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Show IV IV tim 1 That Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth IMFIFP I Jilf Vol. Price 5c. 6 Months $1. Murray, SALT LAKE Co., Utah, February, Edited by C. N. Lund 1932 FOOD FOR TIIOUGinl HOLY TRINITY OF MATERIAL ADVERTISING POINTS WAY OUT IT'S J No.6. Wcty Ollt SALVATION By Former U. S. Senator from Utah of silver to its status as money might save ROGER BABSON, h Collier1, restoration A lbfiia. IIow long shall we hear the us. own country we may well heed the lesson. OtherIn our cries of hunger? Not long, we wise the United States and France must be sitting like misers tope. The cries have been upon heaps of useless gold, trying in vain to substitute gold for T THE present moment in the United States we find 122,000,000 heard so long that it is a wonwork and wages and leaving our own people far behind in the NATURAL DEVELOP3IENT ASSOCIATION, Inc. people who care nothing about economics, but who know with der that rulers and leaders new industrial race of the peoples of the earth. A restoration A Clear Exposition of Our Aims and Purposes deathlike certainty that something has hit them on the exact have not tired of them. Going of silver to its rightful place as a money metal to carry the burWhat is Natural Development?" is a query constantly., button of the economic jaw. They want a cure for lost jobs, back to Buddha, 600 years B. dens of 90 per cent of the world's population and to carry one' heard and variously answered by those more or less unfamiliar abort time, cut wages, canceled orders, slow sales, poor collections, passed C., we learn that a wicked. tyr- half of our own financial burden is essential if we would be pre' with the fundamentals and aims of this association. The minds acclaimed a god, took the served from industrial and social ant, chaos. dividends, ruined plans, blasted hopes, and the generally rotten business civilized world have turned to our ecoshape of a hunter and came to silver were restored, it would give work and wages to of men throughout the If which has been epidemic in the United States and various nomic and solutions have been offered, each earth his with pandemic throughout problem great dog. They hand. Merchants would thrive. Taxes could be the world. or impossible of operation. entered the royal palace and every willing but merit, impracticable having carried without confiscation of homes and shops. We plead for One plan has been offered, however, that not only points How can we obtain man consumption to match mass production, the dog set up a howl that all humanity. out the faults in our present economic system, but outlines a and thus help to spare every one the hardship of periodic bad times? shook the building. The ruler, j. Only greed or ignorance or cowardice can now deny that safe and effective solution, who asked bold in its assurance of success, also was a tyrant, 'Mass production of goods requires man production of customers. wages, and silver constitute the holy trinity of material what was the matter. devoid of the usual complexities and conditional phases so The work, yet salvation. Msm production of customers is possible only through advertising. common to economical theories. dog is hungry, said the hunter. Benjamin B. Stringham, Everyone must make his serious choice and take his respon- after To some people the apparent simplicity of this solution will be a The frightened king ordered formulated the system and research of observation, years sible part. On the one hand is dole and misery to the jeopardy food. outlined food from it in his recent All the the and be known as Natural hear to best It that which can the Development disappointment. may disheartening of all possessions. On the other is work and wages and blessing book Government." Natural be proposed is nothing more than our familiar old friends, honest goods royal table was devoured but for this weeping world. still the dog howled. "Will ' at Christian and fair prices, and advertising. Heed this ! Work, wages, and silver are better than gold, the beast? Before one can fully appreciate Natural Development he dole. and Mr. Watt, however, when he set in motion the industrial revolution, nothing satisfy came the reply, unemployment Nothing, rid himself of two common errors or misconceptions. It must was not above using a force more commonplace and familiar than adverTHE FIRST THE LAST is not fundamentally necessary that any successful, operative 'except the flesh of his enetising the steam that fluttered the lid of his mothers kettle. That force mies. And who are his ene- ; The nation is bowing to the memory of George Washing- system of correct living, especially as it applies to economics, The ton on this, the 200th became a prime mover of the world. On similar principles able minds mies? asked the king. anniversary of his birth. It will stand comes through, or be formulated and operated by any church will there howl as as dog long of our own times can develop the latent power of advertising into a prime at salute before the majesty of its greatest man. No other na- or creed. All Christians believe in divine guidance and feel are people hungry in the king- tion has such an asset as this nation has in its mover of economics. In the light of what it might accomplish if more memory of a God is vitally interested in our