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Show In Heacrinn, Lines to tin menwry of oar bel loved .Sister Drulliiiger, h il. ji.iiicii ibis lift ,Jni. JS.llJ I Dear S.ntt.r 1). lots pan- - to ivst Jiirtt like it weary Nil e yeais in Hfe Hie spent, Her words were kiiul ami mild, Htu-ht-- locates $2.00 Pep ix j A widow Slir ('unit'd A Racking Cough murk JeAvIry. rlr., . ueutly mill on' .hull luitk-vAim curry u full line 'f tli in iiuy wlii.li 1 v. iii --oil chef 1.1 ifitvliiyr Loiim in I t.ili. id ilif jcm-Ii-- r year own i i l of k wurrunlc.l. mid all. Opposite Hank. : Hints why wo an appreciate Her skill and kindness too, tfhe showed the way to tin llm work the oLsVi.s through. Snell women civ a blcesin: While ere their lot be cast, They are the ones who lead the way To applications vast. anta 3Te IJoute, Bind ramie Western, Colorado Midland, Atchison, ToHallways. The nyhiicerlO ipi w:u us peka and Santa Jlu.liUiiii IVnei Sli Carslictween Ogden, Salt Leku City mi-- Chicago witiiut i Imngo, anil l'lilluian lalm-Chair ems latween t- .- Vn. Sait Luke City, Deiii'i-and at Line. Superb Ihe l. Scenery. Equipment l'u8iirpftSi.v 1-- h.-pi- J hey help in very mauy ways By iti ms they possess, An-helping other friends to woik Is Bci-liniii- Cliii-tign- . A Now Daparturs. With the new time card in effect Sunday, Nov. 19th., the Bio Grande Western inaugurates a cial reclining cliair car service eea Ogdon and Denver. The of a special pattern and elegance are not anywlMe- - These curs will be free to lioldorsVf ell classes J. II. of tickets. 1 vIJf THE If so, lie sure niul secure tickets reading FE BOUTE," ::05 J. S. CAGE resident Vl-c- 11. S. WIMMUK. She passed away from earthly friend Her body went to rest, A To wait the call that Christ will give "Come forth, oh! all ye bhfct" hp do the works of righteousness plan. Obey tb to all X stwUKuTuh hat liruigs and beautiful illustrations, and is Man. of So said the Sou devoted princpally to the' Womans r.' SAYINGS tr1 He led the way and walked therein Said follow where I go. Can any one presume to sny, He did net mean it so? -- Superintendent. wnnsTims INTERNA TIOXA T, s&2?&X.',.niCTIOXARY A CmtJidmur. urns m m fbtreaitornflliK Vnahrhieed." Everybody own tills liicllonnry. It an- wer all iiimliiin shmilil go Hirlliiig, pro. anil iiunciatinn, meaning of word. doming: A library in It also Itself. the often ile- - five aired inforniailnn facta concern- concerning emlnratremon; , town, and nat-- , Inp tho conntric. citb-uiul featnrcsnf tlm (ilolio; artii-- Ian noted flrtll imia i lemon and iilaoe ; tranulation of fondpn iiuntatiuna. It i invaluable in the Luiuc, oBice, atudy, and ?. Ths One Great fKinJnM Avtharlty. I . e. line. I). J. Brener. liirtloi.. ry u Co.I.VIlli: of"'VI. i l 11 la nao. I ilia EI IK'JTYK fySend .THROUGH THE. lisiwhii Vhtan(iigw SI. I. H. I. SMutR. ROCKY MOUNTAINS! oilierr J'liinti in of pnn-liayat the f!li HOST KAGKIi IIiEhT RhILFiOAD -- IN THE SCEISERY world. Two Fast Eiprtss Trains Daily raii M- - v way lirrweiix RECLINING CHAIR CABS! ofa..Chiurcv. Fr, from y-- jj I mui U.4 frwilftnir fnHn fnltn. lion.iusiH,riNtiMV.Aiialpinipi jomtii,ar nny i Bi" p. ? ."ii.il h li- : one prtt-:!- .r VCBlrVA T'et i Ul9 j J Ae.a!r. i i 3 K.TV , K MI t t) T. C. Acfery tut.'ir. frjgr I B. 0. D03UU, WniI. ir4-- Co"n-e;;- on Tfl0EC30!ltT If A. E. THI j In Union E!J3:PPXD T. t.-sl- r If. ::r.u fviii .d. Ci:v. ILi : I Dfpet. KAILTTAY iit'-- A'hi binbi-- WEL2Y, J. H. M.KhETTi fc. LAC.L ,on.