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Show Jti L V" Thought lla Hid Loat Uis rtlttlWi In a small village in Maine them lives an old soldier who has fop many years received a pension from the government, which with his small earnings by occasional joys, makes him comfortable. One day, while at work in the nouse of a neighbor, he slipped at the top of a flight of stairs and fell to the bottom. The lady of the house heard the noise, and hurried to the cause. -- Why, Ambrose," she learu said, .tht Yes, stairs? maru, I did," answered the old man. -- and for aV.ut a rouple or iniuuica i tu m pen4gu !c DM you .ii sion " performed by Ayer's in particular being daughter of s Church ter. The child was Vaisloa of aa Idem. Amerl-ea- Sarsaparilla, one lcitss I. preiwml tu Jo ull kind, of work Watc-haa- , (lurks, Jewelry, etc., paired neatly aiul uu aJuirt not ire. Alau carry a full line of good, which I will aril cheaper than any Opposite Bank. : of Enghiud minis, literally covered s red and ezp ceedingly troublesome rash, from which alia had suffered for two or three years, in spite of the best medical treatment available. Her futlier was in great diatrese about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to administer Ayers Sarsaparilla, two bottles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief end her father's delight. 1 am suits, were lie here tswlay, he would testify iu tins strongest terms as to the merits of from head to foot with lullman car. It ia the great American sleeper as it would have been had it been invented keforo the war. Entering by it the British passenger finds himself in a diminutive closet where he is permitted d to smoke his pipe. Two chairs would elbow each other for standing room if they had any elbows. The man in charge says: Ilia is what a man 'as to put up with in Tchicago," rnpanS hyDr.J.C. Ayer fcCoLowslI.llia. as he opens the door. Six berths are stowed Curas others, will away on either aide of the you smoking saloon. The berth saloons are divided into compartment aalcxins, four compartments comprising the en-- j tire carriage. Two of the compart- -' Departure. mentis contain four berths devoid of 'Vit b ll:e new time card iu effect any evidences of curtains in front. Ths remaining couple are of S-ii'.v, N'i'v. 19th., the Rio rs 1nyKon 'fine ball room and parlors torrent seperately for balls and socials. Terms reasvnable. JOHN FRANCIS, Santa cure . City and Chicago without change, and Pnllman Palmo Reclining Chair ears between Ogden, Salt Lake City, Denver and Chiengo. The Shortest Line. Superb Scenery. Equipment Unsurpassed. r THE FINEST TURNOUTS If so, the nhortaat fv. W -- teri inaugurates a chair car service viiil recliuing sp Iietween Ogden and Denver. The chairs are of a special pattern and for comfort and elegance are not surpassed anywhere. These cars .will lie free to holders of all classes ofiickets. J. II. Bexset, G. P. & T. A G'-sr.-h- - to see the most beautiful scenery, in America. Train leaves Rio Grande Western Depot, Salt Lake City, at 9:25 p. m. Ticket Office, No. 15 W. Second South SL aaible notice. ir. IIackMewsallTiuiss Part ten Rook of he Fair has received. It cousaius superb :jf ifnl pivoted priucpnlly to the iVuina'i o Building &ul Mac,iiit,iy Hull. Tv r.ii!f cb:i not lie said uf i work. It would make a Iim.ii BO'iic Ciirtnt ;n. ih present for tbo to give something it. who the wav id It rut tire. When coni plcie will contain 10G0 folio parts, price pages of twenty-fiv- e 91 a park We understand that there is iu opportunity for a few more competent persons to canvass for the superb book and we know of no more praiseworthy or profit-- . .IKr., lii-gr- -at j able occupation. Those interested can wri'e to Francis Smart 99 Kit- -. ridgo Bldg., Denver, CoL McBeth Bros Agent ror Pleasant Valley Castle Gate Rock Springs, AMD (( T G. WIMUEK President. J. S. PAGE U. S. WIMMEK. Cashier. ut IE Authorized Capital Stock! 810,000.00. BANK. 94U 1 Post-Dispatc- h. CO-O-P, Payson, m&LJDICTIONARY FOR PER i s - L3 nV Claiming! ml Hcmirli; Npculnlty (hilor-adoSpriiu- 7.-2-0 j?' ff wEBsmrs -- ('ounectlons made at Pnelilo, Colorado Kprius and Denver with all liuea eaat. El uiraut dav cnaphra. rhair ears and Ilillmnn sleepers on all traina. Take the Denver A Kui Urande and have a eomfortable trip and enjoy the finest scenery ou the euutiueut. 