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Show PROGRESSIVE Page Two. PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT HIE LAKE CITY SALT other Friday at Salt Lake City, Utah, lined every in intereit of Natural Development. matter April 26. 1932, at the Entered ai second-clas- s Post Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, under the Act of March 8th. 1879. C. N. LUND Publisher and Managing Editor Pricea of Subscription 12.00 One Year LOO Six Month! Addreu all letter! to 62 Post Office Place. THE HAND THAT IS REACHING OUT TO SAVE. Dedicated to the Founder by CL N. L. We have aeen reproduction! of a great picture called. The Hand of Fate." The upper part of it shows elite of our civilization feasting, dancing, the and reveling, boasting of their wealth and station swelled with the pride of vanity, feeling absolutely safe and secure in the belief that things will always ed he as they are. The lower part of the picture shows the toilers the oppressed, the bemen, women and children, who have been cast those disinherited, trayed and the useless upon the scrap heap of humanity, all brought to their knees by the weight of the great floor above them, which they are upholding, and upon which rests civilisation. Suddenly a large, rough, calloused, clenched hand is thrust through the floor and the sight of it throws the revelers into confusion, fills tbfwi with fear and consternation and breaks up their festival. It is the hand of fate, the writing on the wall! In a way, the Natural Development Association may be likened to that hand, not the clenched hand of force and violence, but the open, helping hand, the hand of service, of fellowship, of camaradery. Such is the hand that we are pushing through the floor of the wordlds economic and industrial ills, a hand. to set things in order, a hand to bind up and heal the wounds of stricken humanity, the hand that shall not be stayed nor withdrawn until it has reached forth and brought order out of chaos and wrought the economic redemption of mankind. We claim nothing beyond that which is natural and human, but we do claim that our system was bom to usher in the new economic dispensation in which all social, industrial and financial wrongs shall he righted and all things he made to work together for the good of humanity. In a world that is seething with unrest with the fear of war, revolution and communism, in countries called Christian and civilized, .there are uncounted and who are shivering and starving. voiceless millions There are tens of thousands of fathers who have borne despair and suffering until they cannot longer look upon their stricken wives and children and flee, either to send their souls unbidden to their maker, or to slink There are tens of away into crime or mendicancy. thousands of mothers, pining before cold and cheerless hearths and hugging their unfed babes to their famished breasts in despair. There are hundreds of thousands of youths who have gone to the last ditch of vagrancy. Governments are failing; financial and social systems an collapsing; civilization itself is tottering. And yet then am those who would have us stay our hand and refrain from pushing it out to do something. Then an those who say we an dreamers. But we shall not listen to them. We shall persist. We know that something can he done. We have proved it to ourselves and we an prepared to prove it in every city, county and state in the hation. We do sincenly believe that the apparent rain which is upon the country and the world may be headed off or averted. We believe that the millions of broken hearts and broken lives have yet a chance of being made whole. We believe that out of all the ugliness and loathsomeness of the prevailing system may be brought forth beauty and decency and order. We know that out of the waste all about us may be brought forth wealth in abundance for the people. We believe that the despair everywhere prevalent may be turned to happiness. And we even believe that out of the shame that is upon all the good and strong people who an forced to accept charity, may come dignity and honor and courage. And, God helping us, we shall proceed to do these things. Into the dying capitalistic system, the industrial insanity and the spiritual chaos, we an, with all the power we have, extending our hands and our" hearts to not really new but old and construct a new system natural as natun herself. We an building our system on the deathless principles of natun and out of the unerring wisdom of the human heart From our efforts, and from the efforts of those who shall follow in the straight paths we an making, we can even now discern the Beautiful world of new, superber birth, that rises to our eyes." 0 ed A LAW THAT IS INEVITABLE AND IRREVOCABLE. It is true that them am great immutable laws that govern and determine the life of a nation. If history has any meaning it means exactly this, that she writes her story as these laws reveal and unravel These laws an, in substance, that gnat privilege, and wealth and oppression, coupled with Godlessness and immorality, have been the eauSe of the undermining it and the decay and fall of practically every one of the ancient nations, together with some modern ones. They failed to realize the immutability of the laws that govern them. Says Henry George: What has destroyed to every previous civilization has been the tendency the unequal distribution of wealth and