( i M u n get ui;fhi:!Mcir. cd'iir , , ; AKD- o . a,'p ' f'.ST : . ii Suit In hi! CVii -- O Ai. C! . iCill i SiliY " r Keep constantly on hand a supply of fivril Wli tv3lillly AND IN QUANTITIES , 63 fl!3l TO SUIT. And j OrdrrH left at the Biib'oj fur i)itivtry v.iM it ('ivi1' . I , ?: 1, and Milting Aaorurg. aiipliciilbiiis Prcpnris i.ionipily mim-ru- l tor ihUci i uiul for ull nprlriilliiriil i Hiioe lie-- , to U. S. I. i .id olliii , ni:n 2ii. Rock Springs, i io- IE..1::. ei-- 1 LEY, & i at wire, Itor.-M- it, Lnd, I .ii rjn,Ut;ih. Pleasant Valley Cash Meat Market. WianTXAX Sjns. Castle Gate i l.:V 15 VI s. Acenta for I ir-- j ELEGANT '!, ('il tin :. parts of Utah that the inoniid was for Home other reined v. I liis ii n in t like. It wna the X X X Liniment nod HnrHemnn' Foliar (bill Oiiitiim-- t that Birin ; OGDEN, SALT LAKE AMD DENVER. Direct CiirrrDCPQ hU' Gome 1. ' iii fiKES STiiXte. SI! WOi. Somi' years ago we published in News, tlie testimonial jthe 'of the late Bishop Hunter of Salt Cily, reeoniDU nding the X X X llor.-- o Medicine, and Jforse- inr.iis Collar, Gall and Hoof Oint- - mip-iifi- h ti.c'i'l &.i,(p i o, 'MU'-llti- - K iq.-'pir- 1 2' TH Fair, To Station iinil'-- r 1":l mile fpoin San Fran-ciscfar on ouc uiul 1VI ini If or morr fnin Sun To utatl-ii- i FrunciicOi oih a:i-niiBWity inn1. iiif'iriniilion. Forcxv-- i : 1 nl. or W it nl. iM.v- - ij l tii'i. SHKlfMEi: i... . Fersson block, os for free proupBctm. or Jdi the hralrb nr inteifi-n- - viiuomi-FliTirinfiiirMiim, It build up and iinpruy-- ' Iti k-- ui nl "o wrlnkb-tin tmlRn ut. or ilKbbiiicu .ollutr and l- - mUPiiKorl-i- y ladu. kodoiA'd by iihym-ihCCNFIPENIttl. PATIENTS TREATED BY KAIL. . Excursion Trips KirHARV. (jpn.Tr.lSouthern 1 Has.'. Aiirkgaaraiitcrd rrinoiltoa r . PRICES REASONABLE. !.. ier i 115(5 wbari.i.osf li,rhilYVv that on not RA1LWAYI CISCO ASI) RETORT .. ISO.'J. Sul! lravnpCJtd 5 M, imulp at I'iwIiJi. tnlnrano (iM. Spriiur ami IFiivtr ailh all lint iir.il riillinuii dov mjutIu,h. A ll;t trnliiK. Uohyit nil Inkc on slipiorH Kio (inuidn ami Imvp acomfoiiiiM trip nud mntliifMil. on th tlnPKt nijnjr the Kttiicry A. S. MITiHKS. Tmffir Man. S. K. HCHIPER. (.1J0. G. I. T. A. lhnver, H. F. NliYINS, lieu. Atft. Salt l.ukc. City. StandardGauge Fmx- - 11: Il select front $ n INllllOII. pood for 30 days. oradilro-.:-- f (jjSSlJ TO XO.J-'XT.E- Hundreds of cloth samples to 3 ii. in. Hrrlvrat PiipIjJ.i ft :TCi . m. wir (idu SpriiiffK 7UiU ft m.a 'Dim! 'J:;'1 . Truiii No. 4 lotivm OjsiIimi K;: . in.. Ssilt loiiM1 p. in., arrive ul Puelilo 7:o j, IIin., ((ilor lN'iivtr ! ui Sprinirs jw . m. I SprtnuflOdaa. Co. Tnisn .u inii-iu- all a ilw one meat mmlmid aut..i.ir.M Sold by All ItixiktellerM. G. dr C. Werrlam Co. ruhliHhcr. Bupairing: si Speoiiilty to Leadville, Aspen, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. school room. j : JOHN TEItSSON, Tbop. Tho only line riinniiitr turr, Bound trip Tickets FROM SAX FRANCISCO tt Guliforuln will Iw allowwli tlclu-iqiaeinl lliilwintor Vuir ralp- ing roued-trl- p ew i a SCENIC LISE OF THE WOULD. f Hsii Is iii Sax. Douglasb, Frcsident Tjiok. Wii.box,Jb. THE flYS Gils lit, IPsiyson, D- - c CMP. A SPECIALTY. But awful blindness fills our minds If we reject the iruth. The light is gone, we grope around In wretchedness, uncouth. Fill EX Feo-pl- desiring goods in our Hue will save money by calling on us liefore buying else1 and be convinced. where. COLLECTIONS Her soul was full of peace and love To all loth far and near, She passed away to rculms beyond In love, without a tear. not lie undersold by anybody. will "We per cent intercut paid onjji inidcpoits G yon- SPOT CASH BANK, Trammel a Gmirral Hunl.ir; llii.liirMi. South-er- n Taysos to Sas Agent l'iicsengerDei SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. From now on unlil further notice we will 8(ll all kinds of goods - Pacific nrlnirt (icm-ru- l P:iyson, Utah. MIDWINTER