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Show s 'That Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth NDEP The FOR HUMAN Vol. 1." Price 5c. 6 Months $1. I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE! thrill is felt to the often repeated Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States after one understands the principles of Natural government. One Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for alL" One nation." A nation where the people are one. Where sickness or distress of a single individual will be considered a misfortune to all. Indivisible." Not divided into classes of those who work and those who exploit. All members of the greatest civilization that has ever graced the earth, where each person produces according to his ability and the public need, but receives according to his own enlightened desires. With liberty." George Washington and his generation pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor" for the attainment of political liberty. Abarham Lincoln and his generation fought a war in which millions perished. That government of the people, by the people and for the people should not perish from the earth." Today the American Spirit of Give me liberty or give me death is awakennig from slumber in every city in the land. The most American and patriotic form of this awakening spirit of liberty is exemplified in the organization of the Natural Development Association. This association is just an example of the type that is springing up spontaneously in many sections of our country. And Justice. In the economic field justice has made great progress but the next time you make the pledge to the flag think not only of the great work done by our ancestors in bringing justice to. man except as such contemplation fires in your soul the spftifie determination sealed by a solemn oath to spend your life in carrying forward the struggle for justice. For all." Expresses the great and fundamental Americanism that what we have and what we shall attain in America is FOR ALL, not for any favored FEW. Repeat the pledge to Old Glory and in your heart of hearts answer to the question whether or not you are willing to live for America with the same unselfish devotion that caused our ancestors to die for America. Live for ALL. A new . THE SAFE COURSE We note that a great and learned man has said in effect that if the American government is not sensitive to the need of a new social and economic order it will not endure. We believe that he speaks the truth. The wise and peaceful acceptance of a new and way of doing our political business will save us. Nothing else will. The o.ld order cannot save us any more than the ox team can overtake the airplane. In the process of evolution it has died and refuses to be buried. There is nothing wrong with fundamental Americanism. What is wrong is with the financial and economic system that has taken control and management of the government and has been running it to suit its own wild and greedy will. That system has run us amuck, pushed our heritage into the quicksands, and try as it will, it cannot statesmen cannot see get us out. How strange it is that the a Ultle light, that they nave no vision. They are blind and deaf to the future and therefore cannot safely lead us. They see nothing but money, think nothing but money, act only in the interest of money. Human welfare has been pushed to a back seat and is completely submerged because of money. For fifty years we had a government of the people. All were happy, all had something and were more or less equal in station. A beggar could not be found. The jails were empty. Property was reasonably safe. Public honor was supreme. Official corruption was neglible. The people's ideals were above money and profit They had faith in their fellows and God. The true human being was a true standard of value. All has been changed by the corporate wealth which Lincoln saw in vision become enthroned. Its mad, ruthless sweep over everything has placed us in our present predicament It has put all things in commotion and now it cannot save us, try as it will. Our salvation from calamity is to adopt the new order and begin to turn out whole attention to human welfare and make money the servant, not the master. May God speed the day. ed We have laws in this country that will not allow the owner to turn his stock loose to starve. The law protects them from this injustice and yet, there is no law in the land protecting the millions of people who have been turned out, and are going to be turned out, to a worse fate than the dumb brutes. Can we call this civilization?" ORGANIZATION CAN BE MADE NATIONAL A GOOD MAN FOR BIG JOB Hon. Wm. R. Wallace, one of the outstanding business men of the community, was a speaker on the University Extensibn Course. His subject was, The Interdependence of Peoples in the New Age. Mr. Wallace is an educated man, has traveled extensively and been a keen observer of men and events. He was very much at home in handling the subject He is a Progressive democrat whose services to his party and to his state are second to the efforts of no other man. In season and out of season he has been his party's wheel horse. Now that the party is casting about for a candidate to succeed Senator Reed Smoot, it should center on this distinguished citizen, who could