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Show im aw mKtGscvra.nrriflrei THE PAYSOH GLOBE, ' fr.r rui.i; Tbs l ! Fonoa-L- u SVi.i - "r fitnictiirc (L I i w i pne. liit jit I'jbllstiJS Company, 1 full Is to n.nv-n-- - . it.t Mil jii i v . i hi s UnalNUIlll-l-iil'U- yp-i- n.tini. the capital is ging' to lio tliippi d south, iloirt drop it off at Provo. iSwilrli it off hero or take it down to Mnnti. Jr Cons iii.UA n t,E ammunition is being wasted in Ilio liarlior. What lYixoto und Da Gamma need, is I prnlieicnt gunners. Largo gnnB little if not pnqierly attention, without settling disputes between other nations, csjiecially during such times us wo are at experiencing. . an a 'i. IrWr-p'l-le.-- that '.jies i.s t i siippress-l.f-i- be is bound uiulertisk With the only complete bicycle plant in the world, from A to Z, is it wli rc every part of the machine is made are acknowledged leaders? that Victor Bicycles sjiv no plant so grandly and 1 here's no bicycle like a Victor, w-h:- r to the manufacture complete as the one devoted eicdusively of this king of wheels. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. SAN FRANCI8SO. D2NVCB, WASHINGTON, BOSTON. Ohio. We tile undersigned have known 'HZ BLOOD b the source of li.alth. Take Heed's Sarsaparilla to F. J. Chern y for tlm lust 15 years, it pure and licit. Ie sure to get keep and lielieve him (H'rfeclly ho:ur-nbl- u SARSAPARILLA08BS in nil business tiiiusuetion and financially able to carry out . T.m.i: iuom roirx any obligation made by tlu ir firm West k Train, wholesale (IronChicago Girl Hi? adores tin ists, Toledo, (). A aiding, Kill I stand oil. nan AMiirvin, wholesale druggists ground Boston Girl Thats great. Toledo, Ohio, me your Train llobbi Halls Catarrh Cun is taken ternally, acting directly upon the money. blood and mucous surfaces of the Passenger Tlirnik you, but 1 gyatem. Price 75c. jier 1 Kittle, prefer to brus!i my clothes myself. gold by all druggists. Xestiuiou-presen- t Collector This bill, sir, has ials free1!. for several months been I I I I J Some member of the legislature who has perhaps koiuh time in his of the profcB. Aliout h life been the victim of a train rub-- 1 a UreHt introduced has Britain are in writer bill, liery, rob to women iug it punishable by death or attempt to rob a railroad train. Mml 0 Jolin801Iifjf 1Illstin Is ho who robs a railroad ti am any 0I10 (Jf th(, pomuIo,,icai au more deserving of death than llor:tirt in tliw West. has mad who robs a stage coach, fortune in apples, even a nmn on a bicycle i A hy r- - nn' r8 Theodore J)n, discriminate against the wenker an expedition o: on havctarteil means of conveyance, hy protect irg i in tho reseaich tho stronger. Besides this, do!s archaeological lie not commit, just as groat a Uwlnnuant region of Arabia. crime, who brinks into n house to Queen Victoria lins diseoverct steal, anil would, if necessary tola fondness for American bis j nrjiose, take the I ries. Slowly but surely our emu. is winning its way in the rt life of those within? Dont think in wo are however, that sympathy gard of ITuropeau niteutnles. with train robbers, or that wo are whlT0 dauaruff) b,b1ii Ll some tram. plniiniiig to hold-unnd of one-nint- ul f Crauber-accomplish- Mrs. Hudson I am so mu-.linterested in the jioor. Mrs. Shimmer -- Indeed? Mrsf IIu.V , Yes, I rend all tliciu. can find about - Solicitor -- But you have so ranged your will as to invito yryne,8 . the hair appear, do lot neglect demons! rated but apply a props thorn, w, . in tho last eight moiilliP, tlmt ' til's and lor. ic like tlnll sllnir Jlenewer. a price of wheat nml silver laar Dr. lvaiiin, a specialist of X.'intcs, very close relation to each other. nunouuces that lie has found If tho price of silver advances tho microbes on a square inch of n price of wheat is almost sure to go U in ugle playing card. It should the is a slump up, and if there wheat market, there has recently give tho doctor uo trouble to connt bill hand, been n depression of tho white metal. Last June, when silver There is uo longer any power reached its lowest mark, the price ju (ho mother-in-lajoke, of