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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT MUSICAL COMEDY A BIG SUCCESS The Salt Lake public U pro mi led a rare treat by the Salt Lake Musical Comedy Guild, which opened for an unlimited run at the old Hippodrome theatre on Wednesday evening with a good, dean, peppy musical comedy, entitled "Rip Van Winkle, Jr." show-goin- g We understand that the Salt Lake Musical Comedy Guild is a cooperative organization of prominent local artists, who have banded themselves together to cooperatively produce g good, clean amusement to the public of this vicinity. show-lovin- LOVE OF GOOD MUSIC Rythm Play for Kindergarten Ages Three to Six Years Preferably well-kno- remembered. Miss Bessie Browne, who recently played a very successful part in the civic operatic production, "The Vagabond King, is also a prominent member of the Salt Lake Musical Comedy Guild. Contrary to the usual policy of theatrical organizations, we are informed that the entire management, cast and operating staff of this organization will cooperatively share in the earnings of the theatre. And it has further been hinted by members of the Guild that it is possible that within the next few weeks the Salt Lake Musical Comedy Guild may become a trade member of the N. D. A. and thus through their cooperation give us the splendid opportunity to witness many fine productions and spend many enjoyable evenings this winter at the old Hippodrome, helping other cooperators to CLASSES id Saturday to 11 Friday JO a. m. Classes Limited to Ten Pupils $1.00 Per Week "A Credits Leola Horne Cummins WEST FIRST NORTH 106 WAS. 0093-- M Quality and the Best of Service! GLATZ POTATO COMPANY 3319 So. State St SOLD ON "B Cllipj Hy. cooperate. 8658s CREDITS BILL FARRELLS BARBER SHOP j 50 W. First South All Barber Work Guaranteed A Credits 5 Always Clean and The o present under the very able direction of koo Hillam, who It will be remembered has so ably directed and produced the prologues for quite a number of pictures at the Paramount, Phntages and other local theatres. of over Heading the splendid elite n figthirty people are such ures as Miss Mary Thurman, a local girl, who has appeared in pictures and who is well known for her work in the civic opera productions; Stanley Jonasson is another actor to the local theatre fans, having appeared in civic opera and with Ralph Qoninger, it will be well-kno- HEW METHOD 10:00 a. m. (Continued from Page One) get down to fundamentals, but tell us only a part of the truth. Their argument that we people are to blame ourselves, for going so deeply into debt, is only a partial truth and offers no way out of the situation. If we had not gone in debt for the vast quantities of surplus goods offered to us on wdl-know- Taught by Monday, Wednesday, BENNIONTALKS the Best ! MAGDEIEL BUILDING CO. We Specialize in Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more than the fire trap. And they are the last word in beauty, modern style and comfort. Call us at Was. 5839-- Across the street from Holy Cross Hospital HOME BARBER SHOP 1018 E. 1st South A. D. REDFORD, Prop. ALSO OPEN EVENINGS --Ladies' Haircutting a Specialty N. D. A. Credits THE HENRY OLSEN GARAGE their Script at HENRY OLSENS GARAGE N. D. A. Members may use on Batteries, Starters, Lights and Ignition Work Only We Specialise N.D.A. Coupons Accepted on All Labor Parts B Credits All Work Guaranteed HYLAND 3555 RALPH C. NELSON GARAGE 3 Post Office Place All Makes of Autos Repaired Motors Rebored Radiator Repairing Fenders Repaired Car Painting Rebuilt Batteries Battery Service Washing, Polishing, Greasing 50-6- Day and Monthly d Storage RES. PHONE, HY. Steam-Heate- 8045-- J DONT BE DISCOURAGED NATURE BUILT YOUR BODY AND NATURE CAN RE-BUIL- D the next Wednesday evening Forum meeting at the same time and place, and urged her listeners not to miss the talk. She also announced that cards were being distributed on which members could register their choice of subjects to be taken in the educational department, stating that if any ten ask for a subject it will be given. It was announced that the N. D. A. band will play at the State Fair on Sunday from 1 to 2 p. m. AUDITOmiEPORT (Continued from Page One) Mr. Dundas has lost his right leg and Mr. Smith his left. 25 Cents Per Item ever-wideni- two-thir- ds Drewm"B Mrs. Clara ing. By Roy Morgan (Dedicated to Doris Jeannette , Nichols victim of the Profit System) Per Issue. nd Unda of sewStevens, 330 T Street Yon who have murdered My children Out of your ignorant greed to their dying entreaties LAWN mowers sharpened on A Blind to their pitiful need. credits priee ll, including J for and deli ver.Phone JS2--J. J, J, Thomas, 655 Spring-vie- Facing the boat of your victims; Drive. Stripped and with nowhere to flee; Think you confession will whiten What you have done unto Me? WANTED Butter, eggs, poultry, produce, and any kind of meat on A yoor most cunning attorneys Brimley. Grocery SSSmelr Coached