step into the U. S. Senate and be at home with the best of them. He has the ability, the mind and the heart for these strenuous times and would be true to every interest of the people. The Democratic party cannot do better than to select as its standard bearer this year the Hon. Wm. R. Wallace. And there are any number of voters who have so concluded. SPIRITUAL KINSHIP We have received a copy of the Llano Colonist, a good weekly paper published at New Llano, Louisiana, and which is the official organ of a colony based upon principles very similar to those underlying our Natural Development Association. We are glad to receive this paper and give our own in exchange. The colony mentioned has long been in successful operation and has done a great deal of good. It is good to feel that the idea of cooperation and coordination is growing and to know that elsewhere in the country there is to be found a spiritual kinship. SERVICES AVAILABLE The Natural Development Association, Inc., offers a very splendid service to its members. And these services are greatly worthwhile. For instance: You may have an abundance of vegetables. These you may turn into the Association and receive credit to the extent of their value. Against this credit you may draw such services as you may be ' in need of, carpentering, painting, labor, cleaning, barbering, etc. It is a system of exchange whereby both parties benefit, and is worth thinking about. Following is a list of services in the A and B class now available to all members: A Health Education Drayage Barber Carpenter Advertising Business & Vocational Guidance Tailoring & Dress Making Floor Surfacing Printing House Cleaning and Decorating Paper Hanging B Foods Clothing Gas & Oil Coal & Wood Beauty Parlor Service Soap & Cleanser Dental Health Service Natural Government Association, Keith Bldg, 3rd Floor, 246 So. Main. Phone Was. 7280. Office N ABOVE MONEY Edited by C. N. Lund ITS THE BALONEY Murray, SALT LAKE Co., Utah, February 27,1932 FOOD FOR THOUGHT THE MISCHIEF OF IMPERSONAL MONEY is worth wisdom Coolidge studying. He makes the wonderful and startling prediction that the future will either be better or Who else could have worse. thought of that? Westerners may learn something from him in his saying about the sheep business. What an understanding of the business he must have when he can speak as follows: Why dont you farmers go into the sheep business? My father made $75 out of it in one year." People uniformly attribute to the evil one that which they do not understand. Even great prevailing theological systems can be indicted for such superstitious nonsense." The people of this country should be uniformly free, happy and prosperous. But they are not. Thirf country has had advantages and opportunities unequaled in all history. We started with true liberty: we were free from poverty; we had free schools; our resources almost staggered belief. Why then is there not a more equitable distribution of the good things? Why are we not uniformly prosperous, content and happy? Because we have allowed to be built around us a financial and economic system which is wrong and unnatural, and which yearly drives vast numbers of good citizens into poverty. It is this system that must be changed before there can be anything like equality of freedom, prosperity and happiness. We owe It to ourselves and our children to change Heres z thought from Henry George: Our system ignores the fundamental law of justice. This denial of justice turns the blessings of material progress, into a curse. It crowds human beings into squalid tenements, prisons and brothels; robs women of grace and beauty and womanhood; takes from children the joy and innocence of lifes morning. Civilization so based cannot endure. The eternal law of the universe forbid it. Ruins of dead empires testify it, and the witness in every soul answers that it cannot be. Justice herself demands of us that we right the wrong. Let us proceed to do it. How soon shall we drive into the background the forces which have been making a byword of freedom, equality and justice? That is a question that is on the lips of many people today. They are becoming dissatisfied with existing conditions. They are inquiring into their causes and they are wondering if there is hope for the future. The more they talk, the more they become dissatisfied and the better it will be for human welfare. Eventually they will learn to unite and conclude that they have rights and powers which, if used, will remedy conditions. The right and power to agitate and vote is theirs and they must use it before their case becomes hopeless. While the Natural Development Association is at present but a local institution it can easily be extended to include the whole state, made to take in other states, and eventually become a national institution. It is at present endeavoring to prove in a practical way that it can succeed with a small group. It is succeeding and the group is growing larger and larger. It is but a matter of time until groups will be established in many of Utahs cities. And as we grow organizations Much of the collossal ignorance will be effected in neighboring states and gradually extended throughout the nation. We believe we have the means of temporal salvation for of the public is traceable to the darkest superstition that calls all all the