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Show . PBOGRESSIYE MOTOR Birth Party Favors RECONDITIONING Complete Service and Entertainment Years Experience 25 D. M. KEMP 920 Eut 27th South HY. 7573-- A" Credit Labor, for PARTIES AND SHOWERS M $5 Farts, Cash $25 "A" to Credits VERY REAL ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS Satisfaction Guaranteed Leola Horne Cummins W. 1st North WAS. 9093-- 106 EFFICIENCY M One engineman operating crane with magnets recently 66 men in a steel mill. placed a dis- FOURTH AYE. SHOE SHOP H. H. ANDERSEN Call Was. 10123 4th Ave. 376 We Call for and Deliver N.D. A. B" Credits RilHBIUBtaailBIBIHIBIBIBiaBIHIHEIBIBIBBItaaiHIHIBIHBIBBKailBliailBBHHIBIHBBIilBIHBBIl ENSIGN SHOE SERVICE Phone Was. 5719 Call and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17th South SPECIAL RATES to MEMBERS of NAT. DEV. ASSN 577 East 1st South YYVYYiin)ViifMVtfVtnnnnnflfuwuvvwtfvirtnAnnfififYiiVYiriiviiViviiViAAaaaa FRANK MARTIN CO. CLEANERS of Rugs, Carpets and Upholstered Furniture Oriental and Navajo Rugs a Specialty Phone WAS. 7276 27 SO. WEST TEMPLE HEALTH DEPARTMENT . A a B Credits accepted. Inclusive of all Medical, Surgical and Dental Requirements. Optometry, Chiropractic, Drugless Treatment; Chiropody, Nursing, Prescriptions and Hospitalization. For information A ply to or Wu. 1047 Warn 17S6. Hy. 4508-y, W THE IIEPNER RABBITRY See Us First for Your Stock Needs Also Meat 59th South Street W. Fine Stock at All Times 547 Phone Mur. Murray 364-- J CARPENTER and CEMENT WORK Let Us Remodel Your Home You do not need money, just products. Was. 7280 for Information 533 So. 3rd Karl Weiss COMPANY PLASTERING WEISS East PLASTERING STUCCO EXTERIOR and INTERIOR Estimates Cheerfully Given ARCH WORK Wasatch 8298-- Salt Lake City M REX HAT CLEANING SHOP and SHOE SHINE PARLOR BILL KICHAS, Prop We Clean and Block All Kinds of Ladies' and Gents 50c to C5c -- Hats - AH Work Guaranteed South Main Keith Emporium Arcade BUY SHINE TICKETS AND SAVE MONEY 13 SHINES $1.00 SHINE 10c 6 SHINES 50c B SERVICE 246 mmxutum BUILT THE N. D. A. i Use Dairy Products Patronize Those Who Patronize You BUY YOUR MILK ON "B" SERVICE The Cooperative Milk Producers, Inc. 1208 Dairymen East 21st South Hyland 1055 CLEANERS and DYERS DESERET RUG CLEANING HAT BLOCKING-PLEATI- NG We Call and Deliver With Us and Well Dye for You WINDSOR ST. HY. 646 Come Clean 1130 OGDEN Nil. They Are Doing Things There And Feel Encouraged We, the memben of the Natural Development Association of Ogden City, Utah, find it a pleasure to have this splendid opportunity of reverberating the news of our success in this movement. Our office was opened on July 5th, 1932, at 2421 Keisel Ave., which we rented from the manager of breath of vision enough to comprehend the immense possibilities of such a cooperation. It is interesting to note that from that time forward we have made splendid progress, doubling the organization weekly for the last six weeks. We find it impossible to list the services available here, thanks to the cooperation of the merchants in the city. Due to the splendid progress, we have found it necessary to move to larger quarters, which are now located at 4 Grant Avenue, which provides ample space for our office and produce market. An organization of this kind can only move forward with the consistent cooperation of all the employees. We find that in the Ogden branch we have just such people, many of them putting in sixteen'hours a day, with their willing efforts in order that we might accomplish the end for which we strive. We believe that the manager of this branch, Mr. Rulon B. Garner, together with the three supervisors. Dr. Russell Petty, Professor Guy Hurst, and Attorney Louis Wallace, find it more than their meat and drink in their earnest desires to help the people comprehend the visions, which flow before their minds like an ever flowing surge. We owe a word of thanks to Mr. M. W. Wilkinson, who gave his untiring assistance in making this cause a success. His pioneering ability will be enshrined in the minds of the people with whom he worked in this behalf. Ogden will not remember long, the names of those, who gave their all, that this cause might live, but they cannot forget what is being done here, to feed, clothe, and protect the hungry, and' helpless, during this time of capitalistic depression. 