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Show THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Planes Carry Relief to Trapped Indians LlercolizedWax Keeps Skin Young Fur Trappers Kept la Touch With the World The Hudson's Bay company, one of the oldest of trading companies, is taking steps to keep aome of the world's loneliest men in touch with civilization. Its trappers spend the Arctle rewinter in the gions, many of them three or four weeks' Journey from the nearest post at which supplies can be obtained.. Now an airplane service has been Instituted to care for these lonely men. In the past they have come Into contact with civilization often only once s year, during their annual visits to the company's trading posts, and supplies hava been taken to them during the summer by trading ships. Now they will be within three days' Journey of the great cities of Canada, from which the 800 r airplanes will set out, bearing mails and newspaper!, food and clothing Each airplane can carry three tons. The machines are fitted with skis, which enable them to land on snow or lcei Besides taking goods to the trappers they will bring back fore. nA veMai aaifMUaa jinpinr. fib to lha lMd MdwMr.TwrwlinhwniMto.M J SiwilnSI,,,, IHOmU for-awa- Orthography Frederick spelled badly and received very poor grades. One day lie returned with a paper well sprinkled with the usual crosses. Bis mother looked It over. Here Is one word marked wrong that Is right," she said. No, she knows," replied the lad hopelessly. Ton must show it to your teacher, anyway, said his mother. Frederick did as he was told and returning to his mother, reported: "She was right," he said, "ahe says does not spell canoe." that horse-powe- Aspirin huge Curtin "Condor bombardment planes of the Eleventh bombardment squadron that took off from Riverside. Calif, and carried food, clothing and medical aid to the Indians trapped in the anow blizzards north of Winslow, Aria. This was the only means of reaching the stranded Indiana. ' BEWARE OF IMITATIONS OLD LEE HOME IS BEING RESTORED Will Revive Life and Cul- ture of Old South. Va. Stratford Hall, Richmond, homestead of the Lee family In Virginia, a center of historical Interest end a symbol of the life and culture of the Old South, has been saved for posterity. Through the LOOK for the name Bayer and tfae efforts of the United Daughters of word genuine on die package as the Confederacy and the Lee Memopictured above when you buyAspirin. rial foundation the mortgage on tbe i'll know that you are estate In Westmoreland county has been paid off and the last obstacle to tbe preserBayer Aspirin is SAF& as millions vation of the mansion as a national of users have proved. It does not shrine baa been removed, says the depress the heart; and no harmful New York Times. follow its use. ts There remains now the work of Boyer Aspirin is the universal renovating the fine old bouse and antidote for pains of all kindfc restoring the extensive grounds Neuritis Headaches whlcb formerly made It one of the Colds Neuralgia j; how places of the state, and this Sore Throat Lumbago work will proceed as fundi for the i . Toothache Rheumatism purpose are made available. Within Genuine Bayer Aspirin to aold a n abort time plantation all druggist in boxes of 12 and in lifereasonably of the Eighteenth century will bottles of24 and 100. of Bayer be resumed there In all Its picturAspirin is the trade-mari- e esque phases. of manufacture Completion of tbe purchase fund of aalicy licadd. marked the close of another chapter In e dramatic story which bad Its Ready for the Plugs start In Greenwich, Conn, early In Ts this the broker she asked. Mrs. Charles D. Lanier of No," he replied, aa ha adjusted 1928L Greenwich, bead of tbe William hie halo. Alexander, Jr, chapter of tbe United Daughters of the Confederacy, while rummaging through a devk which Mrs. belonged to her mother-in-law- , Sidney Lanier, widow of tbe poet, came upon a penciled manuscript by Lanier, until then not known to Robs on o3... gets exIaL The paper proved to be speech op right away Thant nothing like he bad made In Macon, Ga, in 1870, on the death of General Lee, In good old 8L Jacob whlcb he urged the establishment Oil for NUering the aches and pains of of n memorial "by contributions ai Neuritis, Rheumahall be within the compass of the tism, Lumbago; Backache, Neuralgia humblest citizen who loved him and oc sm Muscles. You mb it on. Without burning or blistering it --quickly who desires tbe grateful privilege draws out pain and Inflammation. of laying something on hie tomb." On tbe following day Mrs. Lanier Relief comae before you can count SOI received a letter from a friend deQet a email bottle from your druggist. scribing s visit to 8tratford and A little man can attract aa much asking why It could not