8. K. HOOPER. A.fS. HUGHES. Traffic Man. G. P. T, A. Denver. (Vila. Dvnver, (Vila. B. F. NKV1NS, Gen. Ay t. Salt Lake, .city. (1WBBanBttLJ VSKTHKIWJ t7)$c&dforfrMpropc(aai THE Standard Gauge ..THROUGH THE., ROCKIC MOUNTAINS! Choice of Three Distinct Routes, with mWS hndnem er fin th health or interfere It builds up and lmprmtw the mineral alMnia n salt h,clR.r. the nkin.nd beautiQuathaoumplexlon. Ko wrinkles or sibhlneae follow this treatment. 1 br phrideiana and kadina acctotj Udlea, PATIENTS nlHk TREATED toWintaa. BY SiaJ T. C. HAILEY, PnWIr iMHd mud Mining Atlernry. Preimres uroinjptly mineral aiipileathniS fur imtsiit anil for all ayrieiiltural lauds, tittioe next to U. & loud office, room 200, PAYSON Salt Luke City) CONFIDENTIAL MAIL la Oimft Sr taM WSdna U. LB. I. IITKI. BUCIllimmi. UlUSi RL Some years ago we published in the Deseret News, the testimonial of the late Bisbop Hunter of Salt Luke City, recommending the X of either KX, any g, In any part of Ihr country, IK THIS WORLD. X X Horse Medicine, and Iloree-inanat tlic employment which we furnith. Ton need not be away from home over night. Yon can jive Collar, Gall and Hoof OintTwo Fast Eipress Trains Daily ment. There is an impression in your wbola time to the arorkloroulyyourpare momenta. Ai capital li not required you nu no rtak. some parts of Utah that the testiUM VAT BRWBIf We eupply yon with all that U seeded. It will monial was for some other remedy. eoet yon aothing to try the butiaoee. Any one OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER This is a mistake. It was the X cu do the work. Beginner utaks money front X X Liniment and Horsemans tlieitart. Failure li unknown with our workers. ELE6ANT RECLINING CHAIR CARSI Collar Gall Ointment that Bishop dollar. labor hour Eveiy yoa yea can eerily makes Hunter recommended. FffM Of OhATfOa Mo oae who la willing to work fall, to make moro Homeu Wiili.xms, Propt money every day than can be made ia three daye Dlract CereecilSM made la Unlea Deoi. ' Knit Lake City, May J2nd, 1893. at any ordinary employment. Mend for free loch MOST MA6NIFICENT Persson block, nf stidrs. Itij son, Utah. AoOirjf Iiccdjsb.k RA1LWAYI AW TUI WILLING WORKERS Tit, ms m w: . B&ni WEEK SPOT CASH JL ttbUOML prompt attention. FOB- Than. When the last comet was streaming in the aky I was camping one night in a canyon near the foot of Cook's peak. In the party was an old and for an J B 9 Pay son, Utah. Indian fairly intelligent Uto, named Sam. Sam had been attached to some Transacts a General Rankiug Buaiuem. W e will not be undersold by anybody. Feo- cavalry troop at Fort Cummings as a service the of -his but leaving for jigput, being reached he attached himself to 0 per cent interest money by calnng on ns before buying else me for a consideration says a writer hn ctlrpohft . ont where. paid and be convinced. in the St Louis Sam asked I comet to the Pointing what he could say in its defense from COLLECTIONS the standpoint of a Ute. Sam was, unlike most Indisns. a great talker, and could speak English very welL He was ambitious to perfect himself in A SPECIALTY. the langusge, and readily seized oa I talk. for a Indeed, chance every Uncovered him ou one or two occasions all alone and talking vigorously at a Tnos. Wilson, Jb. Sax. Doug lamb, mark like a savage Demosthenes. President Supeiintendent. Tell about that? said Sam, pointWEBSTERS Sam do ia comet it the toward ing INTERNA TIONA L a heap easy. The sun is the man and y1.1 stars moon The fur have he squaw. ACrmrtSfnt-big stars snd little stars are all their Snremorcfthe s. children. The sun don't like em. If sio Vanbrldged. he catches one he cats it This maker wiybodTv the stars heap 'fraid, and when the should own thu sun has his sleep over and comes out Itan- Dictionary. H all questions BA awen SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. the stars run and hide. When the sun hia- coocerntnr tha fJRLj comes" stars go creep into holes and JOHN IEItSSON, Prop. LeSSSv ' oT. The only Hue running i nuncisuon, and hide. But the moon is good. She I meaning of words. loves her children the stars and si A Library in when the sun sleeps she comes out in siuo Itself. and stars are and it the the sky, glad, gives the often is they come out of the places they hid Bind Information u. in, and forget to be fraid and play. concerning eminent penone ; facta eonoem log the countries, cities, towns, and natBnt when the sun wakes again they to Leadville, Aspen, Pueblo, ural feature, of the globe ; particular conrun. lie is always after them and he ; cerning noted fictitious persons and places Colorado Springs and translation of foreign quotations. It is InHundreds of rloth mnuples io catches them sometimes. This one, in the and valuable office, home, study, continued Sam, again pointing to the Denver. schoolroom. fleet fro in comet, the sun catch one time. He The One Greet Standard Aathnrltv. EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1893. 