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Show s w m I ) ; t THE VOL. 2. Zist's t S GLOBE, PAY SOX, UTAH SATURDAY", FEBRUARY 10, 1894. Helical and Surgical Institute BLAND'S BILL GOMES UP. both men taking much punishment, TERRITORIAL Lonng, however, showing superior Loeatad permanently la tha Harmoa block. M ItM SmoiuI South St., Salt Lake City, NO U. of tha era. oar, female, rectal, aud All dloaaaea on, throat and lunjr. FILIBUSTERING dloaaaaa. Our treatmeut for pile, la at Ogdon A Convention Will So ow. palplen., aufe aud cartel u. Our own -T- oo Xany SdloTerkaon. method, OBca houra: ftollam,2to I p ra. 7 toS Carllale'e Suggestion Her He Adored He Milwaukee, Feb. 7. Eugene Sandora, 11 am to 1pm. Thinks Diocretlonerr Power Should be Debs, president of the American Lodged pi Secreterr of tha Treasury 8U private , a. T0P1GS. wound iu the right eye. was directly over the muzzle it was The shot entirely dischargtxl. his destroyed eye. He was brought Air Care niaeuverediNoiir llanti. Railway Union, the new railway labor organization, stronger on the Union Pacific than on any other system, left but night for Omaha, where a conference ofthe officers of the order will be held in regard to the Union Pacific new wage schedule. Debs sjys there' will probably be a contention at Ogden of delegalesYrdm 'different points on the system. He does not look for a strike on the Union Pacific or the Northern Pacific, chiefly because so many men are out of work. He places the number of idle firemen who .belong to the brotherhood at 3000. This would indicate that more than 5000 are out of work, including Home Treatment. 1. re 7. STSIXE. HAS STOPPED. NO. The accident occurred shortly after UOOM on Saturday. The lad started on t Short and Crisp Items From the hunting with some other boys. They had a rifle, aud Territory. were using shot' cartridges. Koch cartiidge carries seventy No. 10 shot. 1 Ley Lad leen cleaning the ALL THE HEWS 07 THE DAY gnu and young McBride whs looking down the barrel. In some A Skorh of Earthquake Pali .at Kanoeli A manner a cartridge lmd boon Hoy Dlea Krtiin Inhuman Treatment Hot placed iu the gnn and as his eye staying ability. In the third round Its Author's Explanation la Committee McClure was knocked, completely out. A court martial' will probably of the Whole. result. O.W. SHORES, M. Dh A. J. SHORES, It, D.. CoBiultini Pbyaielana. Spoeialtlea: PAYSOH J t The deadThe Sanpete Valley road will to this city Bnd taken to the Morlock on Bland's silver seigniorage begin carrying mailiTon February bill was broken after four lioam gan hotel. Dr. Ffoutz removed 12. They will also change time the continuous filibustering today, eye from the socket The on the B&ino date, getting here bone back of the eye was shatterwhen, by a vote of 176 to 4, the from the north early hT'Jho afterONLY $5 A MONTH. Dra. Richards and Davis and ed, House carried Blands motion, goa noon. Ephraim Enterprise ladeae 4 cent atampa and write for ' retook part of it ont and removed ing into committee of the whole circular. 6. Beaveb, Utah, Febinary 4 of the Bhot, but were unable for its consideration. The eastern A shock of earthquake, creating to I, TILS J if. M. D., Democrats and the great mass of getti! pf them. They think a at occurred h, that the quite sensation, Bepnblicana made a determined brainninjured, and no Millard evserious more and county, Sunday Surgeon. opposition, but Bland was victor-ion- s resuuSian the loss Physician ening about 8:30. Itwas exper-iencs- d of the eye are auticipatel.-- r Tribune on a final vote. Sixteen Reall over the town, bat the Anthon Sorenson, a youth of publicans and all the Populists eppooite.Bmitha Hotel, rattling of the glass and crockery, about 16 voted with him, while twenty-tw- o years of age met with a Payson, Utah ware on the shelves indicated that Democrats joined with the remainand unfortunate accident the shock was felt more severely painful der of the Republicans in refnsing in the sonth end of town than in Thursday morning. The lad had to vote. DB i. H. IVANS, entered upon his second days other parts. The vibrations were jnst work at Scbankys Iumlier mill, It is thoroughly understood that DENTIST. firemen. from the southwest to the east, while and a number of Democrats