be preattention as a big one when It comes served. On tbe same morning she to punching and punishing sn auto called a meeting of her organisamobils horn. tion, which resulted In the adoption of resolution! looking to tiia acquisition of the homestead. After month of negotiations arrangements were made with Charles E. Stuart, the owner, for its purchase, end the Robert EL Lee Memorial foundation was formed to acquire tbe property end conduct a campaign for contributions In all rr. eleven-bundred-ac-re after-effec- Bedridden with Rheumatism t DARKEN GRAY HAIR NATURALLY REAL POLICE DOG' Easy to do flu quick way Cnt dye hair. quick, simple any to darken gray sir naturally so nobody can tell estore its original Shade safely and s easily as brushing. It makes the air healthy. Finest way known to et rid of gray hair, as thouranda nake so much trouble, You chew nuch food with them. STOP THAT GOLD it so often leads to something serious generally icsprads h the. Sift to good old Mueterob mXr..lnn Should be more effective if camphor, menthol and other helpful gredients brings relief naturally In restoring the plantation with Its Colonial atmosphere and Its arts and Industries as panned two cen- - in- Four Eclipses Are Predicted for 1932 Wooster, Ohio. Meteoric showers and fonr eclipses will be the highlights of 1082, Dr. Benjamin F. Vanney of Wooster college predicts Two partial eclipse of the years Children need no urging to take It They love Its rich, fruity flavor. Nothing can compete with It as a but certain laxatlvs and It tls moon will occur on- March 22 farther than this It gives tons and and September 14. being visstrength to the stomach and bowels ible In various sections of so these organs continue to set norNorth America. On March 7 mally, of their own accord. It stimuan annular eclipse of the sun lates the eppetlts helps digestion. will take place In Australia. A Kansas mother, Mrs Dans Alt On August 21 the United glre, 610 Monroe St, Topeka, says: States will be treated to toBonnie B. Is absolutely the picture tal eclipse of the sun. of health, now, with her ruddy cheeks Between November 11 and bright eyes and plump but grscefol 17 a Leonid meteoric shower, little body end ahe stands at the top comparable to the memorable In every health test 'one of 18GC, can be expected. Much of the credit for her perfect condition Is doe to California Fig Syrap Wa hava used It since baby hood to keep her bowels active dartnries ago, the old brick and saw ing colds or any childrens ailments mill, wblcb la now In rains will be re- and she has had an easy time built end placed In operation. Spin- with them. always She always responds to ning, weaving and wrought-lro- n Its gentle urging and Is quickly baric craftsmanship will be practiced for to normal." the enlightenment of visitors and Ask your druggist for California students The tobacco warehouse Fig Syrap and look for the word will be reconstructed, and scenes of "California on the carton so youll the old planting season revived. the genuine. get always The old kitchen, with its fireplace, will be fired again, and History From Trass tbe tall brick wall again will bide For s quarter of a century Dr. the culinary operations from alien Douglass of tbe University of Arieyes sons baa studied tbe rings which The Garden Clubs of Virginia will mark the annual growth of trees. He tbe restoration complete picture lemonatrated that the rings formed with landscaping, terraces flowers each year vary In width In direct and rare shrubs inch as ones were to the amount of rainfall proportion the pride of the Lees and the dea wet year produces a thick ring of tbelr many distinguished and vice verso. Tree growths In the light guests giant sequoias of California were traced back three thousand years. Doctor Douglass made an unbroken annual calendar back to 700 A. D. By the study of timbers taken from pueblos he gave exact dates of events flow from tbe park waa sent to the In the history of those Indian peoples Great Slave region, since that time back as far ns the Eighth century. both means have been adopted to To keep clean and healthy take Bn keep the number within bounds PtereeW Fleaaaai Pellet. They regulate The surplus buffalo transferred to liver, bawds end etomachv Aar. the Great Slave by rail and scow live In a vast game preserve of Migratory Waistlines aquere miles, said to be the The waistline of the members of largest of Ita kind on the continent. the "fair sex" has now returned to Tbe slaughtering of buffalo helps almost the normal level after having In a amnlkway toward reimbursing slipped down almost to the knees. the government for Its expenditures These vagaries; however. Ilka the In behalf of the herd. rest of fashion's fancies, are no new and In an old French book Marked Progress Shown thing, published In 1820; when