2422-242- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Robert Smith, MS flrd Street. HOME Ogden Baal Estate Company. (See Mr. Bueaell.) modern. Basement and garage, In good condif 10.00 DYEHS-Sanltation; unfurnished, per mo.ry LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS A Dyers, Laundry Dry Cleaners ft Washington. lilt MECHANICAL NOVELTY WORK R. H. Hutchinson. 1010 Adama MEDICAL HEALTH Inquire of N. D. A 1410 Orand Ava MULTIURAPHINb Emerson Stephana Argyla Apta NURSING Mra Horace Taylor, 1440 Washington: practical nuraa SIS Chester, graduate Mra Bchoer, nuraa PAINTING ft DECORATING John Borgar, 410 Canyon Rd. Phone 1514-PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON Inquire of N. D. A 1410 Grand Ava FSODUC&- N. D. A 1410 Grand Ava PAPER HANGING John Borgar, 410 Canyon Rd. Phono I514-PLANING MILL Bills Mill, SOBS Wall Ava PAINTING Mra O. X. Kartchner, 1524 Ogden Av. OH cloth painting, plUow painting. and oil palntlnga ISONS PIANO Mra A. Norton, 1171 Jefferson. PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT 12.00 yearly. Paper Subscriptions, Inquire of N. D. A., I4U Grand Ava PRESL uallty Praia C, L. Bose, 2471 Washington Ava GUILT MAKING Mra W. W. Anderson, 411 Adama Ava HUG WEAVING Isabel Oborn, S41X Adame Ava Annie Hiatt. S041 Childs Ava HOB SHINING PARLOR 14th Street and Kissel Ava SHARPENING Maurice Cola TT0 ltth St. (Knlvea sclaaora aawa raeora eta) SHEET METAL WORKS Mr. J. C. Pace, 1400 Kissel Ava THEATRES Inquire of N. D. M--, 1420 Grand Ava TRUCK LINES Barlow Truck Lines A. E. Barlow, mgr., IIS 14th St. Phone IS. VEGETABLES N. D. A 1410 Grand Ava B. WOOD R. L Saunders Oil 10th St. Lavarl Staker, ISIS Plngrqe Ava Split wood, S par cord; blocks I per cord. WATKINS PRODUCTS Chris Purdy, SS5I Plngree Ava GARAGE Olsen Garage, 1440 Grant Ava Class "B Service APARTMENTS 50 J. E. Lichfield, till Kleeel Ava ART WORK 25 75 lira N. E. W allies 657 Tth St. BAKER-Y- P. E. Roberts lngton Ava COAL 1250 Mrs Orva Linford, Mra Ethel 1771-Skelton, (rear). Phone PRODUCT ISO 540 Mr. 50 N. D. A., 1410 Grand EXCELSIS GOODS 60 50 50 pH - -, ' INDEPENDENT A. DEPARTMENT INTERESTING NEWS FROM OGDEN UNIT - u n Wash J. A. Hendrickson In The Journal. Logan The Retail Merchants Committee got together a few days ago and published the following: Until Mich a time aa full details of the operation of the Natural Development Association are known, Logan merchants will not cooperate with the organisation. As the writer was responsible for the N. D A coming to Logan, It may be proper for me to comment briefly on the above that the public may know what It la all about In the first place, I have my doubts that the Retail Merchants have been asked to cooperate with the K. D. A. There are, however, at present, about thirty professional men, some stores, painters, carpenters, electricians, who are glad to accept N. D. A, scrip In payment for services and goods. If the Retail Merchants committee will visit one of the Friday 8 P. M, meetings held in the Chamber of Commerce where explanation of Its operation Is given, and wherj it Is shown how the exchange business Is operating without the use of money, the merchants, I am sure, will do just as they are doing In Ogden, Salt Lake City, Provo, and many other towns In the state rejoicing that this branch has been opened up here. If they will come Inside and look out, Instead of standing outside snd look, lng in, they will be among the number who came to scoff but remained to pray. The writer visited N. D. A large store In Salt Lake City located on Broadway where It covers 85 ft, front, 100 feet deep and two