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Show THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT END CHEST COLDS QUICK WITH GOOD RED PEPPER HEAT Relieves Almost Instantly When noiiy breathing and .hup pains in cheat, drj cough or wuhed out feeL ing broadcast the presence of a cheat cud, just tty this ante and aura remedy that relieves cheat colds end aches ana pains of rheumatism, neuritis and lumbago almost instantly. It is the penetrating, healing heat of red peppers. Now this genuine red peppers' heat is contained in an ointment yon simply tub oo to get relief in less than 3 minutes. It is JZowlea .Red Pepper Rub, No blister, nor burn nor harm. It does bring the relief you want. Get a small Jar from your druggist. Hogs Eat Grasshoppers Late in the summer come sections of the state of Nebraska were reported to be badly overrun with grasshoppers. Many methods were tried to hold them In check but It remained for a pig breeder to discover one simple plan to destroy them. This pig nun discovered that his shoats would eat the grasshoppers and If left In a badly Infested area would gradually devour or drive away the pests, and make good gains In weight at the same time. Montreal Herald. By-Bu- y Wife Darling, Ive Just been 'down lovely little Husband (gloomily) What have you bought! ragging Show. that 1 1 1 1 1 1 -h 1 1 1 1 I WHO WAS WHO? jj By Louise SI. Comstock. iiuiiiiiiiiimimm Pile sufferers from Protruding; Bleeding; Itching or Blind Plies, can now get relief from very first treatment by using Q.R.Pile Ointment Q. R. (Quick Belief) Pile Ointment Is a new remedy for the treatment of pile sufferers no matter how long afflicted, guar an teed to give satisfactory relief or money refunded. Before placing this pile ointment on the market for sale; It was put to the add test In both mild and severe cases, never falling to produce wonderful results. If you are troubled with piles, do not experiment Get Q. B. Pile Ointment If your druggist-does not carry it In stock, fill out the blank below and mall It to many children speaking JUST as tongues have gradually converted the name of fialnt Nicholas Into the familiar American Sants Clans, so his many admirers In many different nations have created the conventional Christmas saint out of figure which was In real life very different Nicholas wee bishop of Myrie, in Lycle, Asia Minor, during the Fourth century of the Christian era, the youngest bishop In the history of the church. Hie father waa a wealthy merchant and Nicholas, by Inheriting bis fortune; was enabled to build up for himself a reputation for generosity and benevolence toward the poor that has lasted down the centuries. It la a matter of legend that Nicholas, because he disliked to be thanked for bis gifts once dropped a puree of gold down the chimney of the hnt, where lived a poorld man and hie little granddaughter. Instead of landing on the hearth, however, the puree fell Into one of the Uttle girl's stockings, hung up before the hearth to dry. Thus commenced the custom of hanging up Christmas stockings for Santa Claus to I1IL How the grave saint of the early Christian church became the Jolly, fat Santa Claua of today la another His figure and story. face he borrowed probably from some Jolly pagan good-fair- y such as were worshiped before the Christian era. Hla gay red costume Is the contribution of Russia, where he ! a patron saint His reindeer are the gift of admirers In Lapland. smile-wreathe- d KING ARTHUR s King Arthur was WHETHER a aacoi, se MAGGIE hero of that familiar long, Zou and I were Toung. Maggie," waa Its author, George W. Johnson; Its heroine waa Maggie Harris the girl he found and won for his bride duritag a gold prospecting trip In the wilderness of unexplored forest, Indian ambuscades and occasional white pioneer settlements which In 1830 comprised East Tennessee Many years later, old and gray, and alone; Johnson returned to the spot on the Hlawsaaee river that was the scene of his courtship, reviving in his minds eye every dear detail of the settlement as he had first seen It, the green grove where food the Barrie cabin and where he had first seen Maggie; the (fid mill where they had walked on a summer evening. Noting sadly every change, he wrote down hie poem to take home to hie wife In the Beet: THE Expense1 Bates. $7.50 10.00 rusi-!!