people. great human advancement the work of the devil. . WELFARE-MA- It is commonly accepted that the wealthy are the aristocracy of this country. But the idea is false. "The true aristocracy of America, says one, lies still in genius, intellect and culture. It is the fine souls that serve us and not the fine society. Wealth and fine society do not make fine souls. In a letter, or was it an address? to President Hoover, asking feder- al aid for the unemployed. Governor Pinchot used the following words: You yourself have asked for appropriations by congress for relief of the needy men, women and children in distant parts of the world, and having obtained them, have supervised their expenditures. It would seem to be most opportune that you should do no less for our own needy here at home. But the President remains adamant to every proposal, every influence, every appeal Let them starve. - (The Llano Colonist) The present impersonal money is the prime incentive to most crimes under the sun, no matter whether based on the gold standard and silver standard or a man established legal tender basis which still will be liable to legislative juggling, as selfish scheming may dictate. Usurious financial methods are chiefly responsible for hard times and depression also. There would be no bank robbing, rum running, speculating with bank funds, breaches of trust of public officials or. other forms of peculation if impersonal money was entirely done away with. So long as it is maintained and the possessor of it can everywhere command all the necessaries, comforts, luxuries, and enjoyments of life and no questions asked, so long; will allkinds of crimes be perpetrated in brier to get it To gain this money ammunition manufacturers instigate wars to make business good for them. Mrs. Sarah E. V. Emery in her book, Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People, quotes the Hazzard circular, published at the time of the Civil IThe great debt that capitalists will see to is made out War, of war, must be used to control the volume of money." to-w- it: LET US UNITE AND SAVE OURSELVES The old system which enslaved our fathers made them think they could not live without it. It has now been proven to us that we cannot live with it The system of capital and labor has crumbled and fallen about the heads of those who have spent their lives as slaves to it. The security that we were taught could come only with wealth has failed miserably. We see laws multiplied to force people to be righteous. We see billions spent to try to enforce these laws. Criminals spend other millions to corrupt the officers chosen for enforcement. We see men and women, young and old placed in economic conditions that tend to force them into lives of crime and dishonor. We see the rich in a place of honor the poor Christian in rags, without influence. Our Intermountain homeland blessed, above all parts of the earth by nature, has become the home of "Hewers of wood and drawers of A wealthy man in the Intermountain Country can scarcely water. be found. AH are in the bondage of debt. These conditions have developed in spite of the fact .that we have been for decades careful students of the "precepts of men. All are like boys who have been playing marbles. Most have lost all their marbles and now are grieving the lives away. Some are laying awake nights with worry; others are having nervous breakdowns; suicides have increased tremendously. They are taking the game much more seriously than they did marbles. Are they not taking it too much to heart? We have herds of sheep, rich acres of land, bins of wheat, pits of potatoes, abundance of all sorts of labor and resources. Do we not realize that there are other games to play? There is now an organization formed and in operation which is destined to change conditions. It is incorporated as The Natural DeMonths of careful planning and organization velopment Association. have taken place. Members have associated themselves together and dedicated their lives to working for the welfare of each other and mankind. We ask you to investigate with a view of becoming a member. You should understand the changes that are taking place about you. If you understand these things you will cease to sorrow at the apparently unreasonable hardships, and you will see the purposes of the Almighty in process of fulfillment. You will look forward with joy to a reign of peace, culture, prosperity and human welfare such as the earth has never experienced, and this will not be in the years far hence, but during the time of our lives. No. 7. EDWIN BAIRD Ask fifty persons any fifty how we got in this mess were in, and what do you hear? Mostly baloney. Ask fifty more how to get out, and whats the answer? More baloney. A naked savage from the jungles would be amazed at our plight. He would wonder why, with more things than we need, we are all in such bitter distress. of A great surplus of food, and millions hungry. An of homes, and milA clothing, and millions lions homeless. Why? "Nobody has any money to spend, the wise eggs will tell you. Baloney again! There is even a surplus of money. Money in itself of course, means nothing. You cant eat it. You can't drink it. You cant wear it. If you made a bonfire of all the money in the world you would destroy nothing of value. If its not lack of money, what, then, is wrong? From the welter of blah and hokum and never have I heard so much of both I an answer stands forth like the Lindbergh beacon: Lack of leadership. Lack of leadership in Washington, in corporations, in banks, in labor unions, in press and pulpit and public office. Lack of leadership, but no lack of graft! While the nation's millions are lost in the wilderness, with nobody to lead them out, our office holders play at politics, bank presidents cruloot their banks. Wall Street pirates rob the public, Janus-face- d saders fill their pockets from fake charity drives, and labor racketeers mulct their unions like leeches bleeding a helpless beast. Graft, lechery, greed everywhere. And nobody does anythingabout it.