George IV in Orthopedic Surgery was king, we find this sentence: to a part of tha body, Kansaa City, Mo. Marked im- "The waist whose length, breadth, shortness, or In provement orthopedic surgery to entirely regulated by was noted In a meeting of the sec- smallness which sometimes does not fashions; tional Clinical Orthopedic society appear to allow of any. here: Dr. Willis C. Campbell, Memphis, MilLiom for Candle, president of the American Ortho Despite the widespread use of elecpedlc society, brought that measure. "There has been atnrtllng prog- tricity, gas or kerosene as Illuminate, ress In the surgery conducted with the oldest of lighting devices, the Item in the broken and diseased bones, he said, candle, la an (18,000,000 world. "and now their setting and knitting annual export trade of the to not the difficult problem together Some men seem to go through life It was In former 12-fo- Herd Brought From Montana Increases Manyfold. Ottawa. Bison Americanos Is doing well In Canada. Rescued from what seemed certain annihilation, watched and guarded end encouraged by tbe government. Its progeny now are so numerous that It became necessary recently to slaughter 1,500 of them. Bison Americanos, of course, to tbe buffalo; which to thriving now In this country, although the herds re numbered In hundreds end thousands where once their ancestors roamed the great plains of the Middle West In uncounted millions They wandered In great armlea when the white men came to North America, they were found over of the continent, and there are records of them massed on a front of 25 mllea to a depth of 50 d 1s Their decimation to an old story. In 1870 they were plentiful; by 1880 they were becoming scarce; In another decade they were all bat gone At the turn of tbe century, so far as was known, there was not a single wild buffalo left In Canada aave one herd of 2,000 of the "woodland type whlcb had Its feeding grounds In the then almost Inaccessible country south of Greet 8Iave lake. Today the great Buffalo National park near Walnwright. Alberta, maintains between 5,000 and 8,000 of these magnificent animals Nearly 7,000 have been transported north to Join tbe wood buffalo in the Great Slave lake pasturage, where also they are under the protection of the government, and In the past nine yean some 7,500 have been slaughtered. Canada's experiment In buffalo conservation dates from 11X17, wben the government purchased 716 of these animals from Michael Pablo, of Pablo, Moat a shrewd or as young At fifty, yon can be In sour prime. Why go along with fairly good health" when you might be enjoying vigor you havent felt for yearsT Theres n simple little thing anyone can do to keep the vital organs stimulated, and feel fit all the time. your system to new life is Dr. Caldwell's syrup, pepsin. It will make n most amsring difference in mans oast. This famous doctors prescription is a delicious syrap made with fresh herbs, active senna, and pure pepsin. It starts its good work with this first spoonfuL That all yon to drive away the dullness ana headache of a bilious spell, and rid laxatives yon can take it freely or give it to any child. And it isnt expensive. Get some syrup pepsin today, end take a little tonight. Dont wait until you're sick to give your system this wonderful help. You can eooU those spells of biliousness or constipation. A spoonful every now and then is better than constant worry about the condition of your bowels; as yon or fear iff habit-formi- Humility, Ilka darkness, reveals the Strange bnt True Prae Do yon Mas all the boys yon heavenly lights. Tboreau. go out with, dearie! Falsehood to so easy, truth so dl Sue No, some of them Just haven't flcult. Georgs Eliot. any Ingenuity whatever. Tired, Nervous and Depressed ? Health Suffer When Kidneys Do Not Act Right nagging HIED promptly sbladder lr U with regularities end tired, nervous, depressed feeling. They may warn of some disordered kidney or bladder condition. User everywhere rely on Doone Pills. The sale of millions of boxes annually attests to Doane popularity. Yoor dealer has Doans. A Diaretia loans Fills Agreement Basis Funk Do yon and yonr wife tow thm Kidney Conventional al- ways agree? Wiggins On second thought, yes. "Convict 89, yonr wife to see you." "Tell her I am not at home." Lua-tlgKolner Zeltung, Cologne. e Can you RESIST COLDS? A cow in the head is s nuisance, and it undermines your fitness too. Doctors have found that a good store of Vitamin A helps yonr body resist the common cold. This vitamin is found in abundance in Scott's Emuliioc of Cod Liver Oil a pleasing, p&lstable way of taking this valuable oil. Men and women as well as die yountitcn find that the emulsion builds up their resistance, and that it's easy to take. Scott 0c Bownc, afield, N. J. Sales Representative, Harold