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Show I ? I PAYSOX, UTAH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1894. VOL. 2. NO. 2. containing from to 5 per cent, TERRITORIAL paifilne. Located permanently In tlio giu-SI BaM SmoiiJ South St., Suit lutke City. If ozokerite is dissolved n white gossips; scores of men with the caboose SHORES. of their trousers worn emwhich M.l).. is obtained is (J.W. paraffine Short and Crisp Items From the Judge Caldwell's Plain Tail to A. J. Silt IRKS, M. 1).. smooth of as glass; men who can tell ployed for the manufacture Con. till ini; Pliyi.'luni. Pacific Receivers. Territory. you all about finance, the weather, candles, anil it might he used as and how to run ot her peoples busiointment and poijiedes. With dilof the rye. ear. All illhouw is rendered uted acid it ness, but who have made a dismal sulphuric Spmialtira: ALL THE NEWS 07 THE DAY fnilure of their throat and liuiKtf, female, rectal, and distillaown. Oh, that God fractioued white. After for pilcU private ilhaiaan. Our treatment ur unit would but give us a gention a hard black waxoy residue Almighty aaw, iiaiuleMi wife rud certain mathi'd, eral reformation. is valuable this S a Crew of Thirty five Hun ami Veai ir.. to' results and 7 to S very Bingham BulRuyiKilla Mountain l.iniirn Juil Hlril.'' OBra hours: 9 to 11 a m, I to p in, Hot letin. of tom 11 a m to 1 p m. the the combined with -Sxtii;.i? material, m. lteiii iSnudaye. Kuril (h- Uuilruud t u Ristivir Other insulating p tf:irili-ii--r liimcp-.t. Indian rubber fi.'.d ulumed ut Ifomhiy night three jail birds St. Louis, Feb. 15, Attorneys is a substitute for rubbt. r. made their v',ape from the jail in Homo Treatment. Thurston and Corwin, representing There Imre been produced in There is a strong magnet situa- this city. Tl.cy were John Kelly y mail at their the receivers of the Union Pacific the United States in 1892, 130,-00- 0 Our treatment of pitient.Waiilta uml ted somewhere in the eastern part nnd Frank tuiulicsse, awaiting hornaa thronith ymitonu our road, who came here to ask Judge (ountls, value 87.800, and perfeet ami effectual a. of Sandy, which seems to have a t ih action of the giu.-ujury for clow uuilwithia Caldwell to h (unionize the conpounds, value 8150,000, imHVln-pflea'.nork. The clmreaaui fruit from Carlisle powerful influence over a certain stealing S reach of all. flicting opinions of Judge Dundy, ported. The oils oozing at the some time ami ThomaB Rico ago, musician. Ike of Omaha, and Ilallct of Denver, Green River Btation contain a young Dry Creek ONLY .83 A MONTH. who was awaiting net ion of tho Dry Creek damsels are swearing for had an informal conference with large percentage" of paraffine. Kualoae I cent stmn.K and write same body of men for stealing loadvengennee on the lovely circular. him to secure a date for a hearing, It is a wonder that nobody has direst some cli'lliiug from the Chicago stone of Sandy. Independeuk of manufacture and a the dtcided taken got up M. Gutcliesse was D., clothing H.,ro. TILS )S. After listening to a statement of candles in this territory as it would Q I, in in readiness Everything is captured Tuesday by Deputy Sherbo a paying investment from the Sidt Creek ike cose, Judge Caldwell raid; test iff Fred Turner, concealed in a canyon for the Physician ami Surgeon. You have taken advantage of stark More than 8100,000 worth which is to be commenced there barn in the Third ward, this city. the employes behiud their hack. of candles have been used in our on the placer claims next Monday. Yhe other two birds are still at Go back to Omaha and revoke mines in the post year. Hotel, Siriitli'a A number of Salt Lake parties aie arge and will probably remain bo. jUjec'opyoailo Puyson, Utuh your wag's order. Then I will interested in this test and they will hey were Been early Tuesday A Delightful Entertainmeat. take up your case. Prepare and Arrive from tho north tomorrow. morning at Cliche Junction conadvertise your schedule and give One of the most delightful and W. II. Hyde picked up a very cealed in a lxix car. It is thought J. n. EVANS. the men not ice. I think sixty days excellently rendered musical promtty hut small nugget of native hey went to Pocatello and then DENTIST. might not be unreasonable. I will grams that it has ever been the gold while prosjiectinp on one of west. Mr. Turner went as far as come to Omaha and hold n confer- good fort ant of the people of Dexthe claims last Tuesday. That 