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Show ... xa PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT WEALTH OF PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE MEASURED BY SILVER OR GOLD. At a meeting held last evening In SHINE HORSE SHOE Weit Fint South Shoe Dyeing Our. Specialty "A" Credit! 50 BILL HOUSE, Mgr. Patronise Au American Shop the basement room of the First Katlo. nal Bank building J. H. Parry and Mr. Wllklneon, representatives for the Natural Development Association, local residents, ex. met twenty-liv- e plained the alms and objects of their organisation and discussed the advisability of establishing a local unit In this community. Organisations have been perfected In Bait Luke City, Delta, Logan, Og- - MTERMOUNTA1N r FUNERAL HOME E. L. Egli S. M. Taylor Over 25 years in Salt Lake Licensed FOR SALE Embahncrs Singer Sewing Machine Electric "B" Credits Accepted 1445 So. J. S. YOUNG 165 Canyon Road CHIROPRACTOR and MASSEUR W. S. LAMOREAUX, D. C. 1416 So. 465 X CREDITS 5th East Phone Was. First Avenue 8309-- Serious contradictions, ye In manufacturing and transporting munitions of' war and atrucUou. Toe total population of the capitalistic nations, most of whom were Involved in the war la about 600 millions. Accordingly it seems that although nearly a tenth of their population, and that the flower of their manhood, waa directly engaged iu warfare and in all probability twice that number were drawn out of productive Industry yet these nations were able to supply all tha necessities of life. War and Production. the Estimates indicate that In United States there were five millions of men under anus during the war and close to nine millions engaged In Industries which the war demanded. At that time the number of men engaged In productive industry was estimated to he forty-tw- o millions. According to these figures the war and the activities It created absorbed third of the workers of tha nation. In spite of that, however, the power of production waee greater than It had been before. From these facta the conclutlon U inescapable that the means of production have developed to such an extent that under a capitalistic regime It will be next to Impossible to provide productive labor to rail men In the future ed was only despair and stagnation. compensation for my work is the joy Mrs. Dansie particularly admires of doing it, is her way of stating her sincerity and humility, and believes in feeling toward her job. avoiding extremes and finding the golden mean" to be neither rash nor cowardly, but brave. Asked for CASTLE her motto, she said: I am trying my level best to live up. to the best that Service An associate describes her is in me. as diligent, energetic, cheerful, capOil 5c Per Quart Cash, and able and honest. She prefers to show 30c Scrip her character by results, and will not Same is A Credits to talk about herself willingly. My Station Cash Gas Customers ROMAN MONCUR RADIO All Gas Cash Grease Job 75c Sales and Service and B Credits Laird Ave. Hy. "A 1543 1760 3340--J A Credits SOUTH STATE ST. of all earth, there were three-fourtThis, then, Is the story of the greed the unemployed men In the world, for gain and the power of organised READY-MAD- E During the next year unemployment wealth during the latter yearn of the SUITS increased and spread further through- - preceding generation. The giant of Sizes 36 to 44 out tha world. It has been estimated gain has swaggered over the earth, Prices from $25.00 to $35.00 that during ,the winter of 1931-3- 2 Although many a man has been chilled ALSO L. D. S. GARMENTS unemployment In the world readied by his shadow his progress has not the staggering figure of thirty millions, been without Its lmpreMlveneas. He C. G. Of this number nine to ten millions has fed on human flesh and drunk 215 North West Temple were In the United States; aix to the blood of millions but he has also CASH, BALANCE COUPONS seven In Germany; three to four In the produced a world of Increased material British Isles; and one to two In Japan, wealth. He has drank dry many a High-Grad- e Suits In other words over half the nn- - spring of wealth but he has also Aaaaa.lYyy)YgvkVWWWWVVVVllVVVWlllliniilV"aaa In the world occurs in ed others. these tour countries. in all