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Show THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Chinese Soldiers in the Trenches toon type, span the at Rhine Koblen The city la snugly built between the Moselle and Rhine rivers with s colossal statue of William I mounted on a massive stone foundation. adorning the point where the two rivers meet From the statue to the end of the city along the Rhino shore, there la a continuwith ous promenade, canopied hade trees and hers and there studded with small flower-tilleThe land side of the prompark enade Is flanked with villas set In garden end quaint eating place There, Including outdoor cafe while the traveler alps the finest of Rhino wine he may watch Kobleni aitroll at hla elbow and the commercial parade on the river beyond. What does Kobleni do for a llylng and What happened to the town that was here 2,700 years ago,' are questions visitors ask. Ons observes few old building Thera are no sooty smokestacks to mar the skyline punctuated by graceful spires of churches The quay on the Rhine la dean and devoid of cargo, and warehouses are conspicuously absent from view. "These questions ars not answered nntll one penetrates the modern dty and finds oneself in a small district on the banka of the Moselle beyond the echo of the Rhln Hero commercial Kobleni la abnstl Barges corns and go from tbs quay the nearby streets ramble under the pounding steel rims of heavy cart wheels dorwn-In- g out the noises emanating from plan paper and dye factories and chemical laboratories This Is commercial Kobleni and indent Koblen Its winding atreeta and bnlldlng though not 2,700 years old, have watched the progress of several centuries d WE STTAtfB 3UMITE1D Unnatural laws are laws that bust; But NATURAL LAWS with Covenant Are laws that make NATURAL GOVERNMENT. DEDICATION To the Author of "Natural Government, Benj. B. Stringham By Louis Eliga Spencer That all the world who will, may read, Tis laws of God, the laws we need ; The laws of our Great Maker's plan. And not the law thats made by man. I say to you: Get NATURAL GOVERNMENT," it through. To know these laws, read A book of facts one cant deny The Author plainly shows you why. The NATURAL LAWS are laws to trust. OUR PRESENT ECONOMIC SYSTEM OFFERS THE FOLLOWING PICTURE AS REWARDS FOR EFFORTS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS YOU ARE THERE-WHE- RHINE FORTRESS IS SLOWLY CRUMBLING and US. GOVT STATISTICS . An the Chinese soldi era In lfanchnna haven't given np to the Japanese or fled, and certainly not an of them are "bandit. Her are three In a trench with a machine gun that la trained on an enemy position near Tahuahan. RE? offer more magnificent panoStars Stripes Once Flew valley rama Above and below Kobleni From Its Ramparts. the Rhine shore line is dotted with Quaint villages that resemble pearls Ehrenbreltstel Washington. on a diver string. Their frowning fortress on the east bank strung vineof the Rhine opposite Robins, Is steep backyards are well-kebanka the weakening. Enemy guns have often yards that give the river Shaken the lofty fortress but this appearance of having recently been time nature la nuking the attack. combed by a coarse Instrument above Recently huge bonlders have loos- Tupping many rocky summits ened from lta foundations, leveling the vineyards are castles some occupied and some In ruins which vineyards in their path to the high- once echoed the voices of the great below. blocked which way they and near great of Europe In celet "It la nearly 400 feet to of the rock on which Ehrenbrelt-stel- n bration oi historic event "Although the Rhino flows be- fortress la perched, Bays s bulletin from the Rational Geo- tween Kobleni and Ehrenbrdtateln, the traveler views the town from graphic society. The north, east and west sides snch height that It appears almost Three of the rocks are cliffs so precipi- at lta Immediate has tous that the fortress la almost un- bridge one of which is of the pon- the-cres- THE UNES BELOW SHOW WHAT HAPPEN muum SJfiUQGlMC TO EVERY IOQ MEN STARTING OUT AT THE AGE OF OH UP AMO DOWN OAHUtD IK EASY iwrr JO ON TREADMILL. 37 HfRE THE APE AT AGE OF AS 6 DEAD JO ONLY CS OH TREADMLL - NOT GE7TMG ANYWHERE JS IN POVERTY HERE ARE THE SAME WALL sweet OO -- A- MEN AT AGE OF SS fllll 20 HOW DEAD SO SUPPORTED BY OTHERS SPENDING ALL THEY EARN sJJfi approachable from these direction The south side, though it has s winding roadway, also is not easily accessible, "The central fort of Elirenbrelt-stel- n thrusta castlelike above the double lino of works surrounding It The fortress is the successor to n Roman fort that crowned the rock centuries ago when Kobleiu was a little settlement called A portion of the central fortress now standing bas dominated the Rhine valley since the Eleventh century. In 1681 the French occupied the fort for six years. The most recent foreign flag to adorn lta ramparts was the Stars and Stripes which flattered over the fort from December to January, 1928; while It was occupied by the American forces In Germany. "Perhaps few spots in the Rhine Oon-fluent- HERE THEY ARE OS YEARS OLD