- ! akU-M- ui Tm Says soditlwi ; sums: dlnnsr, S hmh kraals-kradua- thsstsrs. HOTEL NEWHOUSE W. B. Salt Laka Same CM j, C.UtahW. Wart SDQCSjQM) CE3W ftmTBinrofirmflftnfnmrfb) figure or not and scholars are recently renewing research Into this fascinating subject there stands today In Cornwall, England, rains of an indent fortress, crowning the promontory Tlntagd Head, which are generally known as "King Arthur's Castle." As the birthplace of the glorious King of the Round Table, this spot has recently been transferred to the possession of the English government to be need as a national park. R. OINTMENT MFG. CO. 873 South Sth East If Kihg Arthur waa a historical 8alt Lake City, Utah' figure be wee a comparatively lnslg nlflcant Cornish chieftain of the early period Just succeeding the withdrawal of the Romans Sucb Gentlemen: a chieftain la celebrated by the Sixth Inclosed find $L00 P. O. Money Order for One tube of Q. B. Pile century historian Glldas, In connecOintment to be mailed prepaid to tion with an account of the Battle of Mount Badon In 518, the decisive Name struggle which checked temporarily the advance of the Saxons against . . P, O. Address. i . . .. ., , the Celts. Nennius writing In the On conditions that If I am not Eighth century, cells him by name satisfied with results obtained, I and attributes to him victory In am to receive money back upon twelve battles The date of hla returning tube to your laboradeath In the battle of Camlan In 537 tory. Is added In the Tenth century Cambrian Annals By the Twelfth cen. A Guoss tury the Monks Geoffrey of MonMerlwell I wonder wbat hap- mouth and William of Malmesbury landlady! were able to produce accounts of his pened to the Qieerlo Why, I heard she disap- heroism already embellished with much of the legend made familiar peared along with her rumors. by Mallory and Tennyson. Actually, only the fiundatlone of the chapel. of "King Arthur' Css NEWHOUSE HOTEL Winter Bates tie" date from anything like as early as the Sixth century. The rest of the ruins have been established as Thirteenth century Norman. Write for reservations, or when registering ask for special "All of China AgmrgifTTrm SANTA CLAUS , PILES VontcnZstilti I! a The grMB grove Is gone from the hill, Maggie, Where first the daisies sprang; The Maddest Mas The cranking old mill In still, Millie They eay that meat eating Maggie, Bines you and X were young; makes one ferocious. Tlllle Well, the maddest man I And now vi are aged and gray, ever saw was one who had Just eatMaggie, The trials of life are done. en a caterpillar with hla lettuce. ns Let sing of the days that are gone; Maggie, Wher yon and X worn young. (BaMmomsao used the neiuJAxydol Western Newspaper Union.) Latin-Ameri- ointment drawl out your 1 cold liks a mafnet when rubbed on Emm hnw ftilnj durt and whan Inaattad lu stuffy v nostrils. Jan and IoiTcoi-b!- ) Latln-Amerl- ca ca Includes all tries of South America coun- except the Guiana all countries of Central America, Cuba, Haiti, Santo Domingo ns and Porto Rica are people mostly descended from Latin races a union of the of the Old world with the native races of the New world. Latln-Amerl- ed hca. n. s. (if. Bff. Richer, quicker suds 50 more soda thats why the New Oxydol does eo much soaks andfleniiwillMWitliarmtohaiida flntlmsfi-Ml- i or dainty things. Never balls np, rinses clean, softens water. Great for dished, too. Salt Lake Whir Great Gty Directory a CHS MOM Wall of China Would Run if Transferred to United Statee XICHOLS ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS OOlea and Ill-I- ll A West laboratory government destined to endure In Tempi. Bt, ' Bolt Lnks City, Utah. P. O. Bos HIS. Malllar envelopes sod prices hie native land for thousands of furnished on roqueot. Great Wall of China, In the years the supremacy of en emUsed Pipe) Fittings & Valves of of which fighting be- peror end the tween Chinese bandits" and officials In their native provinces. Moirly threaded oadoouplod for all purpoooo, Japanese soldiers recently has taken The Impression he made on followMonmey Iron and Metal Co. Salt Laka City, Utah. 7tS Bo. Ird Wort place, la one of tbe greatest en- ing ages waa great and lasting. gineering feats of mankind. The He Made the Emperor Supreme. With hie d nose, ellt barrier, beginning at Chanhalkwan on the Gulf of Chihli, stretches In eyee, pigeon breast, wolf voice, tiger a snakelike course far Into Mon heart, and stingy, graceless, cringTtr Cntknra Shoving Craens ing character," aa native historians golla. As Usui Some Help fewest Hold If transferred to a map of the portray him. Chin Shlh Hoang Tl Caller Is the professor buy! "Walter, the food la cold. United States end Its eastern end was tlie classic type