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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT REPAIRED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS When the value of the token of accumulated wealth George BL Banes 1111 7th But Bt EXCHANGE of any people is more than halved, their purchasing SATURFUD PRODUCT Issued every other Friday at Salt Lake Gty, power is equally reduced," he states. More than half Association Wasatch 7IIL Development 10347 of in interest WASATCH the worlds population for generations has used silver 55 WEST BROADWAY Natural Development Utah, ORCHESTRA second-class Entered as matter April 26, 1932, at the to represent accumulated wealth. This half comprises Spanish Syncopntora 1E4I 4th But Bt Hy. 1144. Salt Lake City, Utah ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK post office at Salt Lake City, Utah, under the Act the financially weak nations of the world. Fred Gtauaar, 110 BL lltli Bo Hy. II00-- J. CORRECTED DP TO SEPTEMBER IS, tttl of March 8, 1879. A" The followlae commoditise and sarviMi are avallabla tor .riianea. credit Millions Starve. ORNAMENTAL PLASTERING credit Indloatca that scrip ic acceptable to full price of service. Carl Wsiaa Waa Ilii-M- . C. N. LUND Publisher and Managing Editor Mr. Young points out that the stronger nations of indicates aa acceptance or part scrip and part cash. A. D. M to hereunder accept Mated firms and The PAPER HANGING the of persons agreement the gold monetary the world have imposed on the weaker PRICES OF SUBSCRIPTION revocable at will, and in compiling thisnolist for the Call Was 10147. crip in whole or In part Association makes guaranty accumufor the rs. Natural the Development a without safeguard providing One Year standard, --$2.00 reasonable dlllzence in recording PAINTING N. D. A Waa 10147. lated wealth of the weaker. Six Months changes and eliminating errors. 1.00 e eeeccmeee rrrrrrrrrrrre-ifeiiiejfjijrrfrrrrrr Severe decline in price of silver, he continues, is PER FECT-O-LIAdvertising Kates on Application Commodities end Servioca avallabla at the N. D. A Headquarters CL S. Wilkinson, Waa 10147. ' A te Tim. Tools A wiping out the accumulated wealth of the weaker nations Barber and Beamy Shop A U N. D. A. PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTING 1(1 and starvation and disaster are claiming hundreds of Bread. Pastry A From Developed Negatives N. D. A. Survey Dept Wna 10147. Men's Clothes -- A A Child roes Clothes A millions of people of the financially weaker nations. PHOTOGRAPHS IB Coal Credit) We have adapted the ideas in this editorial from an --A New end geoond-hos- d Ensign Photo Studio, 111 Regent Bt Room 11L Wna 1071. ' Famltare, A war bill of millions of lives and billions of dollars PLATING Hifw-- B article written by the founder of one of the larger was accumulated in a contest to Clethee Men. gasoad-HaLadle Hesea Dream A Alta Plating Company, 141 Ba State BL (10 cash). prevent some of the and Children A PLEATING Labor, Shilled and Unskilled A cooperatives of the country and pass them on to readnations gaining an ascendency over the remain, Red is A strong Deseret Cleaners 1110 Windsor St Hy. 041. A B Lnsihrr A ers as true ideals of the N. D. A. PLUMBING ing. This was because they wanted to be certain a new Call Waa 10147. Whoever wins to great acheivement by serving his economic law would not be PRINTING imposed by a new strength HEALTH DEPARTMENT C. N. Lund. Scott Bldg. fellow men, and thats the only service that counts, wins that would rob them of their accumulated wealth. It OptomeJaeinalve of aU Radical, Sorgiesl and Dental eoqnfremsalai Prats II So. Main, Wna 1171. Jorgensen try, Chlrepraetfe, Draglrae Treatment. Chiropody, Parsing. Message. a peace of heart and depth of joy that are dearer than was to prevent having visited on them what they had Aladdin Printing, I South and State. and 40 Henpltalleatlsn. Wut lit South. Shurtliff come the life to him. From such service has great dona to the weaker nations. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS For Information, apply to "All effort Fublie Addreu Systems Inc II Richards Bt Hy. I10I-of Groat heroes the Western the and history. souls, martyrs U. S. Has Power. HEALTH DEPARTMENT NOTARY PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY since 'time began can be justified only in the service of Was. 1SS4T Wilson Hotel, Wasatch or Celia S7SS, Hy. dSOH-Christensen, Waa. nation is to within the our of It compel ACCEPTED great power ADIO SALES AND SERVICE A mod B CREDITS man. Service that leads to the highest development J, W. Holden, Waa 17IS-CLASS A SERVICE of man, that leads him to consider the rights and we- the worlds strong nations to right the wrong imposed Roman Moncur, 1141 Laird Ava Hy. M40-- J. econon be done weak. the can without It Shurtliff Electric, 40 Wait 1st South. TAX upsetting any RETUBNB INCOME ACCOUNTANT BOOKKEEPING lfare of his fellows, is the highest kind of human service. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Rudl Barthold, lilt South State Street. omic or monetary law now used by the strong nations. Herman's Razor Blade Bharpanar, 17 E. Ind South. We do not look upon humanity as being depraved nor ADVERTISING RUG CLEANERS stresses Mr. the 10147. the Young Quoting government figures, wicked. Under the right kind of a social system Progressive Independent. Was. Deseret Cleaners, 1110 Windsor SL Hy. 040. SAND AND GRAVEL APARTMENTS, RENTALS wiiufa of men would he as clean and sweet ratio of the production of gold to silver: hearts Call Was. 10147. J. R Reynolds ft Bona 1011 Elm Ava Hy. 1717. nri Hiul mml considerate as they were in early childSEWING SCHOOL Estimated production of silver from 1498 to 1928 is Hoyden Weight Waa 100. Mra Simmons 11 W. Broadway, Was 10147. WORK hood. They are as they are because the stream of life 18,21690,841 ounces and gold 924,599,182 ounces, the ARCH Arch Work, Stuceo, Exterior and Interior Plastering. Xarl Weiss III Bo. SHOE SHINING Horaoehoa Shine Parlor, 10 West First Booth. I2II-Ird East Waa has been pilluted by the universal conflicts of capitalism ratio of the production of the former to the latter being SIGNS about 148 ounces silver to 1 ounce gold. Five billion, ARCHITECTS Western and competition. Signs II Richards St Was 4111. H. C. Pops, Nawhoum Building. SWIMMING LESSONS Anderson Young, Continental Bank Building. We do not believe that the physically strong and three hundred million ounces of silver have been coined Professor BL Holllngs Was 10147. TAILORING fatniwtiiiiiy cunning should survive and that the weak by the nations of the world in the years 1880 to 1922 ARTH. N. Hansen, Waa 10147 Pater Johamen, 104 K State, Basement. and Repairing, Mr. Hansen, II West Broadway. ml humane have to go down before them. We have while 745,000,000 ounces were used in the arts from Smith, Waa 10S47 Dorothy Altering Hotel K CARTOONING AND TALK! Tailors Room l, Kenyon Hotel (materials cash). Kenyon accepted the call of cooperation because we saw the 1880 to 1922. I 1C. Cantrell. Waa 1SI7-The Neat Shop, 141 SL Ind South. AND COUNSELOR ATTORNEY AND TANKS REPAIRED BUILT to hand struggle need for something better than a hand The silver monetary stock of the world at the end 141 Plum Alloy. Was 1001. Oaylon & Young, Continental Bank Bldg. Waa 4170. with our fellows; a struggle that tends