you on what shall aay? Hired for you perjurers you plenty; auy for Judgment Day? WANTEDTwo used tricycles and set of playingblocki for children. ReMr. to they aTr?nK?1 ion a jury, port Clyde Brimley. defendnt you stand; The N. D. A. can furnish occupants Naked at last to My fury. There in the cup of My hand? for a few more vacant houses and will pay class A service for them. Report to Mr. R. Weight of the Housing DeOwners having vacant partment. SALT LAKE to houses in need of cleaning or repairwould well do deto contact this ing partment. w EL PASO by TELEPHONE WANTED J. Kerosene lamp. Apply A. Robinson, 115 So. 5th East. $2.75 -1 FOR SALE Two auto radio on N. D. A. Credits Auto Electric Serv- ice Co., 79 So. 2nd East FOR RENT Furnished Apt. 4 rooms and glassed in Sleeping Porch, front porch, heai't, hot water, hardwood flows water, linen, dishes, utensils furnished. CASH 444 South Fourth After 8JO P. M. Only $1.50 (Station-to-statio- n rates) Plus Federal Tax on amounts of 50c or over. East Street WANTED To rent unfurnished room or shack. Apply 307 Scott 10-- 7 building and state price. TELEPHONE NOTICE INSURANCE The Cameron Battery company was omitted from the N. D. A. Service List through an oversight. We still accept scrip for work. CAMERON BATTERY CO. For N.D.A. Scrip PRAHL & KIRTEN All Life, Health and Accident Insurance with Biggest and Beat Company in World PAID IN FULL FOR SCRIP FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE A Run in Logan The Trio then sang, B CREDIT Paper Hanging and "Depression Blues, after which M. Call F. L, Hir.ltmnn Cleaning W. Wilkinson told of a run on N. GOOD WORK D. A. scrip in Logan, which merely WAS. 6745 REASONABLE CHARGE or leave order with Mr. Howe doubled and redoubled the business Call Hy. 5118-- R and left the unit in a still stronger condition than when opposition began. He said a location had been obtained in Preston, Idaho, and a unit PARAMOUNT CLEANERS & DYERS opened there on Monday. He praised the leaders in charge in the new fields, who were ready and anxious at all DELIVERY SERVICE RELINING REPAIRING times to go ahead and only needed to be told how. He was very happy 902 South lit West Wasatch 2458 PARLOH over the condition in Cache valley, etc. Lucille's r Dr. Walker disagreed with the idea OLRAVIKO AND DYEING gaining the N. D. A. He felt that Delta Cleaners snd Dysrs. Work Guarantee- dprices for commodities have pone CATE down because of overproduction." Owl Cats. the Salt Lake He reasons that it is because of the DANCING branch with flour. Van Open Air. of gold. As gold becomes Mr. Parry, manager of the Brigham scarcity REPAIRS more valuable other things become ELECTRICAL Vizit Shop. unit, reported that branch. He said less valuable. Motor Rebuilding China and India will ICE Brake Lining the people there had already been do- never BkidmorWs. he the Ignition Repairs standard, to gold go Battery Service ing a great deal of trading of produce thinks, silver suits their need so MILLINERY Vranklln Millinery Oo. and nil the N. D. A. needed to do was much better. MeOONNON A WATKINS PRODUCTS AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. to centralize and systematize that Rosenbaum. invitaDr. Walker has accepted an DICK CLINTON, Mgr. trading. He read from an article in tion to address the N. D. A. members RADIO REPAIRS Vlxit Shop. Box Elder Journal giving a favorable 76 South Second East Street next Wednesday evening on the again Get the Covered song, Wagon Day account of the association and its esWASATCH 4981 subject of Causes of Depression. Sweetheart, by Christie Lnnd, at N. tablishment there. N. D. A members will all We hope School Explained WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION come and bring their friends to 55 At the request of Dr. Smith, Mrs. W. ATTENTION! 3rd South, Wednesday at 8 p. m. Modem New and Rebuilt Batteries Equipment Lohmolder explained the school to be established by the N. D. Ah and 1 WELCOME N. D. A. MEMBERS The ladies department of the N. asked that all members fill out the COOPERATION IN D. A. has succeeded in obtaining a survey sheets given out by the eduProgressive ENGLAND corner of the precious cational department to be used as a Independent space for their use in guide in selecting courses for the the future. We are going to endeavor school. We have successful teachers, In England there are over one thoufill that she told the meeting, with degrees, sand cooperative societies, with over to on wanted. Cowho can give the courses The five million individual members. M & M PLUMBING GO. school is not in opposition to state operatives own over one hundred fac- recipes, schools and the aim will be for adult tories and workshops. They include A. menu those that nse butter and Watch for thic sugar sparingly. education. Gas and Steam Work Oar Specialty bankers, builders, farmers, Kitchenology Corner in the next Mr. King asked for more cooperacolliery-owner- s, millers, pig issue. tion in bringing people to