'ocatello and as no trace of them Over UouKl- uence with your receivers and rep ter to hear was presented by the gold is lliero is beyoud a doubt, was found, returned empty handed. resentatircs of the labor societies, choir, of St. Thomas church, of and the Logan Journal. only question to be solved aUiu crown.. and we will Bee if we cannot agre.c Ann Arbor, John J. McClellan, advantto an worked be is, can it Saturday', George Wood, who SETS OF TEETH upon n schedule that will he just leader, at the sacred concert given age aud profit? This will he dem- ivos in the southern portion of tho to the employes, and such ms 'the by them in Sk lecc within reach of nil. Josephs church onstrated beyond all doubt within valley just south of College Ward, receivers cau afford to pay." Monday evening. the next few days. Neplii Courier. was exhibiting iu Logan a large Concerning the coatadictory orWhile the audience was not mountain lioness, liicli his sons, ders about the relations of the Uu large, it made tip in appreciation Morris Brash, alias Joseph MorJohn and Henry lind run ion Pacific aud the Gulf system, wlmt lacked in it numbers, aud not ris, for whom a warrant of arrest George, down killed tho Thursday preand Caldwell conwould said he Judge one of those present could listen was issued on Monday afternoon, ou vious sult with Judge Siubom as to to those Muddy, river. Tracks e compositions was arrested at Ogden by the magnificent in the neighborhood, seen been iud PropTfc. Dean & Gilmour, jurisdiction and reply later. of that city early yesterday so artistically rendered without Old lUtahlUlied'Uarlierc. some time, and Thursday the boys feeling theraBt c? elevated and the morning, nnd in the afternoon UP' BY by two dogs, followed GIVEN THE SEA. U'crtf heart stirred and prompted to Detective Slice ts left for the Junc- accompanied tint trucks and finnlly ran onto the he tion city for the purposo of secur- xftst O mi m liferif. lying in a clump of hushes. ThaLutSesnsa Pram Tha EornhstSi higher nnd holier impulses. the prisoner. lie returned Tho dogs soon hustled her out. to us compliing It pleasure gives Has. ELEGANT ment the choir of St. ThopiAB last evening with Brash, aud the and she ran into another hush, London, Feb. 15. A small bot- church in when one of the boys shot, bring upon the thoroughly artist- case will lx investigated today was tle on beach of the ing her down with the first bullet. picked up BATH ic manner in which bodi vocal aud the police court. The complaint The animal weighed about 175 one of the Hebrides islands, instrumental selections were ren- charges Brush with having msBed tounds, and Mr. Wood disjiosed of IN CONNECTION. a piece of paper, on which z. the beautiful skin to Mr. "Van Opposite the Glo1o Oliico. dered and to congratulate Rev. a forged check upon Michael was written the following: served Ho has already Meier, who had it stuffed and sent Fr. Fleming aud his parishioners a? a present to George A. Lowe, September. 1893 Sinking tlicir good fortune in obtain- two terms in the territorial peiii it of Mr. Wood says Salt Lake Horn head. Collision upon tentiary for the same offense, hav- :ier mate is city. ing their services. most likely in the with iceberg made. to have the pleas- ing been sent down from Ogden Ve neighborhood, and he expects to The steamship Hornhcad com- ure ofhope again in Dexter, Herald. them catch him before long. Logan hearing manded by Captain Scott, sailed aud furthermore, that they will Journal. from Baltimore on August 19, and appear before a crowded house, There is some probability that would most certainly when tho railroad now building Hampton Iloads on August 90, which they TheMid Winter Fair. Leader. Dexter uierik p from the south shall reach Cedar, for Dublin nnd, until today, nothFair at San Tho with behind not be fnr will Beaver will be opened. soon ing hud been heard of her. She Francisco War A Eats Brewing. of with Galina a crew on had Cedar thirty-firaline t'l.