of s Chinese "Zee, sir; Shall I close the Secretary No sir. Jut preoccuplaced at Philadelphia, the wall and military leader. sir 7' Zet he was not n great soldier pied. Its spurs would penetrate the borhimself, but simply a great fltber of der of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio; Indiana, Kentucky. men, to whose genlns in choosing Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas and able lieutenants was due the Bret Kansas standing army In China, an army of According to astronomers the several hundred thousand men, wall Is the only work of mans hand which he raised, equipped and mainwhich would be visible to the hu- tained In a peace-lovin- g country to man eye from tbe moon. Some Ides defend hie Great WalL Wonderful stories and legends, of of the else of Its stupendous construction may be gained from tbe course; still Bnd their place In the calculation that If the materials of minds of men abont Chin Shlh which It was built were used to en- Huang Tl and the Great WalL The circle the globe at the equator, they prettiest Is, perhaps, the story of bar- how hie magic white hone was supwould be sufficient to form rier eight feet high and three feet posed to have marked out tbe line thick. Thera are more brick and of the barrier. 200 TRe Bathe 200 Rooms .The animal waa allowed to wan-de- r atone In the Great Wall than In all the buildings In the United Kingand wherever freely, It went Jail s lisp fnra On Radio connection in every loom. the builders followed, np hill and dom. tnhss sates Qslrt RATES FROM f L50 ss4 Hsartiks. raiHistorians dan this mighty ram- down dale, where no horse but eels, ls! Jnoi tries UmMg Mtvwdb horse could n "magic find footaa Wonder the "Eighth of the part bus HAS sni ap. World"; end not the least wonder hold. ERNEST C ROSSITBR, Mgr. "At one point, so runs the legend, ful part about It Is that It has surGmifdftl Batts vived all the others save one, the "the workmen could not keep np with the so Great Pyramid of Kufu at GIzeh. creature; they called Stirics Cans la PARKER'S V Geaneetlsn. The Great Wall of China differed halt to drink their tea. BALSAM HAIR "Meanwhile a fog dry (probably from other famous wonders of the Color oad one Isnmu of the H. JOE blinding duet storms comPEPPER, Manager world In that It served a utilitarian mon In those latitudes) blew np, 145 So. Sth East Lake 8965 Phone Belt Utah Was. City, most whereas of tbe others purpose, Salt Lake's Only Family Hotel were all preposterous edifices of until they could neither see tbe FLORESTON SHAMPOO Heel for neete horee nor Its footprint!; but after eoonaetionwfthPartni'eHeirBolsasaMshastha exaggerated hugeness, of dazzling tea " hair soft and they continued In the same line If yon dont get what you want Temptation and conscience often and ruinous luxury. It had a mighty for ten miles. have a debate; and temptation out- heres hoping youll want what yon purpose, serving ss barrier to keep Not seeing the horee yet, they be- talks conscience. Think of cue but work on. Set the barbarians of the North from came suspicion!, end sent one of whose fertile China, overrunning their number np n hill to look ont plains Invited them. BE The Idee was not ridiculous In an He spied the animal far away to the In ere when bows and arrows end southwest, heading qnlte a dif8o the workmen twisted pikes were the weapons of ferent direction. Invaders. Then earth and atone abandoned the last stretch, returned were real deterrents (for artillery to their camp, and built a new wall waa unknown) against armies that of forty 11 (the Chinese II la rongbly a third of an English mile; which were simply cavalry hordes. till remains to prove this story." Waa Completed In 204 B. C. Legend Accounts for Feet Work. Walla dividing rival feudal kingAnother legend describes how "a doms or protecting them from foreign enemies ere mentioned In the compassionate God In heaven lookChinees chronicles sa early the ing down and moved to pity by the Fifth century before Christ, end tt sufferings of the bnlldera, many of Is probable that portions of these whom had been killed, and entombed In tbe wall because they could not previously bnllt walls, of which vague vestiges are still traceable In get their work done fast enough, some parte of Chihli end Shantung presented each worker with a magic provinces, were utilized by Chin thread, bidding him tie It around Shlh Huang Tt (contemporary of his wrist This gave the workmen abnorHannibal), who extended end linked them together when he bnllt bis mal strength