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Show THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Sights of London That Linger in the Memory HEADACHES Perhaps there Is no city In the world about which more books have been written than London. There are a thousand Londons those found In Llmehouse, Rotton row, Bloomsbury, Cheapslde, Petticoat lane, the Strand, West end, Leicester square, Whitechapel one could go on endlessly Just writing the names of the streets and neighborhoods In London that have been made famous by an army of poets and novelists. But merely because London Is so vast, endless and varied, only the outstanding lights of that fascinating city can be described In tbese short articles. There are, for Instance, the Whitehall Horae Guards. The ceremony of mounting the guard, which takes place every morning In front of this historic old place, never fails to attract a crowd. The moment the new mounted soldiers In their brightly colored uniforms relieve their fellows and get Into position they are like men of stone, and their horses seem to be also of stone neither ever seems to more to the slightest de- Time fi NEURITIS NEURALGIA, COLDS Great Event y Whenever you have nme nagging ache or pain, take some tableta of Bayer Aspirin. Relief is immediate! There' scarcely ever an adie or pain that Bayer Aspirin won't relieve and never a time when you can't take it. The tableta with the Bayer crocs are alway safe. They don't depreze the heart, or otherwise harm you. Use them just a often a they can pare you any pain or discomfort. Just be sure to buy the genuine. Examine the package. Beware of imitations. of Bayer Aspirin is the trade-mar- k manufacture of monoaceticacidester of salicylicadd. MercolizedWax Keeps Skin Young iwtM f OrtMissioiilyiifeHii psal off util lUiKuli hUm MBS SM FI weak sue VMPtsni m2 Imi' Triumph for Ago Beauty competitions seldom end In inch a way as one In Parle, to find the loveliest pair of eyes. The end trants were all dressed alike, in cloaks that covered all the body except the eyes. Finally one pair were so outstanding the Judges Immediately decided. The process of removing the disguise caused a murmur of surprise through the audience: The "loveliest eyes In Paris belonged to an old woman of seventy I wide-hoode- v'd STOp5YOUIttbll IN 6 HOURS WITH rcoWfTn gree. Dnve HAwsyJtJJ Only specially privileged persons are permitted to drive Ihrongh the gateway and arch. Beyond there lies the none Guardi parade, where every year, on the kings birthday, the magnificent military spectacle, Trooping the Colors," la performed before hla majesty. And yet, as Interesting as are Whitehall and the other famous Uu sight! such aa the National gallery Ship 1300m with Its scores of masterpieces of runt free hone! tfotoiia. to art, the unmatchuble British mu- Unbroka hones tit 110 to 115 seum, Big Ben, the houses of parlia.We north rfteor ment and Buckingham palace, none of them are the London you remember after you have left her vast midst. Birth of Washington - sd liw as gtoglai, Hourej tyours. aUcJie-i--Nttirlgi4H- McKesson tRoBBiNil HORSES and MULES Odd Forms of Exarcis Dr. Harrison Gray Dyer, Washington (D. Cl) biologist who died three years ago, had a unique solution of the exercise problem. Recently work--i engaged In tearing down his for-hofound an extensive labyrinth of passages and excavations underground. Some of the passages were neatly cemented and fitted with doors. Dyars widow explained that her husband, ordered by bis physician to get more exercise and, being unable to get out Into the country, arose at live o'clock each morning for four years and put In several hours of digging dally. b Your Rest Deal Promptly with Bladder Irregularities Heed promptly bladder Irregularities , burning, scanty and too frequent passage and getting up at night. They may warn of some disordered kidney or bladder condition. Try Doans Pills. No other adver- tised diuretic is so widely used. None so well recommended. Get Qpons today. Dotni 'ills This Machine Age According to a survey by Joseph W. Roe, professor of Industrial engineering at New York university, It would require 12,000,000,000 servants to do the work that machinery performs each day In the United States. It la estimated that for every man, woman and child In this country there Is generated power equal to that of 100 servants. Going Down! Tie's on the stock market.' The harder he's a man world the more earns for others. COLDS H because nf action and is not just tsahre. penettatea and stimulates Mood stion and help to draw out Used by milhow. for 20 Recommended by many doctors s iwm-indpai- n. u rdwMsf t in milder Jam mull children. Ask for Chil drtns Musterole. N. U, Salt Lak City, No. . Vacation Land Denver Boy is a Winner Smm&htme All Winter Long Splendid ronda towering mountain range Highest type hotels dry inEvery mother real- vigorating aiz clear starlit nigh to izes how Important California's Far west Pasart Haygraoad It Is to teach chileras A CMmfTty dren good habits of conduct but many of them fall to realize the Importance of Just Girls n teaching