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Show r I on our statute books which make ( wore prominent part in China than it a misdemeanor, punishable by j anywhere else on 'the globe. ami imprisonment, to sell or coding to recent, figures there are 1iililUlied every Kuturduy by furuifeh to ary yonth under the in the Flowery Kingdom 12C phyThe Rognan-ScoPiblisbiog Company. Bge of 1C years any tobacco or sicians, Cl hospitals, 41 dispensapreparation of tobacco, but the ries, and 100 medical students. It f. W. J At'KHUS, Editor. laws are openly violated, and a seems that the Chinese can be won Till, puiier U entered ul the pOKtofflce at boy of 4 years can buy in almost through these means better than luynou. L'tsli, (or truuuiiMhn threugh the any store as many cigarettes as be by any other. null. matter. desires, and the storekeeper will With pure, vigorous blood coursSUHSI.'KIITIOX; strike the match for him to light the vuins and animOne year II to them with. The Womans Chris ing through of the body, cold fibre IS Six month. ating every tiun Temperance Uniou thought weather is not only endurable but they lmd accomplished a great re- pie want and agreeable. No other form when their labors were crown- blood medicine in so certain in its ed by the enactment of the laws results as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I v Cleanliness is next to godli- referred to, but they caunot felic- What it docs for others it will do ness, there is quite a distance be- itate themselves upon any such for you. tween some people and their result unless they follow up the matter and cause an example to be U LI R Li combination, pro- made of some of the storekeepers DEC portion and preparation of ingrediTuts patents of the Bell Telewho are deliberately violating the ents, Hoods Sarsaparilla possesses great phone Company expired Jan. 30. law by selling tobacco to children curative value. You should TRY IT- A slump in talking rates wdl neo under 1C. San Francisco essarily follow. .J1UC fltOJl TOWS THE PAYSON GLOBE. Ac-fi- ne Why Not Ride the Best? J tt Victor Bicycles are first in tires and improvements, and lead the world of cydedom. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. DENVER, WASHINGTON, BOSTON. s SAN FRaNCISOO. TU1-IC- The Millard Progress is the lat- est exchange to our table It is published at Fillmore, with J. P. Jacobson, late of the Blade, as edi tor and manager. The first nnm-bo- r contained a general write-u- p of Millard couuty and its resource?. We gladly welcome it to our exchanges, with liest progress. The MfPleasant Pyramid of lasMjefk has an editorial on the l?grading tendencies of Utah journalism, which should be read and ixmdered over by a number of pajiers throughout the territory, Surely Ktitical, or any other questions may be discussed with out engaging in such vile epithets, and personal abuse, as is often found in some of onr leading jour nals. How's This. What on earth made you to promise marry him? Edna ! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any cawjA Catarrh Halls that cannot hjuentdd Catarrh heney St Co., Props, Ohio. do, We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm West St Traux, wholesale drugKin-na- n gists, Toledo, O. "W aiding, St Marvin, wholesale druggists Amy Two bottles. Cashier Are ygu the writer of "The Clubmans Don'ts? Smart Oue Yea. Cashier How is it that you havo forgotten all about your dues? First Bud My chaperone saw me kissing that young De Gush last night. Second Bud Has she asked fox a raise in salary? Barclay Hello. Courtenay, glad to see you at the club again. Wife goge away, I suppose? shes just got Courtenay--so- Toledo, Ohio. ; Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly ujion the blood and mucous surfaces of the Bystem. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Gaw. Dealer iii auil Jiuiiufos Harness aud Saddles. A Complete Stock Couctantly ou Iluiid, Our .rood are of thejlieat quality aiuljruarauteed.to giv aatUfaetlou. mltrjmlrioa lrowptly:JZJHcuted 3Cnin Street, is now bringing mooli 8 : ccnts-pc- : pound. r And we have received the finest selected stockof back. Fred My dear Miss Clementina, you have no idea how exquisitely beautiful you are! Miss Clemeutina You must take me for a fool. Utnli. lafiyNoii.9 Chit mi Bov's and at priceB that defy competition. Come' and examine and be convinced. J. S. PAGE 5 SONS. The action of Bear Admiral Tho Bankrupt Duke I love you 1KHHOSAL AS It VEHTIXEST. Bonham in Bio harbor has not for yourelf alone. 4, Out of a total popnlavum of only been approved by our own The Wealthy Widow How the but other Islands Sandwich in the government by great much of a loan? powers aim This however will are Catholics. blue of a tropic sky Tbe not overshadow the blander made $8 Frank Miller, a coal dealer of archet iep above them. No, tbe lover bgAjlmiral Stanton in the same Ah 'persisTRi;T" nfaywanj of John Hancock She laid her hand ir upon his arm Admiral JJtmhoiij is retired next of revolutionary renown. irotestinply. Good sir, she en- - Ianiess and upwards April, the secretary of the Navy It is said that the Sultan of rested, I lit-- that you stay for should not commit a blander by and NOW IS THE TIME to use It placing Stanton at the head j key aQd the Shah of Persia ench dinner. You must she smiled of the United States fleet in Brass- - possesses a prayer rug made of radiantly, for there is no other Oiling Done diamonds and pearls and valued at meat in the houB& The