to destroy all of the latter year amounted to 82,441,000,000. It is fairly AUTO BATTERIES TAXI Rad Crown Cab Company, Owl Drag Stand. Was 1I1L Long Distances on BL Auto Eloetrio Service Co., 70 Bo. Ind B. Waa 4IIL the better human impulses; that hardens hearts and safe to assume that 'at the present time there is in existTHEATRES Cameron Battery and Ignition Co, 010 Bo. State. Hy. 1111. CL W. Walton embitters minds. Hippodrome Theatre, 111 EL Ind South, Battery Service, 104 8a Btate ence in the world probably not more than TflOOflOOflOQ Tower Theatre, ith South and Ith But Hy. 7111 4k Hy. AUTO LAUNDRY Can we overcome such a system? Can a new order ounces of silver. TOILET ARTICLES Auto Laundry, 111 Bo. West Temple Street C. Walker McAllister, 177 So. 7th But St Hy. Illl-- J. .. AUTO REPAIRING of things he established out of which will grow a new Bureau Gives Figures. TRUNK REPAIRS Auto Electric Service Co., 71 go. Ind East Wna 4111. Jones Bros, 141 Booth (Rato St nodal spirit? Can the pathway to a higher social life Jeneen Auto Service, 141 E. lot South. Labor A", Parte TP. TYPESETTING From the American Bureau of Metal Statistics we Dl M. Kemp, 010 B. 17th Booth, Hy. TITI-he biased through the thorns and thickets and swamps Woasman Typesetting Co.. 740 So. Main. Was till, Uoee. 11? E. 17th South. find that during recent years the gold production of the WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS W. R. Nash, 1101 So. Btnta of capitalism? We say yes, and we have set ourselves Bros Eloctrls 145 Bo. Btnta Bt Was lOlt Dodge is in the of 250,000,000 ounces per East list South. Olsen, 1041 Henry WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING to the task. Nothing shall discourage; nothing shall world the ratio neighborhood Riverton Motor, Riverton, Utah. Phono Midvale ounces silver of about IS James producannum, Martin, III Blnln Ava being Robblne A Evans 111 So. Ith East Hy. 7710. Mr. Brandt 107 Scott Bldg. change our course. J. B. Vlehweg, 1110 lot Ave. ed to 1 ounce of gold. The British South African proWEATHER STRIPS AND CALKING AUTO TOP AND UPHOLSTERING duction of gold amounts to around 10,000,000 ounces anRawaon 4k Co Was 4011. A- -l Qiaos and Top Shop, 1004 Bo. State. Hy. TII-LERIES WELDING, ELECTRIC, Acetylene and Pipe Work, nually, this representing a little over 2 of the gold Whole-Wheat D. Rust Hy. 4114-- J. Broad. East Market Baker Broadway. Community Bredlsy-KalmCo 111 Weat Ind South, Was 1111. of the world. Everybody's Bakery, 1001 So. Stats 141 Plum Allay. Was N. D. A. Produce, it W. Broadway. What is humanitys greatest gift? It is vision. The production SHOPS AND BEAUTY silver BARBER Of total the 60r WELL DRILLER OIL OR FLOWING production approximately process of the people perishing where there is no vision Beehive Barber and Beauty Shop, Waa 4111, 10 Bo, Stats T. CDes II I Street Unite! 000,000 ounces per year is produced by the Burta Berber A Beauty Shop, Bugarhouee. is slow hut it is sure. WINDOW AND STORE CLEANING Coxy Barber Shop, 117 E. Ind South. St. Goa H. Whitley, 111 Blair SL, Hy. 1477-What is back of the idea of N. D. A.? It is vision. States, a little over 203100,000 ounces by Canada and Harold Lloyd Barber Shop, IS Richards Street. contMexico. ounces The American South Just Rite Barber, 114 No. Main. Barborlng only. by A man had the vision. He longed to share it with the 100,000,000 CLASS B SERVICE N. D. A. Barber A Beauty Parlor, II Weat Broadway. AUTO BATTERIES Ostler's Beauty and Barber Shop, 110 E Street. Waa 1041. He inent produces about 80,000,000 ounces. Thus it is seen world, to stir the minds and hearts of men with Park Barber and Beauty Shop, 071 E. Oth South. a. Ill 