stories, 'and Is a beehive of industry, and where $3,000 worth of business Is turned over dally. After visiting the place three times within a period of three weeks, he Invited them to come to Logan for It was readily seen that It would be a blessing to the many agrl. cultural people of this section who are unable to secure the needed money to obtain the necessities of life, and Is no detriment to the merchants, but rather an aid. It will no doubt surprise the mer. chants of Loiaa as well as many of Several the stores where 10c and 15c goods are cold are selling to the N. D. A, boxes of their mere hand, lse and are accepting scrip in payment At thla point permit me to quote the weekly paper publisohd by the N, D. A. known as the "Progressive Independent. On September 13th, Its total mem. bershlp Including members of families, amounted to 2,583. The number of labor days It had furnished up to that date was 31,350, The unemploy, who had been furn. ed lahed food, clothing, shelter and me. dlcal attention amounted to 8,000 and 1,500 families had been directly benefited by the association. I am sure no merchant or any other Individual could object to an enterprise run without profit to anyone who were accomplishing deeds of Ith Bt. 8L, llth EVE KNEW 15 Cleaner. Ogden Hotel, rm 412. In conclusion permit us to say tha. PLUMBING we can still use your cooperation. 50 Mr. C. Hooper, 1517 Kleeel Ava GEO. L. STEPHENS, PRINTING 60 Neuteboom Assn. Printing Co., 1450 Natural Development Wiaahlngton. PRESSING AND CLEANING 50 Mr. Williams Mil Klesel Ava. NAT. DEV. ASSOCIATION PRRMAN ENTS 50 Mitchell's Shop, Ecclea Bldg. EXCHANGE SERVICE 50 Peggy's Shop, 1151 Washington MM GRAXD 1VIIDZ I0 Lorraine Barber Shop, 1710 OGDEN, UTAH Washington. The following la a Hat of aorvloaa SHOE SHOP which N. D. A. Scrip will buy. Why not REPAIR 50 Mr. Mortlnaon, 1147 Porter. llat your aarvlcaa and oommodltiaa. and Croxford Repair Shop, 1111 i0 lncraaaa your volume and help bring Quincy. back PROSPERITY. RAWLEIGHS PRODUCTS Class A Service N. D. A, 1410 Grand Ava 50 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS d PARTS John Moyer, 410 Alameda Avanua Bill Coble, Biverdale. Henry Bond, roar, 1741 Adama. M Rudd Cliff, 1114 Washington. A Western Story9 APARTMENTS D. W. Stephens 1104 Lincoln Ava SOIS-Scenes similar to those enacted in WANTED: Responsible elderly cou- the earlier days of our fair state were 7 to cook for boardera Living ple enacted on a ranch up on the head of quarters wil be provided free. BARBEE the Provo recently. W. W. Anderson, Star Barber Shop, High boots; wide rim hats, no 150 II Street. Fred Clift, Star Barber Shop, ItO 15th chaps and the rest of the wild and Btreot There west predominated. R. H. Twltehell, Lorraine Shop, 1710 woolly was but one thing lacking. Washington. The hero of this little episode, like 8. Harrop, Lorraine Shop, 1710 Washcharacter the famous Shakespearian ington. A C Wallace, 111! Washington. cried forth in accents wild A horse BRICKLAYER Simon Daw lid, 1100 Jefferson. Phono A horse my N. D. A. for a horse. Sltf-1But alas, no horse was available. CARPENTER steer was the next best DoBlooia 1151 Liberty. Phone A Win 1I1I-bet Accordingly a steer was supple-- a Karl O. Elding, 410 Adama Ph. 401L horse, and everything W. O. Hartman. 1050 Washington. was fine and dandy, so the aforesaid CHIROPRACTOR hero proceeded to mount and start out Dr. Johnson, Kleaol Building. DENTAL SERVICE for a ride. Still everything was fine Inquire of N. D. A, 1410 Grand. snd dandy until the ground reached DRESSMAKING up and struck him between the eyes. Anna Burg, S51 Mud St Ph. II4I-It took four such rides to thoroughly Fancy Sewing. Basils Dud man, 114 llet Bt Fancy satisfy the rider. At length the hero, Sowing. Mra Lorln Frew, Hooper, Utah. badly shaken and bruised, refused to further perform to the very much-iPlain sawing. Kathryn Dixon, till Porter. Plain terested audience of his wife and kid-sewing. Wanna Fredericks 1041 Porter. Plain