cannibal illiau waters. and at reasonable prices. ' maiden omitted a silvery laugh as $2,000,000. C all and see us when you want anything in our line. When in the course of events it I The Pope is reported to be ler father came wildly whooping aud the with a I dispatched youth becomes necessary to sign writing his memoirs. They are the champion pugilist of the I for the exclusive perusal of the club. A. LOVELESS, world with a base ball team, in next Pope. His private secretary Whtf Weed Win, orde;1 to keep up enthusiasm for is bound to secrecy, President Lincoln said, yon the national game, it is evident to avoid scalp dis- cannot fool the The brat It yon are going way people a second the managers of the various clubs hair and out, eases, prefalling time. will have to resort to desperate They are too quick to mature baldi ess is to use the best recognize real merit or lack of it -, recrowd. draws meBngto It is Prp and cling only to those things ported lb.t Corbett will pUy with which they find to be what is the Orioles the coming season. I claimed for them. Lucinda Bedford, an Some enterprising manager of one It is especially gratifying that of tho other clubs will likely en- - died recently in Nashville, Tenn I at the age of 94. She left a for- the sale of Hoods Sarsaparilla indoavor to sign Jackson. creases most rapidly in those secj tone of over $100,000, which wil .Railway relativeB-whictions where it is best known. divided colored aiuong The death of G eorge W. Childs, The inference is plain. Hoods occurred on Fub. 3, removes I Many women find great diffi-on- e has proven that Sarsaparilla of the noblest men of our lenity in arranging their hair be merit. It mainpossesses country, and one of the foremost comingly, because of its harsh auc tains a genuine Rates in effect Nov. 1 0 standard, which others philanthropist Amoug those who coarse texture. By the use oi cannot high is even the approach. It will have most cause to cherish I Ayer's Hair Vigor, the hair be-hThe s continuous passfavorite people's via and Bio Grande the comes are the soft, for age. it! pliant, memory, glossy, and printers, building np medicine, and. is Western Bail way to was his donation with that of A. I The Vigor is the most cleanly o more popular than ever before, J. Drexel, his closest friend, that I all hair preparations, Chicago will be $36.85. All this because Hoods Cures. Louis St 32.85 they were enabled to erect the Rev. J. Bell Cox, of Liverpool Missouri Biver 25.35. boautiful home for aged and inval-ka- a set on foot a novel mode o: To Coloi common ado 16.35. Kates Low points id priuters at Colorado Springs. I Bound trip limit 60 days help for the poor. It is are still in effect to eastern raising No newspaper man was more wide- - known as the "Found points Or any point East, anil wih to ento Colorado common party.' joy a daylight ride through the Western the Bio via Grande rail known than Mr. Childs and sack is sent round to the houses, 3o.55. of the Koeky ly asenery points. grandmt mountains, be sure to ask Bemember tbe Bio Grande Bound limit 60 to none more beloved and respected. I way. trip days the ticket that reads via people being invited to deposi Western is noted for tbe Deming and El Faso. . . . 60,55. elegance therein a pouud bucket of teaL AV. II. SHEKMEH'Agt. Tub report of the treasury de-- 1 coffee, sugar raisins, meat or any of its equipment, its new coaches its fine chair cars, its tourist or partmeut fur January shows an other article, colonist sleepers and its new an1 increase in the public debt of $7r smokes very bat artistic Pullman doable Speaker Crisp drawing 830,064. The increase during the tbe worst in the House, in room palace sleeping cars whic i No Tiresome cigars, last eight mouths has been someLayovers, fact, and the members have ac run through to Chicago withou Close Connections in thing over $50,000, (XX), and still the habit of presenting change. Union Depots. Speed, safety and comthere is a cash balance in the treas- quired And Positively the with him cigars themselves, fort is its well earned motto. Two ury of over $84,000,000 to which that Quickest Boute WATCHMAKER they can get within nose main line fast express trains to the 05,650,175 i credited to tho gold of him when they want to east daily. reserve fund. There is silver bul- rangesweet converse with the hold lion in the treasury, in excess o' inent Georgian. To the great rivers aud Atlantis seaboard. KI CK LEXS .IK SICA SALVE. outstanding silver certificates, Brit-anThe latest report from the d he best salve in the world for amounting to over $50,000,000, and Thoroughly Modern Equipment anJ Foreifiu still Carlisle thinks it indeed ociety'on cuts, bruises,' sores, ulcers, sa Elegant and Reclining Clmir ('are. iu which tho rata are free to holder of regular train necessary to issue $50,000,000 ie spiritual condition of Portugal rheum, fever porestetter, clmppec ticket. corns, and at hands, chilbl. Call on or address skin eruption itively cures X. r.ltKRKAH, Cumnierrlnl Frrlgt A Pun. Agt. piles, or no Uorlnu Mock. Suit lake City guaranteed t, faction or moi 25 cents per . Medical missions have placed a John Quigli: LOOK Harness HERE! and upwards. $8 a , ? 'f arm-cha- Tur-aga- in -- llepalrlny mul Promptly Main street, Payson. Pf V?. .... Rio Grande' ex-slav-e, .Western - I h is blood-purifyi- ng C A Kansas G 0 first-clas- City, St. Louis, ................ 1 F. McGAW. ii'om 1 - TPta.Ii And JEWELER. 1 Fine repairing Specialty, |