the activities of capitalism These countries are inhabited by there are striking and serious con-th- e N.DA. CONTACT WORKERS R. IL peoples that have made the great- - traditions that are now coming to The achievements of the Natural Teacher of eat India trial progress. Inasmuch aa light. These cannot bo Ignored by la Industrial Invariably thinking men and those who sincerely Development Association are awakpro greet PIANO and ORGAN interest it associated with capitalistic competiL hope to sse better human relations ening such wide-sprecalls for 174 Commonwealth more Ave. and intensive Hy. 3623-Is It energetic tbs I that depression established among men. Briefly shall Ion, significant A CREDITS been anoat severe In the most attempt to point out 'some of these work on the part of our "Contact workers. We have more than two capitalistic countries. contradictions. dozen live Contact" but every I Progress and Poverty. In the first place capitalism begins member of the N. D.men, A. can do his we fact first have the Here, then, j, fostering competitive enterprises and her bit toward encouraging that must be horns In .mind before Will Exchange $50.00 of Sheet Metal Work or Furnace h no doubt possess menu lmport- to with us in hears out our efforts to cooperate but ant experience values, Repairing for N. D. A. Coupons or Farm Produce enlarge the volume of lc upheaval. With this fact In mind the fact that no sooner Is an enter. First Class Work by Shop activity. Bear ever in mind let ua aak ourselves the qneatloa: prise fairly underway that steps are industrial that the more industries we put into CALL relation close such la a there "Why taken to make of It a manopoly. There operation the faster we can thin the between capitalism and unemployare today very few Important enter- ranks of the unemployed. MR. HARMER Let each ment T prises In the Industrial world that one of ua consider himself a crusader 3947 or 8337-WASATCH Before attemtlng to answer that are not undqy the domination of in the Cause for Human Betterment" of ns the let review history question comparatively few capitalists. Around and be prepared to explain the plan organised wealth for the past fifty to entire avenues of labor and Industry and ideals of the N. D. A. to others. machine as soon Aa seventy yean, the great banking houses, or In other Much contact" work has been done was the well underway production HIGHEST GASH PRICES PAID words those wbo handle money ex- throughout the state during the past production of goods Increased trem- clusively, have woven a of ten days. The of Cache producers The first that countries got endously. FOR OLD GOLD controls through which there Is no valley are enlarging the unit at Lounderway hud to find, new sourcea of escape ao that those within are like gan. Brigham City and Box Elder raw materials and new markets tor cattle In a corral. It la unnecessary county are Agate Cutting, Jewelry Repairing, Etc. organizing. Price hopes their manufactured goods. The moat to cite examples of this for It is to have us organize in their locality. on B SERVICE direct way to accomplish these two matter of common observation. Mr. M. W. Wilkinson and party have purpose was to get control of new been touring the northern sections of Capital sucks ths Marrow. With SIIURTLIFFS ELECTRIC territory, new countries. They launchA second contradiction la found In the state carrying the message of the ed themselves on the sea of ImperialN. D. A. the fket that money great although ism. They were not slow In accomp49 W. 1st SOUTH ST. begins by developing a new lishment In 1868 the British Empire power cities, building country, constructing GROCERY DEPARTMENT consisted of 4,600,000 square mile railroads, and creating other enterby 1918 It had grown to 10,800,000; In prises of huge magnitude ultimately 1882 the French republic comprised Enquirer: (Seeing a friend in the line it sucks the marrow from the very extending from the N. 1). A. grocery 400.000 square miles, In 1912 It had DONT THROW IT AWAY! It has erected. Paradoxical store half enterprise way down the street, on grown to 4,800,000; Germany grew aa this may seem. It in 'nevertheless Have it welded and spend the difference between this have What Saturday from 240,000 square miles In 1862 