dies. Mr. Woodruff may feel that we are sawing. Mra Horaeo Taylor, 1440 Washington. just a little personal if we should menPlain sowing Mra Lynch, All Kleeel Ava Plain tion our hero's name, so we will leave names out. sawing. Bardatta Bolea 117 Tth St Plain sewing. FISH RIGHTS EDUCATION Smithsonian Business Collega Inquire of Cleveland, O., Walter N. D. A. 1410 Grand. of ; following lecture to fifteen ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Maurice Cola 770 llth Btreot unemployed workers who were arFRUITS rested for fishing . The ragged de Natural Devalopmant Aaao elation, fendants had 81 cents among them. 1410 Grand Ava FINGER WAVES AND MARCELES Fishing should be a sport and fishermen should be sportsmen. Peggy's Shop, 1151 Wihlnrton. Mitchell's Shop, Bodes Building. Fishermen must protect the rights Lorraine Barber Shop, 1710 Washing of the fish in the river. ton. True R. L n' prise that Is allowing 60 cents per bushel for wheat and a proportionate price for meats and a fair price for other agricultural products and sup. plying those who raise theee needy things with such as they in tarn are needing to keep them supplied In the line of provisions, etc.? Now again let me Invite every merchant in the city, and all heads of families to come into the meeting Friday at 8 p. m. at the Chamber of Commerce and listen to the new method used in endeavoring to re. deem ourselves from the present dL saetroue condition. If you will come you will learn why the president of rite organisation and other officials have been invited to twenty states to explain the plan and are at this time in New York and by Invitation at a great gathering of cooperative orga. nlzatlona endeavoring to evade the dependency on money In securing the necessities of life, thla kind. At this branch In Logan, already eight heads of families are provided with work, students have been shown the way this year through the Utah State Agricultural College, Could anyone object to an enter Exemplifying the value of Mr. Dun das' recommendation that N. D. A. scrip be circulated as widely and far as possible, wc have some interesting facts to relate concerning Thomas Montgomery, carpenter, who, a couple of months ago owed on milk and eggs but was so thoroughly "broke he could not pay his bill. Rut lie sold' a lot to the N. 1). A. and with the scrip bought ten tons of liay from Mr. Jaynes. Then he turned over the hay to Mr. Olson, his milk and egg man, which not only paid his bill, but gave him a balance in credit which will assure himself and family milk and eggs for the winter. Here numbers were benefited, even Mr. Olsons cows, who now have fodder for the winter. Three cheers for our N. D. A.! Incidentally, Mr. Montgomery is a real booster for the N. D. A. He estimates that he has sent one hundred people to come and learn about the association. We suggest that the resemblances between Roy Dundas and his neighbor, Myron Smith, are so numerous and so astonishing that an account of it should be sent to Ripley himself. The building'department is urgently in need of building materials of all kinds. See Mr. Hoggan or Mr. Jacobson. Mrs. A. J. Hoggan is teaching her daughter to speak German. It has now come to the point where Papa Hoggan will either himself have to learn to "sprcchcn se Deutch or forego the pleasure ot understanding much that passes between mother and daughter. Coming in from Cobblccrest the other evening, a real verbal battle waged between Ed. Barnhurst and Owen Woodruff as to the proper side from which to milk Eds cow. "From the left," declared Barnhurst: "from the right, declared Woodruff. But it took Tom Montgomery to show that the proper way to milk the beast was under her. The trio, who sang for us tiro other night and of which Marlow Nielson is a member, has appeared on the R. K. O. vaudeville circuit and over the radio. Incidentally, Marlow is organizing a male quartet among the N. D. A. members. The first practice was held at 7 a. m. the other