meeting. breeders, fruit growers, etc. C. K. MHX.gR VEARLi J. HANWHA, Mrs. Elggren spoke of the women's The Cooperative Wholesale Society Gaa A Coke Co.) with Utah notified and the (formerly evdepartment meeting of England is interested in almost that a millinery department would be ery branch of trade and industry. For REX HBATING AID OU INSTALLATIONS DRUG CO. installed at once. Women were asked sixteen million people in England 3rd South and West Temple REPAIR WORK A CREDITS to bring in their felt hats to have and Wales it provides food and cloththem made new. life's needs and necesNEW WORK A" A "B" CREDITS furnishing ing, PRESCRIPTIONS Mr. Clyde Brimley was asked to re- sities of every description, and workon B as Credits CM! Ue for five store. He world-widthe said e Tan beeves, c port ing toward six veal, eight lambs and one pig Herald of Cooperation, WASATCH 3220 of E. D. A. were sold that day. It is still impossible to supply the demand for meat, TO ADVERTISERS but the meat problem will soon be worked out satisfactorily. He told of The Progressive Independent apa very encouraging trip to Price, words the advertiswhere it is likely urrangements can preciates beyond patronage which has been extendBeehive and N. D. A. Now Operated by soon be made to get coal for scrip. ing Licensed Operators ed and will do its utmost for each inThe N. D. A. is just what the farmers dividual advertiser and his business there want. Notice was given that By your advertising you are helping another one-aplay will be given one of the best causes in the world next Saturday night. Mr. Henri C Flcshcr, an experienced newspaper and advertising man, is soGREAT MEANING IN liciting and getting results. Give him the glad hand and all the business Mer-Mar-D-ee Visit the New, Modern ct OUR ORGANIZATION you can. Through It a New WHITEHOUSE HOTEL Economic Dispensation A. S. WILLETT, Prop. Is At Hand - -- ALL WORK GUARANTEED PHONE WAS. 8139 And Judas Takes Silver Mr. Dundas told the meeting of the sign across the street from the N. D. A, where N. D. A. scrip is bought for 30 cents and sold for 50c, and advised the members to keep their scrip. Said no enemy could do us harm if we would not sell our scrip to him. The N. D. A. Band, under the direction of Mr. Burgener, played two selections, and received enthusiastic applause from the audience and generous praise from Dr. Smith. Mr. Jensen, a resident of Brigham City, was introduced to the meeting, and it was announced that at a later date he would address the Salt Lake branch on cooperative business. Mrs. Lohmolder announced that Dr. Walker, who addressed the N. D. A. Open Forum last Wednesday evening at 55 W. Broadway, would give another lecture along the same line at THE ARRAIGNMENT LIVE WIRE CONTACTS 20 CAMERON BATTERY & IGNITION CO. SOUTH STATE STREET it is overwhelmingly proven to be sound and desirable and is attracting atten- ORGANIZATION tion throughout the nation. Its principles in action speak for themselves. SOUND STABLE cirThey will spread in cles until the new idea penetrates all corners of the country and the world. from Page One) It is doing things and proving itself tal in(Continued the form of interest and diviwill us its works. It keep by rustling dends. and hustling to keep up with it In the following words, a modern thinker wrote the epitaph of the old, dead system: A VISION OF THE The old theory that the best way FUTURE OF N.D. A. to make everybody healthy, wealthy and wise is to let the rich pet richer and the poor get children, is as dead Young men shall see visions and old men as McKinley." The Natural is The editor hall dream dreams. Development Associanot a young man so he ia not seeing tion is a permanent institution, tbs visions. ' But, if readers will pardon working model of the new economic him for saying it, he is dreaming system. It does not fear prosperity dreams'. The other night when sleep because it alone can bring the nation held him fast, he dreamed tha$ he true and permanent prosperity. stood on an eminence in the center of the city and looked down upon vast STAND UP FOR THE multitudes of people. They tilled ell Main street, 1st to 4th South, all 2nd A. N.D. NEWSPAPER South, a block cast and a block west, all of Broadway, a block east and a We ask all the N. D. A member, block west. There were people from workers and officials, to stand up and The Union. in the city state every be counted for the associations newswas filled with eager, surging crowds such as he had never seen. And nil paper, THE PROGRESSIVE INDEWe are getting good these people were clamoring to get PENDENT. support but we want better support to the N. D. A They came for work The is taking very well wherfor food, for clothing, for houses to ever paper read. On the Pacific Coast it is shelter them. And good old N. D. A circulated extensively. In the arms, being wherever stood there with the crusaders have East, calling and welcoming them in. Such carried t, it has met with praise and was the dream. Now let the Josephs Here at home it is the best of the organization come forth and goodwill. read paper in Utah. give the interpretation. There are several big things we would like to do toward making it a national If some of those EDUCATIONAL MOVE who havepublication. more scrip than they can spend, just come this way. and lend it to the organ of the association, and hundred slaves for each adult Ameri- watch it grow and expand. Of course, can. we wont turn down coin of the realm. 