FAIR System and uly Building. FflYSON EXCHANGE The W. . AT COST California R. D- - AllUioilzod Capital Stocig Greatly Reduced Rates Via the lines of the G R'y cr TJ, i WE ARE STILL IN IT And dont you forget it. Irimiilrnt. T G. WIMMI U Oh! happy, happy soul that leaves, This earl lily lift like tiers. She passed away to peace and rest Beyond this life of tears. -- er Cm SANTA .',o.nl on Kaith. train in order MWBmnvsaBvaHvmiMUKWBMMBMnq E'en from our first acquaint, I always found her just the same Iii kindness and iuUnt. Building anil Maehineiy Hall. Too much can not be said of this great work. It would make a Christmas present for thorn to give something in desire who the way of literature. When com plote will contain 1000 folio parts, price pages of twenty-liv- e We understand that 1 a park there is an opportunity for a fe. more competent persons to canva s for the superb book and we km v of no more praiseworthy or pro able occupation. Those interested can wri'e to Francis Smart 99 Bldg , Denver, Col. . tir, C. BUBNKTT 1'AYSoN. I! LOCK, HOUSE 1! C-ty- . Hack Mews all Trains WluIITMAN Greatest 1 N-i- much admired Sister D. Part ten Book of the Fair has been received. It consains supeib ( 1 rnndest anil Leave Ogilen or inll Luke on I1.. to seethe most tiful sun.-i-;.i Ainerien. iiain leaves Bio Grande Western i Salt Lake at 9:25 it in. Ticket Olliee, 15,W. Second South S- ' CITY-- hortM inhibit) notice. On thi! why But Sister D. had such a store Of items in her mind, It was a treat to talk with her Anil the way and kind. Promptto act, sure to cure TURNOUTS FINEST 1 1 Are Yoif Going East? THE- - t they are si blest. Sncli items are worth more than gold Or diamonds eer so rare, To know, to do in time of need, And others sirrows share. Ayer ft Co., Lowell, Mass. lmr Taysoii 'fine uni! room and parlors ioZrer.t seperately for balls and socials. J fferms rcasv italic. die spun, cord d, wove and made A lot of cloth by baud That bellied to clcthu in early uaig - And Hilt'iI a sore tkinand. Ayers Cherry Pectoral Dr. C. Kit-rid- Special rates by the week. Excellent accomodations and large sample room in connection. r iy Her life was spent in us fuluess; SLe neer forgot. to pray; And served the lord by doing good To ali who enme her wav. v and had about decided to sit up all night In my easy chair, and procure what sleep 1 could In that way. It then occurred to me that I had a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 took a spoonful of this preparation in a little water, and was able to lie down without In a few momenta, I fell coughing. asleep, and awoke in the morning greatly refreshed and feeling much better. I took a teaspoonful of the Pectoral every' night for a week, then gradually decreased the dose, and in two weeks my cough was cured.1 G. P. & s Cloi!, II :ili Ik iimt gained her yood ivpoit. Nearly in Despair, J. 1'i'T Siii'ii&i.i,ij Cured by Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Mrs. 1 I). IIall, 217 Genesst St, Lockport, N. Y., says : "Over thirty year ago, I remember my father describe the wonderful curative effects of Ayers Cherry Pectoral. During a recent attack of La Orippe, which assumed the form of a catarrh, aorenees of the luugt, accompanied by an aggravating cough, I used various remedies and prescriptions. While some of these medicines partially alleviated the coughing during the day, none of them afforded me any relief from that spasmodic action of the lungs which would seize me the moment 1 attempted to lie down at night. After ten or twelve such nights, I was Prepared by la i.recurcil to over forty years fc)acj do nil kind- - 4 altciitioi'-- . ; T t i . ha M J 'Twy L'iV''1'. v W4 T |