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Show THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT and four Democrat and nine of tha Justices are from the eastern state It had boon expected that a ' westerner would bo named. Judge Cardoso was recommended by various groups describing themselves as liberal end his choice for the high honor was praised by senators of such diverse affiliations as Norris of Nebraska, Reed of Pennsylvania, Watson of Indiana and Wagner of New York News Review of Current Events the World Over Japan Rebuked by League Council, but Still Persistent President Hoover Asks Congress for Reorganization of Government. PIERRE LAVAI losing Intermountain News Briefly Told for Busy Readers TAX LEVY CUT. HUNDREDS OF DEER FEDL STARYATION OF SHEEP. ROAD TO BE OPENED. PRODUCERS GATHER. LOGAN, UT. The Logan city commission has voted to accept tho resolution of tho dty employes iking for n 10 per cent reduction a vote of in parliament, resigned as premier of Franco together with his cabinet Paul Palnlev of dollars worth of construction work undertaken annually by tho former premier, consented to try to new government various federal departments Into form a n new office to bo known os public works administrator. JOR8 for a million Isunemployed thirty days tho highly 2. Incorporation of tho vast amount of personnel administration laudable objective of n natton-wldInto one office headed by a "person- campaign which tha American Lenel administrator, with the dvO gion baa started In with service commission remaining In an tho American Fedadvisory capacity to that agent eration of Labor, 8L Transfer of tho administrative functions of running tho American tho National Assomerchant marina to tho Department ciation of Advert of Commerce under direction of n Users and other organisations reprenew nsalitant secretary. 4 Creation of n new assistant sented on the nasecretaryship of Interior In charge tional employment raider whom commission. Tbs saof "conservation, la would come reclamotion work and tire movement the broad supervision of water pow- under tha general direction of Henry er development 8. Placement of all pnblle health L Steven Jr, naactivities of tho government under tional commander of tho American n new assistant secretory of tho Legion. It has the support of President Hoover and countless other and tha drive la Promotion of tho commission-o- r national leader of education to an assistant sec- being tided by mageslnea and other retary of Interior, with transfer of publications commanding n total Nearly nil educational undertakings to Ms circulation of 85300,000. car sixty national radio advertisers T. Promotion of tho director of agreed to contribute thirty seconds agricultural economics to an as- of their time on tho sir dally. Committees In more than 7,000 sistant secretary, and the designation of in existing aid to tho sec- towns and cltie supported by nuns retary of agriculture as assistant than 10,000 poets of tho American secretary for agricultural research." Legion and 80,000 unions affiliated Tho Immediate change Mr. Hoo- with the A. F. of I are cooperatThat It will 0 ver asserted, would cost about ing In the campaign. per annum In additional saV be successful la forecast by the rearte hot "tbs saving In coat of port that nearly 25,000 Jobs were administration would bo many obtained mi the opening day of tho driv times this sum." By EDWARD W. PICKARD week seemed' JAPAN daring the retting deeper and deeper Into the morass of International trouble, bat faro no outward sign of weakening In her determination to snbdao the nes Haring ceived 5AHD JTUNITEID Unnatural laws are laws that bust; But NATURAL LAWS with Covenant Are laws that make NATURAL GOVERNMENT. DEDICATION To the Author of "Natural Government, Benj. B. Stringham By Louis Eliga Spencer . That all the world who will, may read, To know these laws, I say to you: Get NATURAL GOVERNMENT, it through. A book of facts one cant deny The Author plainly shows you why. Tis laws of God, the laws we need ; The laws of our Great Makers plan, And not the law thats made by man. The NATURAL LAWS are laws to trust, read US. GOVT STATISTICS OUR PRESENT ECONOMIC SYSTEM OFFERS THE FOLLOWING PICTURE AS REWARDS FOR EFFORTS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS YOU ARE THK LINKS SKLOW SHOW WHAT HAPPENS THERE-WHE- NfRE gi JO STAUGGUMt OM AMD OP VP AMO DOWN TWEE A RE 6 DEAD SIN POVERTY HERE ARE THE SAME mmtmtttttiittmmttM 20 tOVY DEAD at OO . 