physical mtoa-DtA- D se financial IN THIS ECONOMIC SYSTEM YOUR CHANCES muoa-unN- e Hi on chaxity to loft ARE VERY SUM OF ESCAPING THE FATE OF THE Make a Contribution to the Cause of Natural Government No Y I. our cooperation and support are solicited to help spread the truths of Natural Government far and wide, and to hasten the early establishment of the correct form of Economics. In order to make it more convenient for you, we take this opportunity and means to ask for a contribution to help finance its promotion. It is up to the PEOPLE.' If we want to be freed from the shackles that are now holding us down, we must do everything within our power to push the work forward. For the spread of truth and the establishment of Natural Government for please find enclosed $ copies at $1.00 each, to be sent to the address given below. as Contribution for the advancement of this cause. $ One thousand qualified lecturers and salesmen WANTED. I am interested and want full details regarding course of instruction and work. Answer, Yes Oor No O Name : . Addess JOIN THE NATURAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION That Government of the people, by the people and for the people ahall not peruh from the earth. 246 Main Sl, Salt Lake City, Utah DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND MEMBERSHIP PLEDGES PRINCIPLE: The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States guarantees Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness to every Citizen. PLEDGE: To ever work for such modification in our laws and the establishment of such departments of government as will best make effective these guarantees. PRINCIPLE: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness to every citizen can best be obtained through a fust end more even distribution or the resources of our country. PLEDGE: nations wealth. To ever work for such a plan PRINCIPLE: Economic systems as will give every citizen his fust share of our baud upon money" as a all ages of human history, have failed. medium of exchange, in PLEDGE: To ever work for that system of production, distribution and consumption of wealth and the material means of latisfying human desires that will best make for the abundant " Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness of every citizen. Contribution, Any useful thing or any amount you wish to pay. 80. Aids Friends in Getting Work, but Fails Himself - Wlnsted, Conn. One of the unsung heroes of the depression Is a Wlnsted resident who heard of an opportunity for employment on a new road project and gathered a group of hla friends who needed work. The employer lined the men np, counted down the line nntll he came to the man ahead of the benefactor and said: That's all for to- day.' Fbsmbs Tree Gobs The famous Natick (Mas) elm, believed to have been at least three centuries old, la no more. The huge tree, 18 feet In circumference, succumbed to age recently and crashed to the ground. Under this according to tradition, the praying Indians of Natick once gathered to hear the words of wisdom of John Eliot Headache . . . Suffered From Woman's Trouble Ptefalo, Cob. A few yean ago I was suffering with feminine ailment end was advised to taka Dr. Pisree's Favorite Prescription. I did so," sud Mr I. F. 0NeiU St," of 1004 Ash and just a few bottles gave me perfect relief end since then 1 have not suffered any with my bend aching. Before I took the Pre scription I suffered an awful lot with it Neither do I fed any of the other symptoms of this common ailment I am sure the Favorite Prescription' will do all that is claimed for it,,r Far bm iJlnl sMm, mil. ta Da rianaa CUate, Wak, N. T. Dr. Pierces Prescription Now for the Instructions "How do I open this tin? "You will find the Instructions Pearson madam, PILOTS PREPARING FOR RECORD FLIGHTS Quickest Way to Darken Gray Three Ocean Hops to Be their Undertaken by Women. New York. Three ocean hops by g women, a flight two flights across the Pacific from flesh tie to Tokyo, and the usual quota of half a dozen Jaunts across the Atlantic from New York to Europe are on the new years program of ocean flying, which will open with world-circlin- the attempt of two Japanese to span the Padflc. AGED WEAPONS RECALL HANGING BACK IN 1825 Ruth Nichols and Elinor Smith have planes equipped for transatlantic flights and are awaiting the dear weather dgnal from Dr. James H. Kimball, who has supplied weather data for almost every Dootdyehalr. Science has discovered Atlantic flight quick, simple way to darken gray , Juanita Burn not satisfied with hag naturally so nobody can tall will attempt to restore its original shade safely and Atlantic hazard as sadly aa brushing, It makes tha ( fly tha Padflc alone. She la now hair healthy. Finest way known to making tests with her plane preget rid of gray hair, aa thousands paratory to the flight Laura Intestify. Trvit ray druggist only 75c gall who was In the flight picture for a bottle of WYETH'S SAGE & lest year, has now apparently SULPHUR and follow easy direction Results will delight you. dropped ont Two Japanese pilot Capt Y. Ng Demand Nakogoya and