to a fact borne out morning): right by experience. In you to be in the bread line'? aftd a new one with the N. D. A. 1.200.000 square miles in 1912; the thla it la worth while to Friend: I'm after some of that area of the United States bad grown note connection, direction Into which capital fresh N. D. A. meat." the O. D. from 1,500,000 square miles In 1862 has been directed since the close of The recent stampedes" made on ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING to 8,700,000 square milea In 1918, the World's War. The whole contlnfnt the N. D. A. produce department Production and Population. No too or too small. All work guaranteed. boa been settled ao that there are no make big job it imperative they open another With Increased production come th longer great open stretches of Work Will Call and Dcliver-Hylan- d Contract and General country Repair greatest Increase In population that to be developed. The need of capital store to relieve the congestion. 4514-- J 61 West Stratford Ave. the world has ever known. Great for developing frontier regions Britain la the beet example. Dnrta treaUy diminiahed. The sources of EDUCATIONAL DEPT. first bftlf of the eighteenth century huge and Immediate returns on Inveet-th- e Inhabitants of ths Brlttti Isles, ments are no longer to be found: Under the direction of the educaIf Its Electrical, Leave it with Shurtliffa Increased 6.6 per cent During the have to a large extent dried up.they Aa tional department a careful survey 49 WEST 1st SOUTH WAS. 10060 laat sixty years of the nineteenth a result the magnate of money has is being made to obtain information WE CALL AND DELIVER century the Increase was 104 per cent. turned to such activities as the regarding the educational interests, But these figures only tell half the Ing of picture shows, radio, auto- scholarship, abilities and possibilities SIIURTLIFF ELECTRIC CO. story for during the latter half of the mobiles, bus lines, synthetic silks, of each and all members of the NatuWe Buy Old Gold nineteenth century there began a oft drinks, and similar manufacturing ral Development Association. It is ELECTRIC AND RADIO SUPPLIES stream of emigration from the princip- enterprises which ordinarily should the desire of the directors to secure REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS al countries of western Europe to die only bring in nominal returns on In- educational service adapted to the Motors, Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Irons, Etc. ne walnd that had been conquered vestments. Capital goea into these in- character of the members, each acWe are a Member of N.D.A. by force of arms or otherwise had dustries became those resources that cording to his need and aspirations, become subject to these aggressive ore the true wealth of s country can in preference to making the individEuropean countries. With the outflow no longer produce the huge profits ual follow a stereotyped course. of people went an outflow of capital Gist once characterised them. How to exploit the natural resources of unscrupulous financiers have maniCEMENT, PLASTERING AND GRANITE WORK the new countries. Then a change pulated the stock markets dealing in Biographical Sketch of ALL KINDS OF STONE WORK took place the lilies of which waa hares in their own enterprise and Mrs. Parley A. Dansie never known before In the story of the effects this has had on people mankind. The spread of capital and generally ia a etory to well known to If those who have heard and read the power of wealth become so great need elucidation at this point. If You Are Particular, Call the Concrete Specialist of the many really remarkable exSerious contradiction. that, hi a comparatively Short time, Satisfaction or no Pay But these are email matters aa ploits of the head of the Department the social and economic life of the of Commerce in bringing in important If Its Blade of Cement I Make It white race (and others aa well) la compared with the third contradiction Cement Mixxer Rented by the Day or Week completely changed. Thla is known as , Capitalism begins by stimulating such new interests and making vital conthe industrial revolution. The gigantic i on Increase in population as to have tacts for the association conclude that 5148-Phone 