8a State Bt Hy. has already succeeded almost beyond his first dim that the western hemisphere produces in excess of 80 Redford's Homo Barber Shop, 1011 East First South, Was 1114. silver. cent of the BICYCLES worlds AUTO TRAILERS per dreams. And the end is not yet An institution grows 1041 South. R. East list Merchant Bicycle Shop, Sons 1011 So. Main St Hy. 717L Best informed engineers predict that present 19,000,-00-0 LACKSMITHING AUTO WRECKING TRUCKING by its vision, and today it is not only one mans vision R. Merchant A Sons, 1011 So; Main Bt Hy. 7171. Waa 10147. ounce will rate continue Hugh of Holdawny, gold yearly production but it is the glad vision of a multitude of strong men BOILER A STOKER RRPAIKH BAKERY t 141 Plum Alley. Wna 10SB. . and women banded together for a great purpose. Their until not later than 1985, when a decrease will begin BOOKS Community Market BARBER A BEAUTY SHOP in ounces of BL a Ueed Book Ind annualy South. production Books culminating 15,0003)00 Exchange. Ill hearts are eager to carry to other and more timid and Magaslnes Mitchell Beauty Shop, Bugarhouee M. 1L Weller, All Kinds of Books 14 H. let BOuth Bt. . backward minds the message of the dreamers vision by 1940 unless entirely unlooked for gold producing BUBIAL VAULTS BUILDING SUPPLIES Brick: Joa R. Jeneen, Bandy, R. D. No. L Box 104. Douglas Cola 117 N Street. Was. II17-- J. which they believe shall help to save mankind from areas are discovered, he said. BUSINESS AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING CAFE Salt Lake Business College, Keith Emporium Bldg., Was 7110; economic chaos. The great process of Natural DevelopEllxabeth Tea Room, 14 8a State Bt (10 Cuh.) O CABINET AND FURNITURE BUILDERS AND REPAI. CLEANERS AND DYERS ment is vibrant with force and power and is pushing its Mr. Ferguson, 141 So. let West. THE OLD FASHIONED HOME. Cleaners 1110 Wlndior St, Hy. I4L Harold E. Lawrence rear Nawhoum Hotel. Was National Cleaners 114 B. Ith South, Was way through the gates that lead to emancipation for Albert R. Oliver, 041 Edison BL, Was ITSI-- J. Paramount Cleaneri and Dyers 0 Ba lit Wut Was I4IL CARPENTERS the struggling masses. The vision has been the seedling From Five Minute Inspiration by the Editor. Pioneer Co. Cleaning Call Waa 10147. ELECTRICIAN from which has grown the great overshadowing and CEMENT WORK AND PLASTERING Shurtliff. Ill North ith Woat Mr. Schmidt. Hy. I14I-1- L tree one in of charts the the FERTILIZES S e The more I keep on aseekin protecting pictured in CEMENT ART WORK C Cedaratrom. 114 Ba Main Bt J. Thomas Harrison, Strong's Court book. Natural Government. The heaven Im tryin to find, FIRE EQUIPMENT CHIMNEYS CLEANED W. Wilkinson. 171 B. Kensington Ava K. Here in the tops of the mountains men and women The more Im convinced Ive passed it, George Ryan, Waa 4151. FLORISTS CHIROPODIST) FOOT SPECIALISTS are working out the vision, putting into practise the And left it somewhere behind. 1 Dr. W. F. Compton, Scott Bldg. Waa 0000. Tnth ct Flower Shop, 1111 McClelland Ave Hy. 110-- 11 f.- ENGINEER dream. They know they are leading forth to a better FUNERAL DIRECTORS The old fashioned hornet In a way there wasn't so CIVIL John R. Stewart 170 8a 11th East Hy. I50I-Intermountain Funeral Homs 1441 Ba Stats A PRESSING way, a better life. They see beyond the present system much to it, but nothing in our modem life can obscure CLEANING FURS w A. Lowe, til Beaeon Bldg. French of false values and wrong standards and are striving the memory of it. I like to go back to it occasionally in CLEANERS Fur Shop, 111 Sa Main. Was 114t OF CARPETS AND OVERSTUFFED FURNITURE GROCERIES Martin Co., 17 South West Temple Waa 7170. Frank to put new rainbows of promise across the paths of life. my dreaming to drink anew at its fountain of 10,1 1,1 Atb- B Credits joy and get COSMETICS HAT CLEAN EH.I Everbaet Products, 101 B. Ind South. They are pioneering in fields of new truth and succeedanother taste of the dewey mom of life. The soul of Deseret Cleaners 1110 Windsor St Hy. I4L Knee Cleansing and Tiasuo Cream. N. D. A. Headquarters Waa 10147. Flor Horeeehoe ' C. Walker McAllister, 077 Be 7th East St Hy. Illl-J- . 