Sergt K. Asatka, "Do you stock camel hair are In New York dty preparing for brushes 1 a one-stoflight from New York "N sir keeps camels In to Tokyo. They expect to leave In these 'era nobody I parts March. Hair Naturally p A solo flight Is being planned by After years of hard time people Sword and Rifle Are Treas- near the mall carriers body was an America but only his friends hi to feel angry. But at might ured by Ohio Man. It whom? begin .A gallows Immediately was erect- know the definite arrangement ed along the Intersection of West New Phlladdphla, Ohio. DestrucHigh and Tuscarawas avenue Posttion and retribution frequently go boy, a station on the Clereland-Marlett- a hand In hand, Jnst aa do cause and railroad between Newcom-erstow- n effect, supply and demand, etc, hot and Cambridge, now marks not often do you see tbelr actual the sit weapons lying side by side. At Schoenbrann Memorial park. Just southwest of her are the two weapon a rifle and a sword. Behind the two Instruments of oblivion Is the story of the only legal hanging in Tuscarawas county, which was attended In grand style by the militia and 6,000 citizens of this vicinity, which turned ont for the event In 1825 a young mall carrier named Gartwell was shot while traveling a lonely wooded trail, bound from Westchester to Coshocton. A hunter named Johnson heard the rifle crack, and, harrying through the brash, found Gartwell dead and the mall bag rifled. He Immediately gave the alarm, and was surprised most unpleasant ly when he found himself arrested on circumstantial evidence and brought to Tuscarawas county Jail, In New Philadelphia. Here be was charged with the murder. Footprints of s man on the seen however, did not coincide with Johnsons track and. In accordance with a suggestion from the accused man, the entire male population was ordered to assemble on s certain day ostentatiously to have their feet DIAGONAL SEAMING nr cncaix NICHOLAS examined. Johnson hoped by this method to Identify the man whom he remembered having seen emerging stealthily out of the woods the day of the murder and whom he then had taken for another hunter. After scanning many frees Johnson suddenly pointed to John Funs-texclaiming, "Tlmts the man! "You are a liar I Funiton answered, but as he spoke sweat gathDiagonal seaming la a distinered on Ills brow, bis lips trembled guishing feature of the majority of and his face paled. Johnson was frocks this season. The treatment released. applies to all sorts of materials and after Funston was tried la especially effective In fashioning and convicted, he broke down snd velvet The charm of this 'diagonal admitted the foaling piece found seaming is that It molds the Is known, however, that Ihe plane already has been tested and fuel Beware of the Individual who Is tanks for a load of 800 gallons have been Installed snd that the goal of lost to all sense of sham the pilot Is to fly the Padflc. A critic la seldom constructive. The possibility Is also seen that this secret flyer may break the long-distanc-e flight record made by Boardman and Polando on their hop from New York to Istanbul, Turkey. It la expected that he will be able to exceed thdr mark by L000 mile Most of the pilots who are planning Atlantic hops exped to go In this group are William alone. Marsalis and William Clbricht, who have been tuning np planes for two months so as to have them ready In the spring for flights which are expected to bo made sol The giant German monoplan the DoralerDO-X- , whlrh Is still In New northern York, may also attempt c crossing in tha spring. The engines of the giant plane have In the Curtiss been modernized N. J. plant at Patterso trans-oceanl- for COLICKY .. Figures Show Suicides Increasing in Germany . Berlin. The number of aulddee Berlin Is Increasing. Offidai figures show In three months 474 me women snd chlldre committed suicide. Of these, more than 00 per cent were me One hundred and eighty-eigh- t were In the prime of Ufa. More than one hundred individuals were over sixty years of age. This year's figures show an increase of more than 12 per cent over the corresponding month last year. In gown artfully to the figure, achieving an elastldty to the garment, no matter how which at lows freedom of movement of the body. A sapphire blue velvet evening gow one of the most modish types of the season, Is draped with simple detail,' the diagonal seaming being made a feature. tlght-flttln- . THROUGH BABIES C ASTORIA'S GENTLE REGULATION v': The beet way to prevent col,' doctors say, Is to avoid gas In sto ach and bowels by keeping the entire intestinal tract ope free from west Bnt remember this: a tiny babys tender little organa cannot stand harsh treatment They most ha gently urged. This Is Just tha time Castor! can help most Castorla, you know, Is made specially for babies and children. It la a pure vegetable prepara tlo perfectly harmless It contains no harsh drag no narcotic For years it has helped moth-or- e through trying times with colicky babies and children suffering with adds and fever. digestive upset Keep genuine Castorla on hand, with the name: g, CASTORIA |