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Show xx aii: 1 tai iaic-- 4 PACIFIC, ruin iiirivi mi'i di'i :irt folio-.A tho wilin' wear, and it would difficult to ti ll one fn.ru the oth I N ION fr-.i- : l':tyM.nb EAT at the WiyLtinai!: (leoi'.-- Hunks, Bah-mAtfinii. J. P. Mrs. Dring-hurs- t, Thayer, Neb.; J!I' GHAMiK V. I'XTF.JiN, Miss Nelson, Spriugville; UisnItruiu.,.liJAiiiiIV. Mixwl lr.,iu.. U:42pm il. MhiiMU, 4HiL J. D. Wilkes, John A. Mainer, NcwYorkjJ. V. Thatcher, Kansas, City; John llcndiii Lacn, Levan; 11. J.. Davis, W. E. Ellis, R.ib.4orilu fur 11m Gi.oi:::. Omni Rogers, Mult Lake; W. II. E. If. McBclh male u trip to Derrn, Edward Pitei.:ii, Provo; r Ays4,t' IL II. Law Min, II. H.llt L.'lkc Tiifd--iylie. I jt. ir. Turner Grand basket party nt li: ojtcra .Spanish lork Ch.is. Jl. OBiiei., Chicago. house Thuisday, Feb. 22. At the Mcllatton: Ernest Don't forget tho basket party St. Joseph, Mo.; J. M. (JihhI-wi- Worst Csiso of Scrofula tho nt the ojiera house ou Thursday Doctors Ever Saw C. T. Simons, W. M. Nesbit. evening Feb. 22. sen., II. Doss, II. M. Knlm, T. J. Completely Cured by DOOM Tho Xi in rods of l'rovo liave SAUSA VAUiLLA. Iveiger, Salt Lake; A. D. Gash, I). This play has been procured at much trouble and expense, and the in having tliefr again suem-deII. Christensen, D. Doolan, Provo; "When I was 4 or rears oil I had a scrofcompany will give the entire proceeds for the benefit of ulous son on the middle Unger cl try left hand, hunt with Paysou declared oif. missionaries. Tho care taken in our James Knowles. which rot so had that tha doctors eut the George AduniR, mora and half oft than Ir.ter end took my Sorer od, arranging this play insures it easting Dont miss tho entertainment at James Gardner, Eureka; J. W. hoiuL Then tlio sore broke out on my arm, b the to on both Crowning Event of the cam a out ou viy nerk and tan sides, Ilitf academy next Thursday night the sight of onesys, also Langley, St. Louis; L. C. Clark, nearly destroying Season. admission 10 and 15 cents. Doctors said It was tho ; H. C, Macla-th- , E. S, oa my right nrui. Gcrofula Worst Case of W. II. lloyle and Samuel CushSwan, Sui Francisco; Katie At- they ever saw. It was (imply awful! Five at called of Every effort will be put forth to give a good Baldaquin, ing kinson, Denver; D.' F. Parker, yean ago I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Gradually I found that the gores wen (il.ODE office lust Saturday. Ogden. to heal. I kept on till I had token ten performance. a boltk'S. lea dollar! Just tlilnk of what 11. H. Collins tho jeweler, has I A ihea-aa- d Investment for 1 return that got The Golden Hours Club will Yes, many thousand. For per4 remit I have hud no sores. I the gone to Kurt ka and sumniuding on next Saturday night Th Company givo their services gratis, and in consideration of the years past a present Work all the Time. towus to bo absent about two weeks. at the object and the low price of admission they would ojiera bouse, Mny Blossom, Before, I ceuld is m work. I know not like to see a crowded house. Dr. Shores anil Shores, of Zions one cf the latest and most pleasing what to say strong enough to express my grat Hoods Sarsaparilla tor my perfect to Itude Medical institute will lie in the dramas ever written. 35, 25, ami cun. G Editin' W. TiniNxn, Fanner, Gal. way, Saratoga county, N. Y. city ou the 21th., and can be 15 cents will be tho prices of adOF CHARACTERS. Hood's Pills a wk, w m found nt the Mcllatton hotel. mission, the proceeds to be given dl2Ua sod ten the stomach. Try timn. F. D. Huish Stove Hariand, who sins and repents Prof. D. If. Christensen, super- for tho benefit of ilejsirling missA. Daniels J. Uncle Jeremiah Bartlett, village parson intendent of public schools, was ionaries. Considerable time and weddings in the last two weeks. I. Fiulayson father, Tom Blossom, Mays J. 8. Douglass in the city this week visiting our expense has been spent in procurOwen Hathaway, fond of fun Charles L. Olson gave a danco Richard Ashcroft, boss at fisheries IL 8. McCann ing and rehearsing this play, and public institutions of learning. B.tdham in last House the Henry Friday Eph. faithful negro Opera every seal in the house should be Stark .Lave Wasted: Reliable man to open filled Dont think in fisherman All attended who Hiram Short, spoke going you night. Dtels small office near here and handle will lie Bluster Hank nnd music of the ; giving a donation, for your very highly .Al. Barlow U. 8. officer my goods. Stamp anil references. money's worth is assured. themedves as having en- -; Captain Drummond, M. Stark .Mrs. May Blossom, A. T. Morris, care l!i is paper. 