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Show THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT l&n Sally Sez SJaims,l'IKal'ini JMM When TEETHING makes HIM FUSSY On of the most Important things a teething baby comfortable la to Bee that little bow da do their work of carrying off waste matter promptly and regular-ly- . Tor this nothing la better than Oaatorla, a pur vegetable preparation specially made for babies and children. Gastorln acts so gently yoa can give It to young infants to rollers colle. Yet It la always effMtiv for older children, too. Bemember, Oaatorla contains no Marik drive, no narcotics la absolutely harmless. When your baby la fretful with teething or a food npaet give a deansing dose of Oaatorla. Be sure yon get genuine Oaatorla with the yon can do to make T T TEhad to cut down expenses, YV so my husband did his share by switching to Target and rolling his own cigarettes. I frit Ml of sorry for him at first, but I notice cheerfol than ever. He tril me that Target roila Life often seems a bit unfair. To one whos crippled, or in n up into dgarettee that look and s. taste Ska chair", Target la for every care. the same mixture of foreign and Bnt theres And helping hands our fate will domestic tobaccos that tha ready- share. mades nae. Yon get 40 special PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY gummed papers free. No wander my husbend tells me hes glad he (A changed. He's getting more cigarette pleasure than ever, and were 0B saving about enough to pay for Briefly Told Haste Impulse manages things badly. CHILbHNICMfelOl Goad Word for the Sparrow Yield Investigators of the Pennayt ante state game commission hare discovered that the English sparrow, commonly regarded as nothing bat a pest, has soma economic value. They YOUR WOOL CAN BE EXCHANGED FOB FINE WOOLEN MERCHANDISE Original Utah Woolen Mills BALT LAKE CITY reported that the sparrows attack and eaf the Japanese beetle, plant pest that, has cause considerable damage fia Infested area 'Keep Coo! with. Coolidge1 He Kept Us Out of War I" Hctsco! Depression Chet Widespread Secret "Their engagement la n secret" "So everybody Is saying." Mangwa, Tokyoi Throat and Bronchial Trouble Overcomo I Ogden, Utah have had quits a lot of throat and bronchial trouble, would have spells of bronchitis some of which were very seven. 1 would be left with a cough and choke up with phlegm," laid Mrs. J. hf . Wells of 1071 SulvwAve. I took Dr. Fima's Golden Medical Discovery and it has entirely rid me of this trouble. 1 have never bed a spell of bronchitis sines talcing this medicine. 1 have also advised others to take it, and they have been greatly helped." Alldruggist. N. T, away Saida cl Dr. Pierces Discovery Fukien's Slav Yalr Patient What would yon advise mo to do, doctor? Family Physician Either go South for the winter or else put mi mors clothes Boston Transcript Young people of today onjoy that young pooplo have never Ub-ertl- enjoyed before in an history. Salt Lake Citys 9nert Hotel HOTEL TEMPLE 200 Rooms democratic Ideals had become considerable of an aristocrat. la that the Presidential campaign I beginning to warm up, the sloganeers So when the Whigs nominated the type of man I will soon be busy Inventing apt and that Andrew Jackson bad once been a frontiers1 catchwords with man, an Indian fighter and n military hero, the which to charm the ear of the voter. nation waa ready to turn (to state it paradoxfrom a Democrat who waa an aristocrat Already senatorial groups In both ically) to a Whig who waa a democrat Unwittingly n parties have chosen from those sub- Democratic newspaper gave the Whig candidate mitted in n recent contest mottoes which they hope will advance the the greatest boost It could possibly have given cause of their standard-bearer- s the him. Sneering at his Intellectual caliber (which I admittedly waa small) It said, "Give him a barrel Democrats with their "Hee-haWe're coming back I" and the Repub- of cider In a log cabin the remainder of his By ELMO 8COTT WATSON "I can remember when butter waa 80 cents a pound and egge were dO cents a dozen." "Teh, those were the good old dayelf 1 CAch month, HUSBANDS, PLEASE 200 Tile Bathe Radio connsctipa ia a RATES ROM flJO Jbupwhlbica ? BRNB8T C. ROSSITBR. ifgr. NOTE! riiihfhsi rear owa tram TASSET. Bay a packofTAKOET.KatlyomdfBftaSB hranty wakas. IfyouAoalsaythty ars the best dssrettss you hay srsr imnkfd, rrfiira the half opty pack pour drain's and yea'll set your rsU ato THIS WEEKS PRIZE STORY I T I 1v licans with their Prosperity Is Returning Dont life." And what a godsend that waa to the Whigs 1 Throw It In Reversal" And already