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Show Ileadquaiters for HARVEST OF TIIE TIMES. horse-shoein- g at CALL AT . Tipton A: Peerv's. Registered at tho Mediation: Miss Subscribe for tho Timks. X H Mix, Dus Ilenroid, For good sign work give your order to Rose Crawley, AND SER Nichols, Brigham City; Virginia Eureka; J. Frank Pickering. C 11 Nance, Salt Lake;L 0 Taft, Provo. The Great Combination Samuel L. Page, a former resident of J. J. McClellan, dr., will give instructhis city has been apituinted county Sam is tions on piano and organ during the sumregistrar for Piuto county cents a lesson (. hour). getting up in the Democratic party sijce mer months at S') he went south and seems to easily catch Vocal training given in private nr in class. on all the ollices that have been laying Harmony class meets Saturday evenings at T oclock. around loose. We are selling J. Byron Jennings and Deputy MarWed13 lbs of sugar for $100, shal lierry came up from Nophi FULL STOCK OF of a witii attachment writ 1; lbs of currants for $1.00, nesday armed No. 1 factory, 3c yard. against Will Patten. They levied on a WALL PAP3E AND CARPETS. Prints from 3c to Sbj'e, according to trotting horse in the care of Will CushOveralls at 30c a paih And ing. 0 E Loose demanded the animal quality. UTAH. of the Deputy and the Nephi legal light d' nt forget that our prices on shoes PAYSON, ask All we for be to beat. is cant you but ho was refused possession, A writ call and see us. of ronlevin was then taken out and at W. J. Douglass Sons. lot this Horry delivered the animal over to Sheri H Hawley, of Oasis passed Cushing. $1.73 through Payson on the southbound Castle Date Lump A. S. The house owned bv 4.73 Higham Union Pacific Passenger yesterday morn- Pleasant Valley Lump lire mill Castle Date Nut 410 caught just north of Jluishs ing Ixjund for Oasis. He had in his nar9:30 Rock and Nut 4.00 about Springs yesterday morning charge Tom Morgan andM. Dunn wantto the burned ground. ed in Millard county for ihe mutilation rowly escaped being 59 Cents per ten for delivery. The house is occupied by Joe Pueblos of a at He captured them sheepherder. We are agents for :ill kinds of family and they had arose from break- Elko, Nevada. tire before the fast nbout half an hour John II. Amos who has been very ill was discovered. A hot tire was burning weeks past and who is just able in the stove and in some way the roor for some aid of a cane was sittbecamo ignited from the overheat d to walk with ihe waiton the bank steps on the pipe. The tiro had got under pretty ing for the procession when O. Simons, good headway when the mill hands hap- - ing Sr., caine up and k;cked hi in violently ,1olu! ,1. 311 rCl cl lu ii, .3 pened to see it and sumrnm.irg aid on the leg at the same time idling him rushed to tho scene with a ladder and and away from tho steps. Will give Instructions on buckets and after some pretty hard to get U) on to but rise Amos account tried Young Piano and Organ, also in Harmony, durwork managed to extinguish it. Tho was not so do to as of able weakness ing the summer .months to a limited building was damaged t ) the extent of Mr. would if in he as health. fast good about $30. number of pupils. Simons kicked him again when some Sumo boys who were pretty hungry others that knew the condition in- Terras. Ore Lesser, 1 hour, Cl; half hear 50c. boys entered Wightinans butcher shop some- terfered. Amos has sworn out a wartime after 12:3:) a m yesterday and got rant and Mr. Simons will appear for Apply by letter to Box 183, or call at away with about 23 lbs of bologna that trial at 9 o'clock this residence. Singing societies and other morning. was stowed away in the refrigerator. musical organizations trained. None of tho other moat in the place was taken. The thieves ob- ATCHISON MITCHELL, E. PAGE, tained entrance by prying ofi the tin ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ATTORN i:v covering of an opening made by the AT LAW. breaking of a pa no of glass, and reachOffice over bank, Payson City, Utah. Collections a Specially ing in their hand and unlocking the door. UTAH Collections, Settlement of estates and all The boys are well known as they were PAYSON other kinds of legal work attended to. soon earlier in the evening and Had been drinking. One of them left a pound plug of horse shoe tobacco at the en- CASH MEAT MARKET trance to the shop which ho had evidentWioiiTMAN & Sons. his in haste. ly forgotten Fresh Bologna and Sausage. Tho care of Payson city vs. II. C. Iloss DKALKKS IX came up before Judge Wilson at tlie ti y Prices tho very lowest Musical Instruments, Sewing Machines, hall at 2 p m, yesterday. Joe Harnett Pictures, Frames, Big Hargnins n tho complaining witness, testified that Dress Good?, Silks, Shirts, he was at the show last Saturday night HACK TO MEET ALL TRAINS. ' Shoes, Stationery, etc. and that he got upon a table from which SBNET SMITH he was about to climb on tho benches Also special man from the east repairing when Mr. ltoss came in and requested all kinds of sewing machines, him to get down, llo refused and Mr. Utah. Ross alter making tho request twice, Payson, CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS AND pulltdhim down and lired him out. GET PRICES. Two other witnesses M. L. Hex and Fred CAN SORELY Judd gave in the same testimony. Henry Puchlo testified lo about the same with tho exception that he stated that STORE IN WIDHTMAN BLOCK. Ross reached up and caught Harnett by the collar while the latter was standing Also First-clas- s DEAN & DILMOUR, Props. on an ordinary table. The absurdity of this statement was easily seen when it is known that Ross is a man under med- Old. Established. Barbers. ium size and Harnett's collar with its First-Cla- ss Work Guaranteed. in same block wearer on tho table would bo about 4 Elegant Bath Rooms in Connection. feet beyond Ross's reach. Mr. Ross conPaints, Oils, White Lead and Putty, ducted his own case. He introduced no witnesses and at the close of the case Best quality and lowest prices for sale at he stated that the testimony of Harnett, M. L. Hox and Fred Judd was true. By a couple of skillfully put questions he brought out the absurdity of Puoblos statement. It took Judge Wilson but a J. C. Donklson, Manager. Stallion Fallible, and Chester White Boar moment to decide that the charge of asManufacturers of sault preferred against Mr. Ross was not For Service at reasonable terms. sustained and he discharged the defend Fino Candies, Popcorn Sails & Bricks Leather for sale. Harness and shoes ant. Ed Denver tho reported pugilist of Wholesale and Retail repaired. Rock salt for sale. the show mine over with Mr. Ross as a Q F. TILSUN.M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office at Residence. PAYSON, UTAH. J --- --- McCannk We Taylok, Props. cf Wines, the best brands handle oaf Liquors and Cigars. First-clas- s Bottled goods a specialty. Billiard and Pool room in. connection COAL MCBETH & TRY Groceries, Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco, PULVER'S BROS. for Fruits, Etc., Etc. n r. i We still maintain our reputation of being well-stocke- d IN TOWN. JOSEPH AT-LA- J. S. PAGE & SON. j PAYSON WE BARBER SHOP tYOU iei id Me Real MODEL CANDY C2 body guard. A fine grade of ice cream always on hand All Qiiiers N orman Fillmore DEALER IN GROCERIES, BRAN, SHORTS, GERMADE, GRAHAM, GREEN FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. r Utah. Payson, JAMES DANIELS. Electrician and Machinist, Engines mid Pumps llepaired. Office in at; F. B. Tanner, Payson. SHORTS FLOUR, at Electric Light Works, Payson. JOHN FRANCIS, Prop. ft u h Cl Give him a call. Livery Stable in Connection. |