52-M. A. Mrs. Huish oyed the party very much. Deborah, her maiden aunt Miss Emma Ramsey & maid Delta will Nesbit pay Cath Free dances were given in the Milly, house About the Stock Law. Aouie Stark Little May, age seven for beef, veal, hides, pelts, chickens, Editor Globe: I wish to ask new Social llall Monday and eggs and turkeys, (all nt tho Me a Sit'ornM. question of nny nml all those Tuesday ownings. Very, crowded Hatton hotel for information. 51-- 4 House. who refuse to protest against ani- mt Torn IVossoins of Exterior I. Act juirfect order prevailed. WedW. M. Nesbit, formerly super- mals running ut large around our Act IL Homo of Steve Harland. nesday eve. was pay night, and not intendent of the Mammoth mine fnrms? Act II L Snmo. Act llll. Wintergreon Lane. at Eureka, was in town a couple Mr. Junior juite so many people came out but Wightmim told my of days this week. Ho left for crowd was just large enough to soil Abraham Done thnt he counted the SECTARY 24, 1884. Eureka Wedncsdny evening. DONT FORGET THE DAI 103 animals ou his land, a forty enable all to have a glorious time 1st proud of Tho valontino pnrly at tho opera acre lot with a good fence, at the The band boys should h new i!. (heir they certainly west nionn.tnius one day last f.iii. house Wednesday nislit drew the patronage of tho peodeserve -crowd. luw Now The K)stolIico the in the keeplegislarge pending WjP-- 4.W !! D. 8. L.., er was kept busy handing out val lature, says he shall drive these ple. Santuqnin Feb. 1G, 1894. 25, rntincs, to the delight of the animals to his own corral nnd can for them 24 hours, his corral is young people. PROGRAM There will bo a grand Imsket 24x55, four miles from his land Also hunt apraisers, take them and Of UNION Entertainment at the Iliff Acadparty ut tho opera house on Washshow them the have damage they Tickington's Dirtlulay, Feb. 22. emy Thursday Eve. Feb. 22. ets will bo 75 cents, which will en- done. Come home, hunt marks Washington, y 10 pupil. title the holder to a splendid hitich, nnd brand, anil geueial inscription, Planing n wraith to hi memory, by 20 pupil . Hunt brand sheet to find brands Playing Washington, 5 little ona. with one of the fair sex. Recitation by Angie correBjionding and owners of the O rich anil happy laud liy S girl. Mrs Slcwntt, wife of Irvine animals. If Nancy' gunii. by Mnggir Craven. they live in tho pre- Alisa LOCAL TIME CARD. Stewart died at her home in this Knritntioii IJliprty ITcil. liy Arthur (Awtlnr. cinct ho must notify them person Recitutiuu niul Song, liy l'firl Siinnus. Angie TO of last Foil. 13, 1101. In eifi-evening, Wednesday city Rich, Viola Mclicth S!.- Ta; lor. heart failure. Tho funeral service's ally, that he has their nuimnl or UncitatUm, as Follows: Run Trails Our Washington, by Chu. Huish. were held in tho Presbyterian animals in charge for damnge; if Song. Our Wuhhiiigtun ltli lmtclnrt drill. Chicago, Omaha, Southbound. Leave 1.45 a. m church yesterday nftornoon, after outside must notify them by reg- Ier itnt ion, Wushington hy Slay Taylor. t Arrive !L0t a m PraUn wr give our hero," Gertie i.Wip. in. Leave St. Louis 6.10 which the remains were iulerred istered letter to their address pre- Sung, Miles, Arrive J6"11 tBke J live (U am p.m. lUaiu'h Ieery, Emma Colvin, Leave 9JKI a. m . m. Leave 5.U7 Lohi in the city cemetery. Viiolu Mclleth. 9.40 a. m . m. 4.: Provo paid, All this without nny re 3 S i. m. Piiyuon At rive 1U.U a. u Recitutiun, The Good Old Time, Clarence ' Kansas " lie While muneration. is ll.l 3.(10 ia m Neplil p. in. It was a grand surprise to Susan doing Fuirhanlu. Gity, 2 05 p. m Muntl SJWn. in. Sliernier. Recltntluu. Beatrice 12.10 If his by Leave 2.25 p.m. Junb p. m Crandall Monday evening on com-- j this crops mny le ruined for 2.00 p. iu 11.40 b. m. Hail Columbia, hy ten little girl in Leamington Sung, 3.40 p. m ' 10.05 a. m. Oaw Atchison, white, followed by recitutiun and tabing home from one of her neigh' want of his attention. I'e ;ides M ilforil fi.05 a. m. A1W. m leau hy the unir. 10.00 p. m he law 50 Arrive have this more snits well to Frisco calls m. tabic 4JUu. find a mny borly PART II. FSE! RUUD CEA!S;CiB Trains Soul h of Juab run dally except Sunday spread and groaning under its or less ou his hands, in regard