there are the log cabin and tha hard cider Immediately of both value the to slogans, diumtlng opinions both of which have been characterized as un-l- barrel became their symbols and Harrison's record furnished them the ringing passioned, uninspired and uninspiring." So it would seem that there's still a chance to coin war cry of "Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too!" Just n phrase which will play its part In electing our for good measure they threw In a few pointed next President and. If we may Judge by past remarks at Van Buren, such as "Van, Van is a Man" and "With Tip and Tyler Well history, that slogan may be brought into being Used-U-p at the most unexpected time and under the most Bust Van's Bller. They also anticipated the unexpected circumstances any time between full dinner pall appeal to tha voter with "Vans now and November & Policy: Fifty Cents a Day and French Soup; How potent n Slogan may be In winning for Our Policy: Two Dollars a Day and Boast n Presidential candidate (and also for losing Beef." one I) Is easily seen by an examination of AmerFour years later the campaign witnessed not ican political history. The first effective nee of only the appearance of the first "dark horse In the campaign slogan was away back In 1800 a Presidential campaign bnt also another telling when the Republican party (which later became slogan. The "dark horse" was James K. Polk of the Democratic) raised the cry of "Equal rights Tennessee and the slogan waa Fifty-FoForty for all; apodal privileges for none 1" In protest or Fight I At that time the United States waa against the aristocratic tendencies of the Fed- involved In two disputes, one with Mexico over eralist party and swept Thomas Jefferson Into Texas and tha other with Great Britain over the office over John Adams, who was a candidate Oregon country. The Democrats stood for for of the Oregon country and of Texas." The Fifty-Fou- r Then followed 24 years of rale by the. VirForty or Fight" ginia dynasty" Jefferson, Uadlaon and Monroe represented die northern boundary line which and the Federalist party disappeared from the the United States demanded 64 degrees, 40 minWhat we actually got scene, leaving only the Republicans, who now utes, north, latitude. called themselves Democrats, with various fac- (and not by fighting either, but by arbitration) tions within the party. In 1824 there were four was 48 degrees. So the slogan didn't mean so outstanding candidate John Quincy Adams, much after the election, but It did play a vital Monroe's secretary of state; William Crawford, part In deciding the election In Polks favor, as his secretary of the treasury; Henry Clay, a did the slogan "Polk and Texas; Clay and No member of the house of representatives, and Texas In regard to the Texas question. Andrew Jackson, n member of the senate. In the war with Mexico which followed so soon In the election Jackson led In both the popular after Polks election one of our victorious genand tha electoral vote hot did not have a ma- erals was Zachary Taylor and from an Incident jority. So the election was thrown into the In the battle of Buena Vista cams a slogan house of representatives and there Clay threw which helped elect Taylor President In 1818. It his rapport to Adams, reuniting In his election. waa the famous "A little more grape, Captain When the new President Adams offered Clay the Bragg" which struck tha popular fancy as being post of secretary of state; Jackson adherents Jut what a great military commander would say raised tha cry of "Bargain and Corruption ! under the circumstances. What he actnally did They kept that slogan warm for four years and aay on that occasion waa the laconic "Give em In the election of 1828 it helped Jackson defeat belli" But that didnt matter so much as the Adams and sent him to the White House, there fact that the combination of the "grape" slogan to stay for eight years.. In tha meantime tha and his popular nickname of "Old Rough and Whig party had been formed but Its strength Ready (so reminiscent of "Old Hickory and In the 1832 campaign waa divided and Jackson "Old Tippecanoe) had much the same appeal as again was an easy winner. (he Jackson combination and the Harrison comWhen "Old Hickory" was through with being bination of Hogan and nickname. President be passed his mantle along to his In the same year waa born a slogan that cry secretary of state, Martin Van Boren, who waa talllzed In popular phraseology the most fateful elected In 1836 over four Whig candidates, one movement In American history. It was "Free of them, William Henry Harrison. Then came Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor and Free Men, the famous campaign of 1840 when a slogan very taken from a plank In the platform of the Free definitely von an election. This time one of the Soil party of 1848, the forerunner at the Repubdefeat! id Whig candidates of the previous elec- lican party that nominated and elected Abraham tion waa swept into office on a platform of slo- Lincoln In 1860, The stirring campaign of 1800 gans and aonga. was fruitful In Hogans, as it was one of the bitAffairs had gone badly for Van Buren during terest In our history. Among them were, Milhis four years. They had been four years of lions for Freedom, Not One Cent for Slavery, "continued executive autocracy, of undlmlnlshed "Intervention Ia Disunion," "Popular Sovereignty official partisanship, of Increasingly violent In- and National Union, "Free Homes for Free terference with the fiscal system of the nation, Men, "The Constitution and the Union, Now of unrelenting administrative abuse of power." and Forever," "Let Liberty Be National and There had been a panic and Van Buren waa pro- Slavery Sectional," and scores of others, on both posing measures which might upset the financial sides of tha slavery controversy, In Hmllar apstability of the nation. Then, too, this Presi- pealing strains. Numerous catch pn rases were dent wlw was supposed to be an upholder of woven about tha title "Old Abe" and "Tha RaU- India- m n-fighting The West has been my home for many years. I have received my education here, taught school here, married and farmed here, and am raising my children here. Surely Intenuountain made goods deserve my support, but this obligation groves to my advantage for I buy superior goods at lower prices. MRS. A. F. HITT, Filer, Idaho. splltter" and Lincoln himself set current a her of dignified political maxima that were adopted aa Hogau by the orators, such as "A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand and Slavery Ia a Moral, Social and Political Wrong." Grants famous "Let Ua Hava Peace was nsed to good advantage aa a slogan in electing the "Man from Appomattox" bnt the corruption which marked hla two administration! provided the Democratic opponents of hla eucceesor, Hayes, with the beat possible type of slogan. So Til-de-n SORTER WALTONCO.1 and Reform echoed throughout the camfor the 1876 as a cry in rallying powerful paign Democrats. By all the rules of Hogan logic, the brevity and the force of that slogan should Bead fa FREE CAMDEN BOOK have won for Tllden but election boards and an Contain 10S poem fully illustrated. Addxraa Balt Laka City. Utah electoral commlsrion decided otherwise. In the campaign of 1884 there waa a case of CLAUDE NEON LIGHTS history repeating Itself in that; Just aa In the case of Harrison and the Whigs In 1840, CleveElectrical Products Corkbation land and the Democrats profited by a blunder Balt Lake City B& Main IMS In that year Blaine made by the opposition. waa the Republican candidate and hla PresiMany Feed on Acorns dential aspirations were favored by hla nickThe acorn crop is appreciated not names of the "Plumed Knight" and the "Rupert by small animals bnt by bean of Debate" aa well aa by the tuneful quality of only deer as well. and the rallying cry of "Blaine; Blaine; Blaine of Maine. These were offset, however, somewhat by "Nosey Blaine," "The Tattooed Man and "Jim, the Penman," the latter referring to the fanmn tM Ohb, Salih, its nil z tha familys bread and butter TsapaylassUisiiima biddy c IHEWLET.T'SI CAS TO Rl A Hob " ready-made- anase SupremeJJarnV i cheat to Improve blood drcuhtioa and pteetog. k cooptation. Jan end s hes more mous Mulligan NEWa vote-gettin- House. Sometimes n slogan will have a " after it has accomplished Its purposs Thera la no doubt but that "He Kept Ua Out of War" helped neb Letters Bnt the fatal blow to hla chances waa struck when an enthusiastic Blaine supporter, Rev. R. B. Burchard declared in n speech that all conscientious Americana should vote the Republican ticket because the Democrats stood for Blaine was "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion. present at the time bnt did not hear him distinctly enough to realize the gross error and to repudiate this slur upon the religious belief of millions of Americans 8o tha Hogau which the Republicans had attempted to tack on the Democrats proved to be a boomerang and aided In defeating their candidate Cleveland's first campaign contributed "The Man' of Destiny and "Tell the Troth to the Hogan stock, both of which had a strong appeal to the voters The tariff campaigns were prolific with slogans among tha most telling ones were "Protection and Prosperity," "Free