433 Downington Ave. Hy. she is decidedbut the most anything net of capitalism spread over the no parallel in the history of mankind, misfeminine much are type, they greater part of the earth. In its bat it winds up hy providing no means ly strands and folds mines are develop- of caring for all these people. This taken. Mrs. Dansie is first of all, of two children. She is a dyed, net works of railroad are laid, is true became in competitive in- mother W. Faber, President of efficiency, but withal not at Willy P. Renkcl, Manager great ocean linen are constructed, dustry wealth tends to concentrate namo all the obstrusively efficient personalihuge manufacturing plants are erected into the hands of the few. This conMODERN WOODWORKING dition la Inherent in the very nature ty one might expect to see in such a den and Preston, Idaho. of such economic organisation. Those position as commerce head. From her first notable of that the The association seems to be doing who posses feat, securing Manufacturers of great wealth cion tap an extensive business in Balt Lake new sources of wealth while the men Eresent headquarters from the Hal BANK OFFICE STORE FIXTURES Trust the basis without to on an Company, exchange City employed to produce it are cast aside Superior Cabinet Work the use of money in bn yin and aell. like a used machine aa soon as their present daily routine of like transacshe successhas been tions, uniformly 668 So. State Street tag. service are no longer needed. The Salt Lake City, Utah. the organisation advances a new ratio of those who have not to those ful in building up a department that PHONE WASATCH 8183 and novel theory which they contend who have has never been ao bad a is really doing things. Mrs. Dansie is the daughter of L. la proving workable wherever tried. during the last decade. G Pond and Louie Kimball Pond and Built upon the ides that the wealth of The Worlds war drew a very vivid the of Orson a people should not be measured in picture of (hie condition. It is estimatliver and gold, but rather upon the ed that the nations concerned put Pratt and Hebcr C. Kimball. She was born in Tasmania, May 1 natural resources, backed by the la- - something like aixty-flv- e millions of WANTED WOOL AND PELTS bor, sinew and bone of the producing men under arms daring hostilities. In 1894, and was christened Tasma afThey advocate a new deal and addition to this vast number there was ter the name of the island. For 20 Consign or sell your wool or pelts to the N. D. A. the establishment of a new medium another huge army of men engaged years Mr. and Mrs. Dansie have been n the sheep business. As director in We can secure better prices for you since we prepare all of exchange a large mining company, Mrs. Dansie wool and pelts properly before marketing. has been active in the promotion and development of mines, and at one time GIVE US A TRIAL of the Ownership, Management, Circulation, Etc., Required by the raised $10,000 in behalf of the properAct of Congress of August 24, 1912, ty she was interested in. N.D.A. 55 W. Broadway Salt Lake Gty ), at Besides the activities of her present Of th Progroslve Independent, published evary other Friday 1113. Balt Lake City, Utah for October, Woshe a of as. is member the PHONES-W6142-Rposition, , Mur. 235 10347, Ily. State of Utah. County of Balt Lake ee. Before me, a Notary Public. In and for the etata and county aforesaid, per- mens Republican dub, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Tabsonally appeared a N. Lund, who, having been duly .worn according to law. Independent and depoeea and aaya that ha ia the publisher of the Progressive a and belief, true itat.ment ernacle Choir and of Prof. Lund's that tha following la, to tho beat of hla knowledge of tha ownership, management, etc., of tha aforesaid publication for tho date Chaminade Chorus. She has always ehown In tho above caption, required by the Act of Auruet 94, 1112, embodied been active in Mutual and Relief SoIn Section 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on tho reverse of this form. ciety work and is now on the Liberty lt Stake Primary Board. 