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Show ' I !! ar follow: Mirth. IVwiiifrr . specimens of gypsum, onyx, orange marble, alluminuin, alum, litho-grap- h stone, and fire clay. All except the latter, which came from Fnysnn canyon, were found in Spanish Fork canyon. Fall many a fortune yet unseer, these vast unpenetrated mountains bear. II. Wtik, who was in this during the latpity ter part of lust year, and who went C. L 1110 (1RASDE WESTERN. Mixea truiu. ..10A !ra I Mixed traiu...:o i,m Bevcml vrcekB J to Neplii from this place, writes to a Nephi friend that he is on his way to the diamond fields of South Subscribe for the Globe. Africa, and intends to send back Lester Taylor is up from his gome uncut diamonds to a few of his friends in little Chicago, when ranch near Moab, Grand county. reaches his destination. One Rob Wirnmer, cashier of the he o ur hotel proprietors would not Unk, went to Provo Monday. object to receiving one worth about R. B. Wirnmer spent a couple of r(jm c dayB in Salt Lake City this week. I At the Wightmam: Miss Ella L C., send in your Lillie Morgan, Spanish g and it w.11 lie given consideration. A drew Lall will lie given at UtahjJ.P. King, Detroit; A. 1), the opera house sometime during Yogej gftn Francisco, I the present month. At the McIIatton: W. L. Niool David Stark has secured a largo Alfred E. Duncan, A. G contract for shearing sheep down Chicago; W.L. Green, Frank Ram Falkner, at Black Rock. sey, J. Meyers, Salt. Lake; E. S. Wo are closing out our stockof Day, Denver; A. A. Kraft, San goods at cost, to make room for Francisco; E. C. Frield, Springspring purchase. J. S. Tags A Sons. viU,. j. & McIIatton, Meeker, I A valentine party will be given Colo,, W m. Summer, St. Joseph, at the opera house on the 14th., Ma; & Shelp, Kansas City; Frof. by the Y. M. M. I. A . of the 2nd Christenson, John Coleman, Ed Olson, Thea Levy, Joe White, ward. The rabbit hunt letween Provo j Provo. and Payson is being agitated again A conjoint session of the M. and will likely come off some time a. of the 1st ward was held in the 1st ward meeting house Wednes- during next week. Frof. Nelson of the B. Y. Acad- - day evening where a very i n teres t-I conemy, delivered a lecture to young fog program was rendered, of songs, .speeches auil people at the tabernacle Sunday Bating I M. I. A. Monthly The reading. night, the luuiso being crowded. iu the interests of the WANTKOi-ltelia- ble man toopcu gotten up associations, is very interestin and instructive to the j'oung ana . a I 1 Nosbit A Betts will pay Cash forlieef, veal, hick, lolte, chickens, eggs and turkeys. Call at tho Me- Hatton hotel for information, bl-- 4 THE aided by the snow which had fallen during the night, Boon succeeded in locating the miscreants and Catarrh In the Head placed them undof arrest. They will be given a preliminary hear- Took Seven nettle Perfectly Well ing last night and were bound over to the grand jury. LOCAL TIME CARD, The masquerade ball at the opIn rlTert, Kuv. H. era house Wednesday was not as Trains Run as Follows: argely attended as was expected, Northbound. Station. Southbound. Leave 1.45 a. m (UO p. m. Arrive lowever, there was a fair crowd Ogden. I tliij. m. Leave t ..l.1 Arriv3.(J0' m out, and a great many peculiar .10 p. ui. Arrive)911 JU,iavlt a a m. Leave i.I p. costumes adorned the ball room, .30 1. in. 8.5 ;. in. 33)0 p. in. ignite a number of visitors occupi18.35 i. m. ed the gallery, endeavoring to 3.15 1. in. " 3.00 p. 11.40 a.m. iMuinirtoa 3.40 p. m lu.05 a. m. distinguish who represented the Owu 0.05 a.m. 810 1. a Jlilford different characters, and found it 10.00 FriKMi Arrira p. os 4J0a.ni, no easy task, except in the case Train outkuf Juub run dally cioept Sunday of Will Dixon, who represented Train leave Salt Ika for Ogilvn at T.0o a Bsdtks uH 3 JO a. ui 3.45 aud 7.00 p. in. Hr. Berman Jncle Sam. Everything passed OIChieacOL Train laav Ogilm fur Salt Lake at 1.45 a. off very pleasantly, under the manI have been a victim of catarrh a long while m., aud 8.U0 a. in. 3J5p. in, aud 3.15 p. m. head wer o Huffed up that TwutLrougli train daily to point nut, agement of Prof Christensen, My now and net alrrp at all during caaU I t was said to be the grandest r Pullman and Tourliit alrapara. Proa to tak ndvlaed nte t!i night A friend chair ears, b, Slurk, Aeaut lJaoa. did me of the kind ever held in our Hood' Sarsaparilla. On bottl D. K. Burley, GauT Apt, Pawgr. HaptM much good I kept on; have now taken evn Salt Imlia City. city. Mr. Christensen, and ColeRmiT audTIekat Lomas, L Agt. Pamir, man's orchestra, which furnished K. iNckiiuun, UouT Mngr., Omaha , music for the ball, left the followK. H. H. Clark. Oliver W. Mink. where Eureka for K. XUrry Audaraon, they ing evening Kredarirk U. Coiidart, ball that a Johu W. Duane. night. ;ave masquerade KoodsCures UNION PACIFC Rv . 