Trade and Pauperized Labor" and "Free Trade and the Destruction of American Industries which the practical Mark g Hanna boiled down Into the slogan of "The Foil Dinner PaH." William Jennings Bryan, who la associated in most Americana' memory with Clay, Tllden and Blaine aa men "who Just missed the Presidency, had a strong slogan strong in Its brevity and Its capability of being easily remembered In hla But It wasnt strong enough "Sixteen to Ons to win the election for him the first time he tried and he never waa able to get another which brought him any nearer to the White "kick-back- Woodrow Wilson In 191& y Which I It, Umps? She was addressing n group of eager wldooyed children at the regular library story hour. "Today, boys and girls, I am going to tril yon n real scary story about a vampire. Yon know what a vampire la, don't your Oh, rare, answered one sophisticated youngster scornfully. "Yon mean the one who decides In n baseball game. "Ho, ho," laughed another in deri-rio"Listen to him. Hes talking n. MOTOR OIL Free From Carbon about an empire." With modem methods, the first Willing Helper cremation took place in tha creJack waa eager to help hla mother at near London, can pears and Hie said: "Yon better matory Working, in 1985. go piny; they ire hard to pool. I didnt want to peel, but I can ABTIFICIAL LIKE CO. help by eating tha cores to dean up Traaaaa ArtiSeial Ltnba tha mesa," replied the willing Bras Arab Crutchaa L Supports Elastic Bolster Kataaaloa Shots EatablUhfd la Balt Laka la 1S0S Ph. Waa. SM4 Satiaf actisa Cearmntaad UIW.nUBa I Balt Labs Ctty. UL For Stomachs PLAN SPRING PLOWING... with use of "Caterpillar" Tractor oldest and leading track-typ- e tractor. Prominent farmers owe success to these machines. Writs for descriptive catalogs. TEMPORARILY Out-of-Ord- er am Omri--Ml AwU ha eflewodter.a,tl,.fl attach itaalf.Cbeebtta eaeawitb a car as twoaf GaiOaldTaa. A aaad aM faAieaad, Mad Bad nab oral faaiady, U Soahas tfea bowaW, sdawlatas ihllUk liras ead rsaewe doodbaaltb ad aa actlra SacoraaiMdad by mmay laadld, cmla mats. Aa aaWlafariienarase Cat&nilJar Landes Tractor A Equipment Co. Balt Laka City Bad Trowsatoa, Utah SPERE TENT & AWNING Co. TUPLE Everything In Canvas Goods ITS SO. WEST Ana then fate decreed that with Hx months after The express Ion, "On with the hla election we should bo In and not "rat" of dance" is a line from Childs Harwar. "Too Proud to Fight waa another phrase old, by Lord Byron. that haunted him. Atk Tear Druggist Far Aa for the slogans of recent years, they are too familiar to most of ua to need much comment. America turned "Back to Normalcy" AN DfTEBMOUNTAIN PNODUCT with Warren G. Harding In 1020, In 1824 when the Democrats hoped that It was restless under Republican misrule and hot for n change; they WMk wil1 CB AH learned that It had decided to "Keep Cool With paid for the best Instead of vote for "Better Days Coolidge article on Why you In 1928 the Democrats, wearing a With Davis should n a a Intermountain brown derby and ringing "The Sidewalks of New made Goods" Similar to York" asked America to remember lte "Eight above. Send your story In Years of Wall Street" and to "Give Main Street prose or vent to Intermounn Chance." But Instead of heeding this advice tain Products Column, P. O. America voted for "Hoover and Prosperity." Box 1545, Balt Lake City. If What Hogans America will be repeating this your atory appears in this year will depend upon who la nominated at the column yon will AA two conventions In Chicago next June and which receive check for VwiUU better the of the two slogans will ha dewill be cided at the polls In November. W. N. Ur S. L. Week No. 8208 (0 by Vatin Newspaper Cites) War-wear- I Gnamatee to Kedeea Taar Welsh Without DM. Dnui or Eaarciaas. i wka trial treatment and fraa booklet. Kays tana Ca. 1111 B. srmont. Lea Anialaa, CallL APEX ASPIRIN 50-wo-rd 0 GARFIELD TEA aAVUanlJkadittSfamk Lost Opportunity Lady Why arent yon n successful business man? Tramp Yon see, lady, I waited me time in school Instead of selling new papers. NIP CHEST COLDS, QUICK WITH HEAT OF RED PEPPERS RtUeves Almost Instantly To break np congestion, to restore free circulation and slop chest colds ... to alleviate the circulate ry pains and achoa of iheumatiom, nountu; lumbago . Naturo has stored np fa rod pep--i n mnrrelous therapeutic neat mol itrmtea deeply into Inc skin intnaut t or burning end swiftly brings ow this genuine red peppeie heat ia contained ia an ointment, Rowlma Rod Pepper Nufc As ton nib it on you'll feel betlos. And fa 3 minutes relief come Drag slews tell RowJee Rad Pepper Rub. Try it W. N. U, Salt Lake City, Nay M2 |