5 65 PHYSCAL report from Its Investigators at Shanghai, placing the onus of the hostilities on Japan, the council of the League of Nations got Its dander np and sent to Tokyo a sharp note calling attention to Japan's obligations under varloua treaties and the league covenant, reminding her of her high position among the powers and appealing to her to cease the warfare against Chins. The decision to send this rebuke was reached In the absence of the Japanese and Chinese representatives and over the protest of Germany and Jugoslavia. It was signed by the committee of twelve and thus s loophole was provided In csss It Is not hacked np by tho league assembly Inter. The communication took tho same stand taken by Secretary of States Stlmaon, that the validity of Japanese occupation of Chinese territory could not bo recognised. Mr. Stlmsoa formulated another stam protest against the use of the International settlement In Shanghai as a base for military operations and declined to bo Impressed by Japan's argument that the other powers also had landed troops DEMOCRATIC leaders of tho to place their them He told Ambassador Debu-ethat If the Chinese Should en- own taxation and economy proposter or Ore on the settlement on any als before tha nation nn a means of balancing tho pretest while Japanese forces were national budget. utilising It as n military base, the United States would hold Japan reFollowing the declaration of Speaksponsible. er Garner In preparation for a grand offenPresident' Hoover sive the Japanese heavily shelled had foiled to protha Chinese lines end many shells mote real econfell In the International settlement Two English sailors wese killed. omy, Represen This closed greet asdtement In Rainey of HU-nDemocratic London. A special meeting of tho cabinet was called at ones and leader, characterised the treasury Prims Minister ' MacDonald left a tax proposals ns nursing home to preside over It American marines also were endan"woefully Insuffgered by the rain of shells hot icient." Tha first step In tho economy there were no casualties among flim. program was tha creation of n special committee to study means of A UTHORIZED by his gavom- - abolishing and restricting governmeat tho Japanese minister to ment bureau to cut expense The house ways and menu comChinn saved an ultimatum on Gen. Td Tlngkal, commander of tho mittee met to consider, tho treasury's additional tax program, Nineteenth Chinese which Included a route army, degasoline tax and n 7 per cent tax manding that the mi domestic electric light and gas Chinese retire twenbill Rainey sold: ty kilometers from "The treasury originally recomand Shanghai mended taxes totaling $920,000,000 threatening to drive and then admitted a mistake of them away by force over $400,000,000, and enma back should they. not with n request to raise the total. comply. There were "The treasury, oven In Its new evidences that the estimate does not take Into conJapanese sideration expenses Incident to the growing anxious $500,000,000 reconstruction corporashout tho great contion, $125,000,000 land bank bill, centration of tho possible direct relief funds of vetChinese troops and erans' bill and wlU not even estik feared that Gen. Chlang would bring his national guard di- mate the Increased Interest on the visions to tho aid of Shanghais de- national debt" fenders and taka command of the entire army. " Minister of War BY A vote of 88 to 48 the senate defeated the La Fdlette-Ooo-tlgaArakl asked Emperor Hlrohlto to bill to provide $750,000,000 to send cabinets tho plan approve 80,000 to 45,000 fresh troops to from tho federal treasury to the Shanghai If tha Chinese continue states for tho relief of tho Jobl and needy, of which sum $875,000-00- 0 their resistance, was to bo handed the etatea for For the third time American Consul General Cunningham bad to highway building. Party lines were protest against n raid of Japanese broken, and the progressive" Noe solplain clothes men on the middle was tho only group that voted school of the American Methodist idly for the measure. Sixteen regChurch, South. The furniture was ular Democrats and six regular Resmashed, books and papers scat- publicans Joined with them la its tered about and an American ling support This being ant3f the way, the nailed' on the enter wall was torn gall down. Other Japanese civilians as- senate took np foie Glass-8te-a saulted American Vice Consul Ar- bill to liberalize tho federal reserve thur Rlngwalt end an American structure and release a fresh flood woman ha was helping out of fee of credit throughout tho national For this out- banking system. Thin meunro had bombarded district passed through the house with little rage Tokyo apologised. trouble and It wan expected the senate would soon give Its approval. PRESIDENT Hoover on Wednes- day sent to congress n special TN SELECTING a successor to mesaago asking support for n reor- 1 Oliver Wendell Holmes on tho ganisation of tho government and recommending the creation of four bench of tho Supreme Court of the President Hoover new federal offices. He requested, United State simultaneously, the major altera-- n set aside geographnod changing In title of four leal considerations Under and chose Benjaler federal department i eight new end altered division! min Nathan Cardowould consolidate present over-ipln- so, chief Justice of activities In in effort to sub- tho New York state court of appeal let "millions of dollars annually Tho