1. That tha names and addreeaes of the publisher, editor, manai Mr Dansics interest and enthusiand business manager are: C. N. Lund, 201 Scott Bldg-- Balt Lake 1. That tha ownar ia: C. N. Lund, 202 Scott Bldg., Balt Lake City. Utah asm, however, are now increasingly 2. That tha known bondholder mortgagee!, and other security holders centered on the N. D. A, which she owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgagee, or thinks IF YOU WISH TO GET ON other securities are: Nona worthy of the complete conseC. N. LUND, Editor, cration of the efforts of its members. Subscribed and sworn to before me thla Tfh day of October. 1(32. To Be Dressed and Pressed After a day of activity dealing with j. h. Mcknight,Notary Public. hundreds of our fellow humans on its Is Capital Stock, Assets (Hy Commission expires August 4, 1222.) behalf, she goes home worn out, but WE MAKE SUITS TO ORDER MODERN, STYLISH happy. No joy is quite so deep and real as to help put people and goods AND PROPER FITTING into healthy circulation, where before We Steam Clean and Press Ladies and Mens Clothing BARBER & BEAUTY SHOP hs Cash or Scrip $32.50 reach-emplo- one-six- th 141W2 Special Dressmakers Model St State Btatiatlci leaned by the League of Nations Indicate that during the winter of 1930-8- 1 there were from fifteen to aeventeen million! of uu- men In the world. Of thla number there were five to six millions in the United States, three to four millions In Germany, two to three millions in the British Isles and about one million In Japan, In these four countries, which together comprise of the Inhabitants of the and great cltlei rice up here and there aa if by uuglc. Rivera of capital ran Into all parti of the earth where certain condition! obtained, namely, 1) where there waa an abundance of raw materials for the homeland manufact-- ; urera, 2) where machines made In the homeland could be used to work over the raw materia lc, and 8) where borrowed capital could command high Interest, Expansion and development went on at rapid pace until definite limits of new soared of wealth were ed. Competition In capturing these new sources became ao Intense aa to finally cause the great eat war of the the Worlds war of 1914-1- 8 history und since then there have been at least twenty minor wars among the nations of the earth, TEERLINK ONE-THIR- D able-bodi- SANDERS R THE LARSEN ELECTRIC ad W AU Kinds of Electric Work, Wiring, Repairing, Motor Work GIVE US A TRIAL rs Long-Establish- ed MISS ANNETTE RUSTAD Ladies Tailoring , Dressmaking FUR WORK AND ALTERATIONS Scott Bldg. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER 605 M W Was. 1487 net-wo- rk 'V YOU CAN NOW BUY BRUSHES WIRE-GRI- P with Your N.D.A. Scrip , SEE THE UTAH BRUSH MAN 1. Bait Third South FULLY GUARANTEED At N. D. A. or aft 601 MAGAZINE APPROVED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING i GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING . Hyland 414 RUST Modern Equipment Labor, Gass "A" Materials, Cash BATTERY CHARGING W. R. Nadi, Prop. 0. DR. J. 1369 So- - State St. KING Optometrist W. Broadway Visual Training and Muscle Exercises Examinations Glasses Made to Order, and Repairs. 55 Phone Was. 9544 A Credits A Credits B Credits ;;;V KUKT SCHMIDT HENRY OLSEN GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRING Twenty Years of Knowing How Makes F. H. Olsen Leader Now Fender Work Expert Mechanic and Welder Body andSale on B Credits for Batteries Repairing. Charging, Battery A CREDITS CAR STORAGE Rea Phone, Wa a. 2268-1063)4 East 21at South Street R mi . c -- .1 o' ; ON THE STAGE .an J ALL STAR CAST OF THIRTY PEOPLE THE SALT LAKE MUSICAL COMEDY GUILD M iran-Jud- I Presents of Music, Dancing and Comedy that An Evening Theatre Patrons have long awaited. Salt Rip Van Winkle, Jr A MUSICAL COMEDY FOR EVERYONE 8 YEARS OLD TO 80 YEARS YOUNG I STATEMENT .aml-wkly- to-w- IOW PLAYING ONE WEEK STARTING OCT. 5th Twb Shotcs Nightly, 7:30 and 9:30 p. m. PRICES 10c, 15c, 25c KEEP CLOSE TO YOUR TAILOR BURTS Has Been Selected Theatre Hippodrome 121 2ND EAST SOUTH AS OUR OFFICIAL N. D. A. Representative in the Sugsrfaouse District 1063 East 21st South Street POPULAR PRICES OTTO MOSS General Auto Repairing Labor, A Credits Parts, Cash Member of the N. D. A. 155 E. 27th SOUTH ST. At Very Reasonable Prices B CREDITS SPECIAL Come In and Let Us Put You Up-to-D- YOUR TAILOR - EMIL 205 SO. STATE STREET MARKT I I |