- - A sort of paralysis has gripped the nation. A strange inertia has seized its millions. Many of those millions today are starving starving in the midst of plenty. Nothing like this could happen in my country, that naked savage would tell you and he would tell no lie. The only countries on earth today that are not in the throes of this insane Depression are the countries we call uncivilized. And that, you can bet, is not baloney. over-supp- ly super-abundan- ce d. IS HE CRAZY? I met a MAN One DAY. He was TALL And he had a broad INTELLIGENT forehead. Dark brown eyes THAT Somehow seemed HONEST And inspired CONFIDENCE And MADE you stop And THINK. glorified way, a kings highway, leading onward and upward to light, liberty, truth and happiness We and the more abundant life. have not yet begun to live. ia A teacher found a certain pupil was starving. She took the girl home and fed her for a few weeks to build her up. The change in the child was startling. She grew bright and pretty and gay. She fw. . loved her lessons. She was a difHE spoke to ferent person. That shows what ME And I listened AND may be done by feeding starved children. This nation can never reHe TOLD me pay in time or eternity the harm it SOMETHING, is doing to its childhood by letting MOST people dont say anyit starve. Its sin and hypocrisy thing, He thought MEN SHOULD BE mounts to heaven. EQUAL Time was when anyone possessAnd HUMAN welfare Should come BEFORE ing and operating a radio, back in 1650, for instance, would undoubtMONEY. PRACTICING WHAT WE PREACH edly have gotten himself burned at the stake for being possessed of His IDEAS were and what The publishers of this paper are practicing they preach the devil. ALTRUISTIC write. Thq castles we have been building in the air are now having And his LOGIC was foundations put under them. The organization is perfected and working. AIRTIGHT and easy to New Moores Almanac We have set up in the midst of the chaos of the present, a system of UNDERSTAND, and sure one the and this of and coordination is effort, cooperation And he had a SYSTEM of Predicts Russ Famine permanent solution. LIVING in peace and prosperity London. The "renewal of world Ours is not a charitable organization, but a business corporation. That will WORK. prosperity and a wave of famln Charity at best can only tide people through a period of trouble and cure. does not disease and pestilence In Russia lx the It existed at as leaves the same conditions beginning. BUT he wants no the next two years was predicted In If there was turned to the Natural Development Association the money MONEY and that is used for charity we could start the army of unemployed on the the Old Moore Almanac for 193 I cant explain that, SO road to permanent prosperity, independence and happiness. We could Just Issued. be CRAZY. He must put them in decent homes, on farms, in shops, in trades, in various The famous almanac, which corBUT somehow I ways of manufacturing, etc. It is time the people turned their attention LIKE him and I rectly forecast the formation of a to this matter and assure for themselves a temporal, salvation against Like his IDEAS British coalition government In Its the turbulent times ahead. The gate to freedom is open. SO 1930 edition, predicted the followI GUESS I ing events: Must BE More settled conditions in India Chaos or Cooperation. This earth on which we live belongs to too. CRAZY, God and he wants all his children to have access to its resources, to and the downfall of some of the Nationalist leaders (presumably some enjoy ample supply of all their necessities and find happiness here and now. God never turned this earth over to a select few, to exploit it FOOD FOR THOUGHT such as Mahatma Gliandi) In the masses while the in unexampled luxury and their fellow men, to indulge Life should not be a drudgery. next year. are in misery and starving." It should not be filled with fear and The illness or death of a member It should not be of British royalty In April apprehension. moto given worry. Every waking A naval disaster at the end ment should not have to be spent of grave FOOD FOR THOUGHT May. on a material plane in order to An outbreak of hostilities early make a livelihood. There should CONTRIBUTED never be lack of opportunity for next summer. A British government crisis In True patriotism and citizenship of the United States of America, every soul to obtain the necessities at this critical solemn, hour and time of a great National, as well as a of life, for broad education, for culworld crisis, before and upon us, can only be proven by each law ture, for true happiness and the Important constitutional