existance, and often inspires dom, and his enemies are those spigle man, its first patriot, its wisest statesman, its greatest men for the good of countries and races. But to limit any developed, advertising power today is what steam power was in 1770. that practice injustice and opits loftiest character, its noblest citizen, plain George scheme for universal good to a particular sect or cult would be Advertising requires no novel mechanism. All the apparatus is avail- press the poor. The dog is general, A country with such a character in the forefront to assure it limited application, if not total failure. Of equal able. Though it is capable of illimitable improvement, the fundamental still howling. How long must Washington. ot its history should travel far and function mightily for human importance with this principle is the second fallacy that Natuwe listen? welfare. All credit for the Declaration of Independence has ral Development is a rebirth of the United Order. The latter principles of advertising are clearly established. Its practice is a art. b$en given to Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson, but let it was a plan of living inaugurated kv the Latter-da- y Saints the failed had for all would have it that they fc said once early years of Utah and was actuated and during The basic cause at which the jobless would, shake their fists is not utterly How long will it take to so not been for the influence his of His principles. Natural Development recogby governed religious spirit, Washington. that too few mills are running, but that too few advertising campaigns civilize mankind that we will his wisdom, his intelligence and foresight, his one- nizes the good in that and other systems, hut is first of all a patriotism, are running. throw war into the discard? ness with the people, and their confidence in him, made it pos- corporation organized under the laws of the State of Utah and As one who has studied business depression in life rather than in We have been at it now for sible for the famous Declaration to come forth and it was main- founded upon the same general principles governing any sound, libraries, I see in current conditions the call for advertising. It is the over six thousand years. It tained by the power of his shining sword. In his purported legitimate business organization, and is neither philanthropic, is devoutly to be hoped that Vision the Son of the Repub-- j charitable, or limited to any creed or sect, angel is represented as saying: way out from the present situation. Dur- lie! While the stars remain and the heavens send down dew we are about through. Membership ing the. nineteenth century, upon the earth, so long shall the Republic last While this organization decries the present misrule of Let us be 14,000,000 men lost their lives lieve this as we pay silent homage and spoken tribute to our capitalism, it recognizes value and dues not pretend that any in war, and as many have per- first and greatest patriot. We are rich in the possession of the and all individuals may freely become members and enjoy the PROBLEM FARM FACING ished thus far in the wars of heritage he left us. let us take pride in being a fellow privileges of membership. It is utterly impossible to take the twentieth century. Most citizen with him and feel the full thrill of love for native money from an empty purse or water from a vessel that has Ham. Editor Anociati WHEELER U'UILLEN. Country Bj of these millions were of the land as we stand under the flag which he first unfurled to the not first been filled. Neither can members long enjoy benefits Aryan race, which has the cus- breeze of America. from a corporation unless they, or someone, make such values' he is his has fanner is true that the LTHOUGH it troubles, by tody of the forward march of available. Membership is limited to those who have something A to offer in exchange for what they expect to receive. Recognizno means in the destitute class. In a period of much political the human race. Most of them CAPITALISM AT ITS WORST were young men, above the ing the unfairness of Capitalistic rule and the unnecessary costs Some Truth About Mexico about his sad state, he has been able to buy 2,000,000 in spirit, courage and Capitalism has had some mad careers in various parts of and profits of our present system of distribution it is planned "radio sets, 1,000,000 electric lighting systems, and so many average inteligence. All for mad am- the world, but it is doubtful if it has been shown up in a worse to so correlate production and consumption, (bring the produce motor cars that at least six agricultural states have more bition. Had all the energy that of Mexico is a in Mexico. about than 15,000,000 er and consumer together), that benefits may be distributed; country automobiles than farms. He has been able to keep 60 per cent of his was lost, all the money that was light population with marvelous resources which have scarcely been equally among all concerned. Members will be given employ- - '' spent, all the property that was touched. It ment in the vocations they are most qualified to pursue anf farms free from mortgage obligations. of the world's oil, produces been used to elevate of member will be asand five per cent of its gold. Its coal stores are each individual that becomes a In fact, much of agriculture is in an excellent