1'B" ing grandly. Their system works. It is saving people it and the inspiration of it have remained with me and Stand, 40 West First South. W. W. Whitney, Ambassador Hotel Beauty Shop, HatCleenlngShop, 140 South Main. from an economic standpoint. It is making people hap- it has been a force for good through all the DANCING changing Aretbrtle Folk an Ballroom 8h Bh,n 41 Mrs Epperson, 111 W. Ird North. South. pier and more contented. It has made the way safer, scenes of life. HOTELS DANCING, TAP, BALLROOM, BALLET more for smoother, pleasanter and hopeful thousands, Wait Temple Bt Was Marilyn Snow, 1.00 per month. The home into which I was bom was just one of KlNDUNfrlUN Hote1, 1,1 DOG FANCIER and it has but begun. Stand by it and stand with it thousands of W Wasatch Kennels 1100 Ith East SL L Du niter. pioneer homes in Utah, but the sentiment DRAMATIC irOTMKkUN?LH1 and see it through, for it will triumph. Come all the that ART AND FLAY PRODUCTION clusters about it and the soul wealth that was P. B. M. 10147. & Ruth Waaatch 8 Lohmolder, r81t4V Wnrs $ikc'IihLltCh,n C41 power of the capitalistic system against it, yet shall part of it are AGE AND TRANSFER pearls of great price. To my childmina DRAY Mr. Dial, Wna 10147. hagazinei N. D. A. stand. it was a heaven, a refuge, a castle, a little world. My M Mr. Belch, Murray 104-W Ut BUth MILKPkODUCBNtS E. L. Transfer, 101 W, Ind South. Waa 1IIL father built the better part of it with his own hands. DRESSMAKING lk ProduMr- 1 Sant list South. Hy. OPTOMETHirriillv COLLAPSE OF POLITICS. Mra Looter Jeneen, 1101 View Street It was set on an acre of ground in a small town, I47I-Mrs Roy McDonough, 014 Downlngton, Hy. 1,147 stood in the midst of an orchard and a garden which Miss Mllbrandt, 411 let Ava Waa 7401. In his review of our political and economic situation to me as a Mra Simmons Holliday lll-and Was 10147. - Was fmmctiptionJL1 Co boy seemed like unto the fabled garden of Aloon Stallings 101 S. Ind East Chlldran'a Clothing. Mra described in an article published in Harpers Magazine, the W. Broadway. Was Pf Mra Clara Stovane 110 F Street Hesperidea. It was surrounded by trees that gave AT- Was HIT. ,rd entitled The Collapse of Politics, Elmer Davis, the shade. It had short walks and PRINmNG Carrot Julea Stand, Community Market pathways which were C- - N Lund. io( Scott Bldg. ANS ELECTRIC! author, quotes an extract written by Frederick Engels rose and lilac bordered. There were little sheltered Cameron Battery and Ignition Co Oil So. State. Hy. till. PHOTOGR)EraMu!,0rth lth in 1886. In this extract Engels says: Larsen Eleetrle Co., 401 let nooks and comers. There were some of the domestic Avenue, Wna II0I-(Fixture! on B Credit) 111 North Ith Weat 1,7- Shurtliff, As conservative economists have been telling us animals. There was a little brook that babbled Mr K oeh lerRy ,U I li 7 K by. ENGINEERING POTATO CHIPS H. Mueller, 111 North Main, Mechanical Engineer. for a long time, the only sound remedy for unemploy- There were birds that nested in the trees, doves, and LAYING, SURFACING AND FINISHING ment is employment And how are you going to provide swallows that lived in the low eaves. All the outward FLOOR