nomination im the tax burden. Authority also was asked for the was sent to the senate and early lef Executive to transfer and was executive and odralnlstra-- e confirmation expected, though groups merely through tho of executive order each to several protests before congress for 80 days he- were received by Senator NorrI re eonfig affective. Specifically, the President sug- - chairman of tho Judiciary committee This appointment gives the L Consolidation of the millions Supreme court fire Republics uk STMEET dO ONLY - HOT GETTING ANYWHERE - YEARS 6 SPENDING ALL THEY EARN s7Jft DLL, Sr WRECKS -- LIVING ON CHARITY FINANCIAL SYSTEM YOUR CHANCES ARE VERY SLIM OF ESCAPING K LEFT THE FATE OF THE BO. yNo P Statu Jro" Make a Contribution to the Cause of Natural Government the truths of Natural Government far and wide, and to hasten the early establishment of the correct form of Economics.' In order to make it more convenient for you, we take this' opportunity and means to ask for a'contribution to help finance its promotion. It is up to the PEOPLE. If we want to be freed from the shackles that are now holding us down , we must do everything within our power to push the work forward. . For the spread of truth and the establishment of "Natural Government for copies at $1.00 each, please find enclosed $ to be sent to the address given below. as Contribution for the advancement of this cause. $ One thrmsand qualified lecturers and salesmen WANTED. I am interested and want full details regarding course of instruction and work. Answer, Yes Oor No O Name Addess - JOIN THE NATURAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION That Government of the people, by the people and for the people ihall not perieh from the earth. 246 Maine St, Salt Lake City, Utah DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND MEMBERSHIP PLEDGES PRINCIPLE'. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United State guarantees Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness to every Citizen. PLEDGE: To ever work for such modification in our taws and the establishment of each department! of government as will beet make effective these guarantees. PRINCIPLE: Lite, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness to every citizen can bat be obtained through a lust and more even distribution of the resources of our country. PLEDGE: To ever work for such n plan as will give every citizen hit Inst share of our nations wealth. PRINCIPLE: Economic systems based upon mosey as a medium of exchange, iu all ages of human history, have failed. PLEDGE: To ever work for that system of production, distribution and consumption of wealth and the material meant of latisfylng human desires that wiU best make for the abundant Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness of every citizen. Contribution, Any useful thing or any amount you wish to pay. LOGAN, UT. It la planned to ' Logan dty tax levy from 18 mills to 18 mills during 1982, Tho rat will bo made by eliminating tho levy for tho Logan dty tight plant; which has now become rat tho self supporting. BOISE, IDA. Idahos not debt os February 1 was $8325319; compared to a net debt of $5394318, on January 1, 1982, and $8,434,988 on February 1, 1980; It wan disclosed la the report of tha state treasurer. IDA The work LEWISTON, of constructing tho Umatilla rapids hydroelectric reclamation navigation project hoi been objected to by tho firfnmMs Valley aaooda-tio- n. It la held an obstacle to development of tho amodatioui proposal to develop navigation la tho upper Columbia and Snake river OGDEN, UT The Lions' dub has authorised officers snd directors to send $180 to tho Morgan county commlsdon In payment for righto of way of n county highway from tha Lost Creek rood through. Into "Chinatown" Toone canyon Morgan county's unique scenic see- - - IDA Hundreds of deer wen fed In tha mnnntktiiM 1mm when an airplane dropped boles of .hoy to them. Local Isaac Walton chapter members snppUsd tha food. d TWIN FALLS, IDA. The current expense budget of Twin Fills county for 1982 contemplates an expenditure of $189,818; MAOKAY, IDA. With tho temperature 18 below, dad only In Ms naderwaar and his head, feat and hands exposed, Robert Wilson, IS, rods a mile sdl n half to bring old when his horns burned. Frozen foot were suffered by Wilson. PROVIDENCE, UT A fish and gome association to work In ooop ration with. state and local associations will bo organised at n mooting, of sportsmen of this WALLACE, half-otarra- 840-00- that ta-tl- WRECKS -- DEAD IN THIS ECONOMIC PULL CAST JTPEPT EO to aid the dty In tho present financial crisl o Chire- bl ON TREADMILL. ON TREADMU. JO SUPPORTED BY OTHERS HERE THEY ARE Mrepf MEN AT AGE OF SS tttmtwHittmttttttittttitttim 36 J7 AT AGE OF AS mttmtfflmtmnmnnm - TO BVMY IOQ MIN START! NO OUT AT THE AOC OF SSI s3S mmm ntTuems- esATE RE7 AT AGE OP ttttf r a Si Aalarle ol were Kai-She- g con-lda- te d pro-pooo- RS. Minnie Maddern Flske, for many years the foremost