3. Wealth may be Concentrated need a little of that as welL Come We have in the United States nearly We in and talk it over with the editor. three hundred fifty billion dollars. If Wonders can be done even with scrip. equally .distributed it would mean We would like to send out 10,000 ad83000 for each person. According to ditional copies of this issue. Who statistics 2 per cent of the population will help us? Make yourself a own over 60 per cent of the wealth, of the national income yet comes from labor and service. Centralisation of Wealth LAY DOWN YOUR Dr. Walker gave several clear reaIDLE CRITICISM sons for the centralization of wealth in the United States. First, said he, we must recognize a difference in the Let us throw away our hammers natural development of individuals, and lay down our idle criticism. It some have greater capacity and are is all right for the Communist paper more resourceful than others. But an- -' to find fault and criticise, but it is not other big reason is the inheritance of good for members to do so. The vast fortunes that continually increase cause is succeeding beyond the highlike a snowball because of our sys- est hopes of many of us and we all tem of Interest," the power of money must cling to the good ship, N. D. A to make money. Some fortunes have If we do, it will see us through and been made through "Chance," "Fluc- over the miasmatic pools and quicktuation of prices , etc. In order to sands of the old order. modify the extreme inequalities of inDELTA. UTAH, BXCHAXGH LIST comes various plans have been sugHigher Income AUTO REPAIRING gested, such as Billy Van's Gangs. Turning inherited fortunes Vizit Shop. Taxes, back to the government for public BARBER SHOP Kllpaks, Hike's. benefit, after the death of 'the owner," BEAUTY ship-owne- 106334 But 21st South We have opened a Bicycle Department with the Garage. We Repair Bicycles, Phonographs, Baby Buggies, iectrical Fixtures, etc. Usl Labor A Credit Parts Cash 1 956 the installment plan, those surpluses would have clogged the markets and caused the trouble we have, anyhow. Economic thought is divided into conservative and liberaL The conservative fights for the past, the liberal for the future. He admires the man with courage to fight for the future. He believes Natural Development is exactly in harmony with the laws of evolution. Thats why it will succeed. Unless its economic basis is sound, its fine ideas cannot save It must produce wealth. It must compete successfully with the old system or go down. It must do its producing efficiently. It is not enough to have leaders of ability. We must have in He belives we telligent followers. have them. We are going to put the N. D. A. over the top. IT If Natural Laws are permitted to operate TRY NATURE'S WAY Chronic Diseases Successfully Treated Without Drugs or Surgery EYE TREATMENTS GLASSES FITTED W. M. STOREY, N.D. Opt. D. Offices 5th Floor, Felt Bldg. SALT LAKE CITY N. D. A. SCRIP ACCEPTED "B" CREDIT vTreVtf.xtf.VT America is not going to be saved from its present condition, that is permanently saved, by the powers that be. But there is a force that is operating around the corner and which will eventually bring about complete economic salvation. That force is cooperation. Plain people, in a given district or section, organized and working from the ground up, and sending out their influence in all directions, is what is coming to the rescue. And that means simply the Natural Development Association. It began in a small way in a local field and has now spread out in all directions, succeeding where the wiseacres thought it impossible to succeed. N. D. A has started out with a new economic philosophy, a new basis of living, working, loving, and worshiping. It is independent of the predatory interests. And this new system lJUST RITE BARBER! and BEAUTY SHOP 125 NO. MAIN A" Credits Barbcring Only X Special Attention to N. D. A.J "vr ' ; '- i , N. D. A. Barber and Beauty Parlor Now Open at 55 West Broadway Also Operating i ' Beehive Barber and Beauty Parlor 100 OUTSIDE ROOMS Family Accommodations WEEKLY RATES Elevator Service FREE PARKING SPACE Single Rooms 75c and $1.00 With Bath, $1.25 Up "B" CREDITS 123 So. Weat Temple St. WASATCH 5238 One block south of Temple Square and Interurban Depot At 30 South State Street Patronage of All N. D. A. Members Solicited W e Specialize in Permanent W aving on All N. D. A. Credits S. S. (Steve) STEVENS, Prop. WANTED 1000 Ladies to get Permanent Waves on N. D. A. Scrip a |