power." And because of this, says the World Tomorrow. Revolution is the talk of the hour. How much violence on the part of the desperately hungry men shall we witness before winter is over?" We may point to the success of capitalism with its speculation and profits, but as long as we permit a vast g ulf to exist between the poor and the rich so long will we be traveling on a road that will lead to a place and itm when the wealth and power of individuals will break down the barriers of law and morals and religion, and eventually a social earthquake comes to swallow up the artificial system we have created. Ancient Sparta perished when the land of .the little country belonged to a hundred families. Rome went down when a few thousand persons wen the owners of all the wealth and resources and made slaves of the many. And the same is true of all fallen nations. There are any number of evidences before us today that we are on the danger line and either we must retrace our steps or take the consequences. What changes may come is not for us to say, hut we know that there will be a very great change. The whole world is trembling on the verge of one of the greatest movements in history, and if we do not take a stride upward we shall surely take a long step backward. How can we expect to escape any more than the nations of other times could escape? The same immutable laws are working for ns as worked for them, and unless we turn out of the heat, en paths and take up a new and natural system to lead us into the sunlight of peace and security we are INDEPENDENT WILL SENATOR ANSWER LETTERS AN OPEN LETTER "TO U. 8. SENATOR LYNN FRAZIER. News of the New System Rouses Instant Enthuaiaaia. The American public is awakening. Natural Development has roused its intense interest The people are hungry for more Information. They believe it the solution to their economic problem. In the last issue of this paper we quoted from soma of their Below we are letters of inquiry. quoting some that have come in since: I have heard a little concerning what you are doing out there- Writes T. S. Hewerdine of Fisher, Illinois, It sounds very good. I would like to know more about your plan. Please send me a copy of your explanatory pamphlet, for which find created- We need controlled inflation, in business .as well as under worker's belts, and your bill is the most practicable way to get it, but Unless amended as I suggest enabling busted farmers to again start farming as cooperators instead of as individualists, the inflation will be futile and useless. I remember the homestead days in Nebraska as you no doubt remember those of North Dakota. If a farmer couldn't make enough from a free farm to keep off the rocks, how in heck can he hope to do so by merely buying hack his farm from the mortgage sharks and assuming a lower interest rate? Shylock interest played its part in the farmers downfall, but only a small part. We homesteaders farmed for profit, produced for profit, played the competitive game and, in so doomed. doing, let a host of parasites suck the life blood out of us as our products their journey to the YOU CANNOT STOP SOCIAL EVOLUTION. consumer's table. Railroads, bankers, several breeds It is idle and senseless to try to stay the march of of insurance men, gamblers in every social evolution. Come what may in the world of men produce port, machinery and other the consumer's and things it moves on and on, silently and slowly, but trusts, all market ever upward. While the ruling powers appear content table. Farming is the base on which our and secure and keep their hands steadily to the plow whole civilization rests. Pumping movement in on the old order there is a of the new blood going credit into all other world, seen, perhaps, but little recognized, dimly un- industries avails nothing so long as derstood and very greatly underestimated. It is coope- farming is in the dumps. Nor, will the farm relief plans, hoards, comration, 0 drift toward the cooperative commonwealth. missions and equalization subsidies in are 125,000 people forming. Everywhere cooperatives avail to control production and marone city joined cooperatives during the depression. keting. Thousands have sprung up in this and other countries, Enduring relief can come only voluntary cooperation on a and if there is any prosperity around the corner these, through nation-wid- e scale. The task is so gi and not the old system, will bring it into the light. tic, the products, climate, envirgap When these cooperatives have become more general onment, races, so varied that nationand great multitudes are enthused over them sorat wide cooperation is possible only strong man, or men, will have the wisdom and leader- through Federal aid. Our ship to unite them and bring them all together in a tional farmers, cooperating on a naproducing for use, not great cooperative bond that shall reach across the profit, scale, can and will control productcement even and around the world, together country, ion, markets, finances, happiness all the interests of common humanity. Cooperation is their destinies. the only way out of it And all the trend of social, econPutting them again in possession omic and industrial evolution is towafd cooperation. of their farms, with no other reasonable relief than lowered interest Many people have learned that humanity cannot proceed rates, is our eyes to merely shutting The on without its way in safety further