their Fannie Joe says he Is very modhabbowel good its until the poisons from decaying est. But if lieso.was very modest he waste held too long In the system wouldn't say Nannie But how would anybody have begun to affect the child's know it If lie didn't brag about ItT health. Voluntary Myopia, Perhaps Watch your child and at the first Marie Did you give Bob any opsign of constipation, give him a little California Fig Syrup. Children love portunities to propose? I Mabel Yes, but goodness, Its rich, fruity taste and It quickly drives away those distressing ail- couldn't tell lilm they were opporments, such as headaches, bad breath, tunities, could I? coated tongue, biliousness, feverishNew One to Her ness, fretfulness, eta It gives them a Lulu Who Is she engaged toT hearty appetite, regulates their stomLola I don't know I couldn't ach and bowels and gives tone and strength to these organs so they con- Identify the engagement ring. tinue to act normally, of their own Should you hear a stranger arguaccord. For over fifty years, leading physicians have prescribed It for ing for what you believe, you cant half-sicbilious, constipated chil- keep still If his adversaries get him dren. More than 4 million bottles In a corner. used a year shows how mothers deA suburbanite who gardens Is pend on lb Mrs. Cl G. Wilcox, S855tf Wolff prouder of blisters on his bands thou St, Denver, Colorado, lays: My son, of anything he raises. Jackie, Is a prize winner for health, now, but we had a lot of trouble with him before we found his trouble was constipation and began giving him California Fig Syrup. It fixed him np quick, gave him a good appetite, made him sleep fine and hes been gaining In weight right along since the first few days, taking lb Get qmck relief To avoid inferior imitations of this simple way California Fig Syrup, always look for the word California on the carton. Hart's tha way to Fwntm Spring Great National road, first federal highway, completed from Cumberland to Wheeling, built In 14 years at cost of $1,700,000: e 1834 Lafayette visited United States, trade treaty signed with England; flrat flannel in world manupiece of machine-mad- e factured In Massachusetts. 1828 Protective tariff raised as big Issue first time In United States; flrat trip In United States by a locomotive on a railroad. 1832 First rebellion of a state against the United States and first declaration of secession, by Booth Carolina, over the tariff; source of the Mississippi river discovered; first application of chloroform by Inhalation. 1838 Texas rebels from Mexico and the massacre of the Alamo takes place; first astronomical observations made In United States. 1848 Adams Express company founded; first successful daguerreotypes made In New York; end Ohio canal completed from Chesapeake Georgetown to Cumberland, 191 miles, at cost of anti-slav- Landing af Columbus --1492 Dutch and changed Its name to New York. . 1008 Maine waa organised under Jurisdiction of Massachusetts; first permanent settlement made In Michigan by Pere Marquette at Saull Ste. Marie: 1072 Parliament Imposed first customs duties In America ; first American whale fishery started from Nantucket 1078 Nathaniel Bacon rebellion In Virginia. 1880 Colony of New Hampshire separated from Massachusetts; Charleston, 8. C., founded. 1084 The French bnllt a fort at Niagara Falla. nine. When the march of time brought humanity down to the Sixteenth century it was discovered that the year was ten days off schedule, the spring equinox falling upon March 11 Instead of March 21. To correct this error, Pope Gregory XIII In 1582 ordered that the year should con1802 Twenty persons killed In Massachusetts sist of 8G5 days only, with the extra day added every fourth year to make a bissextile or leap for witchcraft ; College of William and Mary year. In order to prevent further irregularity founded In Virginia. It was decided that a year ending a century 1008 Cargo of negroes from Africa sold in should be bissextile only at the end of each Rhode Island and Boston. fourth century. In this way three days are 1704 First regularly published newspaper la saved In 400 years because the lapse of 11 America Issued, the Boston News Letter. minutes each year makes about three days In 1708 New York negroes plot to seise city the period of four centuries. Bo while It la true and kill all whites; several whites killed and 19 that every year which la divisible by four la a negroes convicted. 1720 First clocks Imported to America (hour leap year, there la the exception that a year which ends. a century Is not a leap year, even glasses used before) ; first Iron made In America If It la divisible by four, nnlesa It la divisible by at forge at Coventry, Pa. 400. Bo 1000 was the last leap year of this 1732 Georgia chartered by the king last of character and the year 2000 will be the next one. the 13 colonies to be formed. 736 Augusta, Go., founded; first newspaper Now that we are started on another leap year, will history repeat Itself and bring to pan printed In Virginia, the Williamshnrg Gazette. 