who quite passing a wheel the mitin the direction of the g inclining h rd waro ato. . Ovar Donglam' ten he voted was with Bland were not in favor wearing on his right art dmatdrr. HniHr BLOWN UP BT HAS. old volcanic hills and lava beds pertaining to high or of unloeibis for orlll Porayrd teeth made hand was certain modifications of the caught Alumnium by the linch pin hill, merit trf Gold, southwest of that place. Another i adjnet to erowne. of the wheel and his thumb was although they wonld not carry An Xn&tanapolii Building Iraoliihid and shock was distinctly felt and ex- torn completely off at the joint, BEST SETS OF TEETH their opposition to the extent of ths Entire Jam'ly Killed or Injured. perienced at the same and place its consideration. votinp against M price, within reach of all. Indianapolis, Feb. 7. At 1 direction nt 8. this morning. No together with the entire fleshy is It also well known that Secret- oclock tbia (Wednesday) morn- serious portion of the thumb and two ten-dodaniagA so far reported. ary Carlisle and the administration ing, the building atTtliipornor of Tribune. eight and ten inches long is generally opposed to the bill, in Yieser street and MadisM avenue, respectively. He was taken at The town f Candia is np in once to Dr. Parkinson, who its present form. ampuwas totally demolished bjh? naturdiscovery that Geo. tated the member at the second After the consideration of the al gas explosion. It is apposed arms over 8 years, died as a re- bill was began, Carlisle arrived at the gas had accumulated inYthe Stroder ai joint, in order to give the boy the Bean k Gilmiur, Propr'a. i: salt of the a and held conference, cellar and, findipe. Capitol Old BWablUhediBarbero. ignited at th inenoor above, whom he lived. She is alleged well : those W administering, ether, and is . fv et or the open ' Were xl i Kr0t ihe boy stood it like a brick. His him have beaten The bnilding was occupied by . woodcrats who were managing the filiAweremfeed. d larents live in Norway, and he h?chod buster, and just before adjourn- Ixmia KaubforTwho, with hi. wife roilnJ b ias been in this country only two ment the announcement was nffici-cial- and four children, occupied over a beam in the barn, rears. Logan Nation. him . .. up d made on the floor by Tracey bringing hi. fomibl, agmuaf that no farther attempt at filibus- ielow was a saloon. Tkt Clrref Spring MrdMnt lumber times. She the several ter against the consideration of At 2 oclock the firemen bad also placed him in a barrel of brine 'or billiousness, constipation, the bill wonld be made. This is aiVim out the entire Keuhler fam- and him there until he al- orpid liver aud kidney troubles, kept taken to mean that a compromise ily, one dead and the remaining most perished. He wasknocked nr imparities of tho blood, use has been agreed on and certain ive fatally injured. down and kicked until death en- Terbi Buena Bitters. concessions will be made in line Following is a list of the dead sued. Coroner T. E. Marvin will with the suggestions of Carlisle, and injured: hold an inquest. Mrs. Hartford Subscribe for the Globe. The Dead -- Rosa Keuhler, aged 12. who, while represented as not befhe i was a member of the church, est les Kenhpaper in Utah county. . Fatally injured-Charing against the coinage of the sil her m his mother bj ver seigniorage, insists that discre- .r, .gtd Ti Louis Keuhler, Jr., TheMid Winter Fair. tionary power ought to be lodged .grf 9; Louis Keuhler. Sr., Fair at San The with the secretary of the treasury wife, Mrs. Louis Kenhler, and be opened. will A soon discov cave air hot been rancisco has 13. about issuing the seigniorage, Julius Kenhler, aged . have in miles of few east ered the bills a Tho management very careHoCaHFS k Tatuok,! If.'p either in the form of certificates or of the worlds selected best the I Manti. The residents of the temple fully Elk in Abundance. coin, so it wonld not be ejected in who those that exhibits 'air bo . were at first quite jnbilant, a lamp into the circulating med. . . A ranchman who came in from City i.ot in seeing struck were unfortunate that they haa ium of the country. He maintains Snake . . river the first of the week, imagining will still the exposition Chicago cave natural The the is in