wheat in Chicago was ((uoted Hero comes a Brazil, Iml., man lower than it lind ever been before, and leaves liis fur tune to liis wifes A few days nfter the repeal of the mo(her, and, with one blow shnlters Sherman law, silver wus worth 72 an precedents, cents an ounce in New York irui Guil Hamilton, who is writing ou the snmo day wlicnt whs 71J he life of James G. Blaine, lias eeuts in: Chicago. On the Dili, the: . asked Mayor Baxter for the loau of wheat wns C21 nod that prn-. of the file of the Portland Adver 1 hey rise and fall of Bilver tiser while it was edited by Mr. like vessels on tlio ocean tula If Blaine. It is the property of the the funner would know whyt lus, . of and will be sent wheat is not bringing a better city Portland, to licr. price, let him look up the price of There is no claim made for Ayers silver, and if ho i desirous of reliis farm for ceiving more products Sarsaparilla which ennuot bo en-lhim vote for legislation favor- - dorse! liy .scores of testimonials, able to the white metnl, and if lie This fact plainly proves that the would know tlie price of silver let bio wi is the source of most disor-liii- u ask tho price of wheat auili dors nud that Ayers Sarsaparilla vice versa. It seems ns though it is the best blood purifiers. Try is time ho should .understand this try it this month, . I I I w I : j. I et couditiou of things. Immigrants and returning voy agers fiud in Ayers Sarsaparilla a Should the proposed liorticul-Lj- ., jor eruptions, boils, eczema, tural bill become a law, the major- - L,1(.m whellier frotu Ben ity of our people wil. have to tn j10( nu,J lifo on or gago iu other employment tliau frolu BDy other cause. Its value os that which they have heretofore L (onje ftnd alterative modieine been following. It will be licces- - cannot bo overestimated, sa ry for the heads of families to . German Princes provide the other members with acMUt nil like those loadlivesat squirt gnus, nn.l a bucket tilled tho 7 hey rise i. books. in story with some certain chemical tluiil, ent 7, plain, regular meals, have and march them out to do battle lessons to learn, and only lnrd with the insects nnd larva which ami go to bed at t may happen to be intruding upon simple sports, of w;hi"11 iu ln the trees' nml houses within mh1 for ,,s,ir htlii premises; for should tho inspee or Col. Nicholas of Heading come around hiu! discover a caler- to furnished supplies Washington's pillar, wending his serpentine course lip (lie trunk of an apple army nt A alley Iorge. liis heirs tree to enjoy his noonday inciil, claim lie wns never paid in full, tlmt tree would be cut down and nnd will shortly present a claim to cost into the fire. Or should one Congress for nenrly 1,000,000. of these pests bo found on the, LT.ere arc lo'.-- ; of heirs who, who riHifof a barn or other out building, h..ve subs il d tii.- i:,y w-ulli- ng ship-boar- i f j j - A CiuiiiilfleSiiK-- (.'uiwiuuily oil Iiuuil, The Dying Certainly. impose to bo forgotten. Co., Chicago, iro'-d- . luyHon, AnX we have received the finest selected stock jf i tsl and at prices that defy competition. Come and examine nnd bo conviiu'i J.'S. PAGE racs SHT5E- fTO-rr-v- Harness IlanieBS and Saddle Oil 25 ceuts per qnnrt mul upwards and NOW IS TIIE TIME to use it arliti-atio- u. Kcjmiritiff and Oiling Done Promptly I don't and at reasonable prices. Call and 1.1 us when yen want anything in our line. see J. A, LOVELESS, Main street, Payson. It you ars tfoing 111. Rates in effect Nov. Kansas The s City, St. Louis, To the errat .ntxit i sm bist salvo in the world for cuts, ruiscs, sores, uieers, sa! rheun fever sores, tetter, rhnppct hands chilblains, corns, nud a! i. Quigley. Atlimtic amlmm 1. i'.ii'imnt nml Tliinnirlilfv Mixlnru Eiiilimriit nml liivlinimr ('Imir Cura, in nliii'h tlia urn lrre to huliU-rof rrffiilur train 0 continuous pass- the Ilio Grando Railway to $36.85. Chicago will be St. Louis 32.85J Missouri River 25.35. To Coloiado common pointsl6.35. Round trip limit GO days to Colorado common 3.5o. points Round trip limit CO days to Deming and El Paso. . . . 