state of health. And destroyed, how its silver, better it mankind, vastly sured a condition far a mineral wealth remains inexhaustable. in the living and almost superior to what that Its satisfactory pros- would have been. so tremendous is the progrees now under way practically sight the masses in Americans like untouched. are today. There enjoy that 20,000 is something learning pect of improvement amounts to a certainty. For the farmer Not Utopian Dream country and upwards of $2,000,000,000 American capital into grow two blades of grass at half the cost of one. economic of normal and rational existence is deEvery about resources vested. phase natural are Its only A speaking before cared for in Natural Development. Where only the favored Exactly wiitt this increased efficiency in agriculture is going to mean the gentleman is climate Its veloped. perfect. Comof Chamber Idaho is shown quite clearly in the case of wheat At the present time the. cost merce remarked as follows : And yet its government is chronically on the verge of Bank- few enjoy the privilege of cultural devolopment and release of growing wheat varies from 40 cents a bushel to $1.67. If the AmerIf something isnt done dont ruptcy. Its people are among the poorest on earth and live in from the constant grind of work under our present system, such luxuries will be available to all members as their deican farmer could bring his average cost down to the present customary be surprised if we have a social wretched misery. Also they are among the worlds most ignor sires and inclinations distate. and Greed ant are and The people. rampant. ignorance poverty It is foolish to levels of good farming, his profits would be increased enormously. And revolution. This is not an Utopian dream. Men and women of keen in and those who work are are paid people practically slavery think of foreclosure on a large new factors of recent development are pushing costs down to still lower and unusual business experience have been chosen to forinsight build while enormous the profiteers up scale on the farms and homes only a pittance, formulate levels levels never before believed possible. the plans of operation and manage each department. of of the lives the the at tunes expense peons. of the country. The farmers very most strides have been made and already much good has come. the for call The elements that painstaking inquiry have a right to expect that Is this a good system? Is it worth perpetuating? Suppose Rapid urgently Thc members are enthusiastic about the good already The of land You areas. Government there. present a our was of instituted Natural utilization steady their crops will be of sufficient system are such problems as the proper and look forward to a rapid and wholesome growth, resulting would which could see a resupflourishing shortly easily nations value to meet their obligations. country greatest physical depletion of the fertility of the soil, our Natural . brief, Development Association, incorporated, Men now in charge of our gov port four times the population. The people would be prosper-source, is approaching a p int where more vigorous attack must he devised an founded -' be of ous counorganization would world other the that upon accepted sound business prin-- it anl receiving ernment must realize this and parts and adopted. the good of its members bv mutual exchange of goods cl'es oil and coal ore and and and ranch cattle The fif provide is products. them a to to trys up Another pressing problem is furnished by the heavy incidence of monetarv svstem which will .people would become educated and and pros-- ! and services. Its underlying principles are those of Christianity and include the good of all plans and systems heretofore or now and farm taxes, which are now 2.62 times as great as in 1913, providing an restore conditions. happy. Another Ipereus Some of the "best minds have suggested that America1 in operation, but it is not connected with any creed or political intolerably high factor in the fixed costs of production. Many believe noted man says: "Some day should wipe out the boundary line and go in there and develop system. It stands fi r clean living, wise and honest government, -thnt general property levies should be removed from farm land, and that there will be a revolution toleration for corrupt or inefficient officials. It is not the even if it took a war to do it. But capitalism would. with There the is backwash to a country concessions should be made to enable some lands to return to forest and a for all economic ills but will solve our present for panacea for be the few, not the many. The people should present conditions and that develop it crops. Acuities others to be maintained in legumes or make our land a pleasant and desirable place in and and and the do natural the backwash wil some day sweep development' system right which to live. In speaking of agricultural surpluses, we should remember that our our present financial system for themselves. We have enough to do in our own country. most genuine and alarming surplus arises from the immense quantities out of existence. Why let it Dr. CHARLES H. DUNN, DENTIST come to this? Why not emof materials crown annually for which no market at all exists. 