1740 South Carolina legislature prohibited events of great Importance as It has In the past? For no less than four of the greatest event! In teaching negroes to write. 1752 New Year set at January 1 in English American history took place during leap years the discovery of America by Columbus In 1402. colonics, heretofore beginning on March 23. 1750 First settlement In Tennessee. the landing of the Pilgrims In 1020, the birth of 1784 British army under General Amherst Washington In 1782 and the signing of the took Canada from the French. Declaration of Independence in 1776. 1764 Commons voted It had the right to tax In addition to these there have been a great number of other Important events In our history the American colonies without representation ; occurring during leap year, as witness the fol- Louisiana given to Spain by France. 1768 Boston Instituted sn embargo on British lowing chronological record : 1503 Thomas Aubert sailed np the 8L Law- goods; British troops occupied Boston. 1772 First umbrella Imported to America, at rence river. Baltimore, from India; burning of British ship 1512 Ponce de Leon found Florida. 1504 French expedition built Fort Bt Caro- Gaspee. 1778 Washingtons victory at Trenton; first line In Florida, and the occupants were maspermanent settlement in California, Verbs sacred by the Spanish. 1508 The French took back Fort St. Caroline Buena, on the site of San Francisco. 1788 Benedict Arnold went to the British as and massacred the Spanish. 1580 New Mexico explored by a Spanish mis- s traitor and Andre, British, raptured and executed si a spy; first buildings erected at Cln sionary, Buys. 1584 Sir Walter Balelgh explored Virginia, clnnatl. y and Virginia waa named by Queen Elisabeth. 1784 First law In Connecticut, 1012 First bricks manufactured In America gradually abolishing slavery; ship Empress of made in Virginia. China, of Boston, sailed from New York on first 1016 First cultivated tobacco relied In Vir- voyage direct from United States to China ; first ginia. dally newspaper In America, Philadelphia, the 1020 Ninety young women sold in Virginia Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser. 1788 New federal Constitution adopted In all as settlers' wives at 120 pounds of tobacco each ; first cargo of negro slaves sold at James- states but Rhode Island and North Carolina. 1702 First Republican party organised, later town. 1624 Dutch landed eight men to take posses- to become Democratic party, headed by Thomas President. Jefferson; Washington sion of New York. 1706 Tennessee admitted to Union; Cleve1628 Salem, Mass., founded by John Endlcott. 1032 First church began In Boston; King land founded. 1 amended to provide mod Charles gave Maryland to Lord Baltimore 1030 Hartford, Conn., and Providence, R. I, ern method of electing President and Vice Presfounded as colonies; Harvard university founded. ident. 1808 Law halting Importation of slnves In 1040 First book printed In America at Cameffect January 1; steamboat Ihoenlx, built by bridge, Mass., the Bay Psalms Book. 1044 Three hundred Virginia settlers mas- John Stevens, went from New York to Plillndol sacred by Indiana. phis by sea, first steamboat to make an ocean 1048 First instance of capital punishment for trip In the world. 1812 War with England; Louisiana admitted witchcraft In Massachusetts colony. 18,12 Swedes took Delaware from the Dutch. as a state; first cotton mill at Fall River, Mass. 1810 Indiana admitted as a state; first snv 1056 First Quakers came to America and were expelled from New England. lngs banks fonnded In United States at Phidadel 1004 King Charles gnve his brother, the Duke pliln. Boston and New York. 1820 Slave trading by dtixens of United States of York and Albany, the grant known aa New Jersey; British took New Amsterdam from tile forbidden by congress under penalty of death; anti-slaver- Mutttrole well into your dust ind throat almost instantly you b aster. Repeat the Muststole-iuon hour Jar fiim hours a glorious relief! cold feme Mecood oil of mustard, menthol, camphorn mixed with other valuable ingredt-Muaterole to make it what doe-iB t"counter-Mto- year of SCO days Instead of 865, hence February's 20 days Instead of Its usual 28. The reason for the extra day In the month and the extra day in the year la connected with some tinkering with the calendar by several men away back In ancient times The first one to do it wag the Roman Calua Julius Caesar, who in 46 B. Q established a calendar on the basis of each solar year consisting of 8G5 days and six hours But h rather than bother with the of a day each year, the six hours were saved up and a whole day added to every fourth year which was to be known as a leap year," when, presumably, time leaped ahead one day. This calendar waa defective, for the solar year actually consists of 805 days, five hours and 49 minutes, therefore Caesar's calendar was gaining 11 minutes on old Father Time every year. Bo Augustus Cneiar, Julius' successor, tried hla hand at tljiltering with the calendar and ordered that there be no leap year for 12 years. Next the Pontiffs took a hand In the matter by Inserting an extra day every third year instead of every fourth year and by the year 8 B. CL they had added 12 such days Instead of only The Ideal Independence one-fourt- Disturbed p On the curb?" He was on the curb, but now In the gutter.