60,55. ................. AY. II. SIIEKMEIi, Agt. F. McCAW, WATCHMAKER And JEWELER. a 3a 11 on or addrbss s. r. y Kotiinl, ir, FrH,--t A Puna. Airt, Morliiii block. Suit City, ('(iirnirrruil refunded. Price For Bido by 25 ci its per'Siox. i TTtfili 1 ticket. It satis-ijnone- rirrrc anil k tipi ions, nnd positively cures r no pay required. iced to gixe perfect s AYestern 'roin ai.sm-- first-clns- age. via . piles, guava factic 'ArP and ifp wards. Saddles S8 and upwards $8 Low Kates imi (lr any mint East, ami wlnh to tha are still in effect to ensternpoints riilu (liruiirh Joy a dayliirlit t Krumli-Kwsmerjr of the llockr via the Ilio Grande AYesteru railinoiiiitnliiik lie aura to anil fur a tliut mula via tha ticket Ilio Grande the way. Remember Westcrif is noted for tho elegance of its equipment, its new coaches its fine cars, its tourist or colonist sleepers and its new nnc artistic! Pullman double drawing room palace sleeping cars which No Tiresome Iihyovcrs, Close Connections ia ruu th rough to Chicago withou Union Depots. change j Speed, safety and comAnd Positively the fort" isiits well earned motto. Two Quickest Iloule main 1: ne fast express trains to the east d. ly. ( "7 i billiousncss, constipation, torpid liver and kidney troubles, or impurities of the Hood, use Yerbn Buena Bitters. skin : 8 ccnts"pcr pound. : For lit XJtsili is now bringing Thr ftrrat Sprint Unliilu i: ai. of thiflieiit quality ul isfuclion. un J jCiiurunUtxl .to give Itaiiin Street, t'ntt. Iiion receipt of your address and Iftceu cents in postage stamps, we will mail you prepaid onr Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition, the regular price is fifty cents, but as we want you to linve one, we make the price n uuinnl. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It eoutaius full page views of the 'rent buildings, with descriptions of same, nnd is executed in highest style of urt If not satisfied with it, alter you get it, we will refund the stauqm nnd let you keep the liouk, address, H. E, Busklcn & Perlite IIVtW'i Fair far Our .V;uii h!l rroMFtlj V fy f(llinJ Hiii'iiess and Saddles. May How do you liku your new cliapcrouo Ethel Oh, .none too welL She doesnt seem to know her place. After the fifth round I cun't keep her off my fiances lap! First Cannibal Tin new miss ionary is described ns a very swee tender man. Seeoud Cannibal Its n good thing for li.iu lie comes in Lent. I p IKuIcn in unJ Manufuc running Neverpuy Then, for goodness sake, let it rest for a wlido. I (i-i- '.I'iy tui-hm- called upon to settle a dispute as to a certain boundary line between Drar.il and Argentine. It BcemB as though the chief executive of this great nation, would have other to engnge his time and . wii'i - - Pjiksident Clevki.ami has been . ,IT lias been clearly i j!- To-Ied- n, avail lmt manned. mak-lsion- Vel - The uriexpciVd happem-- l not inciting In protest against tho bill, long ago during one of the couii-tr- y and, (i:i ry in t.h' ir i puuk. house visits of the Duke i.nd Duchess of York. A rervant maid Haw's L:A 5. in lur anxiety to i,ip liuoug'n AYc o!T r One Hundred Dollars the (lining room vimlnw ut lac reward for any cant of Catarrh royal pair, lust her balance and that cannot be cured by Halls ciujki h(,.i' f.ii' iuu. t lliiutiyh the witdow, to tlu consternation of Catarrh Cure. Ihe guests ruuud the table. F. J. Cheney k Co., Props. A sirr:n I.- ynli.tr. !. i: he managed tn j and his ea tiun, !; ;. jmt i,nrrisjsiui the re is no suil :ug u mu ing young to succeed in want he r 'WWiWeMiw t i;:' A. ? tn mi tii an deprived o tsn, HKPrxt ji.i.m. Like a great m. stingy .. !l 'fl ill t liol lm i. r. II'. . I if tnmit lift to Gudti r half our i ill tl.n irfMliillwv ut nml licit cm i:srh tr.es loft in ThlifKtK-lf;i miii, l'l. ill. fir I rail :ni'iiii tliroii;h Ilia to produce snili Mint fruit lllilil liilllllT. l IlllliU to keep t!.c luys:i:i cunning factory MILslUIIMl'iS'; ruiniing ix weeks. Wo nolo that l SO Oiiithe ladies nf Npringvilhi held n Si - t Jiivs-- late Col. J In tl: i ii-- . il id- lkr -- OK If.C.TOHXKEXn, St. tio:il. Mo. tlm"rntr,:ti. A Ti- - krt Ap Fine repairing a Specialty, lix Old PoMtoflUn |