Club. Train leave Salt Lake for Ogden at 7.60 a Wahiiigtua dl, 9.3U a. in., 2,49 and 7.00 p. m. heavy lonil of choice preparations to whether the law is better or Miwle by Mandolin Club. For tickets and information Train leave Ogden for Salt Lake at 1.4S a. Veil known to the culinary art. worse by shortening time of sale, Hull rail reNiMHiiled to by limitation from m., and 9.00 a. m. 3JS p. m, and 6.19 p. m. euch member. to Apply Also about forty of her friends is a matter of opinion, I did not Sung, "The Natal Muuu" by Ola Judcou and Two through train dully tq point east. Anglo Rich. who were out for a good time with understand that Mr, Dixon chargW. II. SIIERMER, Piillmuti and Tourist deeper. Free reItoyhooil. by Alfred Judwin. B, Stark, Agent Iayioa. clining elinir ear. music dancing nnd song. Some ed us with assessing him 25 cents Washington' The Night with the Right, Du by Fuirbuul; Agent R. G. W.f Fayson. D. E. Burley, Gen'l Agt, Pumgr. Dept., und Mar a for head ten mules running over Taylor. pay it was about 3 o'clock n. m. OR Salt Lake City . Hi lire a aoldinr by Samuel Gungh. our land till after the meeting was Song, before they could break away. E, L. Lomax. Gen'l Puiwgr, mid Ticket Agt. Huish. The Kmiity Sleeve, hy Goorge W. F. McMILLAN, E. Dickiiwou, Uoii'l Mngr., Omaha , One of em. over. I cant henr very well ex- Hi wife and Mother, by Ola JiiiImiii anil H. H. H. (Turk. Wlmrner. Gen'l Jennie Agent, Oliver W. Mink, A very peculiar incident 1: jppeu-e- il cept thoso that Sicak very plain Song, Reroliiliunary Tea, Ada Mellcth and K. Ellery Anderson, 50G Dooly Block, Room Rich. Done. John John W. Donne. Angle in the office of the Mcllutton U. Coadert, Frederick Hi Home, by Viola Melleth. Salt Lake City. Receiver. hotel tho other evening. Watson Song, Mount Vernon Bell, by Ada and Dora Melleth, News From . which hail coin he old an Nesbit Santaquin Debate. Eeolveil that Benjamin Franklin was showing to his father and a wn a greater mun than Uoorge Wash. Our bishop is reported os being ington friend. A representative of the quite sick ngain. Soug, Tewing on the old camp ground. Globe wns sitting near by who Report of Judge. Spring is not coming as soon as America, by Club and Mandolin. also had a rare coin, and being of knowing who held the was expected. Still the snow flies Tirj Lire Sare l. older one, produced his for com- and Bleigli India ring. Overcoats nnd furs are yet worn with com Mrs. lTioobe Thomas, of June As tho times are hard nnd to aid all in meeting them, I have parison, und was somewhat sur- fort. decided to reduce the pride of mending all kinds of footwear. Herelion doctold lier wns 111., City, by prised to find thnt lioth coins bore after the price of soliug nnd heeling mens shoes or boots will lie rethe same date, 1772, anil were ex- Hard times don't seem to affect us tors iho had consumption null that duced from 1 down to 75 cts. Women's from G5 cts., down to 50 ct. there Vas no hope for her, but two actly the same specie; Spanish His much here, ly the way our young Hr. Kings Nf w Discovery pans. Roth coins showed about people are getting married. Three couiph-tetixx cured her and she said tVm. CJIIVHELJL 'it KiV-- lscr life, Mr, Thomas Egget, 139 Florida 8t. Sun Fran- Aivvr.ied Highest lionets Jl'erii's suffered from a dreadful mM, 'tipproaching consumption, Wiklic (ounnoiiiire that he ha a line assortment of tried j without everything els) tleu Ixniglit one liotllu of Dr. Kiugt'g New Diseovery and iu two weekwns cured. Ho is naturally thnukful. It is such results, of wliicli tin be me bainphv, that Skates, Rocket Cutlery, Carving Sitg, The Celebraied Christy Bread Knives. of provei the wonderful Tuble Cutlery, Razors, aud other Goods this lUi'dieino in eoliths and txiids. itd Free but ties at John Quigley's The only Fine Cratm of Tartar rowdcr.No Ammonia; No Alum fe. dfii.r size f and Used in Millions tw Hpiws .:o Yc;uf '. Siaiulard SI. irlu. i;i ci."i r ii.M DegMi-re- .Iii:l2u.m r ; Liek-woo- d, The GOLDEN HOURS CLUB will present for the first time in this city, direct from manuscript, the new domestic drama globe lets. r- . of Will-ium- s, Simpjly Awful n. t d Chit-ngo- begin-nin- e CAST ....F. il-- r 4. ynoNiH of E'F PAYSON HOUSE. OPERA and i5 cents. IJriceS755, IPt-h- . BEST LINE iPAGI:,G SYSTEM. 1. - 'St.Jcs. . de-sirio- Don't Fail To Read 1 his. us Oilier IlepairliiK' L'rojioitioii i W. L. WORSEN CROFT i (Jookinc and Heating r Stoves; Ammunition of all Kinds, i |