11 aomo-tlm- af-ai- Sarsaparilla CUR KaealvSra. fact perfectly well. News From Santaquin. new man. feel almost Uk Indeed, very tkankfal for wluit Hood's Sarsaparilla The new hall will soon be com I amdone fur me In relieving me of o baa a eomplolnL" H uM Bodtiu pleted and then oh my some Ho. S880 Bonaparte Blreet, Chicago, X X troubla-eom- HI HI) & LOWE, Land Agents and Attorneys. e J more dancing. Our schools are in a flourishing purely vegetable, careHood'S Pills fully prepared from the best Ingredient. U Ogtre uert door le V.S. Lmiui mfftr. WI1)M() condition and much credit is due our worthy teachers. On Saturday last the annual meeting of the Relief Society was held in the society's house. A very enjoyable day was spent, and they were all treated to a great surprise. About half past two o'clock while all were deeply inTO terested in listening to whe:e all their small donations hud gone for I ClliCfiLS'O- - OzH&llcL. the past year, our bishop came in, reports and everything else were St. Lcuis in the happiness of once forgotten old. more seeing him among us. He Kansas City, A very pleasant social was given Las been confined in the .. yM hospital Tho ipecUle and mivma! opinkwa, eoodnd, Samuel at McClellan her Mrg by at Salt Lake City for nearly two a Atchison, St. Joe ire Toufullowa: deMira (Treat prr.liv. nnd the sraHtuda rebiJenco Thursday evening in months. We hardly expected ot pcrti.10 oML at leV jf tbereadina la fortunate man enough M read lHSOBZAT that of L. Mnt J. Wight honor see alive to him ever when ho wnt CATS DIVIDE. Having n entirely It own, U RE3M3 intenaely Ameriuon in tsi and character. Mre SiJllPy race and Mw. David At is needless to we say It la node for u to aay, tit lllnrtrolira ' For tickets and information katuna aod tjroeraphy ora aujaek-alu- M Wilson, whose birthdays occur in see him back, lualUy ini miuwMWM iiuiiUi, 'mid Mrs. MtCleliatfs and Apply to sincerely r hope he can four ntwdAler boa it- If not, oand to also. About 50 guests were pres-au- y with us, for he was greatly missed W. H. SHERMER, THE CHEAT DIVIDE, Dsnver.OsI, ent, and a moat enjoyable evening during his absence. B. S. L. R. G. W., Fayson, Agent spent Various songs aud recita-- Santaquin, Feb. 9, 1894. OR (5atDiid6 BEST LINE worUL-tf- CM Fill Guzzlor Did you hear about rn irr. . r. . winsay going up. V an tSoBk les, but that with which I will have futuro dealings must go down Grant Simons is the happy father o! a hoaooing Uby boy. t08 The little citizru a righ. tra poond 00lre will vote the straight repnb. I The young people have been lican ticket Dr. Tilson thinks! having some gay sport coasting Grant and boy will pull through, lover on 7th street daring the past The ball at the city ball Tuesday week- - All kinds of sliding rigs, froin the 8ma11 sled to the night, under the auspices if the deacons quorum of the 1st ward double bob have been brought was largely attended; the Iioubc Imto use. The decline which hss been overflowed by water and being crowded. frozen, is about four blocks long. Telit tillering u becoming qnite D stuinc b lha , a common oninrrence in this city. ei hlMD lleJ TV c arc glad to note, bowerer, that would leave .bo.nl, l- a number ot the poaebera j the Overland in the rear. ny-fi- n I I PP-an- j ( - w. d W I ,w Flyer ifoliics Litas Ram. MvvrJed Highest Honors World's Fair. f. mcmillan, Gen'i Agent, Room 506 Dooly Block, ' Salt Lake City. I Mollie had a little ram as black as a rubber shoe, and everywhere that I Mollie went he emigrated to. He I went to church with her one day, I the folks hilarious grew, to bcs him I walk demurely into Deacon Allens 5WEA1S.TRHDEI I COPYRIGHTS.' OBTAIH A FATKHTt MS Enfi &'co.. who'SwahS nCSSwwra? axpertnea lathe patent baitni rvwnaira tluna strictly eoaSdaoUal. A Haadbrak af la. fnrgatlon eoneening Fataaia and now to wnt flea. AUoa latalogso of leai