cooperating. history, to evolution, to competition; mills of the gods grind slowly, but they keep on grind- is merely a renewal of the class struggle and an invitation to another ing and the grist today is cooperation. and worse slump, Weak was the old world. assuming that we pull out of the present one, Wearily which is extremely doubtful. Out of its ashes. Most of the farmers who still own their farms will choose to play the Strong as the morning, old game, go it alone, compete with Springe th the new. each other and the world o they voted for Hoover, or was it RooseBE LOYAL AND GRATEFUL. velt? But those whove already lost all Loyalty is a fine thing in any organization and but their shirts, all the tenant farmgrattitude is a virtue in any individual. Those who in ers, many farm raised in the cities these will all he anxious to coopegood faith became members of the Natural Development rate and should be given the chance. Association should he prepared to take the bitter along And, if not this sensible plan, what and when the sweets vanish they have you? with the sweets should not retreat to become a knocker or a destructive In conclusion, Senator, I wish critic. Those good people who sailed on the high tide to remind you that here is your and have now had to take to the low tide should con- chance to be numbered as a statesman instead of merely a politician, with sider the good of the organisation and try and pull one eye on the main chance the with the stream instead of against it The N. D. A. is feed trough. going ahead, not backwards. Cooperation is the creed Sincerely Yours, Harry W. Mangold, 691 Orvis ave., San Jose, Calif. of the day. The battle is more than half won and its a There is joy in discovering truth. poor soldier who quits or halts at such a time. Business men should study the principles of the THE FIGHT IS HALF WON N. D. A. They should remember that many of the peoWe have discovered that the light ple who are now buying for scrip do not have the money and could not patronage the regular stores if they for cooperation is. half won. The speech made recently In New York wanted to. The organization is not taking business away by Thomas W. Lamont proves it from the business men but it is creating new business He says, in substanoe, We must reand therefore helping the city. It believes that a man build the capltalistlo system in conwho is employed and paid in scrip and spending his formity with modern requirements. Fixed tend static eoonomle and fln scrip is a great deal better off than those who are social dogmas cannot stand unforced to take charity. changed in a changing world. Our system haa developed a serious weakness which requires more than Assist your Paper. Humanitarpatchwork attention. The Progressive Independent has moved its head- ian Ism must replace the law of the to 62 206 Place Office Post Scott from Bldg, quarters Jungle. This means cooperation. It where it has plenty of room and many new facilities means equality of treatment It for improvement And with it, to the same address, has means unselfishness. The issue of the Christian science moved the Wasatch Press, the printing plant which has Monitor which discuses this been serving N. D. A. members and the public. Now if speech also speaks of an almost great peryou feel that you would like to do something for the fect cooperative organisation opercause and something for humanity come forward and ating among the unemployed In Minneapolis, similar to the N. D. A., help the paper with money and with scrip. We need and its comments are very encouragboth in order to carry on as we should. ing and optlmlstlo, concluding with these words: With an enlightened knowledge of values mankind will O face, not so much a return to norm5. 3 as an advance toward a better S alcy and more smoothly operating system of production and distribution." Yes, the light is half won, but the latter half of the battle will be more florae than the first Let us gird on our armour. It does pay to e fight for truth. copy." gon, writes: We have been reading the Progressive Independent, and are very much in. sympathy with your movement, and will give you all the sup- port possible. The principles you are advertising in your paper are almost identical with the principles under which we are operating. We are sending you herewith $2. in scrip for which please send .us the Progressive Independent one year. Also enclosing (3. in scrip which we would like to exchange with you for your scrip of equal value, and will appreciate negotiating with you the matter of making your association and ours the clearing house for he ed 47 West 3rd South Street ALL KINDS PRICED TO MEET COMPETITION. B Credit Dolls Doll Buggies Sleds Footballs Musical Toys Games Trains 2110 Panama Street. WEISS PLASTERING CO. Deseret Cleaners and Dyers It J. Will Prosperity Return? u HENRY OLSEN PYRAMID PRESS, 609 South East. GARAGE We Repair Bicycles, Phonographs, Baby Buggies, Electrical Fixtures. Expert Mechanic and Welder BILL FARRELL BODY AND FENDER WORK. Battery Charging and Repairing. A GOOD BARBER SO W. First 8outh Credits Accepted. CAR STORAGE 1063 Vi East 21st South. Res. none: Was. 2268-- Paints ASSOCIATED LOTS OF 'EM W. S. LAMOREAUX, D. C. rr MODERN DECORATORS m Chiropractor and Masseur R. H. SANDERS Wall Paper a- - ALL WORK GUARANTEED. e. H i S WE SPECIALIZE IN Wasatch 8987-Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more than the fire trap. And