Alex Graham, Waa lilt. WAXING AND POLISHING FLOOR counthis industrial of the of Die it? system working Eleetrle Floor Maintenance Service, 144 Quince St Wna II4I-settings were fine and wholesome, just the kind of try, impossible without a constant and rapid extension place in which a boy should spend his early years. And FLOWERS Jones Floral, 110 W. let South. Waa I7I7-- J. of production and therefore of markets is coming to a CLEANING AND REPAIRING are kept in memory as something hallowed. But FURNACE they C. F. Pitta ISO West 4th North. Waa 0011-dead atop. Die cycle of stagnation, prosperity, over- it is of the inner of the home that I would speak Service Station, 1700 Ba State Bt OH and Grease Job "A- D. T. Worsen croft, Hy. 7517. spirit M But FURNACE WORK BUILDING OR REPAIRS production and crisis seems indeed to have run its and to which I would call attention. W. 4001. 141 P. Ave Garrick, Hy. Kensington W- course, only to land us in the slough of despond of a HOERWAeiRlNUUCt,,rln In fancy I stand before my early home again, Franck Fur Shop, 11SM So. Main. Wna 1141. permanent and chronic depression. Each succeeding winWas 1710. GARAGE the door and look within to catch a glimpse of SoMp7.??- 170 Ith Avenue. ter brings up afresh the great question, what to do with open which Ralph C. Nelson. 10 Poet Office Pines and was that still is left behind, which, EXAMINATION MINE GEOLOGY, though the unemployed? We can almost calculate the moment Call Wasatch 10147. a vital part of me. It is this hour of evening autumn HOUSE CLEANING AND DECORATING when the unemployed, losing patience, will take their O. & Jaynes Hy. 1010. And can what October where an evening. equal night INSURANCE fate into their own hands. Confiscation is a word that one N. D. A. Shine Parlor, II Woat Broadway. F. I Hickman, 1417 Gilmer Drive, Hy. SOIL opened first his eyelids? Die old kerosine lamp Quality Shoo Parlor, 14 nobody likes, but ninety per cent of the peoples wealth bums Sa lfalnT WORKS stove is IRONUtah on in the Die the fire table; brightly ?ilnlnJr Psrlor, III Sa Main St Iron Works Inc 711 Woodbine Bt Waa I0IL has been confiscated already by the operation of untramBalt Lake Shoe Shine 41 B. Ind South. Parlor, LANDSCAPE GARDENING accustomed over. Father sits in his crackling. Supper is IGN meled individualism. J. H. Jooat Hy. S10-1- L and mother the with a easy-cha- ir LANGUAGES occupies baby place In the message offered by the N. D. A. we propose Western 8ign Miss K. Hoyer, Waa 10147. in her lap and a sleepy head or two at her knees. LAUNDRY STAMP WORKS EAR TAOS to stop the operation of untram meled individualism Btnp Works 140 B. Ind South Bt Was lOlt American Hand Lanndnr, Wna 10147. There were half a dozen brothers and sisters. After TAILORS from trespassing on the rights of all honest, industrious Hand Laundry, ISO Floral Ava Paris Emil llarkt 101 & Stats Ms paper and LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED American citizens. And through our system of Coope- finishing the reading of TAXI-J. J. Thomas Oil Spring Vlow Drlva down the Mg bible and LOCKS father takes the a Union Cab Company. Was story, telling AND KEYS ration we hope to encourage all to think for themselves, TIRE REPAIRS VULCANIZING which we do not altogether understand reads Glen's Shop, 111 So. Main, Wna 1511. a chapter to follow the dictates and be tolerant in allowing each J. W. Holden. 