morning and the six aspirant to this honor were all on time. Spirit for you! N. D. A Hobbies George Hoggan, labor department, enjoys detective stories and reading lines, along science and mechanical but he is at his fullest glory when n loose in a machine shop. Mrs. rises early to indulge the hobby of landscape gardening. Marvin Smith likes to walk to work. G N. Lund reads and writes U. S. and World history. G L. Bradford experiments in the laboratory with oils and foodstuffs. T. D. Harmon examines substances with a microscope. Dr. Gales hobby is health, and if you do not think he has used it to good advantage give him a few health tests. If you asked Mrs. Gladys Shurt-lef- f, efficient N. D. A. stenographer, to spell esophagus or give the plural of hippopotamus, the chances arc she could do it, because she used to score 1U0 in spelling regularly while a student. J.' A Hendrickson. MILLIONAIRE KICKS One of our greatest handicaps is the tremendous burden of taxes, declares Silas H. Strawn, former president of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce. Silas, who is a multimillionaire, paid the tremendous burden of $120 in personal taxes for last year. SEAGULL APARTMENTS. North West Temple 215 Front Apartments Steam-Heate- d WELL FURNISHED ACCEPT N. D. A. COUPON- S- --$18.50 to $ 35.00 WEST - Including Hot Water 2 and SIDE FLORAL (Jones) Designing and Floral Work W. 1st SOUTH WAS. 5787-- J "A Credits ZANOL QUALITY PRODUCTS Cosmetics, Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Paste and Household Necessities mr. McAllister 667 So. MIDDLETONS COLUMN Ava M the good citizens when I state that So Say the Natural Develop- there are 153 stores, shops, drees ment Association of Logan making establishments, professional men, and many other Muds of enterCommunication by Local prises who are glad to accept the N, Lauds Work Citizen. D. A scrip at face value la return for their good and professional services, of New Institution. of chain Cash 50 7th East Street Same "A Credit Shoe Repairing i SIIURTLIFF SHOE REPAIRING m. 49 West 1st South Phone Was. We Use the Best Material 10060 "WE WISH YOU WOULD TRY US" We Are a Member of N.D.A. j. F. E. .2 !J LAWRENCE Seat Covers, Cushions, Floor Mats, Upholstering NEW OR RENEWED Phone Wasatch 2300 A CREDITS SERVICE GARAGE: 27 Walker Place Rear New House Hotel Salt Lake City, Utah MEMBER N.D.A. 22 Richards St. We intend to retain your trade by deserving it. K ALL WORK FIRST CLASS BARBER SHOPPE Hair Cuts done for Scrip 40c. PREMIER BAKERY WE ARE A MEMBER OF N. D. A. COMMUNITY MARKET Try Our N. D. A. Health Bread A Credits Fine Cakes and Pastries on B Credits Give Vs a Trial WVXWl Eig-gre- Furnace Cleaning and Repairing and D. T. WORSENCROFT Mueller Gas and Coal Furnaces Quaker and Clarks Furnaces REPAIR WORK A CREDITS NEW WORK B CREDITS Salt Lake City, Utah Phone Hy. 7597 .....e.eee...e..aaeaaeaaaaaaaaa MOUNTAIN CHIEF UUJIJUJUUrjyinrLarunnnri- - MINERAL WATER Wonder of the Age Internal or External To Be Used for Rheumatism, Kidney or Bladder Troubles, Prostrate Glands Tonsilitis, Sore Throat, Swollen Joints, Stomach Ulcers, etc. Directions: Take a Tablespoonful Three Times a day, in water before meals. Fred Clift, Prop. W. W. (Slim) Anderson N. P. ANDERSON STAR BARBER SHOP 230 25th Street 1) West First South Ogden Prepared by W. WINBERG COMPANY So. 4th East Salt Lake City, Utah A. 1833 WE TRY TO PLEASE WELCOME! Suits Made to Fit and Fit to Wear Phone Was. J24J BUSINESS TRAINING IS THE GREAT HOPE OF TODAY ALL OTHER PROFESSIONS ARE OVERCROWDED Personal Instruction by Experts in Bookkeeping, Accounting, Stenography, Typing, Law, Office Machines, Civil Service ... N. D. A. Scrip is as Good as Gold to Vs Every Day Somewhere A Change Occurs Your Turn Will Come Will You Be Ready? A BUSINESS TRAINING Will Prove Better Than Gold to You A SUGGESTION GET READY SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE 246 SOUTH MAIN STREET B" Credit TfeufeAVfATfeTTre'T?etfe;'T.:ra''VfeiT:'T?T,'5 K |