19th, sun him hit got away, though, but the lisa. D. J. Brown1, JeaOeeof U.R. Haperm Train Ko.t haven Owdeii 7 :00a. Bait Take Ceort,wrttra: "Th imaraaUonal Dletloaaryta and hurt him. That's why he bleed PRICES REASONABLE. tha pnfMtiw of diettonartw. I rommnd a to I a. m.. arrive at luebln 5d(l a.in,m., so. Now he's heap scared and so keeps alias lira eoazraat aundaid MUanlr" a. m., Denver 9:40 a. m. Train No. 4 leavea I hnien lt:2ha. m.. Malt Lake his face always toward the place where Sold by All liookiellert. 9:25 p. in., arrive at Pnelibi 1 ::0 1. m.. Color4.C41 the sun is sleeping. G. Jb C. lterrlxm Co, ado Kfirlnir 9d7 p. m.. Denver 11 10 p. m. Find cl a 8H work guarani SprlXBMcut. Orders left at the Office for Delivery will receive dAfl.OO -- Bites TO SUIT. AND IN QUANTITIES - oa Coututl; AT COST PAYSON EXGHANGE Belief That thu Sun Chaus Stars rad COAL! Supply ARE STILL IN IT And dont you forget it. From now on until further notice we will sell all kinds of goods INDIANS AND COMETS. I M JiURXUTT General Agent PassengerDejartmcnt SALT LAKEjJIIY, UTAH. TAYRON. HOUSEULOCK, WIGHTXAN SAVINGS be-- G. 305 Dooly Building. character, containing two berths each, and being intended for roommates or elderly married couples. The car is probably half the length of the ordinary Pullman, and is destitute of even the adornment of the harmless necessary darky with the appetite for quarters. A lie sure and secure ticketsreadingnver the SANTA FE ROUTE, Grandest and Greatest Railroad on Eaitli. Leave Ogden or ealt Lake on the evening train in older THE CITY IN Ou Are Yoif Going East? i semi-se-clusi- i Koute. llio Grande Western, Colorado Midland, Atchison, Topeka auil Santa Fe Railway a The nyliiicerlO qn wiu us Pullman Palace Sleeping Cara between Ogden, Salt Lake rigid-backe- Ayers Sarsaparilla atj Special rates by the week. Excellent accomodations and large sample room in connection. all-nig- ht that of a little $2.00 Pep re- a Between the British conception of a saloon and that in vogue on this aide of the Atlantic there ia this in common that bothoare entered by a aide door after ightiull. There the resemblance ceases John Bulls saloon ia an exhibit in the Transportation building, wherein it is full as difficult to look upon the wine when it is red as it ought to lie in Evanston or Bangor. as his John Bull's saloon is aa dry comic papers. lie lablea it -- sleeping saloon to distinguish it from places where we never bleep. It occupies a position in the rear of the London & Northwestern Railway company's highly varnished trainlct, ingeniously constructed to defeat the ends of tlic trafficker in popcorn, five a bag. The British sleeping saloon la our Wonderful Cures Hotel vr-- house iu I'tuh. IJuviuit hud years eaperieiiee iu the jeaeler buaiiieaa.l kciiuruiitre iierfei-- t and ull. work wurrauted. oLEEr i'NQ SALOON. Juki Bulls Carlos. Of m Church of England minuter cured of a distressing rash, by Ayers Sarsaparilla. Mr. Richard Bikks, the well known Druggi d, 207 McGill at., Montreal, 1. 1, says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said ul them. I know of many r 13 t SiE A Little Daughter fall down- - IL 8. COLL RAILROAD SCENERY LIVERY Gash Meat Market. $ STABLE WionTMAN A Bonn. B containing the fulleit information. H. HAK.LE7T & CO., Dux CcO, PORTLAND, MAINS. TEB MOST THORODSILT EQCIFFXD III THI WEST. D.C. BODGE, A.E.WELBY, Veal. er. IHIWAY J.H. BENNETT, (.MM When yonr horse gets cut oil barbed wire, bas a collnr nr middle Bore, use Horsemans Collar Gull land Hoof Ointment. It ia a Kiire cure. Keep constantly on hand a supply First class buggies and fast hones can always be bsd on of fresh the shortest notice. Onr I.ark iiflKKpngprs carries to and Meats And trains. Fare 25c tv. T. G. WI3I3IEH, IROi'DIETOK. Prices hs Very Lowest. |