actress In A merle died la Holll Ik L, after three months' Illness at For the age of sixty-seveyear half n century she hod greatly entertained the people of the nation, and her passing was as greatly mourned. GARNERS SPEAKER JOHN N. hat Is still mi his head, but his friends have started bis boom for tho Presidential nomination by the Democratic national convention. The two from MANTL UT $800 in cosh was netted at the "Make Work" dance for tho benefit of tho unemployed. Tho dune sponsored by the Belief eodetles and various dubs of TexsMorris Shep- the dty, was held at tha Armed PROVO, UT. A program to pard and Tom Conthe students of tho local nolly, leaned a formal statement In schools with tho wide range of which Mr. Garner products manufactured locally, tins, was presented not boon adopted by the Provo high only as his stated school, working la cooperation favorite son, but ts with tho "trade at homo" movea statesman fully ment fostered by ths Provo chamber of qualified to be tha TOOELE, UT Tho Toodo voW chief of tho nation. nnteer fin deportment anowerad S3 would he that get They promised the estimated tottha full vote of tho Texas delega- (lie during 1981, which was $23 of al damage tion and would havs the support of BOISE, IDA The Idaho State countless other Democrats over the Producers association gathHoney country when the nation knows ered here recently to discuss probmore of his character and service lems of boo keeping and also tho "He has been speaker of the districts of forming said possibility tho state. house for only n few week throughput the Texas senator During that POCATELLO, IDA IT Is anperiod tho bouse under his leadernounced by tho Bannock county ship has attracted the attention of commission that tho 1983 budget tho whole country by reason of Its fcu been reduced by over $100,000 prompt; thorough and statesmanlike In nn effort to meet reduced Income His record hr drastic rat conduct of Its affair as speaker and leader Is among the POCATELLO, IDA Many tons highest proofs of hla splendid qualef hay are being tracked from Robities of leadership and con rage." erts to Mod Lake district In order They recalled his twenty-nin- e to prevent tho starvation of tha years In tha house as a representthousands of sheep marooned In ative from Tessa si service dis- thli district tinguished for Its breadth of vision, ELY, NEV. Steps an being takIts political courage and Its ragged en to relieve ranchers snowed In and aggressive democracy. Butte valley since Mr. Garner said he had known Tha White Pine county commission nothing of tho statement before- has authorised the opening of n hand and had no authorized spoki rood to tho valley. man. Ho refused to talk of his SALT, LAKE CITY, UT The Presidential dunce average size of Utahs 118,986 fSm-llle- s Is 836 person according to HUSHDI BEY, foreign a report compiled from tho 1980 TEWFIK of Turkey, seems to consns and released through tho bo one of the most optimistic of tho department of commerce, Tho moot In tha state also In delegates to tho disarmament con- pepnlar 20686 family reporting this numference In Genera. Afer the ap- Is thro ber. There an 10,158 famllle how-- r, parently Irreconcilable views of the compooed of eight or more pergreat powers had been presented the Turk arose and told tho eenfer-enc- ron Rural and form families are that tho political Importance considerably larger than the dty of frontiers will soon ha negatived fomUle The avenge for the farm family Is 4.71 and for tho dty It la by fraternisation among nation 833; Tho report Shows that 66366 means Is rarest the which, he said. or mote than 48 per cent of U of arriving at disarmament. Turfamilies had no children under 1 key, he sold, has been aiming it of age. understandings with her neighbor yean UT The dty eomm?" OGDEN, alnation bat opposed any kind of Ion haa borrowed $300,000 fn liances except one an alliance tho banka to add to tho genen among nil nations against war. fund and tide tha dty over anti Ho supported tho French proposal taxes can be collected next alL for Internationalising civil aviation and urged prohibiting tho manufacOGDEN, UT At a meeting s' ture of offensive weapon tho courthouse of reproeentattvao Gernuny's proposals were sub of the American Legion, chamber mltted Thursday. They Included abo- ef eotamereo and relief organisalition of all air armament destruction plans won started for a 8 tion of air reserves of stock aboliday program to furnish work for tion of conscription, prohibition of Weber county unemployed, Involvheavy artillery and tank limitation ing help by the Utah state highway of the also of warships and prohibi- commission, Weber county and Ogtion of aircraft carriers and subden dty. marine TBEMONTON, UT Bear River Tha views of n score of minor valley grain growtn met recently In the dty and organised a local ef powers were laid before the deletho FarmerF National Grain cor gate (Ok HI Wsstan MnraDUsr Ualra.) poration. senators nt y. e |