gas. that it wonld be as injurious to states that at least 7o,000 elk are side of a very steep mountain, ap- - have Bn opportunity to insjiect the put out $55,000,000 suddenly as i now between Baer and I , raning . . proachable only from the south foreign exhibits at San Francisco. wonld be to withdraw that amount of of heads east the K Snake nvera. , idAde last fall exposed The Rio Grande Western Railway from the circulating medium. He eavy Will w creeks. f they are it to the outside world, and since in tine with its usual progressive is also opposed, it is understood that thick are bo . that time it has been visited. by spirit will, in connection with the to the second section of the bill, They annoyance to ranch- serious causing Southern Pacific company, will hundreds of visitors. There is which makes mandatory the coin- men . in breaking down fences, eta sell excursion tickets from Tayson age of the rest of the bullion in Th..torm.W.d.uowiuth.mouu-to San Francisco and return, incom, the treasury and the redemption tains hare drireu them down to cluding five (5) admissions to the of outstanding treasury notes tho stream, for food. Thu of $39.00. fair at the very low-raLiquors aui Cigars. der the act of 1890 as fast as the from Snuke river to Craig, be will tickets These good thirty 4 tbe J?0"1.11 th coinage takes place. through droves of hundred. from date of issue. days (30) This dies cavern" Bway gradually every day, and at times the driver and followed a moment later No reduced rate tickets will be is a. by Goods west poiht blu&qebs. Bottled Specialty has been compelled to stop ami an outburst of blneisb vapor so sold to California points other . drive them off the road. Coyotea Ca&its right to a Finiih aa& Will Probhot that all vegetation m the vic- - than San Francisco but side trip are wolves and timber creating will be on sale from San ably So I tickets havoc among th. band, of to all interesting points Francisco great West Point, N. Y., Feb. C. elK and the number of fto former at rate of a fare and a third for the und bnug Mantr into Brea round trip. First Class Billiard and Fool Room jphe modern docs of war have hove inereuuad alarmingly iu ,hel d loose in The Rio Grande Western railan turned ina reB8, been nnex(ect-eP1116110in Connection. Give them whole 6nake river country. Raw-- 1 way as yon know, runs through manner at the academy where tins Grover McBride, the nine-yeRepublican. a Call to San Francisco without change young men are supposed to be old son of C. R. McBride both tourist and first class Pullman war from a scientific btanc tangbt Utah. Situation. Bank. to this was Hawaiian The Payson, Tooele, city Bleeping cars. Two traius daily brought Oypeslti Cadet Loriug, appoints point. J. H. Bennett, G. P. k I, A. evening suffering from New York, Feb. &- -A Walling-Satnnla- y from California, some time ago offended or insnlted Cadet McClure, ton special to the Press says: CHUOK. B. rOSIFH on iLe street appointed from Pennsylvania. There is a rumor matters Hawaiian that held Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. a grand Their fellow cadets Law in the crisis a reached Attorney eyes and decided that the have pow-wotwo ahonld settle the affair with na- of the Administration to jnstify tures weapons. There was two the removal of Minister Willis, Fajraon, Utah Offlae ever Bank. weeks for trainingnd the two met and the whole matter will como np before the Cabinet ueeting yesterday in an improvised ring. In the first round McClure scored , ... ii your liorso the knock down.i-n- t the blood.aml ' j wjr i,a8 & ,.0I Ivins ill way & BOOTH WILSON; r. r.ar.fo. mnch was round more. BorPi use Horseman's .,f tliu people land Hoof Ointment. that fact would inf ii cl Fair trU.i cure. otid round Vntrr t'tah. ires. Washington, Feb. 8 Our treatment of patient, hr mall at their hneit. through or mptoma blauka aud eorraa poadeaeoUaa perfect and effectual aa our cfln.lTTnrh The chargm at alow aud within tha reach of all. ' quaa-Mo- Q Ka-noe- Branr-hln- us Pips Silk Slit; fire-plac- e. ; .. e theK ly "J" ; hd Exchange bb?--ltlcfc- Saloon. Mid-Wint- er ; I I ?) I Cout-JCutiale- tm 7", ColoJ1' ,llo?e un-Wifti- S, te MxkmeWaridaup. L ar to-nig- ht at w I Xu Attorncyn. I -- ABSOLUTELY PURE - |