed along the BRIEF HISTORY OF lines of the experiment tried in Be- A attie. The Idea la to establish small communities of people ont of work of various trades and professions NATURAL DEVELOP: In various localised districts. Each member can serve his community by following his normal occupaMENT ASSOCIATION tion on the basis of exchange of services to be paid for in scrip. The plan la still In a formative stage, but sponsors hope to establish several (By C. II. Curtis) In considering some of the Imbarter groups in the next few month. portant events In the history and progress of the Natural Development Association we shall, for the sake of WELCOME WORDS convenience, divide the subject InOF APPRECIATION to three phases and discuss each briefly: First, the writing of tho hook Natural Government; second The following letter from Wllford and Incorporating of tho Owen Woodruff, Is appreciated be- organising N. D. A.; third, growth of the N. D. the to yond power of words express. A. It makes one feel that his efforts are Returning to the first phase. The worthwhile end that such words aa book, Natural Government", which friendship and brotherhood still la the basic factor that led to organhave life and meaning izing the N. D. A., was written by Editor C. N. Lund, the President and founder of tbe Progressive Independent, association, Benjamin B. Stringham. Dear Brother: This was accomplished during tbe For more than a year now I have winter of 1980 and 81 In Shelly, Idabeen thinking N. D. A. every wake- ho, In this small volume the author ful hour and often dreaming It at analyses the cause of the depression night. Because of my belief In our and offers a logical, Intelligent and ability to actually live the Ideals we workable solution for our present can think I have voluntarily turned day troubles. The book presents a my back on the plans I had for natural system of government, idealwealth and position. Thousands of istic In form in which the financial miles I have traveled with seldom a system and the use of money are enWithin It Is the penny In my pocket and meals have tirely excluded. been omitted. In working for the Ideal which the N. D. A. la strivadvancement of N. D. A. under the ing to achieve. After the publication limitations that have attended us I of the hook In July, 1981, Mr. have enjoyed the association of you Stringham came to Salt Lake City and scores of others who were will- to offer his plan to the public. ing to sacrifice In the same way. Organising and Incorporating When I read your issue of the Prothe N. D. A. Hie message at first was treated gressive Independent for November 18 I felt rewarded for every effort by many with Indifference, and there that I have made In behalf of the were thou who tried to discourage Commonwealth Cooperative paid him. One professor told him It in full. That Issue going Into the would take three hundred years to homes of thousands of readers rep- put his plan Into effeot Another resents a force that will save life and prominent business man remarked acme In time make it worth that he was twenty years at the advance of the times and that although his saving. May I take this opportunity of plan was good, tt could not he hut thanking you, my official associates over. However, hie persistence was and such other friends as Will Dob- unusual, and It wasn't long until he x, had followers from every walk of son, Henri C. Flesher, Warwick C. 8. Wilkinson, Gene Mid- Ufa, particularly from the ranks of dleton, Ralph Rich, Lou Lewis and the common people, who were ready all the others who are writing thing! and willing to defend and support and doing things to ha written about. the cause. Officers were secured, and it was Comrades, we are engaged In war war Just as actual and literal aa we (Continued on page four) fought In 1918. Our weapons now are the weapons of peace. War failed to end war hut peace will be successful. Civilisation Itself le at stake but will he saved. In this war your efforts will again prove that "the pen le mightier than the sword. In all the world I know of no pen that is writing more effectively than that represented In the Progressive Independent I will he glad to take time to prove that this statement le not the least bit extravagant to anyone who Questions It Cooperators everywhere cannot do better work tor humanity than by getting copies of the Progressive Independent into the hands of their friends who read and think. Continued success to non-atod- EDITED BY C. N. LUND. TOO MUCH FOR US Once upon a time a hungry, penniless boy stood In front of a bakers window. The baker had a full shop of bakery goods, but no customers. A great engineer happened to be strolling by. He was very observing, as Lam-moreau- American life. " ABOVE MONEY So he talked to his Will Prosperity" ever return? We mean, of its ovn accord? We mean, to the farmer and the worker? The answer Is, NO. The people must organise to create their own prosperity. We do not ask you to take our