changes, to of human social con- reduction of taxation and expansion abiding, loyal and patriotic citizen to go quickly to work and learn pleasantest the tacts with our fellows. Under a of British appreciate the great sacrifices of the thirteen colony pilgrims and exports. true patriots of those days, when they stood up against oppressive and natural system of econfree- right of true the for stand to principles and up learn speedily omics and finance life should be England dom and liberty and the protective laws of the original constitution, of Union this brave the citizens for secured which blessings were all at this time, by the brave martyrs of those days and times of freeing themselves from a despotic government. These same principles must be applied again today by each citizen of these Western States for a true reformation in our government system of today, which surely needs a great cleaning up, yea, even a Office of the Progressive Independent, 206 Scott Bldg: thorough house cleaning from top to the bottom. Dr. CHARLES H. DUNN, DENTIST Therefore, true patriotism and genuine loyalty likewise, has to be the pilgrim martyrs proven right now, to those noble sacrifices of .noble 303 Felt Bldg. - Opposite Federal Bldg. and laws they principles of those days and all the protective Office Phone Was. 2796. -- Hre. 9 to 12, 1 to 4:30 brought forth under the guidance of divine providence for its citizenshipa to enjoy; and it is hoped that in tl.;se Rocky Mountains there is need MAGDIEL BUILDING CO. we people united, which is ready now for the great emergency and of the hour that those noble principles, laws and rights of men and of true citizenship shall be preserved by an intelligent, fearless people Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more than before any man or set of men; so that, a just and true government the Are trap. And they are the last word in beauty, modern system shall remain and be truly and fully preserved and defended so: W That a government of the people, by the people and for the people style and comfort. Call ns at Was. 5839 remain to but improveforever, subject shall not perish from the earth, RADIO TRICIAN Sets installed, ment and constant reformation in the defense and true application of the principles of justice and righteousness unto humanity only. JOHN DOE. adjusted, repaired by Roman G Moncur, 1543 There is considerable difference between Washington the patriot and statesman and some of our present day politicians. Washings ton gave $20,000 of his own money to help equip the army. He gave his time and never asked for any renumeration during the war. He served eight years as president GOLD AND GOLD CERTIFICATES without a cent of pay. And he did it in the interest of and for the welCONTRIBUTED fare of his people, never thinking of self for a single moment in any There are two classes of money in the United States charged to material sense. We have no Wash- circulation, that is entirely used as reserves or stored away in vaults. It is gold coin and gold certificates. There is $368,488,000 in gold coin ingtons today. and $1,1 1 7,61 5.000 in gold cirtificates; as reported in the federal reserve It is quite common, and so very Bulletin, January, 1930. The requirement of the United States government and the Federal easy, for people to cling to the old ways, to walk the beaten paths. reserve banks has made gold and gold certificates for the people a They shy at anything new. The thing of the past. For the last 10 years all banks in the United States, new idea, the new thing, has to 'reporting to the controller of currency, have not held at any time fight for its life. All good is con- $100,000,000 in gold and gold certificates. In 1929, all banks held demned at the beginning. When $74,605,000 in both classes of money and the 24,079 banks in 1930 held wrong and injustice are once $72,625,000 in gold and gold certificates. The average gold and gold started they continue and persist certificates held by the 24,097 banks is: $3,098 per bank and was and have to be overcome by a divided about as follows: gold $1,000 and gold certificates about $2,000 better and stronger force. Those which should be considered as a reserve. There is not one dollar of of us who are proposing to over- gold or a gold certificate, circulating in the United States unrestricted. come depression, poverty, ignor- As soon as a gold coin or a gold note enters a bank, it is classified and ance, etc., are opposed by the in- laid away as areserve and is not paid out by the banker only on special trenched system, but we hope to demand or in case of necessity. Showing beyond any doubt that there make headway and do something is $1,486,093,000 of an over charge to circulation. worthwhile for human welfare. J. E. EDMUNDS. 1 mid-Jul- THE PEOPLES PAPER Subneribe anl Help a Great Coiinc specialize in EXPERT Laird Ave, Hy 3340 J CHIROPRACTOR-D- r. Hyrum Smith, Specialist (or Nervous, Rheumatic and Respiratory disorders. Painless. 41 E. 1st No. Was. 6147 CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK Let us remodel Your home. You do not need money, just products. Was. 7280 for information. BEEHIVE BARBER aid BEAUTY PARLOR 30 South State Street Complete and Perfect Professional Service THE WASATCH PRESS 206 Scott Bldg. Good Printing for Less Patronize your and thepeope's friend C. N. Lund |