F. Ritchie A Co.. Inc New York. SJanawhs wM Onatf Lam id Ska SM I A Bm aa caSfc ... raw, 10,-50- 0 years. "Stiff Joints once Incurable, now are easily made movable by the tissue grafting treatment and the re suits are highly successful." Orthopedic surgery deals with not only the feet, he pointed out, hnt also with any bone that will cause deformation. Experiments have disclosed dose relationship between the par athyrold gland and bone formation, according to Doctor Campbell. on a bluff. tons I No longer a frame for warm flesh and blood. They hong with foot dangling; I Shuddered end ran my to In an Inn There fingers round my collar at tbs the little village of Walmlngham thought of s gibbet und all its horthat attracted my attention one day rors. when I was out for s country ramdoor banged and s Just then ble. it still baa an atmosphere of woman cams down tbs garhurrying stirring times In the past A high- den, unpegged tha two stockings no doubt wayman's haunt on the line and took them Swords used In tbs good old days hanging In. Passing Show, London. Thought He Had Vision of the Good Old Days' t still hang over tbe mantelpiece of the hnge chimney piece In tbe center Bralo's Maturity of the heavily-beameroom, and tbe The brain reaches Its fall size and Innkeeper himself can recount many tales of duels and robberies. weight at about the same time (he At the end of the garden I noticed rest of the body matures; that to, besM two limp objects hanging, swayed to tween the ages of twenty-tw- o and fro by the wind lifeless skele twenty-fiv- e yean; d 'Women said Scotland Yard Copying Detroits Radio System MontsmT Detroit A police radio system patterned after the system In operation In Detroit to being planned by Scotland raid. England, according to James K. Watkins, Detroit On his recommissioner. turn from abroad Watkins said he Silver King, a German shepherd dog that has been a small herd whlcb has Increased conferred with Newton Kendall, Scotland Yard chief of the criminal since that time. deputized In 75 cities of the United almost States, photographed with 15 of bis By 11)28 Walnwright pnrk hnd the Investigation bureau. Tlie Detroit official badges which range from full quota of 5,000 bnffnlos which wae official said a complete description deputy sheriff to chief of police. the number set as Ita maximum, of the Detroit system, including deThis canine hero has been acclaimed and surplus animals were slaugh- tailed technical plana, will be for the world's greatest dog screen star. tered. In another year the over warded to .London. seven-year-ol- Millions of boys and girls all over tbs world, thousands of them right hen In the West; are being restored to health and strength by the purely vegetable tonic and laxative known as California Fig Syrup and endorsed by physicians for over 50 as old A MAN ai his organs. BISON THRIVING IN CANADA miles. It may be your teeth, after all, that toe eM ginia. one-thir- d iULPHUR and follow easy inna, Rfsiiltv will delight yon. Distressing parts of the conntry. Tbe price waa fixed at 240,000. Tbe mortgage was cleared away by an unconditional advance of (115,000 by a prominent Delaware woman. Stratford hall li more than two bnndred year old and bears the distinction of having been the birthplace of two elgnera of the Declaration of Independence, Richard Henry Lee and Francis Llghtfoot Lee, ai well aa the home of Light Horse Harry" Lee and other generations of the distinguished family. It stands on a hillock not far removed from the Potomac In a section of the Northern Neck which the older generation of Virginians especially looks upon aa hallowed ground. The estate fronts for two miles on the river, and within a few miles are the birthplaces of three Presidents Washington, Madison and Monroe. The house itself, built in the shape of the letter H, la two stories In bright, with a tall basement forming the first floor, and la topped by massive quadruple chimneys on eacb wing. It was started In 1729 by Queen Caroline, wife of George U of England, witb a gift of 800 toward the cost of its erection following a lire whlcb destroyed tbe original manor house, on the rite of whlcb now la located tbe Lee family burial plot. The mansion, In a fine state of preservation, la built of brick on English lines by English standards with walla of fortress thickness and waa known as the stateliest bouse of Its time in Colonial Vir- Girl at the Top in Health Teste tESSWORtf BUT (bey police hodnl tried tbe 3ap Oxwdot that aaakee 50 more ends half-bree- d Biehur, longer t -g soda that why ike New Oxydol can solely float dirt oat of clothes and hold it out bo bo robbing to needed. Oxydol ends dont collapse and let the dht Ml bode on the elothee. Rlnsee clean, softens water, fhoo for dishes, too, Procter ft Gamble i- f bsu n m ain or ivobt Ntr IBESI |