word on this. Let us see what some of the best minds of the nation think. Take first, Wayne W, Parrishs report of "Technocracy.'1 It Is in the November number of the New Outlook magazine. The name of the New Outlooks editor, Alfred E. Smith, guarantees the dependability of the magaslne. We can read Its articles with full confidence. Mr. Parrish Is simply reporting the findings of an organised group of thirty alz technological engines. This organization Is sponsored by Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia and the research of the organisation has centered at that school. "Techthe nocracy Is the name given to organisation, which has been at work on this technological research for the pact ten years. Mr. Parrishs article in November Outlook le the first of a series to be run In that magaslne covering the work of "Technocracy." A scientific report is usually the last plaos on earth to look for sensation. That Is what makes "Technocracy" so startling. A brief summary follows. Production and Machines In a modern flour mill one man can produce 30,000 barrels of flour a day. A modern brick plant will produce 400,000 bricks a day per man. One hundred men, working steadily, could produce all the bricks the country needs. At the modern rate, one man can mine 20.000 ons of Iron ore per year, and one man can now produce 4,000 tons of pig Iron per annum. Machines recently Installed make between 2,500 and 2,600 cigarettes a minute. In Incandescent lamp making, one man can now do in one hour what In 1914 It took one man 9.000 hours to do. In agriculture one man in ope hour can do what It took 8,000 hours to do In 1840. In a Milwaukee plant, 208 men 'can turn chassis automobile out 10,000 frames and 84 miles of pipe line per day. Under these modern conditions the adult population would have to work only four hours a 4ay four days a week, to supply us with all our material needs. Yet there are demagogues who still talk of putting men back to work In the factories. Our advance In efficiency has been so rapid ,we havent begun to realise our extremely serious predicament. Because of this amazing speed of production, say the engineers, we are faced with the threat of national bankruptcy and perhaps general They ehoss within. 18 months. maintain that here Is no solution under our price system. Our only solution is a new era where the machine operates for all They Insist that we have no choioe. Machine age production does not fit In with stone age distribution. Passing of gjetem America, according to these men, price is witnessing the passing of thetechnoystem of production. The twelve logical advances In the past soyears hate shattered all the old unit cial theories. Man hours per to levels of product have dropped cost per Labor zero. approaching unit has fallen to practicallyarenothall newer Inventions ing Still still further cutting labor Mm while costs. They thus displace more and more men. an There Is no way out withoutvaluof standards of revision entire you. ation. Our ancient political system these Naturally yours, Is hopelessly Incompetent, say necesWllford Owen Woodruff. the technologists, jo furnish control. And these words from a sary rigorous Technical powered In-It friend way down in coming Phoenix, Arisocannot save our highly are appreciated. dustrial system from collapse. sug- ns,Editor Progressive Independent: Sharing work, capitalisms Your paper is a real feast tor gestion for unemployment renet, will not Increase the purchasing pow the thinker. I not only like It but me I believe it More power and more industry cannot move until ' Hence, success. purchasing power Is raised. Fraternally yours, remedy. sharing work Is no transcend all soRalph Barager. These problems cial theories and parUaan, ptUUlcs ItCivilisation even government. SERVICE ASSOCIATION Technology has self Is involved. INCORPORATES IN UTAH written meae mens tekel uphsrslu across the face of the price as givThe Natural Development associverdict The above Is theirown k of Utah, a words. and non ation PsTrlshs Mr. lu en profit organisation, filed articles of of Engineers Testimony engineers incorporation with tha county clerk The testimony of these and Saturday, declaring plans to conduct admlseions the 1, confirmed by exchange of merchandise, services finance In leaders proposal of many and labor, with or without the uhs 55 West Broadway. nRerentlyr!the Intomatlnnal lmnh- - of money at are officers The Gaylen 8. Young, made W. Lnmont. vice presiRulon Garner, of president; Iwcch calling for. the rebuilding and James W. Arrington, secdent, conformtn Mr. young the capitalistic system retary and treasurer. has been opsxsie-me?- t" says that tha company Ford, whose recent or erating as a national corporation hat we arc new In process and decided to form a Utah organbeen "This period N Friday December 2nd, 1932. A FABLE PROSPERITY SCIENCE SEALS THE DOOM OF OLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM WELFARE-MA- Salt Lake City Utah, s. |