303 Felt Bldg. - Opposite Federal Bldg. BORAH SENATOR HURRAH FOR brace the new and put into Office Phone Was. 2796. - Hra. 9 to 12, 1 to 4:30 There are others of course, but we know that the people practice a system which will WHO STARTED HOARDING? . save in us? One friend have Senator Borah. a and valiant sincere, loyal MAGDIEL BUILDING CO we specialize in, Our Impression is that banks and bankers are responsible of the most dramatic scenes ever enacted in the senate was on of in the results which practice of faith lack for the present than' Wednesday when; in a verbal contest with Senator Fess, he rose Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more Are moderaLri And in the are last in to of word bill the LaFollette the beauty, world trap. they championing oratory great heights Some people incline to the harAlf the world loves a lover, .Laugh and the indicate belief that a very shrewd agent for federal relief for unemployment. Here are some of his words : style and comfort. Call ns at Was. 5839 V truths other and proverbial with many you, laughs I that government which wont protect its peo, of the interests was instru- ple is say a anywhich that as we sow, so shall we reap. Sets installed, is a dirty rag and contaminates the EXPERT RADIO TRICIAN flying flag at in head mental on the part tax having the The spirit of selfishness and air. very into income that tax state the has funds very put Roman G Moncur, 1343 ' destroyed banks for the safety of their Is it not for the general welfare to keep women and chil adjusted, repaired by of idea would with that law the it on insisted have liquidation banks heartlessly safety. The make the law very unpopular. dren from starving to death ? Senator Fess says that if we keep Laird Ave, Hy 3340 J loans. In order to get money businesses have been bankrupted Whether this be true or not, them from starving we will undermine their character. I de, and commodity prices shattered. Inventions have depreciated States Hyrum Smith, Specialis the unpopularity has been nounce that as a libel of American citizenship. Ninety per cent CHIROPRACTOR-D- r. '..and profits have vanished. The panic in the United of our would return to tomorrow. work would people that believe with about ist for refuse They to who and Respiratory dis Rheumatic vengeance. brought Nervous, still being nurtured by the bankers scorn your charity. They would refuse your gifts if you would been into the law has a Never come to have be can put ignore credit good. They orders. Painless. 41 E. 1st No. Was. 6147 any ones the state statutes that has so give them the opportunity to work. value of character as security. speedily met with universal Good Will which was considered worth fabulous amounts CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK I, did The not disfavor. now. dime for carried a be people allow to will not in 1929, they Though we are not optimistic about any real benefit com- Let us remodel Your home. You do not need get what they voted for. They You bankers who take every dime we get hold of to liquito the working people through the $2,000,000,000 ReconWork well done, reasonable date our banks and care not whether we are able to feed our voted in goodandfaith for the ing Finance Loan, we can not help applauding the choice money, just products. struction and the amendments baker legislafamilies or pay our current bills to the butcher, Was. Phone 7280 for information. C ture did the rest. If all the of Wilson McCarthy for the Board of Directors. Mr. McCarthy prices. d enough to refrain candlestick maker, please be is man of a unusual His is safe candleor a judgment. honesty beyond ques- BEEHIVE BARBER majority, legislators, from calling it hoarding when said butcher, baker and soul for the tion. He lias had a rich and varied experience. Ile'is conservstick maker comes and withdraws his savings in order to pay had been heart and BEEHIVE BEAUTY people, it might have been dif- ative enough to find himself at home among his associate the bills we used to pay with loans from you. bankers. to After ferent. having gone 30 South State Street Just one more thing, if you should find yourselves among Ini landing Mr. McCarthy on that board, Senator King did expense in adthose who have pulled the financial structure down over their such enormous Complete and Perfect Professional Service law it now a real service not only to our section but to the whole United own heads, please dont expect us, the business men, to break ministering the States. will that it all be seems likely down and weep with you. It was a queer turn of fate that caused Mr. Marr. also of THE WASATCH PRESS 206 Scott Bldg. a waste because the next legiscircle Truly we all find ourselves in the vortex of a vicious Salt is sure lature to tear law the had Lake, to find himself. . chosen as general council for the not has Good Printing for Less but remember, Mr. Banker, that your conservatism k new because his worth was so highly appreciated D and us sometatters into super-banr of the one be indeed and give us to extricate may tendency any I atronize your and the peope S niend L. IN. LUnd else, perhaps equally badv hy Eugene Myers, chairman of the board, thing of dilemma. the causes principle Of Depression . Non-Partis- an J well-kno- , ! THE jpgpshvw -- farm-owne- d one-thi- one-quart- er rd full-fledg- ed ) V one-twentie- th half-starv- ed v.l dff-taug- fertility-buildin- ht g over-anxie- ty " wilson McCarthy broad-minde- HOP SHOP ... 'r a .. |