110 Montrose Ava, Waa 17U-1-L Was 1771. TOOLPADIE WORK 111 but accept as the word of the Lord. Then we all kneel Nielsen Novelty Shop; 07 So. Btnta Street of his conscience in matters of religion and politics, so "bUrB Mhln P- - 1111 Wilson A MACHINE VS Hy. I0II-- J. REPAIRING down for the evening-praye- r we said and is when it TRUNK! Mr. Cupp. Waa 4011 long as he refrains from using religion or politics for Jones Bros, III South State St bed. The days were given to necessary MACHINE SHOPS to off scamper WASHING MACHINES VACUUM CLEANER- Sselfish interests that make for the enslavement and C. M. 1111 Wilson Ava, Hy. till. Dodge Bros Eloctrls III Ba toil which seemed to be unending. But there was always RABBLE Roaetenburg, SETTING, CLEANING AND REPAIRING WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRINGState Bt WM iaii Buffering of humanity. Mr. Dargar, Waa 10147, time for play for the children. Mr. Reinhardt 111 Ba Main, WasMIL MASON WINDOW SHADE CLEANING Call Waa 10147. Super Window Shade The things that are outstanding in memory are the MASSEUSE Co. Ut Wee EXPERT WARNS U. S. Was 1111. SANOL HOME PRODUCTS Cleaning 10147. Call Waa C Walker McAllister, S77 Ba Tth Beet Bt Hy. Illl-J- . faith, the love, the kindness, the encouragement, the MINING ENGINEER Unless checked, the calamity now radiating from sympathy and devotion of the parents who ruled their John R. Stewart 171 So. 11th Bait Hy. IM0-Hcport all Changes la List togs ts Will g, D. A. INSTRUCTION AND TUNING the weaker to the stronger nations as a result of the little kingdom, and it was the thought of these that led MUSIC, Want Bread way. Was ISSdf George BL Banes, Mechanician and Tuner, 1111 Tth But W. H. Burgener, Band and Orchestra, 111! So. Ith But fall in the price of silver, may cause loss of life and me to quote the lines at the beginning of this article. 1410 Bt Ith Boot Mrs Edith Ivina Lamoreaux, Taacher of Beginners FAILURE IS EVIDENT the requisite manpower. Since lendeconomic setbacks to the entire world comparable to All that counted for anything in the old fashioned home Edward Cox, Plano, Violin, Stool Guitar. Hy. II44-071 7III-Crandall ers in Big Business adopted the mie- B. Ava Piano Tuning, Hy. Ellington, is as much mine today as it was then. That home of that caused by the great war. and Loratta Epperson, Voles, 111 W. ird North, Wna till-411 Wind Rauel laatrnmoat Ird Teacher of 8a But That Big Business has failed miserHalverson, Such is the expression of A. Burgess Young, assistant my childhood is a very part of my present life. I still can Beginners 4III-Wna ably in keeping industry in the stste Chas Hopkins Plano Tuner, 114 Edith Ava Hy. 10II-- J. 1144. manager of the International Smelting company in a sit within it, walk the paths, see and hear the birds, of activity necessary to its g J. Ellwood Japaon, Plano Lessons 1141 4th But SL Hy. ita throat there has been s gradreport on the silver situation. Mr. Young has devoted a see the orchard and the garden, watch the roses and Mra W. J. Loomis 1001 B. Ith But Hy. Iiil-)- L Toucher. has been generally appreciated for ting ual increase in unfavorable reaction BL 1st South SL Was 7144-- J. W. SI and Voles. Piano voices the sinee tiia Raid, that hear deal conditions lillacs of worldwide best of to research bloom, the all, and, some time by those who were in the on the part of some of those who good Sanders R- - H. Tanchor of Plano and Organ. 174 Commonwealth Ava call to me from Bps wMch memory makes immortal." the decline in the price of silver. B. Woodruff, Plano Tuner, III Harrison Ava past largely responsible for furnishing blindly followed this plan of action. LIST PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Natural u IDEALS. nd It W ART-CHAL- A-l- lilt a IT-R- 4. VISION. a 1-- ar lilt a it lilt lilt 100-10- -- Parr lilt a? PicfTSiST7,,f n W B. -- In. lilt mt lilt Rt B. .HEfrY Mu? yaffSiffayerea a'&ar semi-week- ly lilt Bth m, K. R. well-bein- a J |