they are the last word in beauty, style, comfort. N. D. A. Cr. 5839-- We are meeting wonder ful success. We will heartily cooperate with you in any way possible to make this movement world-widTEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAN A. T. Cushing of Edmonton, Cana174 Commonwealth Ave. Hyland 8623-da, writes: A" CREDITS The attached press notice prompts me to write you for particulars of business. There seems to me to VyMVYkViviVin"VrtviiviviriiviriviiviivnivinnnYfintVKvvwAju, good chance for the operation Karl Weiss of the exchange of goods without 553 South 3rd East the use of currency, except to a limited extent. There is certainly a great need for such a plan. If you have a papmhlet which you could send me, Arch Work Stucco Plastering or other information about your way Exterior and Interior of doing business, and will forward it to me I will be greatly obliged." Estimates Cheerfully Given. I would like to know all about Wasatch 8298-Salt Lake City N. D. or A. your scrip coupon system, writes Arthur Qterke of 94 Bonham St, Paris, Texas. I have been thinking of starting something like that here. We centainly need something for an exchange here, as there are thousands of dollars worth Hat Blocking. Pleating Rug Cleaning of stuff tied up for want of an exWe Call and Deliver. change. I would like to form a unit here Come Clean with us and well Dye for you. and join with you and use your N-1130 Windsor Street A. coupons, or a separate unit, Hyland 646 using our own scrip. Please send me all the Information you can, also a copy of tile Progressive Independent I am enclosing ten cents for the REDEEM YOUR SCRIP. same." Here's n chance to place your surplus scrip to real advantage. "Through the Cooperative League, writes N. B. Madsen, from Chicago, Seldom do you have an opportunity to participate with an organizaI have been informed about your tion that is depression proof. It has weathered last three experiment in exchanging goods and years, and services without the use of money." is making money. I would be very much A limited amount of scrip will he accepted on a proposition that obliged to you if you would tell me more about the system and how you should net an exceptional return. are progressing. For Details, See Mr. Belnap at the N. D. A. Office. Charles Lawrence writes from a suburb of Philadelphia: I recently learned of the valuable and timely activities of your association. I would like to help in every way I can. How Don't Throw about my getting the N. D. A. started Away ! in this section. Have you literature Have it welded and spend the difference between this and a will that help me? Or would you new one with the N. D. A. kindly write me details? I need the A. B. C:s." O. D. RUST E. G. Webb, President of the Llano Civil Liberties Bureau of Leesville, Welding: Electric and Acetylene. No job too big or too ahnL We have been Louisiana, writes: AH work guaranteed. much Interested in your paper of General and Contract Repair Work. Will Call and Deliver. which we have seen a few copies, and also in the movement you are sponsHyland 4514 61 West Stratford Ave. oring. We feel that we would like to know more about your plans and think it kould suit us to work toward establishing a part of your move03 ment here if suitable to do so at this distance." is answered in the hook R. H. TOIyer writes from San Bernardino, Calif that he and his THE LAST DAYS" friends are organising a labor and Tells what is in store for the world in the next few San Berna-din- o commodity exchange years. Not and would like a copy of our only Church leaders but Journalists and Scientists describe great and pamphlet, a sample of scrip and any terrible events that axe Pending. Price of book 76c other of our organization forms we (40c cash, 40c Scrip. think would be helpful. "THE MYSTERY OF THE AGES" There is not room for more selectDescribes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt and the ancient ions in this issue. These serve to nine of show the public state of mind. Where Central America, Giving the date measures that indicated the world people are not already using scrip, war and the new dates for future happenings. Price 85c. (20c cash, they are getting ready to use it, or 16c scrip. " sa 1 MAGDIEL BUILDING CO. Wasatch scrip. war-fence- d; V. COME PEOPLE OF ALL SECTIONS LOOK TON.D.A. FOR HELP. Dear Senator: Referring again to your bill, Senate 1009, of which I wrote you in the summer. Doubtless this will be brought up immediately on the assembling of Congress, next month. Investors with thirty cents to risk will not jeopardize their thirty cents by borrowing another thirty from the R. F. C, for starting new enterhence no money circulates, prises no jobs are made, no new wealth ?! THAT House Cleaners, Remodeling in All its Branches and win go anywhere. Estimates and Consultation Free. Affiliated with the N. D. A. $ Wasatch 10347 or 50 . N.D.A. ORGANIZATION SUPPLIES Those contemplating organization of N. D. A. Unite in their communities should secure literature and place it in the hands of cooperates. UTTEEATURE AVAILABLE: 1. The Progressive Independent Publication of the N. D. A.) 2. Pamphlet entitled N- - D. A. Explained". 8. Book entitled Natural Government" 4. Suggested articles of organization, incorporation bylaws and progressive steps, available upon request at 31.00 per set Address inquiries to N.DA NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. |