- - Passing Show. Declaration ELMO SCOTT WAT80N EBRUARY 29 Is approaching to remind ns that this la leap year, a $10,000,000. 1844 Morse Introduced magnetic telegraph and Charles Goodyear first vulcanised rubber; first American newspaper on Pacific coast printed at Oregon City. 1848 Treaty of peace with Mexico, United States gaining huge territory ; gold found in Sacramento valley, California. 1852' Telegraph fire alarm system Invented and Installed In Boston; manufacture of galvanised Iron begun In United States at Philadelphia; flrat railroad from the East built Into Chicago, the Michigan Southern railway. 1810 First passage of a vessel from the Great Lakes, Milwaukee to Europe via Wellington canal; flrat wooden paving laid In United States at Chicago ; Bessemer process of steel making proven 1800 Lincoln circumelected, determining stances of the Civil war; South Carolina legislature convened Just before the election and called a convention which passed a secession law on December 20 ; flrat wild oil speculation caused by discovery of oil In Pennsylvania; first pony express, completing Journey from Missouri to Snn Francisco In nine days. 1864 Sherman's march from Atlanta to the sea; Admiral Farragut hlocksdes Mobile; Early's raid to within seven miles of Washington ; postal money order system put Into effect; sorting of mall in transit In railway mail cars flrat put into effect; Lincoln 1808 President Johnson charged for Impeachment and tried, the senate voting him guilty by 35 to 19, but the action falling for lack of con- stitutional majority. 1872 Boston fire, loss, $75,000,000. 1870 Centennial of Independence celebrated at Philadelphia, at cost of $14,500,000 ; Caster battle in Montano. 1880 International postage rate of 5 cents an ounce adopted; discovery of gold at Juneau, Alaska. 1884 Greely Arctic party survivors rescued by Commander Schley's relief expedition. 1888 President approves Chinese exclusion bill; 482 works on theology and religion published In United States this year. 1802 Grover Cleveland elected President; Homestead steel strike and riots In Pittsburgh. 1800 Election of President McKinley; Utah admitted to the Union. 1004 Theodore Roosevelt elected President; Louisiana Purchase exposition at St Louis Formation of Progressive party under leadership of Roosevelt; William H. Taft elected President 1012 Woodrow Wilson elected President; admission of Arizona and New Mexico to the 1908 Union. 1018 Raid by Pancho Villa, followed by Invasion of Mexico by American troops, federal reserve set passed ; Woodrow Wilson 1028 Warren G. Ilnrdliig elected President Nineteenth amendment to the Constitution pra claimed. 1024 Calvin Coolldge elected President; first airplane trip around the world. 1028 Herbert Hoover eVted President; Kellogg anti-wa- r treaty signed In Purls: 1032 777177T t r Wsrtirn Howptpr Union.) chil-dre- Stiff, Aching, Sore! re-lia-vs Writer Would Go Limit in State Abbreviations The abbreviation used for Ohio Is O. Apparently Oklahoma and Oregon do not object. But there are six states whose names begin with letters which are not th'e first letters of the names of any of the other states. These states are: Delaware, Florida, Georgln, Louisiana, Pennsylvania and Utah. Why not use D, F, G, L, P and U for the abbreviations In those cases? Also, West Virginia Is the only West state. ' So why not simply use W. V." instead of the usual W. Va."7 The only reason for abbreviations in the first place Is the desire to save time and ipace. Then why not save all the time and space possible, or else use the full name? Why fuss with Pa." when and Penn." and "PennH. P." would fill the bill? Worcester Telegram. Marriage may divorce. to' be a failure, bnt painful lumbago without blistering or banting. Rub on good old 8t. Jacobs OIL Quickly it draws out inflammation and pain. Wonderful relief comst ...ina minatal 8t Jacobs Oil is Just tha ramady for achas and paina of Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago, Backache, Neuralgia and sore, swollen Joints. Gst a small bottls bom your druggist. Borrowing Unnecessary There's no use borrowing trouble," said the philosophic citizen. You don't have to borrow It, replied Mr. Grnwcher. "Somebody Is always willing to come along and hand It to you gratia. Dr. Pierces Fkvorits wesk women by druggists in ion makes No alcohol. Sold or liquids Adv. O. K All But "la that a real diamond?" Well, very nearly.1' The (London). A Protective Food Tea importance of cod liver oil of high vitamin test was read recently strewed in s Government pamphlet, Isspay Rtlhf chile palatable wsy of taking this great "protective food." In it, and children gain a store otfesisiance-buildin- g vitamins. Scott 4t Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. Sale Representative, Harold F. Ritchie 4k Co., Inc., New York. Lane Si ton S torn tmKs swiia "Ahaiefcivj Oea n lets CUt idKLX" ST" |