and they were able to "Long Rampart, stretching from satisfy the king. An enormous new racket has grown up in die past few years "When, to hie amazement, Slianaikwan, on the ses coast, to tbe the bootlegging of gasoline to escape payment oi the state tax. MInchow, In distant Kanin, In or- king saw how fast and how well hie Now an alarming amount of gasoline is being sold without pay der to protect himself end hie em- people worked, he Inquired the cause meat of lawfu tax. pire from the Huns, whom be so and found ont abont the magic , long unsuccessfully tried to over threads Then he seized them ell and made a lash for hie magic whip, come In the field. Most motorists who buy bootleg gasoline buy it unknowingly. Begun In 219 & CL, the barrier which thereafter wee able to work But know it or not, they are being robbed by die gasoline ncke-- . was completed In 204 B. CL Thne It miracle, removing mountains at teen every time they buy from them! was fifteen year In building, seven the pleasure of the sovereign end of which were after tbe mighty em- causing the Yellow river to stand The gasoline tax you pay belongs to you, and you should get it peror's death. To blm alone, how- till for the passage of hie walL" bade from your state in the form of Despite the time and labor exever. la due the conception of a good roads. When you buy work probably nneqnnled In any pended npon It, Chin Shlh Huang bootleg gasoline, you pay all or a part of the tax, too but the land by any people for the amount Tls mud barrier, with the watch-tower- s ndeteer pockets die money. You never gee it bade! And where he quartered' bis garof human labor bestowed npon tt. if your state received all the money paid as a gasoline Three hundred thousand troops, be- rison, soon crumbled away. There sides prisoners of war end ell the wee apparently no lltlte left of It tsx, it could well afford to lower the gasoline tax! criminals In the land. Including by the Sixth century. A. D, that the many dlsbonest officials, were Im- Tungusle Wei and Tel dynasties Knowing this, you naturally dont want to buy any bootleg gasowho ruled over North China from pressed for the work. line. To be sure the money you pay as tax goes to your state, buy How these unskilled laborers ac- 886 to 677 A. D, spoke of building sold under only gasolines dependable, familiar brand names; complished their task with tbe not of rebuilding, tbe Great WalL backed When reliable the Chinese means at their of the by up disposal, dynasty companies who make sure the state gets the primitive how they overcame the physical Mings (1888 to 1644 A D.) ousted tax. By sticking to familiar, reliable brands, youll help banish difficulties Imposed on them by the the descendant of Genghis Khn racketeers. steep elopes of the high mountain from the Dragon throne, the Greet ranges, remain a marvel to this day. Well again asanmed much Impors tance, During tbe 276 years that Ae for the cost of the wall, no - fb A weakhave been preserved. they ruled the country they had to CONOCO Gasoline is a branded gasoline yon tan bny er man might well have hesitated to defend their empire against the with safety at tbe sign of tbe CONOCO Red Barbarians Triangle. plan an undertaking which, though northern Tbe wall wee therefore vital to popular In the main ae a defensive measure, entailed great suffering their safety, end Chinese historians But Chin 8hlb of that era describe In greet detail on the people. Huang Tl was one of the strongest how they repaired It along Its entire end most remarkable characters In length, from Sbanhalkwan to Chinese history, or, In any history fortress on the frontier beg a powerful and romantic figure, who tween Kansu province and left behind him an example of per (eastern Turkestan), adding aonal activity unequaled among Ori- new loops to strengthen it, from ental sovereigns. Chin 8hlb Huang 1470 to 1502 A D. it was In fact, under the MInge Tl was, furthermore; the entocrat thnt the defenses of the Great Wall who united China by subjugating group of warring states from 248 were mostly developed, with. more then 20,000 towera, which were to 210 B. G chain of small fortresses He established two principles of (Frsperad by ths Nations! Gooemphto D. CBodoty, Wnahlnston. (WNU Borvlco.) - THE "high-pointe- Salt Lake Citys a, HOTEL AMBASSADOR HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE . . THE GASOLINE RACKETEER IS ROBBING YOU As Well As Your State ee. Continental oil Chin-yukwa- n (A ISIS hade nr THXMAKias or iron soap preo-tlcall- company |