-ji board, have connecting The management very careMcCabe. & TatlokT Omaha, Fob. 15 A telegram reUtoniau. beBt the but no passengers. of the worlds the selected or Juab, possibly fully says ceived from CbicHgo this morning breeze who ho to a There eo exhibits those fuir seems that stated that Omaha brokers were gentle r transcontithe now One Lifa Tor Six. of rumor running iu this way were unfortunate in not seeing greatly disturbing nental rate in selling round trip It has not yet become snfliciently the Chicago exposition will still Jeffersonville, Ind., Feb. 15. tickets to San Francisco for 8Gi lames E. Stone, expiated the mur- and single trip tickets for 830, on audible to make much of a none, liavo an opimrtunily to inspect tho BonrtKmRya rebuto plan, reading over the bnt quiet whisperings nnd furtive foreign exhibits at San Francisco. der of the Wrattan family of six Pacific. glances Beaverwnrd give some The llio Grando Western Railway WHISKIES. persons on tho gallows at 12;30 Union lines west business The doing signs, while some remarks, unlaw in line with its usual progressive ffldaalFny-c(!athis morning. tor bound fiom Omaha, iir.iundiutelv ful to mention Z&rd just now, give other spirit will, in connection with the The sextuple murderer kept up commenced an investigation, bnl evidences of activity iu this direc Southern Pacific coirqMiuj', will au air of bravado until the last mo- met with little satisfaction as the liavo recently been tell t siorsion tickets from Paybon tiou. There ment Stone walked to the gal books of the company showed no braadcof Vert inthe Handler only lows without a tremor, and met his tickets hare been itolu lower thnu some leading questions asked am tu SiiU ranciseo nnd return, minted answers given on these cluding five (5) admissions to the doom without a word of excuse for tariff rates. of $39. 4). e which may develop into fair at tho very matters, (Vrjjp'tf JUiuluj CVniK .Yew KdUfau Winss, Liquors aui Cigars. the horrible crime. Ilis neck was bo will before tickets substantial These gotid thirty many something broken by the fall, aud there was Henry N. Copp, tho well known days. issue. date of (rum (30) days no movemcment of the liody after land lawyer, of Washington, D. C , No rcdmv.l rate tickets sill 1: has issued a new. edition of the Bottled Goods aSpecialty it hod passed through the triqi. Every town (Bingham not exto California point? othei Ameriean Mining Code, including laws lntely passed by Congress and cepted) has a few liars; a smnr than Linn Francisco but side trip UTAH 0Z0ZEBIT2. the several states: and territories. Aleck or two; some pretty girls; lii kets will be on sale from San who intend to prospect more loafers than it needs; a wo- iran-.-i.'cAll to nil interesting points Founl Only in This Territory- - ; s: of for persons mines next spring, can spend man or two that f n fare cud a third for the rate old at fogies tattles; Its Uses. First-Clastheir winter evenings profitably in Billiard and Pool Room that the town would bo better off round trip. Professor Hirsching, of the Ending this book. It may be orderTho Rio Grando Western railin Connection. Give them mail direct 'from the pnb-- without; men who stand on the way as you know, runs through chamber of commerce, has pro ed by if book store do not fisher J keep it street corners nml make disrespect- to San I'ruueieco without change a Call, pared an analysis of several sped- - in Btoek. The pri;e is 50 cents, ful remarks about women; young both tourist and first class Pullman of Utah ozokerite received Copps Mining Ihxjie embraces the cars. Two trains daily raysen, Utah. mens Opposlts Basic. TT L! Iim Atr !ni men ami young women who laugh sleeping I n ihm itxl from the Greeu Ilivcr count.! y, J. II. BKNNF.Tr, G. P. A T. A, an idiotic laugh every' time they with some interesting information about that mineial rOSIPH I. ("KOOK. product. Ho finds the specific ai the IochI stato mi 1 territorial Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report. gravity to be 0.85 and the fusion mining laws, with uruerom prnr-poiLaw AU rney emb CO ancing locatii!;. degrees. Commenting on t ical forms, Q ilic product, which is found i:i no ,1(JTjc;?3i Pr,!)f of l(ibor, , ... . forfeiture, liens, sv.rveyR, nppPcM- Office over Dank. f,,r patent, ml 'erse claim, lu Piiyson, fun Jj1 (r PrioI j iT it," dee.l, escrow ."agreement umI .ue, bccs-waOccuib in bi ds of blli-i1'- -' l!,,t find depiirlr.ivnt decisions. mm:i'.iiid-p".'i;.-- . s:ir Tl:i.-- ! !e nd; BOOTH & WILSON, cicil.iins from C:i lo ..iivEMOT WHAT JJ E SAY, but I Zlei's Medical and Surgical Institute lilm-- d J -- l a. l r iiueis-tio- n set-bac- k. BBSSStitosiaxa jxil-ic- -- cou-aiui- : ug Droz-dowit- mid-Atlant- ic, Exchange Sa oon. Mid-Wint- er e . d low-rat- sc-li-i s K V 4 at nt no-ic- i j ii- ! x. Xinnd AttrmyN. 1ivri If-if- t. jm .'i; i I .i: on, i - . " . i i l!l t what Hood's Sarsaparilla Docs, that ils Ihc story ofjvr'ierit and siu.u;.j HOODS CURBS, |