end setentWe hooka at ft Fatanu taken thraegh Mona A Ok special notleainthe MelentlSeAnratlc See are bratKrht widely herara the pah on coat to toe lovaotar, Thin autaodM saw. weakly. lintlyllluuml,h by fiwtoa of any aaiantlit work la lb <o elieuiatiMi nt ayaar. MM npt rar.fn.Blato ling MitoumcaSly. gu in aolor, and photo laph of ow plate, .witSptanLuahUagnalManoihawhp ; diwtgn qpd cum coatiaeu. Addmo rooa. SSI BaoAswAS HUM wdn. The worthy deacon quickly let his angry passions rise, and! gave it an unchristian kick between pew. Ind positively Ihv but Ionian to oilier aa agent hv found oa tli face of till earth. can be IhBt This landed rammy in the aisle; -.- "k to the deacon followedfast, and raised 0M lianyoa have auy idea of. Tiie bualneu ii o his foot agaiu, alas! that first kick to learn, was his last; for Mr. Sheep walked I hiKhl-slowly back, about a rod tis said, g!LH0fN FOLPINQ OfQAIff and ere the deacon could retreat he stood him on his head. tXw is plenty I try it lud exactly as era tell them. There wv I more and few wueken. The congregation then arose I of room for a arga ora once. If 'mtnumet at to them yoa begin , already and went for that ere sheep; but! ployed, bat have 1 few ipere momenta, and'onaa mmoMunnonms to nse them to advantage, then write us at CMMnaMas several butts jnst placed them in a this D your grand opportunity), and receira P- BLNORtt. Sr imrtleuiari by return mail. Address, YACA IBIIS A CO., Boa Ho. 900, Auguato, Mo. heap. Then rushed they straightSBOTO GXX&aT7jAHa FOR, for with curses the door, long way and loud, while rammy atruck the hindmost man and shoved him through the crowd. The minister hod often heard that kindness .would snbdae the fiercest beast. "Aha! he said "Ill try that game on you." And so he kindly, gently, called: .Come As the times are hard and to aid all in meeting them, I have rammy, rammy, ram; to Bee the I decided to zednee the price pf mending all kinds of footwear. folks abuse you so I grieve ' after the price of soling and heeling men's shoes or boots will be resorry am." duced from $1 down to 75 cts. Women's from 65 eta., down to 50 cte. The ram quite dropped his humble air, and dropped from off his feet, and when the parson Wm. landed he waa near the hindmost seat And as he shot out through the door aud closed it with a slam, he nnmed a California town I ihiuk 'twos Yuba Dam. Ex. r The concert given by the choirs of Springvile, Spanish Fork anc Payson, under the direction of the M. I. A., Saturday night was a decided success. A epleudii program was carrried out, all the participants acquitting themselves with credit Spanish Forks male and ladies glee clubs, renders some flue Belectious. Payson 2nc ward choir sang the opening song and the 1st ward choir closed the exercises with an anthem, each beThe II. Snow Comedy Company played at the opera house Monday fog well rendered. night to a very Bmall audience. James Dell, Ed Pepper, Dave They intended to appear again Lant and Dave Barnett, who have Tuesday night had they received been pleased to style themselves better patronage the night before, the "Young Jesse James gang, s they only cleared expenses. All are at present sojourning belli m the young people were likely sav- the bars in the city jaiL Wednesing their spare change for the day night some parties broke into masquerade ball. the tithing office and cairied of Win. Lewis a citizen of Fayson a quantity of provisions aud clothcalled at tho Globe office Thurs- ing. The theft was discovered the day and displayed some very fine uext morning and Marshal Ballard, 1 fte-r- l 1 hJ fB I - . Don't Fail To Read This. Otlxor lleifulriiiff iu Proportion CIUVllELL TT. L. WORSEN OR OFT WUbe to announce that k ha A a flua aaaortmeut of font. tho report has been generally aud publicly circulated, that J. D. Irvine had corresponded with outside firms to the financial Skates, Pocket Cutlery, Carving Sets, injury of tho firm of C. VT. Bn Thu Celebrated Christy Bread Knives. A Co. To the best of my Table Cutlery, Razors, eud other Goods knowledga aiil lielief, said report is unt rne and . without foundation W hereas, The only Used lure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Aumionia; No Alum in Millions of Ha&es do Years the Standard C. W. Breweton. Pay soil. Jun. 29, lS'.U. in fact. Cooking and Heating Stoves. Ammunition of all Kinds. |